페이지 이미지


Acheson and Thorp concept that foreign policy and domestic economy
cannot be separated---

Acheson, Hon. Dean, Secretary of State, before the House Committee on
Foreign Affairs, address in support of United States acceptance of mem-
bership in the International Trade Organization___.

Allocation of metals appearing in various parts of 1942 of the Defense
Production Administration___






Armstrong, Willis C., office memorandum from, to Mr. Brown, January 17,
1952, re implementation of IMC allocations__.
Armstrong, Hon. Willis, Office of International Materials Policy, Economic
Affairs Division, Department of State....
75, 103, 149, 191, 239

Articles from Economic Intelligence, May 1952, Chamber of Commerce
of the United States, submitted by Hon. George W. Malone---
Asher, Robert E., to Edwin M. Martin, December 21, 1950, renew Global
Raw Materials Association_.

Bow report on illegality of IMC.


230, 234


Bramble, Mr., to Willis Armstrong, January 3, 1952, re experience of the
United States as a member of the Tungsten-Molybdenum Committee
of the International Materials Conference__.


British seek curbs on United States Stockpiling, article in New York
Times, September 12, 1951, submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin___
British seek stockpile curbs_-.



Chapter IX, the International Trade Organization from United Nations
Yearbook, 1946-47-.


Chapter XIII, the International Trade Organization (ITO), from United
Nations Yearbook, 1947-48---


Cobalt, implementing of the IMC cobalt allocation to the United States,
fourth quarter, 1951, submitted by Hon. George W. Malone_.
Cost of IMC operations to United States_



Correspondence between the Comptroller General of the United States
and Senator Knowland re prosecution of suit against Fallbrook Utility
District (Congressional Record, Feb. 4, 1953, pp. 848–854).
Credits for U. S. S. R., memorandum for the President, January 10, 1945,
re credits for the U. S. S. R...__.



Defense Production Administration No. 426, August 20, 1952-Defense Pro-
duction Administration takes over United States personnel of Inter-
national Materials Conference Secretariat__


DPA ordered GSA to divert materials to industries_


Draft specification for statistical reports on IMC commodities, submitted
by Hon. George W. Malone---


ECA-MSA funds given foreign nations to buy materials in competition with
United States purchasers_


Effect of IMC on stockpile.


Employment of personnel in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State
for Economic Aqairs in connection with the International Materials Con-
ference, submitted by Hon. George W. Malone_.
Entitlements for consumption__
Equality of sacrifice concept---




Evans, Hon. John W., Office of International Materials Policy, State

Evans, John W., to Mr. Leddy, Office of International Materials Policy,
January 10, 1951, re raw materials____.

75, 103, 149, 191, 239

Executive Order 9177, defining additional functions, duties, and powers of
the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of
Agriculture, and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation_.

83, 210


Extracts from I of Resources for Freedom, report to the President by the
President's Materials Policy Commission_

Federal Register, volume 16, pages 10123-10124, GCPR SR 70 and 71, price orders on lead and zinc___

Ferguson and Sadlak amendments to curb IMC.

Fiscal year 1953 Mutual Security presentation for Senate and House hear-
ings; March 1, 1952, submitted by Hon. George W. Malone_
Foreign Service Dispatch No. 4946, April 23, 1952-International Materials
Conference, statement in House of Commons on stockpile disposal, sub-
mitted by John W. Evans, Office of International Materials Policy----
Formation of International Materials Conference_.

Executive Order 10290, safeguarding official information in the interests of the defense of the United States__

Executive Order 10501, safeguarding official information in the interests of the defense of the United States____



71, 78










Freidman, Selma, biographical register of Selma Freidman, Department
of State, April 1, 1953, and supplement of April 3, 1953_
Freidman, Selma, to Willis Armstrong, March 17, 1952, re international
arrangements for the allocation of scarce materials--

Getzin, Hon. Edmund E., metals and minerals staff, State Department_


103, 149, 191, 239 Getzin, Hon. Edmund E., metals and minerals staff, State Department, on minerals, materials, and economic resources, February 19, 1952, speech__ Government programs based on false and misleading information as to actual mineral resources in United States.

Guns and butter cartel_



Habana Charter, article 57, chapter 6, for an International Trade Organization, March 4, 1948-Objectives of the Intergovernmental Commodity Agreements__ 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109 Honest Government administrators were following instructions though aware that it was making us dependent on foreign nations__ IMC acted to divert materials from stockpile_-_ IMC program implemented by DPA___

IMC worked to disadvantage of United States_.

International Materials Conference formed without consent of Congress__
International Materials Conferences Nos. 7, 61, and 71 submitted by Hon.
George W. Malone___






171, 173, 175

International Materials Conference press release No. 31, dated July 6,
1951, first allocation of tungsten and molybdenum__.
International Materials Conference press release No. 49, October 17, 1951,
first allocation of sulfur_____

International Trade Organization hearings before Senate Finance Com-
mittee, March 31, 1947, statement of William Taylor Phillips, Acting
Chief, International Resources Division, Department of State---
Interoffice memorandum, from John W. Evans, International Materials
policy, to Mr. Thorp, January 31, 1951, re United States member and
United States Executive Secretary for Commodity Groups.

ITO Charter, an article to the study of, from Habana Charter for an
International Trade Organization, March 24, 1948, State Department
Publication 3206 ---.

Jeffers, C. W., Executive Secretary, International Materials Conference,
form letter






269, 271


Joint statement by the Governments of France, the United Kingdom, and
the United States, submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin__
Kissick, H. G.. to Willis Armstrong, March 25, 1952, re contributed IMC
costs for 1952-53-.


Legal basis for United States participation in the International Materials
Conference and source of financing, submitted by Hon. Donold B. Lourie,
Under Secretary of State for Administration_.


List of State Department employees engaged on various international
agreements, meetings, and publications, etc_-
List of strategic and critical materials_‒‒‒‒



Lourie, Hon. Donold B., Under Secretary of State for Administration, to chairman, December 30, 1953, re documents in possession of State Department with respect to IMC..



75, 103, 149

Lourie, Hon. Donold B., Under Secretary of State for Administration
Lower echelons: policy often emanates from lower echelons which can
hamstring top policy officials___.

Martin, Hon. Thomas E., a Representative in Congress from the State of

Measures for International Economic Stability, report by a group of ex-
perts appointed by the Secretary General, United Nations, Department
of Economic Affairs, New York, 1951--.

"Merchant vessels lost worldwide, 1942, all causes," table submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin__

Morgenthau, Hon. Henry, Secretary of the Treasury, to the President, re aid to Russia___

International minerals and metals_.

Morton, Hon. Thruston B., Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional







75, 103, 149, 191, 239

Official report of the United States delegation to the first meeting of the
Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on Trade and
Employment, London, England, October 15, 1946_.
IMC. Papers on general policy for the guidance of United States repre-
sentatives at International Materials Conference, issued by the Office of
Defense Mobilization, submitted by Hon. George W. Malone_
Position paper 29, April 20, 1951, Task Force I of the foreign-aid Steer-
ing Group, international arrangements for the allocation of scarce

Press release of the Office of Defense Mobilization, September 20, 1951,
submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin___.

Press release of the Office of Defense Mobilization, September 30, 1951, submitted by Hon. George W. Malone__

Press release of the Defense Production Administration, August 20, 1952,
submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin___

Press release of the State Department on International Materials Con-
ference, February 24, 1951, submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin__.
Press release of the State Department on International Materials Con-
ference, September 28, 1951, submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin-----
Press release of the International Materials Conference, October 17, 1951,
submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin_-_-

Press release of the State Department on scarce commodity committees, submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin___





31, 174

[blocks in formation]

Press release of the International Materials Conference, June 22, 1951,
submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin__

President's statement approving S. 752, July 23, 1946_.
"Procurement authorizations by commodity group and area of source,"
table submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin____

"Procurement authorizations by commodity and country of destination,"
table submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin__.

Proposals concerning an international trade organization__.

Proposals concerning an international trade organization, section C of
London Conference, submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin___.

Proposals for expansion of world trade and employment-Department of
State Publication 2411, November 1945.

Public Law 520–.

Public Law 520, 79th Congress, 2d session__

Questions and answers on International Materials Conference, Defense
Production Administration, June 16, 1952, submitted by Hon. George
W. Malone___

Report from Geneva to the Office of Public Affairs, Department of State-
International Conference on Trade and Employment, second meeting of
Preparatory Committee__

Report from Geneva to the Office of Public Affairs-International Confer-
ence on Trade and Employment, second meeting of Preparatory Com-
mittee, report No. 2----

Reporting of the Drafting Committee of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, Lake Success, New York (January 20 to January 25, 1947) –

[ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small]

Report of the first session of the Preparatory Committee of the United
Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, London, October 1946___
Report on informal hearings on proposed charter for an international trade
organization, February 25-March 12, 1947-----
Report on operations, International Materials Conference, 1951-52, re-
quirements for strategic stockpiling, submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin__
Report on the IMC working funds as administered by the Defense Produc-
tion Administration____.





Reports to Speaker of the House Joseph W. Martin, by Congressmen Frank
T. Bow, Antoni N. Sadlak, George A. Dondero, and Edward H. Jennison 1069
Report of the second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United
Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, Geneva, Switzerland,
August 22, 1947__.


Sadlak report on IMC, May 15, 1953, submitted by Hon. Edmund E.
Getzin, Metals and Minerals Staff, State Department__
Second and third echelon policy makers..
Section 336 of the 1930 Tariff Act_-_.

Ship losses, World War II_____.

State Department determined policies of other departments-Parallel
statements of Getzin, State Department, and Wilson, ODM___


State Department efforts to keep IMC documents classified__


[ocr errors]






State Department exercised hidden control over IMC..

State Department memorandum, dated January 10, 1951.
State Department memorandum, dated January 31, 1951.
State Department objection yardstick___

State Department opinion on legality of IMC

Statement by G. J. Ticoulat, Deputy Administrator, Defense Production
Administration, before the Senate Banking and Currency Committee___ 1045
Statement of Robert F. Loree, chairman, National Foreign Trade Coun-
cil, Inc., before the House Committee on Banking and Currency, May
23, 1952.

Stockpile Withdrawals and Diversions Is Drawn on-Zinc and Rutile To
Be Released and Diverted to Defense, article in New York Times, sub-
mitted by Hon. Thomas Martin_

Shortage of copper caused by IMC.

Stockpile report to the Congress, Munitions Board, January 23, 1952___
Systematic approach to favor acquisition of materials and minerals from
foreign sources to detriment of development and exploration of domes-
tic source--.

Tariffs and preferences, section B of international agreement relating to
industrial production____







Third quarter copper allotments increase: Fowler statement, Defense
Production Administration, release of June 17, 1952__.


Thorp, Willard L., Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, the
New International Economic Challenge, from the Department of State
Bulletin, Aug. 13, 1951___.




Unauthorized operation of IMC_.

United Kingdom dumped their lead stockpile on depressed world market__
United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment held at Habana.
Cuba, from November 21, 1947, to March 24, 1948-Final act and
related documents___

United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment held at Habana,
Cuba, from November 21. 1947, to March 24, 1948-Reports of com-
mittees and principal subcommittees, interim commission for the Inter-
national Trade Organization, Geneva, September 1948_.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment-Habana (United
States delegation), submitted by Hon. Thomas Martin___
Vanaman, Maj. Gen. A. W., USAF, commandant, Industrial College of the
Armed Forces, to Hon. Willis C. Armstrong, Office of International
Materials Policy, Economic Affairs Division, Department of State,
November 8, 1951__.

Walsh, A. J., Commissioner, General Services Administration, to chair-
man, October 16, 1953___.

Warren, Hon. Lindsay C., Comptroller General of the United States, to
Hon. Homer Ferguson, September 23, 1952, submitted by Hon. Thomas






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