페이지 이미지


Although the court records may put the title of the family residence in the father's name, still every member of the household may truly and lovingly say, This is my home; so the Bible, let it be reverently said, is as truly the people's book, the Nation's Book, and the world's book, as it is the book of God, our Father, who, in His own way, prepared and gave it to us.

The whole includes the sum of all its parts. so all the schools of the individual states of ET broad land, collectively regarded, are the Nations Schools. Their unity of purpose is indi** emphasized and promoted by the Unite. Government and by the National E Association.

No single interest of the Unite and demands more intelligen: unceasing care than her scho

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of our country is to be maintained from century to century. The tide for the people of the present time, in this respect, is rising; as is well illustrated by the large classes for Bible study in Chicago, and elsewhere, and in the activity in the sale and distribution of Bibles and parts of Bibles everywhere. If this tide is to be taken at its flood in the interest of true patriotism, the people generally must master the Bible. Every aid, Mechanical (i. e., the Blackboard and the Stereopticon) Literary and Spiritual, should be challenged for the inculcation of Biblical thought and precept. Selections appropriate for recitation on special occasions taken from the Introduction, Tributes and Testimonies in this book will be eloquent and freighted with profound wisdom.

With gratitude and pleasure the thanks of the Educational Union are returned to the many people of the many classes who in many ways have contributed to the value of this book. Also, of indebtedness to books, papers and addresses relating to the subject of Bible reading in schools, acknowledgment is hereby made.

To aid in the beautiful work of guarding and extending the proper use of the Bible in our Glorious Educational System this volume is cordially presented to the people of the United States.



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