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the combination of the right and left screw and sliding frame with the dies for the purpose of centring, feeding, marking, and smoothing the bolt while the screw is being cut upon it by the chaser, the whole being arranged and operated in the manner herein set forth.


No. 4869.

Having thus described the construction and operation of my improved machine for making barrels, casks, &c., what I claim therein as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the attaching the howeling, crozing, and chamfering cutters, W, W, to the disk C, in such a manner as to give them an adjustable and an elastic outward bearing against the inner side of the ends of the hooped staves of a barrel or cask, by means of stocks W, W, sliding plates i, i, radial slots y, y, spring m, m, set screwst, t, collar k, connecting rods 1, l, and lever z, combined and operating substantially as herein set forth.


I claim the shape and use of the hook, (H,) in combination with the conical mould board, for the purpose to keep the mould board (D) in its position, and at the same time to serve as a guide in the motion of the mould board, when thrown from one side to the other of the plough, as

described before. * - JAMES RORABAUGH.

No. 4871.

What we claim as our joint invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is— 1st. We claim the combined mode of locking the back plate (K) as described and represented in the drawings, fig. 3. 2d. We claim the arrangement of the dampers G", G', in combination with the flues (p) and (n,) as set forth in the specification and illustrated by the drawings. - SAMUEL CONRAD. GEORGE J. CONRAD.

No. 4872.

What I claim as my invention, and for which I desire to secure letters patent, is the attachment of the movable fluke B, behind the stationary flukes O, resting against its points on the outer end, and resting against the shoulder N, in the shank, thus supporting the inner end without depending on the rivet, which is liable to be weakened by rust. - - CHARLES RANDALL.

No. 4873.

I...The particular mode of making the size of the meshes equal by the combination formed by connecting—

1. The contrivance for regulating the revolution of cylinder I, I, (as seen $ 23 and 24 in the specification,) by means of shortening or lengthening the cord N, M, D, which is attached to lever p, and to the cord G, F, E, D, L., at the point D. 2. The similar contrivance for the same end by means of the cord O, O, O, O, also attached to lever p, by means of the iron strap S, on lever 3, (on the cross-bar 1, 2, 3,) and further by means of spiral spring x, and the cord on the back end of said lever 3, as described in § 25 of the specification; and, 3. The contrivance for making, by means of the lever P, the revolution of cylinder i, i, correspond to that of cylinder I, I, (whenever the chain is on said cylinders and in the act of being woven, thereby moving the web with every movement of said cylinders a distance equal to the size of the meshes ;) and, 4. The contrivance for regulating the descent of the sley 10, as described ś 16 of the specification, so as to reach down uniformly to the same distance. All which contrivances, thus combined and regulated, effect the object of making the meshes of an equal size. II. The mode of constructing and working the gear as described; the upper edge of said gear pressing back the front division of the chain, through and in front of the former, thus crossing the chain by one pull with the foot in treadle 4; the act of recrossing being accomplished by merely letting go the said treadle, (after the just mentioned pull,) whereby the two divisions drop into their former position, and of course recross, by which contrivance the necessity of a second gear required in other looms is obviated: the operation of crossing the chain is made similar and ac.

complished with less labor. MELCHOIR BRETZGER. No. 4874.

What I claim as my discovery, and ask a patent for, is treating vegeta. ble fibrous substances and other organic matter, being of a chemical composition analogous to that of the said vegetable fibrous substances, with a mixture of nitric acid of 1.5 specific gravity, or thereabouts, and sulphuric acid of 1.85 specific gravity, or thereabouts, at the common temperature or a lower one, by which compounds are formed, which, on being heated more or less, ignite suddenly and produce gaseous matters. Of all the vegetable substances known to me, cotton-wool is the most fit material for producing an explosive compound, answering the purpose of gunpowder; and I therefore claim the use of cotton-wool for this purpose when prepared as herein directed. - CHRISTIAN FREDERICK SCHOENBEIN.

No. 4875.

What I claim as my invention and improvement, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the spiral feeder, arranged and operating substantially as herein set forth, with polishing wheels. - WM. WINE, - 754 Grcenrich street, New York.

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No. 4876. - . -

"What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is combining with the two parallel alternate moving headers two alternate vibrating cutters connected to and moved by the cogged and eccentric pendulum that moves the headers, whether the said several parts be constructed, arranged, and operated in the manner and for the purpose above described or other mode substantially the same. THOS. A. CHANDLER.

No. 4877.

Having thus fully described my improvements, what I claim therein as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the combination of the carriage for holding the stave with the two planes in one stock or frame at a distance equal to half the length of the stave, and both cutting outward from the centre of motion, as herein set forth, substantially in the manner and for the purpose described. HORACE BAKER.

No. 4878.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is making the sharp metal spurs or segments of threads formed with a sharp and reduced edge on the tenons, in combination with the mortises in the posts, with recesses for the admission of the spurs, that the shoulders of the rails may be brought up to the posts before the spurs are worked into the wood, whereby perfect joints can be obtained at each end of a rail, and the sacking pins be placed and retained, all substantially as described.


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Having thus pointed out the principle or character of my improvements, and the manner of constructing and applying the same, what I claim as. my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is: First. The method of heating the saccharine juice in a heater preparatory to its introduction in the evaporating pans, by means of the waste hot water or escape steam from the evaporating pans, substantially as described. Second. The method of clarifying saccharine juice by heating it in a heater provided with a spout for the discharge of the impurities in the form of scum, and a pipe for drawing off the clear liquid, the said pipe being so arranged as to receive the liquid from the heater below the level of the spout which discharges the scum, and then bending up above the said spout to cause the liquid in the heater to rise sufficiently high to discharge the scum, substantially as described. Third. The method of cooling and partially evaporating saccharine juice or other liquids, by discharging the same in the form of spray or drops in a chamber, where it meets with a current of air, substantially as described; and this I also claim in combination with a condenser, substantially as herein described, whereby the liquid intended to be concentrated is prepared for the evaporating pans, and used as a means of condensing the vapor from the pans in which it is to be concentrated, or by means of which the water used for the condensing jet is recooled, substantially as described.

And, fifth, the method, substantially as described, of combining a vacuum striking pan with a series of evaporating pans, the last of which is independent of the striking pans, and the last of the series of evaporating pans can be in connexion with the condenser, and work independently of each other, that either the striking pan or the series of evaporating pans can be worked without the other, as described.


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Having thus described my improvements, what I claim as my inven

tion, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the employment of a centre

rail or its equivalent, to which are hinged arms that support the side

rails, instead of their being fixed to the posts; the whole being arranged

and combined substantially in the manner and for the purpose described. HENRY PACE, SR.

No. 4881. a

Having thus fully described the manner in which I form my improved. heddles, to be used in my new manufacture of weavers’ hames, what I claim therein as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the making of said heddles by the doubling and twisting of yarn by two sets of spools, each of which will form a cord of three or more strands, and the combining of such strands of yarn so as to form the ends of the eye, by causing the spindles and spools constituting each set to cross and recross so as to change places for the purpose of interlocking the yarn, and obviating the necessity of tying a knot or of forming a loop of the ordinary kind. And this I claim, whether the crossing and recrossing of the spindles be effected by hand or by special machinery adapted to that purpose.


No. 4882.

Having thus fully described the nature of my improvement in the wheels for locomotive engines, cars, and other carriages used on railroads, what I claim therein as new, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the placing of the spokes of such wheels at such an angle with the plane of the wheel as that they shall overlap each other, in the manner herein described and represented, whereby a sustaining power is applied to the rim of the wheel by which its cross fracture is rendered so difficult as to insure its safety under all ordinary usage.


No. 4883.

We do not claim to be the inventors of a glass-headed knob, nor of the method of inserting a metallic screw, nut, or pin into fused glass, the same having been made and done, to our knowledge, before our application. What we do claim, and for which we now ask letters patent, is the Doc. No. 52. 343

mode of combining a metallic neck and collar with a glass head, by means

of wire-loops or metallic projections united with the collar and extending

into a glass head, while the glass is in a fused state, as herein described.



No. 4884.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the mode herein described of producing the entire hollow knob in casting, through the use of the dovetailed neck, figure 2, the sand-core and tube connected, as above described and shown in figure 1, and the placing of these in conjunction for the reception of the metal in castin the knob, as shown in figure 3; the whole being moulded, arranged, an performed substantially in the manner above set forth and described.

I also claim the combination of the metal tube C, with the sand-core A, B, figure 1, and the dovetailing of the neck D, D, figure 2, in the

manner and for the purpose set forth. - - WILLIAM HIGGS. *

No. 4885.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the lower slide with its hinged matrix, in combination with the upper slide C, step E, and gate F, arranged and operating substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. HOSEA PEIRCE.

- No. 48S6. What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the constructing of self-acting and self-retaining anti-collision brakes for railroad cars, by means of the combination of the bumper k, spring i, brake shaft h, ratchet s, and pall v, with each other, and with the rubbers e, e, substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. WM. McCAMMON.

No. 4887.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the construction of a churn having a rotary dasher, which, when in motion, draws the milk and cream in at its end and expels it at its periphery. against stationary breakers fixed at the inner circumference of the tub in which it revolves, in the form and manner and for the purpose in the

foregoing specification set forth. SAMUEL B. HOWD.

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