
it attacked the Russian army, and directly after the battle of Igani on the tenth of April, the Polish troops defending Warsaw. Its ravages continued in that city seven weeks, and it extended itself through Poland. It appeared at Dantzic and Riga in the month of May, and on the tenth of June it made its appearance at St Petersburgh, where it remained about the same period. In July it was found at Archangel, in August at Berlin and at Vienna. In Hungary the destruction was appalling, it having destroyed 102,657 in that kingdom between the months of June and October. Having thus ravaged the interior of the European continent, it made its appearance on the shore of the German ocean, at Hamburgh in the beginning of October, and established itself in the centre of the commercial intercourse of the north of Europe. Great alarm was now felt in England, and the government with commendable prudence took every precaution to avert or to alleviate the scourge, which seemed to be approaching that kingdom. Medical men were sent to the continent, to obtain information of the best mode of treating the disease, and to make themselves acquainted with its nature and its characteristics. A rigid quarantine was kept up in all the ports; but in Sunderland where the regulations were lax and ill observed, the cholera made its appearance on the twentysixth of October. It thence slowly extended itself through England, Scotland and Ireland, exhibiting itself with comparative mildness in the island

of Great Britain, where every measure of precaution had been taken; and raging with more severity and for a longer period in Ireland, where the habits and poverty of the people presented a favorable field for its ravages. On the thirteenth of February 1832, it appeared at London, where it soon ceased to be an object of terror except to the higher classes, although its visitations were most frequent among those poorly lodged and fed. In that city the total number of deaths up to the seventh of April was 1158; while in Paris, (where it suddenly appeared on the twentysixth of March, without having visited any of the frontier ports or towns,) the deaths were 1000 per diem, and by the 20th of April they had amounted to 11,000 in that city. From Paris the pestilence spread to the adjoining towns, and particularly to those on the banks of the Seine, where great mortality prevailed.

Its progress through Europe from the interior of Russia to the western shores of the old world, excited apprehensions that it would ultimately reach the American continent. Nothing, however, was done to prevent its introduction, and on the 9th of June those apprehensions were realized, by the announcement of its appearance at Quebec and almost simultaneously at Montreal. A great number of emigrants from Ireland had arrived at Quebec that season, - 25,700 having reached there before the day when the cholera broke out, and in the Carricks, a vessel from Dublin, fortytwo passengers had died of that

complaint on her voyage. Short- concluded, that no measures of


precaution could prevent its ex-
tension to the principal cities of
the United States.
however, were at once taken in
the larger towns to mitigate the
severity of the scourge, which
now seemed inevitable. Warned
by the example of New York,
where a supineness, and a want of
foresight highly discreditable to
that city, had prevented any

ly after the arrival of the Carricks the cholera made its appearance in Quebec, and extended itself up the river St Lawrence, apparently travelling with the emigrants, to Montreal, and the villages on its banks as far as Lake Ontario. It also diverged towards Lake Champlain, and appearing at Whitefall on the 16th and at Fort Miller on the 17th of June, travelled with rapid strides to- preparations from being made wards Albany. No steps had against a pestilence so long exbeen taken by the federal govern- pected, the magistrates of the ment to guard against its intro- neighboring cities adopted the duction, and the state govern- most energetic measures, to thorments were entirely unprepared oughly cleanse the streets and all for its appearance. The citizens, places where filth was likely to however, took the matter into be collected. Public hospitals their own hands, and acting upon were provided at the municipal the supposition, that cholera was expense, and in some towns comcontagious, they put a stop to the mittees were formed to aid the intercourse, between the United medical profession in taking care States and Canada. Whether of the sick. In the interior of the this quarantine was evaded, or country, however, apprehension whether the disease moved along of the disorder prevailed over all the great channels of commercial other considerations, and in many intercourse in obedience to some instances persons attacked with law of the atmospheric or telluric the cholera, while flying from insystem, certain it is, that about the fected places, were inhumanly left last of June, suspicious cases ap- to die in barns and sheds deserted, peared both at New York and and their sufferings unalleviated Albany, and on the 2d of July it by sympathy or aid. In the city was fully ascertained, that the of New York the disease raged cholera had obtained a foothold with great violence - the deaths in both of those cities. No hope by cholera alone exceeded one now remained of preventing the hundred per day from the 20th diffusion of the disease through to 25th of July, when it seemed the country. These cities were to have attained its height. Afthe two central points, from which ter that it diminished, but did not the chief routes of communica- entirely disappear until the first tion to the different quarters of of November, when it no longer the union diverged; and yielding to appeared in the weekly reports. the belief, that the contagion was During that time 3497 died of communicated through human that complaint, and the total numintercourse, the public at once ber of deaths in that city from

the first of July to the twentyseventh of October exceeded 6,200.

On the twentyseventh of July, the cholera made its appearance in Philadelphia, but did not afflict that place severely; great pains having been taken to purify the city. From New York and Albany the pestilence took a westerly direction, appearing in the Eastern States only in a few isolated cases; but travelling along the great western canal from Albany, and through New Jersey from New York to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Norfolk and Richmond, beyond which it did not penetrate on that route.

From Montreal too the cholera took a similar course towards the northwest-making its appearance at Kingston and York in Upper Canada, shortly before breaking out at New York. From Albany it extended itself to Utica, Rochester and Buffalo, where it met the contagious current which had ascended the St Lawrence. From Buffalo it spread along lake Erie to Cleaveland, where it showed itself on the sixth and at Cincinnati on the eighth of October. It did not appear at Pittsburgh until later, and then only in a few

cases. From Cincinnati it passed to Louisville and thence to New Orleans where it raged with violence unprecedented in America, at the same time with the yellow fever, commencing about the 26th of October, and on the first of November alone the deaths exceeded one hundred and seventy. From the 28th of October to the 11th of November, the interments in that city amounted to 1668, notwithstanding a large portion of the population had left the place. Such dreadful mortality had never been witnessed before even in that unhealthy place, and in less than a year the city would have been depopulated by the hand of death. Fortunately the pestilence was as short in its duration, as it was violent. On the ninth of November the temperature of the atmosphere changed, cool winds prevailed and a slight frost at an unusually early period, put an end to the yellow fever and cholera together.

The same cause checked its activity in other places, and the pestilence which seemed to be passing off to the southwest, slumbered during the winter season, as it had upon the European continent.


Preliminary remarks on Nullification - Nullification by Georgia Decisions of Supreme Court. - Nullification by SouthCarolina - Bill calling a Convention defeated - Free trade Convention - Tariff Convention - Proceedings in Congress In House - In Senate Bill of Secretary of Treasury - Bill of Committee on manufactures Bill passes Address of the South Carolina Delegation - Convention called in South Carolina Ordinance nullifying Revenue Laws - Measures adopted to enforce Ordinance Course of the Federal Government - Proclamation of President.

In every community there is a principle hostile to the authority of the government; and the difference between an arbitrary gov ernment and one formed upon a constitutional basis, is strikingly manifested in the development of this principle.

In despotism, the actual injustice suffered from the minions of power; the uncertain tenure by which all civil and religious rights are held; and the general poverty and wretchedness, which such institutions are calculated to produce, all conspire to place the people in opposition to the government and render them prompt to rebel against its authority. In governments of a more liberal character, disaffection is produced by other causes. Wherever passion prevails over reason; where the excitements of interest are stronger than the prohibitions of

principle; where the necessities of men are greater than their means, an impatience at the existing state of things springs up, which incites individuals to crime and communities to rebellion.Such ever has been, and such ever will be the condition of society, until the principle of evil shall be eradicated from the nature of man, and the restraints of government abolished as no longer necessary. Until the predicted Millenium shall be upon earth, civil freedom and good order can be preserved only by a constant contest on the one hand with arbitrary power, and on the other with those, who confound liberty with licentiousness and who regard the institutions of society, merely as so many impediments to the gratification of their own desires. Against the encroachments of rulers, political

constitutions framed with wisdom and preserved with care furnish a sufficient safeguard; while the licentious and the factious are to be restrained solely by the terror of the law, or by the physical force of the sound part of the community. Treaties and compacts, are insufficient securities. Incapable of self-control, they soon cease to respect the binding force of covenants, and look upon the attainment of their own peculiar ends and the gratification of their own desires, as the chief rule of their conduct, before which all other laws must bow. This general proposition has not found an exception in the United States. From the earliest period of our history, there always have been portions of the community, to whom the restraints of the constitution and the laws, have been obnoxious; but from the popular character of the government, they have always been compelled to veil their real designs under an affected desire to extend the rights of the people, and to restore the purity of the constitution.

That article in the treaty of '83, which prevented the confiscation of debts due to British subjects, gave great dissatisfaction to a certain portion of society, and when Shay raised the standard of rebellion, 'every one that was in distress, every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him,' as the vindicator of popular rights, against the tyranny of the laws.

When the western settlers of Pennsylvania opposed the execution of the revenue laws, it was under the pretence, that the im

position of an excise on whiskey, was an unconstitutional interference with the investment of capital, and a partial and oppressive burden on the industry of that part of the union. Similar instances have never been wanting, when any considerable portion of the community have been desirous of evading or opposing the execution of a law which bears upon their particular interests. The wit of man is quick to devise ingenious arguments, and sophistry is ever ready to vindicate the pretensions of cupidity and ambition. Hence the constitution is as often appealed to in behalf of those, who would use it to promote the designs of state aggrandizement, and local oppression, as of those who regard it merely as the palladium of civil liberty.When Georgia advanced her claim to the Cherokee country under the specious pretence, that the laws and treaties of the United States were contrary to the federal compact, the whole country was opposed to her pretensions, and in the 19th Congress they were rejected, by an almost unanimous voice. Emboldened by the change which had taken place in the federal governinent, and probably acquainted with the views of the new President, those who administered the state government, proceeded shortly after the accession of General Jackson to encroach upon the Cherokee territory, in violation of the laws and treaties of the United States, which they declared to be null and void, as inconsistent with the reserved rights of the sovereign State of Georgia.

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