페이지 이미지

Sweet the lily grows, how, 505.
the moonlight sleeps, 44.
the pleasure, 233.
truly the light is, 626.
understanding, 34.

will, at his own, 446.
Sweete smels al around, 14.
Sweeten my imagination, 127.
present joy, 551.

this little hand, 104..

Sweeter for thee despairing, 424.
pains of love be, 243.
thy voice, 583.

Sweetest garland, 317.

thing that ever grew, 437-
Sweetly she bade me adieu, 351.
sing, brightly smile, 549.
uttered knowledge, 19.
Sweet'ner of life, 326.
Sweetness and light, 262.
linked, 214.

loathe the taste of, 64.
on the desert air, 358.
wanton, instill a, 329.
Sweets compacted lie, 163.
feast of nectar'd, 209.
lost in the, 319.

of Burn-mill meadow, 447.
of forgetfulness, 402.
to the sweet, 124.
wilderness of, 197.

Swell music's voluptuous, 516.
Swelling and limitless billows, 472.
of the voiceful sea, 477.

Swells from the vale, 372.

the gale, note that, 360.
the note of praise, 357-
Swift expires a driveller, 337.
race is not to the, 626.
true hope is, 77-
Swifter than weaver's shuttle, 612.
Swiftness never ceasing, 147.
Swift-winged arrows of light, 400.
Swim before my sight, 309.

naughty night to, 126.
sink or, 507.

to yonder point, 89.
Swimmer in his agony, 532.
Swims or sinks, 191.

Swine, pearl for carnal, 228.
pearls before, 634.
shear, 226.
Swinish gluttony, 210.
multitude, 383.

Swoop, one fell, 104.
Sword against nation, 628.
edge sharper than the, 138.
famous by my, 181.
glued to my scabbard, 153.
good, rust, 473.

Sword has laid him low, 483.
I with, will open, 26.
naked, 164.

pen mightier than the, 565.
take away the, 565.
the deputed, 27.

Swords into ploughshares, 628.
sheathed their, 70.
ten thousand, 382.
twenty of their, 84.
Sworn twelve, 27.

Sydneian showers, 173.
Syene Meroe Nilotic isle, 204.
Syllable men's names, 207.

of recorded time, 105.
Syllables govern the world, 160.
these equal, 297.
Sylvia in the night, 24.
Sympathetic tear, 361.

tears, source of, 354.

Sympathy cold to distant misery,

in souls, 394.
Syrups, drowsy, 133.

Systems into ruin hurled, 285.

Table, earth whose, 530.

head of the, 12.


my memory, 113.
on a roar, set the, 123.
Tables my tables, 113.

near a thousand, 436.
Table-talk, serve for, 42.
Tackle trim, 205.
Tail, eel of science by the, 307.
horror of his folded, 216.
monstrous, our cat's got, 259.
of Rhyme, dock the, 590.
Tailor lown, he called the, 131.
Tailor's news, swallowing a, 57.
Tainted wether of the flock, 42.
Take any shape but that, 102.

away the sword, 565.
care of the pence, 324.
each man's censure, 110.
heed lest he fall, 641.
her up tenderly, 551
him for all in all, 108.

O boatman thrice thy fee, 600.
O take those lips away, 29.
physic pomp, 126.

some savage woman, 581.
the good the gods provide
thee, 234-

the prisoned soul, 207.
thine ease, 637-
time enough, 323.

who have the power, 447.
ye each a shell, 310.

Taken to be well shaken, 427.

Takin' notes, a chiel, 420.
Taking, what a, was he in, 26.
Tale, a plain, 63.

adorn a, 337.

an honest, speeds best, 76.
as 't was said to me, 487.
every, condemns me, 77.
every shepherd tells his, 213.
hope tells a flattering, 595.
in every thing, 453.
it is an old, 489.

of Troy divine, 215.
old, and often told, 489.
round unvarnish'd, 129.
school-boys, 514.
so sad so tender, 351.
suspect your, 320.
tellen his, untrewe, 3.
that I relate, 399.
that is told, 617.
thereby hangs a, 46, 50.
told by an idiot, 105.
told his soft, 263.
twice-told, tedious as a, 57.
unfold, I could a, 112.
which holdeth children, 19.
who shall telle a, 3.
wondrous, 267.

Talent, his single, 338.
Tales, if ancient, say true, 512.
play truant at his, 35.
saddest of all, 535.

that to me were so dear, 552.
Talk, greatly wise to, 278.
how he will, 252.

is of bullocks, 632.

loves to hear himself, 86.
of dreams, 83.


graves, 59.

spent an hour's, withal, 34.

to conceal the mind, 283.

too much, 235-

who never think, 258.

with, witty to, 166.

with you, 40.

Talking age, for, 371.

he will be, 32.
Talks of roaring lions, 54.
Tall men had empty heads, 144.

oaks from little acorns, 428.
Tally, score and, 73.
Tam was glorious, 419.
Tame viilatic fowl, 206.
Tamer of the human breast, 354.
Tangled web we weave, 490.
Tangles of Neæra's hair, 211.
Tapers, answer ye evening, 590.
swim before my sight, 309.
to the sun, 416.
Tara's halls, harp through, 496.

Tarnished gold, black with, 430.
Tarry at Jericho, 610.
Task, delightful, 327.

is smoothly done, 210.
Task-master's eye, 217.
Taste, attic, 217.

little more, 262.

never, who always drink, 258.
not handle not, 642.
of death but once, 91.
of sweetness, 64.
of your quality, 115.
whose mortal, 182.

Tastes of men, various are, 362.
Tattered clothes, through, 127.

ensign down, tear her, 589.
Tatters, tear a passion to, 118.
Taught, afterward he, 2.
by that power, 375.
by time, 316.

her dazzling fence, 210.
highly fed and lowly, 51.
men must be, 299.
the wheedling arts, 318.
us how to die, 317.
us how to live, 317.
Tawny lion, 199. ̧

Tax for being eminent, 262.

not you you elements, 126.
Taxation, pressure of, 467.
Taxed top, 466.
Tea, some sipping, 445.

sometimes take, 300.
Teach him how to live, 386.
in song, what they, 539

me to feel another's woe, 311.
souls to souls can never, 568.
the rest to sneer, 302.
the young idea, 327.

thee safety, 56.

us to number our days, 617.
Teacher, let nature be your, 453.
Teaching by examples, 274.
Team of little atomies, 83.
Tear a passion to tatters, 117.
betwixt a smile and, 519.
drop a, 170, 331.
dropped a, 350.
drying up a single, 535.
each others' eyes, 270.
every woe can claim, 522.
for others' woes, 403.
for pity, he hath a, 69.
forgot as soon as shed, 353.
her tattered ensign, 589.
in her eye, 490.

law which moulds a, 435.
man without a, 485.
one particular, 140.
some melodious, 211.

[blocks in formation]

fountain of sweet, 437-


Temple, Lord's anointed, 100.
of silence, 562.

Temples bare, my, 472.
dedicated to God, 508.
of his gods, 563.
solemn, 23.

Tempora mutantur, 292.

Temptation, that endureth, 644.
Tempted her with word, 32.
Tempter, so glozed the, 201.
Ten commandments, my, 72, 677.
low words, 297.

winters more, ran he on, 243.

from some divine despair, 583. Tenable in your silence, 109.

idle tears, 583.

if you have, 92.

like Niobe all, 108.

moon into salt, 88.

must stop for every drop, 554-
nothing is here for, 206.
of bearded men, 490.

of boyhood's years, 500.
of the sky, 325.

of woe, 501.
smiling in her, 482.
some natural, 203.

source of sympathetic, 354.
such as angels weep, 184.
that speak, 178.
too deep for, 458.

vale of, 480.

wronged orphans', 153.

Teche, and gladly, 2.

Tedious as a twice-told tale, 57.
Teeth are set on edge, 630.

drunkard clasp his, 153.

of time, 570.
skin of my, 612.
spite of my, 671.

Tell a hundred, might, 109.
all my bones, 614.

how the truth may be, 487.
me the tales, 552.

them they are men, 353.
Tellen his tale untrew, 3.
Tell-tale women, 76.
Temper, blessed with, 294.

justice with mercy, 202.
man of such a feeble, 89.
touch of celestial, 196.
whose unclouded ray, 294.
Temperate will, 440.
Tempers the wind, God, 350.
Tempest's breath prevail, 515.
Tempests, glasses itself in, 521.

roar, nor, 272.

Tempestuous petticoat, 168.
Temple built to God, 165, 680.

can dwell in such a, 23.
groves were God's first, 557.

Tend, to thee we, 340.

Tendance, touched by her fair, 199.
Tender and so true, 351.

and true, 603.

for another's pain, 353.
Tenderly, take her up, 554
Tendrils strong, 454.

Tenement of clay, 234-

Teneriff or Atlas unremov'd, 196.
Tenets, some nice, 177.

with books, 292.

Tenor of his way, 385.

of their way, 359.

Tent, pitch my moving, 479.
Tented field, action in the, 129.

Tenth transmitter, no, 326.

Tents, fold their, like Arabs, 575.

of wickedness, 616.

Termagant, o'er-doing, 118.
Terms, good set, 46.

litigious, 219.

Terrible army with banners, 627.
as hell, 189.

man with a terrible name, 463.
Terror, death a new, 543.

have struck more, 77.
in your threats, 93.
so spake the grisly, 189.
Terrors, king of, 612.
Test, bring me to the, 121.

of truth, ridicule the, 661.
Testament as worldlings do, 45.
of bleeding war, 60.
ope the purple, 60.
Tester I'll have in pouch, 25.
Testimony, law and the, 628.
Tetchy and wayward, 76.
Text, God takes a, 164.

many a holy, 359.
rivulet of, 415.
Thais sits beside thee, 234.
Thames, no allaying, 171.
Than I to Hercules, 108.
Thane, your face my, 96.
Thank me no thanks, 681.
thee Jew, 43.

[blocks in formation]

is a reaper, 574.

is nae sorrow, 429.

Thereby hangs a tale, 46, 50.

These are thy glorious works, 197.
Thespis professor of our art, 241.
Thetis, lap of, 228.

They conquer love, 158.
Thick and thin, through, 14, 236.

as autumnal leaves, 183.
inlaid with patines, 44.
Thick-coming fancies, 104.
Thief, apparel fits your, 29.
doth fear each bush, 74.
each thing is a, 88.
in the sworn twelve, 27.
moon's an arrant, 88.

of time, procrastination, 277.
the sea's a, 88.

Thievery, example you with, 88.
Thieves, beauty provoketh, 45.

by the gusty, 554.
Thighs, cuisses on his, 65.
Thine enemy hunger, 640.
Thing, acting of a dreadful, 90.

any good, out of Nazareth,638.
became a trumpet, 446.
dares think one, 315.

Thing, dearest, he owed, 96.
devised by the enemy, 77.
enskied and sainted, 27.
evil, that walks by night, 208.
explain a, 308.
fearful, to see, 527.
highest, is truth. 4.
how bitter a, it is, 50.
how divine a, 444.
if they have a good, 67.
ill-favoured, 50.

in awe of such a, 88.
meanest, that feels, 441.
never says a foolish, 249.
of beauty, 547-

of life, like a, 525.
of sea or land, 205.
of sin and guilt, 209.

one, constant ever, 31.
order gave each, view, 78.
play's the, 115.

started like a guilty, 107.
sweetest, that ever grew, 437-
there's no such, in nature, 250.

to one, constant never, 31.
too much of a good, 11, 49.
tremble like a guilty, 458.
two-legg'd, a son, 235.
undisputed, sayst an, 589.
we like, we figure the, 568.
Things, all, for our general uses,


all meaner, 285.
all thinking, 442.

all, to all men, 641.

all, work together for good,639.
are not what they seem, 573-
are the sons of heaven, 340.
bitterness of, 456.

by their right names, 431.
can such, be, 102.
contests from trivial, 300.
day of small, 631.

done at the Mermaid, 156.
else about her drawn, 439-
equal to all, 374.
evil, goodness in, 70.
facts are stubborn, 367.
fond of humble, 269.
God's sons are, 340.
great lord of all. 288.
great to little man, 369.
hid, wherefore are these, 52.
hoped for, substance of, 643.
ill got, 74.

laudable, write well in, 219.
left undone those. 645.
looked unutterable, 328.
loose types of, 439.

Things, loveliest of lovely, 557-

man's best, 566.

more, in heaven and earth, 113.
not seen, evidence of, 643.
of good report, 642.
remember such, were, 104.
sad vicissitude of, 351.
sad vicissitudes of, 368.
seasoned by season, 44.
secret, belong unto the Lord,

sense and outward, 457-
small with great, 666.
that hath been, 650.
that ne'er were, 297.
that were, dream of, 514.
think on these, 642.
though all, differ, 310.

to come, giant mass of, 81.
two noblest, 262.
unattempted, 182.
unfit for all, 374.
unknown proposed, 299.
we ought to have done, 645.
when virtuous, proceed, 51.
which are Cæsar's, 635.
without all remedy, 101.
Think, but the great unhappy, 282.
him so because I think, 24.
may sigh to, 351.
naught a trifle, 283.
nobly of the soul, 55.

of that Master Brook, 26.
on these things, 642.
one thing, dares, 315.
that day lost, 607.
they talk who never, 258.
those that, must govern, 370.
too little, who, 235.

what you and other men, 88.
Thinketh in his heart, as he, 622.
let him that, 641.

Thinking, waste of thought, 480.
makes it so, 114.
of the days, 583.
their own kisses sin, 86.
with too much, 293.
Thinkings, as to thy, 132.

Thinks most lives most, who, 569.

who, must mourn, 256.
too much, he, 89.

Thin-spun life, slits the, 212.
Thirsty soul, waters to a, 623.
Thirty days hath September, 601.

man a fool at, 278.
This above all, 110.

was a man, 94.

Thomb of gold parde, 2.
Thorn in the flesh, 642.

rose without the, 193.

Thorn, withering on the, 36.
Thorns, little wilful, 582.


that in her bosom lodge, 112.
touched by the, 497-
under a pot, 625.
which I have reaped, 518.
Those graceful acts, 200.
evening bells, 500.

that run away and fly, 227.
that think must govern, 370.
who know thee not, 412.
who inflict must suffer, 539-
Thou art all beauty, 272.

art the man, 610.
canst not say I did it, 101.
little valiant, 56.
slave thou wretch, 56.
troublest me, 76.

Though deep yet clear, 175.
I am native here, 110.
I say it, 678.

last not least in love, gr.
Thought, almost say her body, 150.
armour is his honest, 148.

as a sage, 402.
chaos of, 288.

could wed itself, ere, 584.
deeper than all speech, 568.
destroyed by, 386.
dome of, 514.
explore the, 303.
for the morrow, 633.
her dying, 553-
hushed be every, 456.
in a green shade, 231.
is speech, 489.

is the property of him who
can entertain it, 572.
is tired of wandering, 568.
leaped out, 584.
like a passing, 422.
like a pleasant, 439.
like dew upon a, 533.
loftiness of, 239.
noon of, 409.
not one immoral, 347.
of convincing, 374.
thought of dining, 374.
of our past years, 457.
of tender happiness, 455.
of thee, one, 309.
pale cast of, 117.
perish that, 264.
pined in, 53.

pleasing dreadful, 266.
power of, 525.
rear the tender, 327.
second, 247.

so, go near to be, 33.
so once, 320.

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