페이지 이미지

Doc. No. 52. 205 Alphabetical list—Continued. Patentees. . Inventions or discoveries, Class. Kimball, Tristam - - Wheels, felloes, bending - | XI. King, Henry - - Wrench rack - - - II. Kirk, Isaac D. - - Marble, sawing - - - XW. Knapp, Knapp, & Howland Oil, fish, &c. - - || IW. Knowles, Isaac C. - Churn - - - - I. Knowlton, Stillman - Boots and shoes, taps for soles - XVI. Korn, Henry - - Harness nets, fly, for horses -- | XVI. Kyle, James - - Lock, door - - - II. Ladd, Jesse - - Churn-- - - --|- I. Laird, Joshua - - Glass, machine for blowing - | XV. Lambert, Roger N. - Rifles, cane - - - XIX. Lancaster, Moses-- - Planing boards, grinding and polishing marble - - - || XIV. Laning, Joseph H. - Mineral water, soda apparatus - IV. Larkin, John E. - - Stumps, extracting, removing houses - - - IX. Lathrop, Dixwell, jr. - Cock to prevent water freezing in - pent stocks - -------| XI. Lawrence, William - || Binnacle lights - - - || W. Le Roy & Sanford - Saw strainer - - - XIV. Lewis, William -- - Ovens, tin, bake | - - || W. Lindsey, Jacob - - || Washing machine - --|- XVII. Lockwood, C., and others. Fur, separating from hair - || III. Long, S. H. - - Steam engine, locomotive, and cars - - - - WI. Look & Coleman - - || Winnowing grain - - I. Loomis, William - - Churn - - - - I. Lull, Orrin - - || Hulling grain, and cleaning - I. Maffet, Joseph - - || Tobacco, cigar fillers, &c. - XII. Magee, William - - Lamps, &c. - - - W. Mason, Emerald - - Nails, cutting, &c. - - || II. Mason, David H. - - || Counterfeit figure, lathe to prevent - - - - XVIII May, Oliver N. - - || Grist mill -- - - XIII. Mayo, Eb. - - Washing machine - - | XVII. McAll, Higgins, & Rogers Washing machine - - XVII. McArthur & McKibbin -- Shingles, sawing - - XIV. McKay, William - - Alcohol used in stiffening hats - IV. McConnell, James - Water wheel - - - | XI. Mead, Whitman - - Paint, &c. - - - || IW. Medeira, George A. - || Tools, holding, &c. o. - II. Meneely, James - - || Locks-- - - -i II. Merrill, Joseph - - Leg and thigh, extending - XX. Miller, Jacob - - Distilling - - - || IW. Miller, Clark, jr. - - Stone, &c., dressing - - XV. Mills, Richard - - Hat, water-proof - - III. I.


5,206 Doc. No. 52.
Alphabetical list—Continued.
Patentees. Residence.
Minton, Sylvanus - - Washing machine - -

Mix, Ebenezer -
Moffit, John -
Monohon, George
Moore, Robert
Moore, John
Moore, Camm.
Morgan, Fred. -
Morineau, Philip A.
Morlly, John -
Morrison & Lewis
Moss, Ephraim C.
Mott, Jordan L.
Mullier, Daniel
Munson, Reuben -

Musser & Gitchel -
Myers, Davidson -
Myers, Abraham -
Nash, Adkins -
Newbrough, David
Newsom, Lewis -
Nickolls, Eli -
Norton, Job B. -
Nott, Eliphalet -
Nuckolls & Wheeler
Otis, Charles
Overman, Benjamin
Page, E. & G.
Palmer, George E.
Palmer, Freeman -
Palmer, W. C. -
Parker, George -
Parker & White -
Parmelee & Moores
Parrish, Nathan -
Peabody & Dixon

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][ocr errors]

Buildings, securing against fire -
Water wheel - - -
Hulling clover seed - -
Buds, delaying from blossoming
Plough - - - -
Washing machine, &c. - -
Warnish, applying to whip staffs -
Fire-arms, loading, &c. - -

Mill stones - " - - *

Washing machine, &c. -
Oil, sperm, &c., clarifying
Stoves, anthracite coal -
Corn, grinding, &c. -
Combs, pressing, tortoise shell,
&c. - - - -
Gate, purchase, labor saving
Water wheel - - -
Stock, gun, sawing - -
Wind wheel, &c. - -
Spinning wool and cotton -:
Tanning, &c. - -
Washing machine -
Plough, self-sharpening -
Stoves, anthracite coal -
Water wheel - -
Cutting sausage meat
Bed-bugs, destroying by steam -
Hats, planking - -
Plough - -
Nails, manufacturing
Bath, cot, elastic
Clocks, striking part
Coffee mill, &c. -
Grist mill, scouring, &c.
Stoves - - -
Bank notes, preventing counter-
feits - - - -
Washing machine, &c. - -

Press, wedge - -

Steam, generating, &c. -
Press, cotton - - •.
Brick, moulding, &c. -
Clay, mixing, &c. -
Shell and shot, elongated, &c.
Straw, &c., bonnets, pressing

Alphabetical list—Continued. Patentees, Inventions or discoveries. Class. Plumb, Abraham - - Boards, &c., seasoning-- - XIV. Plummer & Clarke - || Fire-arms - - XIX. Plummer & Clarke - Rifles, manufacturing - - XIX. Porter, Rufus - - Clocks-- - - - VIII. Porter, James B.-- - Fire-arms - - - XIX. Potter, Edward - Cook stove, &c. - - W. Power, Simeon - - Churn - - - - | 1. Powers, Deborah, administratrix of Wm. Powers - Oil cloth - - - III. Pratt, Josiah, jr.-- Axes-- - - - II. Prentiss, Seaver -- - || Grist mill, gate-pressure - - XIII. Presbrey, Simeon, jr. -4 Spools and bobbins - - III. Prescott, William. Baker, reflecting, tin - || W. Prine & Huestis - Winnowing machine, &c. - I. Prior, Samuel - - Clothes vice - - - XVII. Pritchard, George - || Saddles, steel spring, worm - XVI. Pulsifer, J. S. & E. - Washing machine - - XVII. Quimby, Jonathan T. - Truss, for vessels - - || VII. Randall, William B. - || Boots and shoes, pegging machine for -, - - | XVI. Reading, Pierson- - || Hulling clover seed - - || 1. Reese, Francis - Axletrees, reducing friction, &c. X. Register, Thomas - - || Hulling buckwheat, barley, &c. I. Reisinger, Henry - - Bedsteads - - - XVII. Reilly, Boyd - - Bath, steam, &c. - - XX. Remington, Jesse- - Ventilating vessels, &c. - - || VII. Reynolds, Sanford Water-wheel, chain-action, &c. - | XI. Reynolds, William B. Plane, double iron, &c. - - XIV. Reynolds, Allen B. - Saw-mill, circular railway, &c. - XIV. Rhodes, William - - || Power, propelling mills, &c. --| XIII. Richards, Jedediah - Railroad cars, and gars - - IX. Richardson, George - || Tin kitchen - - - || W. Richardson, Israel B. - Lock, percussion - - XIX. Richman, John - - Bedsteadfastenings - - XVII. Richmond & Caswell-- || Spades, socket - II. Rickey, Joseph - - Churn - - - I. Rider, Nathaniel - - || Spinning, spindle, cotton - III. Ring, Jarvis - - Propellingboats - - || WII. Rives, Thomas, sr. - || Gold washing, &c. - - || II. Rublee, Norman - - || Lamps, tallow, &c. - - W.Ruple, James - - || Winnowing mill, machinery - I. -Sawyer, James - - | Pulp-strainer - - - III.Sawyer, Samuel - - Blocks, stereotype - - XVIII. Savage, Simeon - - Washing machine ---, - | XVII. Schevenell, Richard S. - Horse power and accelerating motion - - - || XIII.


Alphabetical list—Continued.

Patentees. Inventions or discoveries. Class. Seabold, Christopher, jr. - || Hulling clover seed - * - I. Seger, James S. - - Clocks - - - - || WIII. Sellers, Coleman - - | Pulp-dresser - - - || III. Shaw, Joshua - - || Cannon, primers for, percussion - XIX. Shaw, Joshua - - Lock, compression, cannon - | XIX. Shaw, Joshua - - || Lock, portable, cannon - - | XIX. Sheffield & Ingraham - | Propelling steamboats, &c. - || WII. Showerman, Timothy - Horse power - - - | XIII. Shrader, John H. - Screws, cutting endless - - II. Shultz, John N. - - Bleaching beeswax, yellow - || IW. Shumard, Francis - Saw, circular, for cutting laths - XIV. Simmons, Seth - - Spinning, thftistle-frame, &c. - III. Sinclair, John - - Saw mill, block-head for - | XIV. Smith, David M. - - Awl haft - - - II. Smith, Benjamin - - || Axes - - - - II. Smith, Silas - - Smoke ventilator - - W. Smith, Edward B. - || Stairs, circular, &c. - - IX. Smith, James - - Wheels, spokes, cutting tenons - X. Snow, Eliphalet - - || Silk reel - - - III. Snyder, Samuel - - | Car, railroad - "- - X. Snyder, John - - || Shot, buck, manufacturing - XIX Soule, Elijah - - || Steering ships, &c. - - || WII. Sowle, George W. - Rivets, for copper - - II. Springer, Barnabas - || Barrels, for oil - - - XIV. Stahl, Jacob - - Furnace, hot air, &c. - W. Stanley, Henry - - Cooking stoves, revolving - || W. Stanton, Nathaniel, jr. - || Harrow, corn, and grain cultivator I. Steinhauer, Daniel - | Heat, abstracting from smoke, &c. W. Stern, David - - Mill stones - - - XIII Stimpson, Solomon - || Paper, manufacturing - - III. Stinchfield, Stephen H. - Dock, screw, floating - - IX. Stoddard, Stephen - || Water-wheel, horizontal - | XI. Strong & Moody - - || Hulling rice, &c. - - I. Strong & Moody - - || Hulling rice, polishing - - I. Sullivan, Jeremiah - || Chimneys, preventing smoking, * &c. - - - - W. Taft, Frederick A. - Paper, manufacturing - - || III. Taylor & Brown - - || Hats, manufacturing - - III. Terrell, Artemas - - || Fireplace, building, &c. - W. Thomas, Christian - || Corn, shelling - - I. Thomas & Fuller - | Fenders, fire, shaping - - W. Thompson, Charles - || Window sash - - - IX. Thompson, Charles - || Tenons, sawing - - - XIV. Thruston, John - - | Wheel-hubs, cast iron - - X. - || Steam engine - - - WI.

Tibbitts, Lafayette

Alphabetical list—Continued. . . - - I Patentees. ... }, +, on Inventions or discoveries. | Class." Trench, Thomas - - - || Paper-making, filtering for - *|† III.) * "Turk, Evans - - - || Brush, broom, and other handles | XV Tusing, Philip - - || Raising water - , - upon-1, X Urquehart, Norman o- || Saw-set, for mills - - oil-l lio Ustick, Stephen - - || Saw, manufacturing - * *-* II. show Van Gorder, Isaac - - || Churn. --.aol- - - - o: I. also Van Noy, Cornelius - - || Bedsteads too-, - - - P- KWII, is . Warden, Robert B. - Warming rooms, &c. - . 1.- || W.so Wales, George - * } Hulling cloverseed, &c. - - o: I, ol * Walker, Dean - - Wheels, car, drilling, &c. - | X. Walsh, Richard - - Cement, wood, brick, stone - FIV. Washburn, Calvin - Door fastener - - - - II. Washburn, Philo - - Saddles, trees, harness - - | XVI. Watson, David - - Wheels, boxes and hubs, and - hanging, &c. - - - || X. Weaver, John - - Plough - - - - I. Webster, Wait - Boots and shoes, gum elastic, &c. XVI. Whetmore, Jared B. - || Balance, compound lever XII. White, Leonard - - || Marine railway - - - || IX. Whiten, John C. - - || Picker and spreading cotton - I III. Whities, Thomas A. - Plough - - - . - I. Whittimore, Homer - Cards, boards, &c. - - III. Willard, Simon - - || Board, shearing - - - XIV. Willard, Simon - - || Laths, revolving, cutting - | XIV. Willemin, Eli - - Churn - - - - | 1. Willet, N. C. - - || Dough, kneading - - XVII. Williams, Denison - || Moccasins, socks - - | XXI. Williams, Denison - Fur, cutting from pelt - - || III. Willis, Oscar - - || Gold, swinging riddle, &c. - II. Willson, D. G. - - Washing machine - | XVII. Wilmot, Samuel - - || Lancet, or guard spring - - | XX. Wilson, Mark L. - - || Lime, spreading - - - I. s Wilson, William - - || Andirons - - - || II. Wilson, Robert - - Alarm bell for timepieces - || WIII. Wilson, Matthew - - || Threshing machine and grist mill - - - - || I. Winslow, Nathaniel - Smut machine - - - || I. Winslow, Chandler, and Paint, &c., rendering silk, &c., others - - - water-proof - - - || IW. . Winslow, Thomas - Water-wheel, with folding ladle boards - - - | XI. Wiswell, Andrew - - || Garments, cutting - - | XXI. Witherby & Torry - || Coffee mill, double - - | XIII. Witherby, Silas - - || Boots, crimping - - - | XVI. Witherow, Saml., assignee of Samuel Ogle - - Plough - - - - || I.

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