페이지 이미지


Stove, cooking - - - D. G. Stafford - - Syracuse, N. Y. - - August 26, 1846.
Stove, cooking - - - Loftis Wood - --- New York, N. Y. - August 26, 1846.
Stove - - - - Loftis Wood - - New York, N. Y. - August 28, 1846.
Stovão- - - - 0. S. Hartshorn, H. M. o Lo
- | Payson, & Aaron Ring |Portland, Me. - September 3, 1846.
Stove for heating rooms - - ** * Latrobe - Baltimore, * - - September 5, 1846.

- - ... hi-Allen - - Wellsburg, Va.-- -- ...
stove, cooko- --- - - { and J. Slocum - -- oft, Pa. } September 10, 1846.
Stove, cooking - -- - || Jacob Cornelison - Danville, Pa. - - September 26, 1846,
Stove, cooking --- | Adam C. Conde - - Schenectady, N. Y. - || October 3, 1846.
Stove, cooking - - William B. Treadwell - Albany, N.Y. . - October 7, 1846.
Stoves, improvementino o- - || C. H. Rogers & S. H. - -

- | Hancox - - Troy, N.Y. - - October 10, 1846.

Stoves, cooking, improvement in - Conrad, Saml. & Geo. J. Somerset, Pa. - - December 3, 1846.
Wentilators and chimney caps - Moses Chase - - Boston, Mass.-- - March 7, 1846.
Wentilator - - - - Michael Collinso. - Boston, Mass. - - April 25, 1845.
Warming the interior of passenger

cars, mode of - - - Tappen Townsend - Albany, N. Y. - July 24, 1846.

_ - - -

Blowers, steamboato- - - Isaac P. Smith - - |Orangetown, N. Y. - March 11, 1846.
Boilers, steam, preventing from burst- - -

ing - - - - John Shorb - - || Canton, Ohio - - February 20, 1846.
Boilers, steam, improvement in - E. Ingalls - - Providence, R. I. - May 30, 1846.
Furnaces for steam-boilers-- - Henry F. Baker- - Boston, Mass.-- - May 30, 1846.
Gas engines - - - - Stuart Perry - - New York, N. Y. - October 7, 1846,
Piston, folding-- - - David Hinman" - - || Brunswick, Ohio - March 7, 1846. - on
Piston, improvement in - - James Richards - - || New York, N. Y. - 1 October 3, 1846. :

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- Inventions or discoveries, Patentees. o Residence. Date of patent.
— Tri-
Stoves, cooking - - - James R. Stafford - | Cleveland, Ohio - December 28, 1846,
Stove, cooking - - - Joseph Laubach - Harrisburg, Pa. - - February 10, 1846.
Stove, parlor . - - - Charles W. Leet - . Vernon, N. Y. - - February 10, 1846; ante-
--- --- dated Sept. 9, 1845.

Stove, cooking - - - Samuel Graves - - || Auburn, N. Y. - February 10, 1846.
Stove, cookin - - - R. D. Granger - - Albany, N. Y. - - February 20, 1846.
Stove, cook, double oven - - R. D. Granger - - Albany, N. Y. - March 7, 1846. 5
Stoves, cooking - - - Samuel Winrott - - Littlestown, Pa. - - December 15, 1846. 2
Stove, cooking - - - John Lee - - Wellsville, Ohio - - May 16, 1846. -
Stove, cooking - - - J. S. Silver - - New York, N. Y. - December 22, 1846. 2:
Stoves, improvement in - - L. Morse & W. T. Lewis Athol, Mass. - May 16, 1846. 9
Stoves, improvement in air-heating - Benjamin Shepard - Boston, Mass. - - December 23, 1846. QU
Stove, improvement in constructing - James Wilson - - | New York, N. Y. . May 16, 1846. No
Stove - - - John Bt. Clute - . Schenectady, N. Y. May 28, 1846. --
Stove for heating rooms - Henry Slade - - Chelsea, Mass. - June 6, 1846. .

Stove, parlor, cooking

R. D. Granger Albany, N. Y. June 13, 1846.
Steve, in proved double oven

William Cobb - - || Albany, N. Y. - June 16, 1846; ante-
: - dated Jan. 16, 1846.
William Shaw - Albany, N. Y. - June 27, 1846.
Samuel Pierce - Peeksville, N. Y. June 27, 1846.
H. D. & J. McK. Fouse Baltimore, Md. - June 20, 1846.

Stove, improvement in
Stove - - -
Stove, radiating - -

Stove, cooking - - | George M. Norton - Rochester, N.Y. July 2, 1846.

Stove, hot air - - - E. D. Loveland . - New York, N. Y. - July 14, 1846.

Stoves, hot air, improvement in - E. Backus - Brooklyn, N. Y. - - July 28, 1846.

Stove, cooking " - " ". , - Bancroft Woodcock Wheeling, Va. . . . . . . August 12, 1846, * - " - - --

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February 20, 1846.
May 30, 1846.
May 30, 1846.
October 7, 1846,
March 7, 1846. - -
October 3, 1846.


Classified list of patents granted during the year 1846—Continued.

inventions or discoveries.




Date of patent.

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Screws, improvement in machine for

cutting - -

Screws, machine for cutting points

on, &c. - - - -
Screws, wood, cutting threads of -
Screws, wood - - -
Screws, wood, turning heads
Screws, heading blanks - -
Silver and gold, washing and amalga-

mation - - - -
Silver ware, manufacture of - -
Shutters, apparatus for closing and

retaining - - - -
Shutters, opening and fastening -
Spikes, improvement in making -
Shears, circular - - -

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