The Poetical Works of John MiltonWilliam P. Nimmo, 1873 - 440ÆäÀÌÁö |
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Adam agni amorous angels ANTISTROPHE arm'd arms aught beast behold bliss bright call'd cherubim Chor cloud Comus Dagon dark death deeds deep delight didst divine doth dread dwell earth eternal evil eyes fair Father Faunus fear fire flowers fr©¡na fruit glory gods grace hand happy hast hath heard heart heaven heavenly hell hill honour ipse Israel John Milton Jove King light live Lord Lycidas Messiah mihi Milton mind Muse night numbers numina nymphs o'er Olympo Paradise Paradise Lost pass'd peace Philistines Phoebus praise qu©¡ reign return'd round Satan seat seem'd serpent shade shalt sight Son of God song soon soul spake spirits stars stood sweet taste thee thence thine things thither thou art thou hast thoughts throne Thyrsis thyself tibi tree Tu quoque turn'd vex'd virtue voice whence wings wonder