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Doc. No. 52. 267

as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of a forcing and a lifting pump, substantially as herein described, so that the lifting pump can be formed into a surrounding air-chamber for the purpose set forth, by means of a cap valve as represented at (a,) by which the top can be made tight without passing the rod through a stuffing-box; the whole being arranged and combined substantially as above specified.

- F. B. HYATT.

No. 4584.

Having thus fully described my improvements and their application, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the employment of bands of sisal or Manilla hemp with a fabric of cotton or suitable cloth, so as to form a series of horizontal springs around a skirt, while the skirt is left perfectly pliable in its length, and can be washed without removing the bands: constructed and combined in the manner and for the

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What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the connecting the upper and dampers, r r and s s, by a lever, t t, in such a manner that when one damper is opened the other will be shut, in combination with two ovens placed one above the other, with flues between and around them; the whole being arranged and operating as herein described and shown.


What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the vibrating shaker P, with the inclined swinging trough E, as described, and for the purpose set forth. FREDERICK A. STUART.

No. 4587.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is combining the screw and slide with the jaws, in the manner and for the purpose described.

I also claim the movable section K, in combination with the screw, as

described. SILAS HART. No. 4588.

What we claim as our invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the method of inducting and educting steam to and from the cylinder of one engine by means of a hollow piston rod in two parts, connected to and united by a piston, in which are placed induction and eduction slidevalves, operated by thin projecting ends sticking against the heads of the

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cylinder as the piston approaches them in performing its reciprocal vibrations—the induction valve being in connexion with one portion of the piston rod, and the eduction valve with the other portion of the same; the whole combined and operating substantially in the manner herein set forth. HEZEKIAH OLNEY. J. H. WHELPLEY. D. G. RAWEN.

No. 4589.

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Having thus fully described the manner in which I combine and arrange the respective parts of the apparatus or machinery which I use in the making of wrought iron cannon of various kinds, what I claim therein as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the manner in which I have combined and arranged the following parts, which are concerned in forming and welding together the pieces of which the gun or piece of ordnance is to be composed—namely, the mould W; the hollow spindle H, connected with the part R, that supports the backing pin K, together with said backing pin; the spindle L, on the end of the piston D; the mandril M, passing through said spindle, and connected, in the manner described, with the hollow piston or follower D, of a hydrostatic or other suitable press; the respective parts of this combination being operated, and being made to co-operate with each other, substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. And this I claim whether the individual parts be formed and acted upon precisely as herein represented, or in any other way which is substantially the same in its results, effecting the same end by equivalent means.

I claim the manner of adapting the mould W to the varying taper of the gun that is to be formed, and to guns of different sizes, by the insertion of staves i i i, of varying thickness, within the mould of a machine for forming guns of wrought iron, as described. *


No. 4590.

Having thus fully described my improvements, what I claim therein as new, and for which I desire to secure letters patent, is the employment of my apparatus for whipping or checking the horses, by means of the regulator, substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. JOHN R. REMINGTON.

No. 4591.

Having thus fully described my invention, what I claim therein as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the mode of operating the riddles, sieve, and finger-bars, and combining them with the grain fan, substantially in the manner described, so that each shall move independent of the others, and their motions be antagonistic, while a much greater surface of middle can be embraced in the same sized machine than is possible in the ordinary mode of construction.

I also claim, in combination with the above-named parts, the feeding apron, as hereinbefore described. - STEPHEN M. YEAMAN.

No. 4592.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the mode of forming and arranging the flues of my stove, as herein set forth and described, viz.: by constructing my oven-bottom with troughlike depressions or sunk flues, (to be covered with a false bottom,) the part of the plate between said flues serving to radiate directly into the oven the heat generated at the bottom of the fire grate. Also, the mode of constructing the front oven plate with the attached descending flues occupying a part thereof, the remaining portion allowing a direct radiation from the back of the fire-box into the oven; and further, the so constructing the back oven-plate as to form, in connexion with the false back, two open flues, with a closed or dumb flue between them, likewise radiating into the oven heat derived from the lower side of the fire-grate; the whole system being, as it were, suspended within the stove, so that the bottom and rear flues which convey heated air from above the fire are not in any part formed by the exterior plates of the stove, but are separa. ted from them by a stratum of air heated by radiation from the bottom of

the fire grate. WILLIAM SHAW. No. 4593.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the partition pipe B with the chambers g and e, by means of the tubes c and d, in the manner and to produce the effect above pointed out. - * * ROYAL. E. HOUSE.

No. 4594. What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is hinging the slats where they are attached to the chain or belts of the ‘straw carrier or separator, by which means the slats are nearly closed

when on the upper side, and open when on the under. RUSSEL TOMLINSON.

No. 4595. Having thus fully described the manner in which I construct my horse wer, what I claim therein as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the special arrangement, and combination of the gearing, as herein set forth; said gearing consisting of the single large wheel A driving two pinions, c, c, on the shafts of the two horizontal wheels, E, which horizontal wheels gear into two pinions, J, J, on the line shaft, there being a bridge, G, to admit of the passage of the line shaft, the whole arrangement being substantially the same with that herein represented and made

known. , - 1DANIEL GARY.

No. 4596.

Having thus fully described my machine, what I claim therein as new is the combination of the compound sliding pieces B, C, and K, O, M, together with the measuring tapes, the whole being constructed, arranged, and operating in the manner and for the purpose set forth. CONRAD KITLE.

No. 4597.

Having thus fully described my improvements, I wish it to be understood that I do not claim a ladder made of sliding sections, nor do I claim mounting said sections on wheels, as these things have been done before; but what I do claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the method of elevating the upper sections by means of cords attached to them and to the parts below, so that by raising the lower movable section by the windlass, each of the sections above shall be drawn out a proportional distance, in the manner and for the purpose de

scribed. JAMES COX. No. 4598.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is combining with the fire chamber of a stove a chamber or chambers pierced with small holes, to discharge the air that is highly heated in passing through them below and above the fire, for the purpose and in the manner substantially as herein described. And I also claim, in combination with this mode of supplying heated air to the fuel and products of combustion, the damper or register for admitting cold air to the fuel when desired, to regulate the combustion, as described.


No. 4599. Having thus fully described the manner of constructing and arranging the respective parts of the improved kitchen range, what is claimed as new therein, and desired to be secured by letters patent, is the particular manner of arranging and combining the fire chamber, the descending flue in the rear thereof duly lined as described, and the flue space under the oven, so that the heated air shall operate first on the bottom plate of the oven; also the manner of arranging the partition, F, F, and the valve or shutter, G, so as to compel the heated air, when allowed to pass from the fire chamber to the exit pipe, to operate with its full intensity on the cooking itensils, but are placed in the compartment over the oven; and likewise the employment of the ridges or points on that part of the bottom plate of the range that is immediately under the bottom oven plate, in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. GEO. E. WARING, as joint inventor with Alexander S. Wolcott, and one of the administrators of his estate. RICHARD E. PETERSON, as administrator of the estate of Alexander S. Wolcott conjointly with George E. Waring.

No. 4600. *

What we claim as our invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the forming a screen or series of screens of thin broad pieces or strips of wood or metal, united longitudinally and transversely with each other, the upper edges of the longitudinal strips being elevated above the upper edges of the transverse strips, substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. - DAMON A. CHURCH. - SMITH CHURCH.

* * No. 4601.

Having thus fully described our improved radiating stove, what we claim therein as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the forming the furnace (B) thereof of two casings, with an ascending flue space (C) between, and the combining the same with the enclosing radiating casing, (A) substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein set


No. 4602.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the mode herein set forth of forming a bottle or receptacle for surplus leads in the inner cylinder, within which the traveller works by introducing slips of sheet metal or tubes, to keep the leads from obstructing the passage of the traveller, and to form compartments for the leads to be deposited, in combination with a cap, to screw or slide on the end of the cylinder, so as to keep the leads in the compartments.


No. 4603.

I claim the invention of the teeth or scrapers, as constructed by me on the inside of the jaws, and conformed exactly to the angle of the jaws and

mould. : - HENRY S. DAVIS. - - . No. 4604.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination, use, and arrangement of two retorts, one in the inside of the other, fastened and secured as above described, for the purpose to generate gas from rosin, or any other oily substance, as set forth, which rosin or oily substance is introduced in the space between the heated (large) retort (q) and the inside heating retort, (s', s') as described in the specification, and represented in the drawing No. I., figure 14, at x', x', x, x, and No. II., figure 10, at 12 and 13.

I claim the use and combined arrangement to keep up a constant and uninterrupted current of water through the condensers, (P, and z z,) for the purpose of cooling and condensing the gas, which is arranged in the following manner: The supply barrel (u) is supplied by the pump (s)

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