페이지 이미지




(Total foreign commerce, 178; trade of the United States and Great Brit-
ain with, 179, 180.)

Straits Settlements (Singapore, Penang, and Malacca)...................


(Importance of Singapore as a trade center, and navigation of the port,
180; details of the trade of Singapore and Penang-imports and ex-
ports by articles, 181; trade by countries and colonies, 182, 183; de-
tails of trade by countries, 183-185; trade of Malacca, 185; imports
and exports of Great Britain with Settlements, 185, 186; trade of
France with, 186; how Great Britain controls the market, 187; Amer-
ican trade with, 187, 188.)

Dutch India
(Imports and exports by countries-principal imports of, 188; trade of
the principal countries and colonies with, 182; trade of France, by
articles, with, 182; trade of Great Britain with, 183; trade of the
United States with, details of, 190, 191.)
Philippine Islands............

(General trade of, details concerning, 192; trade of Great Britain and
France with, 193, 194; American trade with, and how to increase the
same, 194, 195.)





(Foreign commerce by countries, 195; trade of Great Britain with, 196;
trade of France with, 197; American trade with Japan, 197.)



(Foreign trade and its distribution—American trade with, and how to in-
crease the same, 198; trade of Great Britain with, 199.)


China and Hong-Kong..

(CHINA: Analysis of foreign trade, 199; imports and exports, by articles
and countries, 200; HONG-KONG: foreign trade-difficulty of esti-
mating the same--analysis of, 201; imports and exports of, 202; trade
of Great Britain and France with China and Hong-Kong, 202, 203;
American trade, remarkable increase thereof, 204; how to increase
American trade therewith, 205.)

Recapitulation of the trade of Asia.....

(Total imports and exports of the continent, and share of Great Britain,
France, and the United States therein, 205, 206; trade advantages of
colonial possessions-direct trade of Great Britain, France, and the
United States with the continent, 206; total imports and exports by
countries and colonies, and the share of Great Britain, France, and
the United States therein, 207.)




(Total trade, by colonies-foreign, as distinguished from intercolonial
trade, 208; trade of Great Britain with the colonies (separately
given), by articles, 209-216; recapitulation of British trade with Aus-
tralasia, 217; American trade with, analyzed, 217; American and
British trade with, compared, by articles, 218-220; American exports
thereto, by articles, 220.)




(General trade, by articles, 221, 223; British trade with, 223, 224; French
trade with, 225; American trade with, 226.)


Sweden and Norway.

(NORWAY: General trade of, 226, 227; British trade with, 228; French
trade with, 229. SWEDEN: General trade of-British trade with, 230,
231; French trade with, 230, 231. Total trade of Sweden and Nor-
way, 232; American trade with Sweden and Norway, 233.)




(General trade of, by countries, 233, 234; British trade with, 234, 235;
French trade with, 235, 236; American trade with, 236.)

ALL SCANDINAVIA: (Résumé of general trade, and the share of Great Britain
and the United States therein, 236, 237.)



(General trade statistics, 237, 238; British trade with, 239-242; French
trade with, 243, 244; American trade with, 244–247.)



(General trade of, by countries and by articles, 247-249; British trade
with, 249-251; French trade with, 251, 252; American trade with,
and how to increase the same, 253, 254.)



(Special imports and exports of Belgium and the shares of the principal
countries therein, 254, 255; British trade with, 256, 257; French
trade with, 258, 259; American trade with, 260, 261.)

The United Kingdom.............

(General trade and review thereof, 261, 262. Exports of principal British
manufactures from 1872 to 1881-cotton yarns and manufactures, iron
and steel, machinery and millwork, hardware and cutlery, wearing
apparel, haberdashery and millinery, woolen manufactures, linen and
jute goods, coal and coke, analytical review thereof, 263-275; British
general imports by continents and countries-for 1872, 1875, 1879,
1880, and 1881-275, 276; exports to same and for the same years,
277, 278; imports and exports by articles-1879, 1880, and 1881-278-
286; navigation of the kingdom by flags and countries, 286-288; trade
of the kingdom with France, 288-292; trade of the kingdom with the
United States-analytical review thereof for ten years, 292-301.)

(Total trade-review thereof, 302, 303; imports and exports by countries,
304; imports and exports by articles, 305-307; trade with Great
Britain, imports and exports by articles, 308, 309; trade between
France and the United States from French and American returns,
general review thereof, 309-315; review of French trade for 1881,
316, 317.)





(General trade of, 318; trade of France with, imports and exports, 319,
320; trade with the United States, 320.)



(General trade, by articles and countries, 320, 321; British trade with,
322; French trade with, 323, 324; American trade with, 325.



(Trade with principal countries, 326; British trade with, 326, 327; French
trade with, 327, 328; American trade with, 328, 329.)



(Total trade, by articles, 329; by countries, 330; British trade with, 331,
332; French trade with, 332-334; American trade with, 334, 335.)


(General trade, imports and exports, by principal articles, 335-337; manu-
facturing industries of, 338; imports and exports by countries and
ports, 339; British trade with, 339, 340; French trade with, 340, 341;
American trade with, and how to increase the same, 342, 343.)




(General trade of, by countries, 343; British trade with, 344, 345; French
trade with, 345, 346; American trade with, 346, 347.)



(Total trade, by articles, 347; trade of the United States, Great Britain,
and France with, 347-349.)



(General trade of, imports and exports, by articles, 349; trade by countries,
350; trade possibilities of the United States with, 350, 351; British
trade with, 351, 352; French trade with, 352.)


(General imports and exports, by countries, and the shares of Great
Britain, France, and the United States therein, 353; direct trade of
Great Britain, France, and the United States with Europe, 354;
American trade with Europe and the flags under which it is carried,

THE WORLD'S COMMERCE: Recapitulation of....
(General imports and exports of the several countries and colonies, and
the shares of Great Britain, France, and the United States therein,
356-359; analysis of the same, 360, 361; reciprocal trade between
Great Britain, France, and the United States for ten years, 1872–1881,
362; direct trade of Great Britain, France, and the United States
with the world, by continents, countries, and colonies, 363–366;
British, French, and American trade with British and French posses-
sions, 366, 367; direct trade of the United States with the world, 368-
370; review of our trade relations with the world, and how to enlarge
the same, 370–373.)





Sierra Leone: Report by Consul Lewis

(Agriculture, 375; education, harbor, &c., imports, and exports, 376;
sanitary, trade, population and census, 377; occupations, 379; re-
ligion, 380; rainfall, ship tonnage, and returns of births and deaths,
382; exports and imports, 383; shipping, 384; sailing ships, 385,
388, 390; steamships, 386, 389, 391.)

Madagascar: Report by Consul Robinson, of Tamatave



(General report, 392 to 395; trade with the United States, 395.)
Zanzibar: Report by Consul Batchelder


(Cloves, peppers, &c., 396; navigation of port, 398; imports and ex-
ports, 399.)

Mauritius: Report by Consul Prentiss...


(Exports and imports, 400; shipping, 401; trade with the United States,
402; agriculture, 403; labor and wages, 404; banking facilities, leg-
islation, charities, 405; public health, 406; epidemic of 1865-'66,
407; imports, 408-414; exports, 415-418; navigation of Port Louis,
419, 420.)

Réunion: Report by Consular Agent Langlois...

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Morocco: Report by Consul Matthews, of Tangier...............
(Importations, 423; exports, 424; navigation and agriculture, 426; ship-
ping, 427; returns of imports, 428, 429; returns of exports, 430; trade
by ports, 431; imports into Tangier, 432; exports at Tangier, 434;
shipping and imports at Tetuan, 435; exports at Tetuan, 436; im-
ports at Laraiche, 436; exports and foreign shipping at Laraiche,
437; shipping and imports and exports at Rabat, 437, 438; imports
and shipping at Casablanca, 440; imports and exports at Rabat,
438; exports at Casablanca, 441; imports and foreign shipping at
Mazagan, 442, 443; exports at Mazagan, 444; shipping, imports and
exports at Saffi, 445; shipping, imports and exports at Mogador,

Tripoli: Report by Consul Robson.....

(Agriculture, manufactures, 450; mines, fisheries, forests, commerce,
imports, 451; exports, esparto trade and trade with the United
States, 452; system of trade in Tripoli, 453; general observations,
454; imports at Tripoli, 455; exports at Tripoli, 456; navigation of
port, 458.)

Algeria: Report by Consul Jourdan





(Imports, 461; exports, 462; navigation and trade with the United States,
463, 464.)


Egypt: Report by Consul-General Wolf..

(Commerce with the United States, 465; imports from the United States,
466, 467; general imports, 468; general exports, 469; table of imports
and exports, 470; navigation, 471; Suez Canal, 472; navigation of
Suez Canal, 473-476; finances, 476.)



Montreal: Report by Consul-General Smith .......


(Trade, 478; census of Canada, 479; beet sugar, 480; Welland Canal, 480;
steamship communication, 481; imports, 482; exports, 483.)

Nova Scotia: Report by Consul-General Jackson


(Trade of Halifax, 483; navigation of Halifax, 484.)

Manitoba: Report by Consul Taylor.


(Imports at Winnipeg, 488-490; exports at Winnipeg, 491.)
IIamilton, Ontario: Report by Consul Leland .........


(Population of Hamilton, 491; manufactures and dry goods trade, 492;
lumber, sewing-machine, and wool trade, 493; freight per Great West-
ern Railway, 494; navigation and emigration to the United States,
495; exports to the United States, 496; imports from the United
States, 497-500.)

Toronto: Report by Consul Howells.....


(Imports and exports, 501; shipping, 503; value of declared exports, 505.)


Matamoros: Report by Consul Sutton

(Agriculture, 505; climate and health, 506; quarantine, mining, 507;
extradition and American citizenship, 508; political matters, 509;
State capital and telegraph lines, 510; railways, 511; port of Guer-
rero, 512; freight rates, 513; tax laws, 514; the money question, 515;
trade troubles, 516; United States exports to Matamoros, 517; imports
of European goods, 519; exports to the United States, 521; imports
of American goods, 522; imports of European goods, 523; summary,



Hayti: Report by Consul-General Langston
(Agricultural improvement, 525; character of soil, 528; coffee exports,
529; imports from the United States, 531; exchange, 532; national
exposition, 533; exports and imports, 534; duties on American im-
ports, 537; American cotton goods, 538; Haytian carrying trade, 539;
Atlas Steamship Company, 540; port charges, railroads, 542; legisla-
tion, 543; finances, 546; duties collected, 548; exports and imports,
Port au Prince, 552; navigation of Port au Prince, 553; exports and
navigation of Cape Haytien, 554; United States exports of soap to
Cape Haytien, 557; navigation of Port aux Cayes, 560; imports and
exports of Jacmel, 561.)

Gonaives: Report by Consular Agent Charleu...........

(Imports, exports, and navigation, 563; imports, exports, and navigation
of St. Marc, 564; imports, exports, and navigation in Jeremie, 566,
567; imports and exports of Miragoane, 568, 569; imports, exports,
and navigation at Port de Paix, 570; imports, exports, and naviga-
tion at Petit Goaves, 571, 572.)






La Guayra: Report by Consul Bird

(Exports, 573–575.)


Rio de Janeiro: Report by Consul-General Adamson...

(Area and products, 575; rivers, railways, and trade with the United
States, 576; trade of Brazil, 578; exports to the United States, 580;
imports at Rio de Janeiro, 581; how to increase trade, 582; steam com-
munication, 584; navigation of Rio, 585; immigration, telegraphs,
586; mining, 587; health of Rio, 588; history and political condition
of Brazil, 589; climate, &c., 590; religion, 592; education, railways,
593; finances, 594; foreign commerce, 595; commerce of Rio, 597; im-
ports and navigation of Rio, 598; American trade with Brazil, 600;
customs duties, 602; agriculture and labor, 602, 603; immigration,
coffee, 605; sugar, India rubber, 607; jerked beef, 609; timber, 610;
fisheries, 611; imports, 613; exports, 614; foreign navigation at Rio,
616; values of exports and imports, 617; foreign navigation of Rio
for 1880, 616.)

Bahia: Report by Consul Prindle......




(General report, 620-622; imports, 622; exports, 624; navigation, 626.)
Santos: Statement by Consul Wright....


(Exports, 626; imports from the United States, 627; navigation, 628.)
Uruguay: Report by Consul Russell, of Montevideo...


(Exports, 631-644; imports, 634-636; foreign commerce, 637; navigation
of Montevideo, 638; dues and import duties, 640; export tariff, 641;
public debt and revenue, 642; population, emigration and immigra-
tion, 644.)

Argentine Republic: Report by Consul Baker...........

(General review, 645; trade outlook, 646; industries, 647; agriculture,

648; price of land, 649; cattle farming, 650; mines, 651; mint at
Buenos Ayres, 652; foreign navigation, 654-656; foreign trade, 657;
trade of 1879 and 1880 compared, 659; dutiable imports, 661-684; im-
ports, free, 684-686; exports, dutiable, 686–690; exports, free, 690–698;
revenues, 699; public debt, 700.)


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