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* * * - --- - - of metal, in the quarters or in other parts of the uppers of shoes; but at I do claim as, new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the forming of the shanks and that part of the quarters which are commensurate therewith of upper leather, between which and the lining elastic strands or strips of India-rubber or spiral springs of metal, or both con. joined, are inserted and extended along, for the purpose and in the manner herein fully made known. ... I also claim the manner of forming a hollow heel in overshoes, by inserting a hollow metallic box duly formed between the two thicknesses of leather, constituting a part of such hollow heel,"as described and represented. * ANDREW WETTER. .

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Having thus fully described my improved blacking, I wish it to be understood that I do not claim as my improvement the employment of soap in the manufacture of blacking, as that has already been done, nor combining there with lampblack; but what I do claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of lampblack with an alkali, as above set forth, before combining there with the compound of potash, tallow, and oil, in the manner and for the purpose set forth, by which a smooth and durable blacking is produced. JOSEPH HAYWARD. e No. 4499. * - s What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is tuning metallic reeds that vibrate within the apertures for the passage of the wind, by means of adjustable pressers that act against the spring of the reeds, substantially as herein described. I also claim making the slide with the parallel spring bars or branches, substantially as herein described, to insure the working of the slide without being affected by the vibration of the reed, as described. And I also claim making the pressure on the top of the reed by an adjusting screw, or other analogous device, to regulate the speaking of the

reed, as described. J. SHALER IVES, No. 4500.

What I claim as my improvement is the constructing the shovel plough with a rudder, D, arranged in the manner described. - MOSES D. WELLS.

No. 4501.

Having thus fully described the manner in which I construct, arrange, and use my combined tiers of hives, what I claim as new therein, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the manner of arranging the respective . tiers of boxes, so that the upper one of each tier may be removed and the two lowermost may be elevated and held in place by means of the sliding


rods, for the purpose of introducing an empty hive beneath them, in the manner and for the purpose set forth.

I do not claim the arranging of the boxes in tiers one above the other, and the forming of passages between these boxes, but limit my claim to the particular combination of parts, by which this combination is rendered effective in attaining the proposed end in the manner described.

I likewise claim the forming of a compartment below the hives, surrounded entirely by stone or metal, and so arranged, as described, as to induce the bee moth to deposite its eggs in such compartment, where they necessarily perish, and the bees are consequently protected from this for

midable enemy. WILLIAM R. KELSEY. No. 4502.

What I claim as new and as my invention and discovery in the above described apparatus, and for which I ask exclusive privilege by letters patent of the United States, is the cloth moth harbor, by protecting the bees and their labors from the ravages of the moth ; the moth being induced, through the warmth of the cloth lining, to deposite its eggs therein,

instead of in the hive. DANIEL ARNIDT. No. 4503.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is : the employment of a wheel or wheels at the bow of a boat, to be driven by the resistance of the water as the boat is forced through it, for the purpose of aiding in driving the paddle wheels, and thereby saving power, as described; or to be applied as a moving force for any other purpose on:

the boat, as described. - JOSEPHUS ECHOLS. No. 4504.

Having thus fully described our improved apparatus and its application, what we claim as our invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is a reservoir for containing ice, having a bottom formed to fit the corpse so that it can be placed in contact with it, in the manner and for the purpose


No. 4505.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the forming of spoons from plate blanks, by first sticking up that part of the blank which is to form the bowl, as described, then planing off the convex side until it becomes flat, or nearly so, and finally subjecting the blank thus prepared to properly formed dies for giving shape to the spoon,

all substantially as herein set forth. - WALTER W. HART,

No. 4506,

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, are the following combinations of the parts of the instrument:

The controlling of the hook with the lever, by means of the rack, pinion and socket, spindle and cylinder, as described and set forth in the accompanying drawings and specifications.

In testimony whereof, I, the said Hiram Todd, hereunto subscribe my name to this my amended specification, in presence of the witnesses whose-names are hereto subscribed, on the 22d day of April, A.D. 1846.


No. 4507.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is a series of knives moving from side to side of a square box or tube, as herein set forth, having stationary knives to play between, in the manner

and for the purpose set forth. ABESHAI CLARK.

No. 4508.

What we claim as out invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the method of fastening and holding together the rails and posts of bedsteads by means of the mitre joints of the rails let into and embracing the posts in the manner herein described, in combination with the screws or other fastenings inserted in a line parallel with one of the rails, and that part of the post embraced by the mitre being either round or square, or nearly so; and if square, the faces being at right angles to and parallel with the mitre, for the purpose and in the manner herein described. JOHN HASLET. CORNELIUS DEWITT.

No. 4509.

I claim the manner of making the metallic bed (F) by which the leather bed (E) is supported, viz: in two parts, one of which is made capable of being elevated and depressed by an adjusting screw, and acting in connexion with the other as an apparatus for shaving or reducing the projecting edges or parts of the leather, as described, the metallic bed serving the double purpose of a rest for the false leather bed, and a plane or shave to act upon the leather, as described. I also claim the combination of a false leather bed (E) with a stationary solid bed (F) and stationary roll, or other substitute therefor, for channelling and shaping the leather, as above specified. I also claim the combining with the bed-piece (A) the series of adjustable jaws or holders (G G &c.,) which perform the double purpose of holding in place a leather bed of any required size, and of serving as guides for the passage of the strip of leather over the bed, as herein-be. fore explained. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my signature this 10th day of

November, A. D. 1845.

No. 4510.

* What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is hanging the two rotating planes in a vertical frame, which slides freely up and down to adapt the planes to the crooks and bends of the wood, as herein described. I claim the employment of the two sets of rollers, or either of them, running in the vertically sliding frame, in combination with the rotating planes, for the purpose of guiding the rotating planes, and adapting them to the dressing of crooked or bent staves, as herein described. - - I claim in combination with the rotating planes the arrangement of the three sets of rollers that guide and conduct the bolt to the rollers and rotating planes in the sliding frame, the set nearest the sliding frame having the preponderance of the one that first receives the bolt, as described, for the purpose of properly [adapting the] crooked or bent bolts to the action of the planes, as described. I claim giving to the cutter-heads, for jointing the staves, a reciprocating movement towards and from each other, in combination with the continuous feeding in and movement of the staves through the machine, as described. And, finally, I claim the employment of the elliptical or eccentric guide rollers in combination with the cutter-heads, as herein described. t JOHN H. LESTER.


No. 4511.

* What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the construction of the switch, as herein described; that is to say, the addition of the branch (d) to the main rail (a) with the inclined plane (f) for the flanch of the wheel to run upon between them, and in combination there with the short rails (c.) and guard (e,) arranged substantially in the manner and for the purpose above set forth.


... " No. 4512.

What we claim as our invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the revolving and stationary disks C and B, with the rubbers l, 1, k, k, and h, h, and rings o and n, and rim m, combined and operating with each other, and in combination there with the arms E, E, and beaters F, F, substantially in the nianner and for the purpose herein set forth.

- J. W. HOWLET. - * - F. M. WALKER.

No. 4513.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the arragement of the series of shutters to regulate and direct the discharge of the water on to the buckets of the wheel, in combination with the gate to which they are suspended, and by which they are operated and protected from the too violent action of the water; this gate at the Doc. No. 52. 249

same time affording a better means of shutting off the water than could be effected practically by the shutters, as herein described. , a - - - J. K. MILLARD.

No. 4514.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the method, herein fully described, of fastening raw hide pickers by means of a rivet at the junction of the bow and stem, which has the heads all on one side, that side of the stem towards the bow being straight from end to end; when this is combined with a rivet or other equivalent fastening at the end of the stem, for the purpose and in the manner substantially as described.


No. 4515.

Having thus fully described the manner in which we construct our double hot-blast reversing furnace, and shown the design and operation thereof, what we claim therein as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the manner, herein made known, of combining two reverberating chambers with a single fire chamber, under an arrangement by which we are enabled, when necessary, to direct the whole of the double blast !. either of the reverberating chambers at pleasure, for the purpose set orth. We also claim the particular manner in which we form, arrange, and apply the hollow grate bars and the trunk or tube through which they are supplicd with cold air, by which arrangement all that is necessary to insure their proper action is simply the dropping them in place side by side, as herein made known. ANDREW ELLICOTT. JOHN McCRONE.

No. 4516.

I am aware that the fire-backs of fireplaces have been made separate, to admit of removing them when burnt out; but I am not aware that that part of the front plate of the air chamber of a range which constitutes the fire-back has been made separate from and to cover the hole in the front plate of the air chamber, which is cast in one piece, with the ends and part of the top and bottom.

It will be obvious that a different result is attained by this arrangement, for the fire-back, as heretofore made, is attached all around to the fireplace, so that when the middle, which is subjected to the greatest range of heat, expands and contracts, the plate is much strained, and necessarily cracks in the imiddle or opens the joints; results entirely avoided by my improvement. I do not therefore claim siniply making the fire-back of a separate plate, for this would not attain the end contemplated ; but what I do claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is making that part of the front and top plate of the air chamber, which constitutes the fire-back, separate from and attached to the front plate of an air

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