페이지 이미지

Scholar, ripe and good one, 8o.
Scholar's life assail, 337-

soldier's eye, 117.
Scholars, land of, 370.
School, unwillingly to, 47.
School-boy, whining, 47.

with his satchel, 326.

School-boy's tale, 514.
School-boys, like, 422.
School-days, in my, 40.
my joyful, 467.
Schoolmaster is abroad, 543.
Schools, jargon of the, 256.
maxim in the, 261.
Science, bright-eyed, 357.
eel of, by the tail, 307.
falsely so called, 643.
frowned not, 360.
glare of false, 403.
new, that men lere, 5.

one, will one genius fit, 276.
proud, 286.

star-eyed, 482.

Sciences, all the abstruse, 531.

books must follow, 143.

Scio's rocky isle, 524

Scion of chiefs, 520.

Scoff, who came to, 372.

Scoffer's pen, product of a, 459.

Scole of Stratford, 1.

Scope of mine opinion, 106.

Score and tally, 73.

Scorn delights, 211.

for the time of, 135.

in spite of, 184.
laugh a siege to, 105.
laugh thee to, 632.

laughed his word to, 396.

of eyes reflecting gems, 76.

of scorn, 579.

what a deal of, 54-

Scorns of time, 116.
Scornful jest, 337-

Scotch understanding, 465.
Scotched the snake, 101.
Scotchman, much made of a, 343.
Scotchman's noblest prospect, 343.
Scotia's grandeur springs, 424.
Scotland at the Orcades, 289.

stands, where it did, 104.
Scoundrel maxim, 329.

refuge of a, 344-

Scourge inexorable, 186.
Scout, eastern, 207.

Scraps of learning dote, on, 282.

stolen the, 36.
Screw your courage, 98.
Scripture authentic. 282.

elder, writ by God, 282.
the devil can cite, 40.

Scruple of her excellence, 27.
Scutcheon, honour a mere, 65.
Scylla your father, 42.
Scyllam, incidis in, 42.
S'death I'll print it, 302.
Sea, alone on a wide wide, 470.
bark is on the, 528.
bosom of the, 73-
bottom of the, 76.
by the deep, 520.
cloud out of the, 610.
dark blue sea, 524.
down to a sunless, 474-
down to the, in ships, 617.
first gem of the, 499.
fishes live in the, 137.
flat, sunk, 208.
footsteps in the, 399.
heritage the, 504.
I'm on the, 550.
in the rough rude, 59.
into that silent, 469.
inviolate, 579.

is a thief, 88.

light that never was on, 456.

loved the great, 550.

music of the, 477-

now flows between, 472.

of glory, 79.

of pines, 473.

of troubles, 116.

of upturned faces, 493, 509.

one as the, 478.

one foot in, 31.

one voice of the, 449.

Proteus rising from the, 445.

robs the vast, 88.

rolls its waves, 506.

set in the silver, 59.

ships gone down at, 496.
sight of that immortal, 458.
stern god of, 218.

swelling of the voiceful, 477.
the open sea, 550..

union with its native, 460.
uttermost parts of the, 618.
was roaring, 318.
wave o' the, 55.

wet sheet and flowing, 504.
what thing of, or land, 205.
whether in, or fire, 107.
Sea-born treasures, 571.
Sea-change, suffer a, 22.
Seal, seem to set his, 121.
Seals of love, 29.
Sea-maid's music, 37.

Seamen were not gentlemen, 563.
Sear the yellow leaf, 104.
Search not his bottom, 175.

of deep philosophy, 177.

Search, patient, 530.
will find it, 169.
Seas, dangers of the, 165.
foam of perilous, 547.
incarnadine, 100,

of gore, shedding, 535.
rivers run to, 241.

such a jewel as twenty, 24.
two boundless, 495.
Sea-shore, boy playing on the, 252.
Season, ever'gainst that, 107.

to everything there is a, 624.
word spoken in due, 621.
your admiration, 109.
Seasoned timber never gives, 163.
with a gracious voice, 42.
Seasons and their change, 195.
death thou hast all, 542.
return with the year, 191.
things seasoned by, 44.
vernal, of the year, 219.
Seat, castle hath a pleasant, 97.
in some poetic nook, 537.
nature from her, 201.
up to our native, 186.
while memory holds a, 113.
Seated heart knock, 96.

Seats beneath the hawthorn, 371.
Second and sober thoughts, 247.

childishness, 48.

Secret of a weed's plain heart, 592.
sympathy, 488.

things are the Lord's, 609.
Secrets of my prison-house, 112.
Sect, slave to no, 291.
Security for the future, 346.
Sedge, kiss to every, 24.
Seduces all mankind, 318.
See and be seen, 679.

and eek for to be seye, 3.
her was to love her, 423.
in a summer's day, 37.
my lips tremble, 310.
oursels as others see us, 420.
the conquering hero, 253.
the right and approve it, 603.
thee d-d first, 433.
through a glass darkly, 641.
two dull lines, 284.

what is not to be seen, 418.
Winter comes, 328.

Seed begging bread, 615.

of the church, 652.
sow in the morning, 626.
Seeds of time, look into the, 95.
Seeing eye, 621.

not satisfied with, 624-
precious, to the eye, 35.
Seek and ye shall find, 634.
Seeks painted trifles, 362.

Seeking whom he may devour,


Seem a saint, 75-

Seeming estranged, 554.

evil still educing good, 329.
otherwise, 131.

Seems madam, I know not, 107.
wisest virtuousest, 200.
Seen better days, 88.

needs only to be, 289.
too early, 83.
Sees God in clouds, 286.
Seigniors, reverend, 128.
Seldom he smiles, go.

shall she hear a tale, 351.
Self, smote the chord of, 580.
true to thine own, 110.
Self-disparagement, 459.
Self-dispraise, luxury in, 459-
Self-love not so vile a sin, 69.
Self-neglecting and self-love, 69.
Self-sacrifice, spirit of, 455.
Self-slaughter, canon 'gainst, 108.
Sell with you, 40.

Selves, from our own, 334.
Sempronius, we'll do more, 265.
Senate at his heels, 291.

his little, laws, 303, 313.
long debate, 265.
Senates, listening, 359.
Senators, green-robed, 547.
Senior-junior giant-dwarf, 35.
Sensations felt in the blood, 441.
Sense, all the joys of, 290.

and nonsense, 236.
deviates into, 238.
echo to the, 298.
from thought divide, 287.
if all want, 164.
men of, 298.
much fruit of, 297.
of death, 28.

of future favours, 269.
of ills to come, 353.

one for, one for rhyme, 227.
palls upon the, 265.
palter in a double, 106.
song charms the, 188.
sublime of something, 442.
want of, 246.
Senses, seven, 493.

steep my, 68.

unto our gentle, 97.
Senseless, most, and fit, 31.
Sensible to feeling, 99.
Sentence, he mouths a, 386.
is for open war, 186.
mortality my, 202.

Sentences, quips and, 31.
Sentiment, pluck the eyes of, 590.

Sentimentally disposed to har- | Seven men that can render a rea-

mony, 463.

Sentinel stars, 485.

Sentinels, fix'd, 70.

Separateth very friends, 621.
Sepulchral urns, 398.

Sepulchred in such pomp, 216.
Sepulchres, whited, 636."
Sequestered vale, 357, 385.
Seraph, rapt, that adores, 287.
so spake the, 198.
Seraphs might despair, 512.
Serbonian bog 188.

Serene amidst alarms, 402.

gem of purest ray, 358.

Serenely fall, 466.”

Sergeant death, 125.

Sermon, perhaps turn out a, 421.

who flies a, 164.

Sermons in stones, 45.
Serpent, Aaron's, 288.
biteth like a, 622.

more of the, than dove, 21.
sting thee twice, 42.
trail of the, 495.
Serpent's tooth, 125.
Serpents, be ye wise as, 634.
Servant, is thy, a dog, 611.
make drudgery divine, 163.
of God well done, 198.
to the lender, 622.
with this clause, 163.
Serve in heaven, 183.

they, who stand and wait, 217.
Serveth not another's will, 148.
Service devine, she sange, 1.

done the state some, 135.
is no heritage, 51.

of the antique world, 46.
small, is true service, 456.
sweat for duty, 46.
weary and old with, 79.
Servile opportunity to gold, 449.
to skyey influences, 28.
Servitors, airy, 219.

Servitude, base laws of, 242.
Seson priketh every gentil herte, 3.
Set my ten commandments, 72, 677.
terms, good, 46.

thine house in order, 629.
Setteth up another, 616.
Setting, haste now to my, 78.

in his western skies, 235.
Settle's numbers, lived in, 307.
Seven ages, his acts being, 47.

cities warred, 174.
half-penny loaves, 73.
hours to law, 411.
hundred pounds and possibil-
ities, 25.

son, 623.

mighty cities strove, 147.
senses, out of his, 493.
wealthy towns, 174.
women in that day, 628.
years' pith, 129.
Severe, lively to, 291.

pleasant to, 239.
Severn, Avon to the, 451.
Sewers annoy the air, 201.
Sex, female of, 205.

spirits either, assume, 184.
to the last, 237.

towers above her, 265.
whose presence civilizes, 397.
Sex's earliest latest care, 348.
Shade, ah pleasing, 353.

Amaryllis in the, 211.
boundless contiguity of, 390.
chequered, 213.
gentleman of the, 60.
half in, half in sun, 500.
hunter and the deer a, 482.
more welcome, 317.
of aristocracy, 510.
of power, gray flits the, 514.
pillared, 202.

seats beneath the, 371.
sitting in a pleasant, 150.
softening into shade, 329.
that follows wealth, 375.
thought in a green, 231.
through sun and, 582.
unperceiv'd, 329.
welcome, 317.

which once was great, 448.
Shades, evening, 267.

happy walks and, 202.
of death, dens and, 189.
of night, fled the, 196.
Shadow both ways falls, 204.

cloaked from head to foot, 584.
double swan and, 447.
hence horrible, 102.
in the sun, 75.

life is but a walking, 105.
of a starless night, 538.

of death, darkness and the,612.
of the British Oak, 383.
of thy wings, under the, 614.
proves the substance true, 298.
seemed, 189.
walking, 105.

Shadows beckoning dire, 207.
best in this kind are, 39.
come like, so depart, 103.
lengthening, 235.

not substantial things, 169.
of coming events, 483.

Shadows that walk by us, 154-
thousand, 444-

to-night have struck, 77-
we pursue, 381.

what, we are, 381.

wishes lengthen

Shadowy past, 575..

like our, 281.

Shadwell never deviates, 238.
Shady brows, 206.

place, sunshine in the, 13.
side of Pall-Mall, 412.
Shaft at random sent, 493-
fledge the, 180.
flew thrice, 277.

that made him die, 180.
when I had lost one, 40.
winged the, 512.
Shafts, thy fatal, 367.
Shake my fell purpose. 96.
our disposition, 111.
the spheres, 233.
thy gory locks, 101.

Shaken when taken, 427.

Shaker of o'er-rank states, 158.
Shakes pestilence and war, 189.
Shakespeare and

the musical

glasses, 378.
fancy's child, 214.
make room for, 174.
myriad-minded, 477.

sweetest, 214.

tongue that, spake, 449.
wonder of our stage, 152.
Shakespeare's magic, 242.

name, rival, 481.
Shaking, fall without, 321.
Shall I wasting in despair, 159.
not when he would, 602.
we shut the door, 332.

Shallow brooks and rivers, 213.
in himself, 204.

spirit of judgment, 72.
Shallows, bound in, 94.

Shame, avoid, 465.

blush of maiden, 557-
each deed of, 576.
erring sister's, 522.

hide her, from every eye, 376.
honour and, 290.
start at, 387.

the Devil, 64, 678.

the fools, print it and, 302.
to men, 188.

where is thy blush, 121.
whose glory is in their, 642.
Shames, thousand innocent, 32.
Shank, his shrunk, 48.
Shape, assume a pleasing, 115.

execrable, 189.

had none distinguishable, 189.

Shape, harmony of, 257
it might be called, 189.
of a camel, 120.

of anger can dismay, 455.
such a questionable, 111.
take any, but that, 102.
Shaped for sportive tricks, 74-
Shapes, calling, 207.

of foul disease, 586.
of ill may hover, 551.
that come not, 444-
turns them to, 38.
Sharp as a pen, 69.

misery had worn him, 87.
Sharpe the conquering, 4.
Sharper than a serpent's tooth, 125.
Sharp-looking wretch, 30.
Sharps, unpleasing, 87.
Shatter the vase, 498.

your leaves, 211.

She drew an angel down, 234.
for God in him, 193.

gave me eyes, 437.

impossible, 173.

is a woman, 82.
is to blame, 154-

knows her man, 241.
lived unknown, 438.
never told her love, 53.
unexpressive, 48.
will, if she will, 276.
Shear swine, 226.

Shears, fury with the abhorred,212.
Shed their selectest influence, 200.
Sheddeth man's blood, 608.
Shedding seas of gore, 535.
Sheep, close-shorn, 165.
Sheeted dead, 107.

Shell, convolutions of a, 459-
music slumbers in the, 434-
smooth-lipped, 459.
take ye each a, 310.

Shepherd, gentle, 362.

hast any philosophy, 48.
tells his tale, 213.
that bids the, 206.

Shepherd's awe-inspiring god, 459.
tongue, truth in every, 16.
Sheridan, in moulding, 527.
Shew, under saintly, 193.
Shews, inexplicable dumb, 118.
of things, 145.
Shield, like an ample, 244.
Shift from side to side, 271.
Shifted his trumpet, 375-
Shifts, holy, 227.

Shikspur who wrote it, 352.
Shilling, Philip and Mary on a,230.
Shillings, rather than forty, 25.
Shines, so, a good deed, 44.

Shining light, burning and a, 638.
light, as the, 619.
morning face, 47.
Ship, in a, is being in a jail, 343.
idle as a painted, 470.
like a stately, 205.

of State, sail on O, 576.
that ever scuttled, 533.
Ships are but boards, 40.
dim-discover'd, 327.

down to the sea in, 617.
hearts of oak our, 363.
launched a thousand, 20.
sailed for sunny isles, 559.
that have gone down, 496.
they steer their courses, 226.
were British oak, 363.
Shirt and a half, 65.

happy man's without a, 147.
of fire, martyr in a, 596.
oftener changed their princi-
ples than, 284.
on his back, 377.
ruffles when wanting a, 377.
Shive, to steal a, 82.
Shoal of time, 97.
Shoals of honour, 79.

Shock of corn, like as a, 611.

of men, midst the, 514.
of pleasure, 551.
sink beneath the, 522.
Shocks that flesh is heir to, 116.
Shoe has power to wound, 349.
pinches, where the, 651.
of neats' leather, 228.
Shoe-string, careless, 168.
Shoes of King James, 160.
Shone, his coming, 198.

like a meteor, 184.
Shook a dreadful dart, 189.
hands and went to't, 324.
the arsenal, 204.
Shoon, clouted, 209.
Shoot, young idea how to, 327.
Shooting-stars attend thee, 167.
Shop, keep thy, 671.
Shop-keepers, nation of, 659.
Shore, dull tame, 550.

fades o'er the waters blue, 513.
fast by their native, 398.
my boat is on the, 528.
my native, adieu, 513.
of memory, 460.

rapture on the lonely, 520.
some silent, 272.
unhappy folks on, 464.
unknown and silent, 467.
wild and willowed, 487.
Shores of old romance, 438.
undreamed, 55.

Short and far between, 326.
as are the nights, 155.
and simple annals, 357-
and the long of it, 26.
be the day, 603.

retirement urges, 201.
Short-lived pain, 490.
Shot forth peculiar graces, 196.
heard round the world, 572.
my arrow o'er the house, 125.
my being through earth, 472.
out of an elder gun, 71.
perilous, 71.

Should auld acquaintance, 422.
keep who can, they, 447.

not say it, say it that, 678.
take who have, they, 447-
Shoulder and elbow, 324.
Shouldered his crutch, 372.
Shoulders, Atlantean, 187.

heads grow beneath their, 130.
Shoures, April with his, 1.
Shout and revelry, 206.

that tore hell's concave, 184.
Shouted for joy, 613.
Shovel and tongs, 566.

invent a, 232.

Show and gaze o' the time, 106.
driveller and a, 337.
his eyes, 103.
public, 312.
terrible, 319.

us how divine a thing, 444.
which passeth, 108.

world is all a fleeting, 501.
Showed how fields were won, 372.
Showers, honied, 212.

like those maiden, 168.
Sydneian, 173.

Shows, comment on the, 450.
Shreds and patches, 121.
Shrewsbury clock, hour by, 66.
Shriek, solitary, 532.

Shrill trumpet sounds, 264.
Shrine of the mighty, 522.
Shrines to no code, 546.
Shrunk shank, 48.

Shuffle the cards, 11.

Shuffled off this mortal coil, 116.
Shut of evening flowers, 201.

shut the door, 301.

the gates of mercy, 359.
the windows of the sky, 330.
Shutters, close the, 392.1
Shuttle, swifter than a, 612.
Sibyl, contortions of the, 385.
Sick, say I'm, I'm dead, 301.

that surfeit with too much, 40.
Sickness and in health, 646.
Sickness-broken body, 221.

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