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platforms, formed of slats with pointed teeth thereon, and moved substantially as described, with the cutting and threshing apparatus, as set forth. I also claim the mode of steering by pivot wheels, in combination with

the reaping apparatus, as above described. ' JEREMIAH DARLING.

5. " No. 4409. . I make no claim to the pump, but only to the combination of the additional apparatus with it, by which it is adapted to the drawing of molasses, oil, and other articles, in any required measure, by atmospheric pressure and lever power; that is to say, the scale F, stop lever A, slide B, and

spring E. DANIEL HUNSICKER, No. 4410.

What I claim as my invention and improvement, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the plunger, B, with the piston or valve cock “K K,” in the manner and for the purpose described. Also, I claim the combination of the plunger and piston with the hydrant substantially as described ; said combination effecting the double purpose of checking the concussion from the water, and of furnishing a variable chamber in which the waste water may descend, away from the influence of frost, and not waste away into the ground. s

I also claim the construction of the piston, K. K., by which the aperture T is closed before the full closing of the valve, and which, when combined with the plunger, shall furnish a variable chamber, for the purpose herein set forth.

In testimony whereof, I, the said Frederick H. Bartholomew, hereunto subscribe my name in the presence of the witnesses whose names are hereunto subscribed, this 27th of February, 1846. FREDERICK H. BARTHOLOMEW.

No. 4411. . . . - i I therefore claim the combination of the conical hopper, one or two or more conic frustra, a partition, and a delivery apparatus, arranged and operating together substantially as specified; also the combination of the revolving beater with the conic hopper, and one or more frustra, or other mechanical equivalents; the whole being disposed and operating together in the manner and for the purpose as above described. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my signature this eighteenth day of September, A. D. 1845.

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What I claim as my discovery, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the manufacturing of white rosin and white spirits of turpentine from the gum of pines, either dip or scrape, by the application of steam, generated from water in roommon boiler or still, and conducted through wood or 1 -

metal pipes into a wood or metal still, mixing with the gum, and then pass- ing through a metal heater, as herein described. - NICHOLAS U. CHAFEE.

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What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is forming the endless belt of slats for carrying up and separating the grain | from the straw, by attaching or joining the alternate slats to those which are attached to the belts or chains, which connect the whole together substantially as herein described, to form openings for the discharge of straw, grain, or foreign matter, as herein described. - - JOHN BLUE.

No. 4414.

... What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the fifth wheel and springs, and stays suspended be* tween the axles under the bodies of carriages, in the manner and for the

purpose herein set forth. \

No. 4415. t

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is conveying, washing, and separating coal simultaneously by a current of water, in the manner above described, or other mode substantially the

* Same. - JOHN G. BRANT. * : No. 4416. What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the mode of dyeing or coloring furs, wool, and hair skins, herein described and set forth, viz: by stretching them upon horizontal nettings, frames, or smooth surfaces of any suitable material, and in this condition - immersing the hair of the skins, either warm or cold; the object being to | ... protect the skin from damage while the fur is acquiring the desired color. - - - DENISON WILLIAMS. |

No. 4417.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is | making the spouts of teakettles at their junction with the body to extend from the bulge of the body to within a short distance of the top, whereby, in moulding, the spout can be formed by means of a green instead of a dry sand core, as herein described. - EZRA RIPLEY.

, No. 4418.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is he combination of the following parts as applicable to the raising of water,

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and other fluids, either alone or with an admixture of sand, gravel, or other substances: 1st. The vanes either straight and placed at right angles to each other; not radiating, but proceeding from the corners of an enlargement, increas‘ing as they approach the shaft or curved, proceeding from the centre, and increasing in depth as they approach the shaft. 2d. The hollow cones enclosing the vanes, and revolving with them. 3d. The joint formed by the fillet attached to the short pipe connected with the lower half of the revolving case, working within the stationary pipe attached to the outer case. 4th. The spiral passage of discharge constantly enlarging towards its exlt. WILLIAM D. ANDREWS.

No. 4419.

What I claim as my invention and improvement is, first, the introduction of a perforated valve, in combination with the main valve, for the purpose of more gradually stopping off the water or other liquid, thereby preventing or lessening the liability of pipes bursting from the reaction of the stream when a strong head of water is too suddenly stopped off, as is the case in the common cock or faucet.

THOS. C. CLARKE. No. 4420.

We claim as our invention and discovery, first, the introduction of the tannin principle as an ingredient in our cement, as described; and,

second, the mode of compounding such cement by pulverizing the por

tion containing the tannin principle and the portion containing the gluten separate; and blending or mixing the two portions in a dry state, as described. We do not confine ourselves to the proportions above named, though . we have found them to answer in practice for general purposes. - WILLIAM YATES. DENNIS DOLAN.

No. 4421. I claim the above described mode of applying each of the teeth to the beam or head of the rake, viz: by the joint, spring, and staple in combination with each other, and acting together as specified. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my signature this 25th day of September, A. D. 1845. SENECA I, ADD.

No. 4422.

Having thus fully described the nature of my invention in the manner of constructing the grain rake, what I claim therein as new, and desire * to secure by letters patent, is the affixing of the rake teeth or fingers in a shaft or head which is made to turn on gudgeons, in suitable bearings in

rear of the axles, in such manner as to cause said axle to become a ful. crum for elevating the collected grain; the respective parts of the ma. chine being arranged for that purpose substantially in the manner q1 upon the principle herein fully made known.


No. 4423.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the method above described of joining two or more portraits or portions of portraits together, and the producing artificial back grounds on the glass, which, from their nature, cement themselves and the glass on which they are painted to the pictures, and which also enables the operator to produce any sized picture that his glass will allow, with even a small sized instrument, which last has many advantages which will, in course of practice, suggest themselves; the whole producing a beautiful enamelled appearance, and perfectly protecting the delicate picture from contact with either air or damps.

No. 4424.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters palent, is the combination of the various elements above enumerated, as entering into the construction and working of fan blowers, operated by auxiliary engines for supplying the blast to the furnaces of steam-boilers; which elements consist of the increased diameter of the fan blower, and putting the fan directly on to the crank shaft of the auxiliary engine, the combination of these two elements being essential to the end contemplated and attained by my improvement and invention, as above described.


- No. 4425.

Having thus fully described my improvement, I wish it to be understood that I do not claim the combination of a pad spring with the body spring, this having been done in several trusses; but what I do claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is combining the body spring and pad spring, constructed as above described, with the pad. . substantially as herein described, so as to cause the pad at its lower edge to press inward and upward, while at the same time a freedom is given te it, to adapt itself to all the motions of the body. E. K. GAL.E.

No. 4426.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the circular revolving paddle plates G, with the cylindrical ring plates A*A*, and radical partitions A7; constructed, arranged, and operated in the manner and for the purpose set forth.' WILLIS. H. JOHNSON.


No. 4427.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the forming of a ventilating hat, or other analogous covering for the head, by the means of hoops or bands combined and operating substantially in the manner set forth. RICHARD HAI. LORAN.

No. 4428.

What I claim as new and useful in the lamp, as above described, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the so binding or forming of the tube, and inserting it into the stopper or lamp, as to place the edges of the tin or material out of which the tube is made, as aforesaid, on the centre or middle part of the side, and lengthwise of the tube opposite the roller, so as to form a spring of the edges, or either of them, as described, for the purpose of pressing the wick against the roller with a gentle pressure; and I also claim the projections or narrow neck or their space on the inside, and lengthwise of the tube, in the centre or middle part of the wide or flat side, as described, (to be used either with the said edges which form the spring, as aforesaid, or to be used without,) combined with the roller, in such way and manner and for the purposes as above set forth, or in any other way that is substantially the same.

Witness my hand this 14th day of October, A. D. 1845.


No. 4429.

Having thus fully described our improvement, what we claim as our' invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the pads, substantially in the manner and for the purposes specified. JACOB COOKE. , JOHN STRICKLER.

No. 4430.

I do not claim as my invention the combination of all the above named igredients, for some of them have been known and used before ; but what I do claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the four following ingredients, or either two of them, with the above named cream tartar, pumpkin, nuts, and sweet corn, substantially as set forth in the foregoing specification, for the manufacture of

vegetable transparent beer.


No. 4431.

I do not claim the ratchet hinge, as that has been before used, although

under different arrangements; but what I do claim is combining the

ratchet hinge with the truss pad and slide upon the flat spring, by which I gain the advantage of permanency of the pad and ease of adjustment. BENJ. W. STRATTON.

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