DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. MAINE. NORTH-EAST BOUNDARY. - The following statement in relation to the arrest at Madawasca, was made in a report of the Executive Council, November 7th, 1831. PRESENT THE GOVERNOR, Messrs Lane, Howard, Prince, Cobb, Smith, Johnson. In virtue of a warrant from a magistrate of the County of Penobscot, the inhabitants of Madawasca, on the 20th day of August last, assembled at a place southward of the St Johns river, on this side of the line, designated by the arbiter as, in his opinion, a suitable boundary between the two governments, and proceeded peaceably to organize themselves, in pursuance of an act of the legislature of Maine, incorporating the town of Madawasca. On the 12th day of September last, they held a town meeting for the purpose of electing a Representative, as required by the laws and constitution of this State. For these acts, four of our citizens have been arrested by the authorities of New Brunswick, carried out of the State, and three of them, Barnabas Hunewell, Daniel Savage and Jesse Wheelock, are now confined in jail at Frederickton, in execution of a sentence pronounced against them, after the form of a trial in a court of that province. As these citizens were arrested by a foreign power, at a place which is claimed and known to be within the limits of this State, and for the exercise of a privilege guarantied to every citizen, we have no hesitation in coming to the conclusion, that the State is bound to adopt all proper and constitutional means within its power, to procure their release. It appears by documents in the office of the Secretary of State of this State, that immediately on receiving information of these transactions, the facts were communicated by the Governor to Mr Livingston, the Secretary of State of the United States, with an urgent request that the proper measures might be adopted by the general government to procure the release of our citizens and to protect our territory from invasion. To this application an answer was duly received from Mr Livingston, under date of 21st of October last, stating 'the extreme desire of the executive of the United States to conform with scrupulous good faith to the arrangement made with the minister of Great Britain for preserving the state of things as it then existed on both sides, until a final disposition could be made of the question, and it was distinctly understood that no exertion of the State authority in the parts of the disputed territory, which were actually held by the British, should interfere with this arrangement.' It further appears by the documents communicated, thatalthough the proceedings of the inhabitants of Madawasca were supposed to be a violation of that agreement, yet prompt measures were adopted by the President through the interposition of the representative of the British Government at Washington, to procure the release of the persons who had taken part in these transactions. We have caused an examination to be made, but no copy of the arrangement referred to can be found among the archieves of the State. And thoughallusion is made to such an arrangement in the correspondence between Mr Clay, former Secretary of State of the United States and the late governor Lincoln, it was at that time asserted to have been violated by the British authorities, and we are satisfied that in numerous instances, it has been totally disregarded by them. In order to show the views of the general government with regard to the measures to be adopted by this State, which are now the subject of our consideration, we refer to the following extracts from Mr Livingston's Letter before referred to. The president desires me to reiterate to you, his anxious desire that you would use your authority and influence to prevent any further collision with the British authorities, in the firm persuasion that the wisdom of Congress will direct such ultimate measures, as will bring the controversy to a close, consistent with the interest and dignity of the United States, and particularly, of the states interested in the question. He receives the strongest assurances from the representative of the British government, that no innovation will be countenanced on the part of its provincial functionaries; and on our part, good faith as well as the protection of the frontier, from unauthorized mutual inroads, require the same course of conduct.' In a previous letter to the Governor, dated October 5th, Mr Livingston observes, 'the president directs me to say, that he relies on your excellency's prudence to avoid any unnecessary exertion of authority over the contested ground, and to repress as far as lies in your power, all such acts as may endanger the quiet of the bordering territory.' Congress will meet in the course of a few weeks, and it will be a source of deep regret if the moderation and forbearance, which have hitherto characterized the government and people of Maine, should cease to guide them, when its further continuance for so short a period is of such consequence to the nation.' After a full consideration of all the facts and circumstances within our knowledge, in relation to the subject submitted to us, we are of opinion that every proper and constitutional measure at present in the power of the executive of this State to procure the release of our citizens confined at Frederickton, has been adopted. And if the committee have forborne to recommend more efficacious means for their immediate release, it is because they believe the State is not in possession of the constitutional power to execute them with out the concurrence of the general gov ernment. Believing that Congress, which is soon to meet, will adopt the necessary measures to bring this controversy to a close, consistently with justice, the peace of the nation, and the constitutional rights of the State, which we believe, will never be voluntarily surrendered, and as we desire to conform to the wishes of the general government, we do not deem it expedient at this time to recommend measures which might lead to collision with the British authorities. But from the exposed situation of our frontier settlements, and the danger to which they are subjected by encroachments from a neighboring province, we recommend that the governor be advised to issue a general order, requiring the militia of the State to hold themselves in readiness to meet such requisitions as the president may deem necessary, to protect our territory from invasion and our citizens from capture. ISAAC LANE, per order. In Council, November 7th, 1831. This report, on being read, was accepted by the council, and by the governor approved. Attest: R. G. GREENE, sec'y of state. A true copy - attest: R. G. GREENE, sec'y of state. STATE OF MAINE. Head quarters, Portland, Nου. 8, 1831. GENERAL ORDER. The security and defence of our rights as citizens of a free State, being dependent upon our military establishment, it is not less a duty than the privilege of the citizen soldier to be at all times prepared to repel the invasion of those rights, and afford his aid in the due execution of the laws of his country. The exposed situation of the frontier settlements of this State, and the dangers to which they are subjected by continual encroachments from a foreign power, having, in the opinion of the executive council, rendered it necessary that the militia of the State should be reminded that events might occur which would require their services; the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF therefore ORDERS that the several divisions of the militia be in readiness to meet such requisitions as circumstances and the laws of the State may require, and as the president of the United States may deem necessary, for the protection of our citizens and territory. The major generals will cause this order to be promulgated throughout their respective divisions. By the commander-in-chief, SAMUEL G. LADD, adj't general. At the meeting of the Legislature of 1832, the following proceedings took place in relation to this controversy. The people of Maine, and Massachusetts also, felt a general conviction, that |