페이지 이미지

Late into the night, 528.
Lated traveller, 101.
Later star of dawn, 438.

times, 144.

Latin, small, and less Greek, 152.
soft bastard, 529.

was no more difficile, 224.
Laud than gilt o'erdusted, Sr.
Laugh a siege to scorn, 105.
an atheist's, 421.

at any mortal thing, 534-
in bed we, 600.
make the unskilful, 118.
of the vacant mind, 372.
sans intermission, 46.
that I may not weep, 534-
that win, they, 134, 678.
thee to scorn, 632.
was ready chorus, 419.
where we must, 285.
who but must, 303.
world's dread, 328.
Laughed consumedly, 274.
full well they, 373.

his word to scorn, 396.

Laughing devil in his sneer, 525.
quaffing, 239.

soil, paint the, 505.
you hear that boy, 590.
Laughs at lovers' perjury, 238.
fair, the morn, 356.
Laughter for a month, 62.

holding both his sides, 213.
of a fool, 625.
Laura, grave where, lay, 16.
Lavinia, she is, 82.
Law and the prophets, 634.

and to the testimony, 628.
as adversaries do in, 50.
crowner's-quest, 123.
ends tyranny begins, 346.
fulfilling of the, 640.
good opinion of the, 418.
higher, 564.

is a sort of hocus-pocus, 322.
is open, 639.

is perfection of reason, 10.
lawless science of our, 587.
life of the, 10.
murder by the, 283.
nothing is, that is not reason,

of Medes and Persians, 631.
old father antic the, 60.
order is heaven's first, 290.
quillets of the, 72.

rich men rule the, 370.
seat of, is the bosom of God,21.
seven hours to, 411.
sovereign, sits empress, 411.


Law, the, is good, 643.
truly kept the, 220.
we have a measure for, 160.
wedded love mysterious, 195.
what plea so tainted in, 42.
which moulds a tear, 435.
windy side of the, 54.
Law's delay, 116.

grave study, 10.

Lawful for me to do what I will
with mine own, 635.

Lawn, saint in, 292.
upland, 359.
up the, 360.

Laws, curse on all, 309.
facts and the, 318.
gives his little senate, 303.
grind the poor, 370.
household, 449.
impartial, 317.
may give us new, 159.
of a nation, 251.

of nature, 405.

of servitude began, 242.
or kings can cause, 339.
Lawyers are met, 319.
Lax in their gaiters, 480.
Lay, go forth my simple, 411.
her in the earth, 124.
his weary bones, 80.
me down to sleep, 604.
on Macduff, 106.
Lea, on this pleasant, 445.
slowly o'er the, 357.
Leads to bewilder, 403.
Leaf, all do fade as a, 630.

also shall not wither, 614.
days are in the yellow, 530.
falls with the, 155.
not a, is lost, 517.
of pity writ, 88.

perished in the green, 586.
sear and yellow, 104.
turn over a new, 679.
upon the stream, 492.
was darkish, 209.
Leafy month of June, 470.
Lean and hungry look, 90.

and slipper'd Pantaloon, 48.
body and visage, 222.
fellow beats all, 176.
Leaned to virtue's side, 372.
Leap into the dark, 6.

into this angry flood, 89.
it were an easy, 62.

look before you, 8, 229, 672.
Leaps the live thunder, 517.
Leapt to life a god, 546.
Learn of the little nautilus, 289.
to labour and to wait, 573.

Learn to read slow, 232.
Learned and fair, 152.
Chaucer, 174.
doctor's spite, 545.
dust, 392.

length, words of, 373.
lumber, 299.
reflect, 299.

roast an egg, 306.
smile, 297.

to dance, 298.
Learning, branches of, 41.
breast where, lies, 313.
cast into the mire, 383.
fraught with all, 374.
hath gained most, 221.
is an adjunct to ourself, 35.
little, dangerous, 296.
love he bore to, 373.
no man wiser for his, 160.
progeny of, 414.
scraps of, dote, 282.
study of, 219.
to misquote, 511.
whence is thy, 319.

wiser grow, 395.
Least of two evils, 675.
Leather, faithless, 284.

[ocr errors]

or prunello, 290.
trod upon neat's, 88.
Leave all meaner things, 285.
her to heaven, 112.

no stone unturned, 648.
not a rack behind, 23.
often took, 257:

thee native soil, 202.

Leaven, a little, leaveneth, 640.
Leaves, do cover with, 172.

ending on the rustling, 215.
have their time to fall, 542.
of destiny, in shady, 173.
of hope, 78.
of memory, 576.
on trees, like, 315.
shatter your, 211.
spread his sweet, 82.
thick as autumnal, 183.
words are like, 297.
Leaving no tract behind, 88.
Led by my hand, 308.
Leer, assent with civil, 302.
Lees, the mere, 100.
Left a name behind them, 632.
blooming alone, 498.
hand know, 633.
undone those things, 645.
Leg, can honour set a, 65.
Legion, my name is, 637.
Legs of time, break the, 590.
under his huge, 89.

Leisure, repent at, 272.

retired, 214.

and, 502.

Lemonade, black eyes
Lend, lend your wings, 312.
Lender nor borrower be, 110.

servant to the, 622.

Lendeth unto the Lord, 621.
Length, drags its slow, 298.
Lengthening chain, 369.
Leopard change his spots, 630.
lie down with the kid, 628.
Lerne, gladly wolde he, 2.
Less, beautifully, 257.
happier lands, 59.
of earth, 491.
of two evils, 6, 675.
rather than be, 186.
than a span, 146.
than archangel, 184.
than kind, 107.

Let dearly or let alone, 163.
dogs delight to bark, 270
him now speak, 646.
him that thinketh, 641.
in the foe, 205.
Newton be, 306.

not the heavens hear, 76.
others hail, 363.

the toast pass, 415.

the world slide, 50, 147, 672.
those love now, 275.

us be merry, 159.
us do evil, 639.

us do or die, 422, 672.

us eat and drink, 629.
us talk of graves, 59.

us worship God he says, 424-
your loins be girded, 637.
Lethe wharf, fat weed on, 112.
Lets in new light, 179.
Letter, the, killeth, 641.
Letters Cadmus gave, 533.

Heaven first taught, 309.

Letting I dare not, 98.

Level, so sways she, 53.

Levellers wish to level down, 343.
Lever han at his beddes hed, 2.
Leviathan, draw out, 613.
Lewd fellows, 639.
Lexicography, lost in, 340.
Lexicon of youth, 565.
Liar, doubt truth to be a, 114.
of the first magnitude, 272.
Liars, all men are, 618.
Liberal education, 264.
Libertas et natale solum, 260.
Libertie, delight with, 15.
Liberties, people never give up
their, 384.

Libertine, reckless, 109.

Libertine, the air a chartered, 69.
Liberty and union, 507.

crimes in the name of, 426.
crust of bread and, 304.
essential, 335.

gave us at the same time, 405.
give me, or death, 407.
hour of virtuous, 265.
I must have withal, 47.
is in every blow, 422.
my spirit felt thee, 472.
spirit of, 381.

sweet land of, 568.
tree of, 428.

when they cry, 217.
Liberty's unclouded blaze, 544.

war, first touch of, 502.
Library was dukedom, 22.
License they mean, 217.
Lick absurd pomp, 118.

the dust, enemies shall, 616.

Licks the dust, 303.

the hand just raised, 285.
Lids of Juno's eyes, 55.
Lie direct, 50.

down in green pastures, 614.
if I tell thee a, 63.
in cold obstruction, 28.
nothing can need a, 164.
still and slumber, 270.
to credit his own, 22.
what is a, after all, 535.
with circumstance, 50.
Lief not be as live to be, 88.
Liege of all loiterers, 35.

we are men my, 101.
Lies like truth, 106.

to hide it, 269.

Life a galling load, 422.

advantageous to, 23.
and liberty, 405.

as I have seen it in his, 109.
at a pin's fee, 111.
beyond life, 220.
blandishments of, 317.
bread is the staff of, 262.
calamity of so long, 116.
careless of the single, 585.
care's an enemy to, 52.
charmed, I bear, 106.
crowded hour of glorious,


crown of, receive the, 644.
daily beauty in his, 135.
death in the midst of, 646.
dost thou love, 336.
dregs of, 243.

elysian, suburb of, 577.
friend to my, 301.
from high, 292.

Life, good man's, 441.

half so sweet in, 498.

harp of, love took up the, 580.
has passed roughly, 397.
hath quicksands, 575.
hath snares, 575-

his, I'm sure was right, 177.
hope while there is, 320.
hour of glorious, 494.
idea of her, 32.

in every limb, feels its, 437.
in short measures, 151.
in that state of, 646.
in thy morning of, 422.
intercourse of daily, 443.
is a bubble, 146, 156.
is a jest, 320.

is a short summer, 338.
is all a cheat, 243.
is but a means, 569.

is but a span, 604.

is but a walking shadow, 105.
is but an empty dream, 573.
is in decrease, 281.

is one demd horrid grind, 588.
is short, 599.

is thorny, 471.

lies before us in daily, 199.
like a dome, 539.
like following, 292.
loathed worldly, 29.
love of, increased, 410.
man lay down his, 638.
many-colour'd, 338.
May of, 104.
nor love thy, 203.
nothing in his, 96.
o'er all the ills o', 419.

of care, weep away, 539.

of man brutish and short, 159.

of mortal breath, 577.

of poor Jack, 410.

of the building, 100.

of the law, 10.

presiding angel o'er his, 434.
protracted, 337-

rounded with a sleep, 23.

sacred burden is this, 570.
set upon a cast, 77.
she was his, 527.

slits the thin-spun, 212.

so dear or peace so sweet, 407.
so his, has flowed, 551.
story of my, 129.
stuff, is made of, 336.
sunset of, 483.

sweat under a weary, 116.
tedious as a twice-told tale, 57.
that dares send, 173.

that, is long, 281.

Life, this our, 45.

tree of, 193.
unbought grace of, 383.
variety's the spice of, 392.
voyage of their, 94.
walk of virtuous, 279.
was gentle, 94.

was in the right, 177.

wave of, kept heaving, 553.
way of, 104.

we've been long together, 409.
web of our, 51.

wheels of weary, 243.
whole of, to live, 479-

whose, is in the right, 289.
wine of, 100.

you take my, 43.

Life's common way, 449.
dark road, 544.
dull round, 351.
enchanted cup, 515.
fitful fever, 101.
great end, 281.
morning march, 485.
poor play is o'er, 289.
tale makes up, 473.
vast ocean, 288.
worst ills, 567.

young day, 558.

Life-blood of our enterprise, 64.
Lift her with care, 554-

it bear it solemnly, 570.
it up fatherly, cannot, 592.

Light a foot, 86.

and choice, 217.
and sweetness, 262.
as air, 133.

burning and a shining, 638.

by her own radiant, 208.
children of, 637.

dear as the, 356.
dim religious, 215.
ere it come to, 401.
excess of, 355-
eye of vulgar, 497.
fantastic toe, 213.
for after times, 463.
form of life and, 523.
from heaven, 422, 523.
gates of, 198.

grave to, 239.
hail holy, 191.

is sweet, truly the, 626.
leads up to, 187.
lets in new, 179.
made, of it, 635.
men of inward, 230.
no, but darkness, 182.
of a dark eye, 517.
of common day, 457.

Light of day, rival in the, 448.
of Hope, 482.

of jurisprudence, 10.
of light beguile, 34
of love, 524.

of other days, 500.
of setting suns, 442.

of the Mæonian star, 299.
of the morning gild it, 508.
of the world, 633.

of things, into the, 453.
of truth, 455;
presence full of, 87.
purple, of love, 354-
put out the, 135.
quivering aspen, 490.
remnant of uneasy, 448.
rule of streaming, 203.
seeking light, 34.
swift-winged arrows of, 400.
that led astray, 422.

that lies in woman's eyes, 499.
that never was on sea, 456.
that visits these sad eyes, 356.
through chinks, 179.
through yonder window, 84.
to counterfeit a gloom, 215.
to guide rod to check, 455-
unreflected, 567.
unto my path, 618.
unveil'd her peerless, 194-
walk while ye have the, 638.
which Heaven sheds, 499.
windows that exclude the, 361.
within his own breast, 208.
Lightens, ere one can say it, 85.
Lightly draws its breath, 437-

from fair to fair, 489.
Lightning and the gale, 589.
does the will of God, 537.
in the collied night, 37.
like the, 85.
or in rain, 95.
quick as, 229.
too like the, 85.
Lights are fled, 500.
blazed with, 88.
heaven's, 34-

let your, be burning, 637.
of mild philosophy, 265.
that do mislead the morn, 29.
without a name, 166.

Like a fair house, 26.
angels' visits, 253, 482.
but oh how different, 443.
following life, 292.
little wanton boys, 79.
not look upon his, again, 108.
our shadows, 281.

seasoned timber, 163.

Like the best wine, 627.
the dyer's hand, 140.

the old age, 53.

to a double cherry, 38.
Likelihood, fellow of no, 64.
Likewise, go
and do thou, 637.

Lilies, braids of, 210.

of the field, consider the, 633.

Lily, to paint the, 57.
Limb, every flowing, 329.

life in every, 437.

Limbs, decent, composed, 312.
her gentle, 471.

on those recreant, 56.
whose trembling, 413.
Lime-twigs of his spells, 209.
Limit of becoming mirth, 34.
Limits of a vulgar fate, 355.

stony, cannot hold, 84.
Line, creep in one dull, 297.
full resounding, 305.

he could wish to blot, 347-
in the very first, 375.
marred the lofty, 489.
too labours, 298.
upon line, 629.

we carved not a, 549.

Lineaments, in my, they trace, 526.

of gospel-books, 18.

Linen you're wearing out, 554.
Lines, desert of a thousand, 305.
in pleasant places, 614.
own the happy, 298.
see two dull, 284.
where beauty lingers, 522.
Lingering look behind, 359.
Link, last, is broken, 541.
Linked sweetness, 214.

with one virtue, 525.
Linnets, pipe but as the, 584.
Lion among ladies, 38.

as a roaring, 644.

beard the, in his den, 490.
better than a dead, 625.
breakfast on the lip of a, 70.
give a grievous roar, 332.
heart and eagle eye, 367.
in the lobby roar, 332
in the way, 623.
is in the streets, 623.
mated by the hind, 51.
not so fierce as painted, 165.
pawing to get free, 199.
to rouse a, 62.

Lion's hide, thou wear a, 56.
mane, dew-drop from a, 81.
Lions, talks familiarly of, 56.
Lip, anger of his, 54.

coral, admires, 158.
nectar on a, 415.

Lip of a lion, 70.

vermeil-tinctured, 210.

Lips are now forbid to speak, 552.
chalice to our own, 97.
crimson in thy, 87.
fevered, 551.

had language, 397.
heart on her, 529.

in poverty to the very, 135.
man of unclean, 628.
of Julia, 168.

of those that are asleep, 627.
reproof on her, 566.
smile on her, 490.

soul through my, 579.
steal blessing from her, 85.
steeped to the, in misery, 578.
suck forth my soul, 20.
take away those, 29.
that are for others, 583.
that he has prest, 589.
that were forsworn, 29.
to part her, 167.
tremble, see my, 310.
truth from his, 372.
were four red roses, 76.
were red, 166.

when I ope my, 39.
whispering with white, 516.
Liquid dew of youth, 109.
fire, glass of, 431.

notes, 217.

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