It appears to me, therefore, that no further interference on my part would be either useful or proper, and I shall accordingly abstain from making it, unless something, not at present fore liberal consideration to the interests of the northern provinces, this precedent would authorize them to ask no more than to be placed in fair and equal competition with the direct intercourse; which, if it ultimately diverted the seen by me, shall call for it. trade from the indirect channels, would do so by gradual means, thereby attaining the object, and Mr McLane to Mr Van Buren. in the manner professed by Great Britain. More than this would not merely give a preference to the indirect trade, but would continue a monopoly which they could neither demand, nor Great Britain concede, without a breach of her agreement. London, April 22, 1831. I send, herewith, the new bill concerning the colonial trade, which has passed both Houses of Parliament, and now only wants the approval of the King to become a law. This I am informed, will be given in a few days, under a commission issuing for this, with various other bills which have passed during the present session. This bill will be found to cor That the present measure went beyond these limits, would not be denied; and no equality in any part of the trade could be predicated of its provisions. Although respond, in all respects, with the in this interview Lord Grey ex- statement in my despatch of the pressed no positive opinion, he 14th March, number 33, in which evidently inclined to favor the I informed you of what had been measure proposed by the Board previously done, and that my neof Trade, and we separated with gotiation on this subject, was an assurance from him that he finally closed. would give the subject his mature consideration. II.-FOREIGN. GREAT BRITAIN. IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT, 1831. THE king opened the Parliament in person on the 6th of December, with the following royal speech: 'My Lords and Gentlemen, 'I have called you together, that you may resume, without further delay, the important duties on which the circumstances of the times require your immediate attention; and I sincerely regret the inconvenience which I am well aware you must experience from so early a renewal of your labors, after the short interval of repose allowed you from the fatigues of last session. the preservation of the peace, both at home and abroad, will under the blessings of Divine Providence, afford the best and most effectual remedy. I feel assured of your disposition to adopt any practicable measures which you always find me ready and anxious to assist, both for removing the causes and mitigating the effects of the wants of employment, which the embarrassments of commerce, and the consequent interruption of the pursuits of industry have occasioned. It is with great concern that I have observed the existence of a disease at Sunderland, similar in its appearance and character to that which has existed in many parts of Europe. Whether it is indigenous, or has been import I feel it my duty in the first place to recommend to your most careful consideration the measures which will be proposed to you for a reform in the Com-ed from abroad, is a question in mons House of Parliament. A speedy and satisfactory settlement of this question becomes daily of more pressing importance to the security of the State, and to the contentment and welfare of my people. I deeply lament the distress which still prevails in many parts of my dominions, and for which volved in much uncertainty, but its progress has neither been so extensive nor so fatal as on the continent. It is not, however, the less necessary to use every precaution against the further extension of this malady; and the measures recommended by those who have had the best opportunities of observing it, as most effective for the purpose, have been adopted. In parts of Ireland a systematic opposition has been made to the payment of tithes, attended in some instances with afflicting results, and it will be one of your first duties to inquire whether it may not be possible to effect in provements in the laws respecting this subject, which may afford the necessary protection to the Established Church, and at the same time remove the present cause of complaint. But on this and every other question affecting Ireland, it is above all things necessary to look to the best means of securing internal peace and order, which alone seem wanting to raise a country blessed by Providence with so many natural advantages, to a state of the greatest prosperity. The conduct of the Portuguese Government, and the repeated injuries to which my subjects have been exposed, have prevented a renewal of the diplomatic relation with that kingdom. The state of a country so long united with this by the ties of a most intimate al liance, must necessarily be to me an object of the deepest interest, and the return to Europe of the elder branch of the illustrious House of Braganza, and the dangers of a disputed succession, will require my most vigilant attention to events, by which not only the safety of Portugal, but the general interests of Europe, may be affected. The arrangements which I announced to you at the close of last Session for the separation of the States of Holland and Belgi um, has been followed by a treaty between the five Powers and the King of the Belgians, which I have directed to be laid before you as soon the ratification shall have been exchanged. A similar treaty has not yet been agreed to by the King of the Netherlands; but I trust the period is not distant when that Sovereign will see the necessity of acceding to an agreement in which the Plenipotentiaries of the five Powers have unanimously concurred, and which has been framed with the utmost careful and impartial attention to all the interests concerned. I have the satisfaction to inform you, that I have concluded with the King of the French a convention, which I directed to be laid before you; the object of which is the effectual suppression of the African Slave Trade. This convention, having for its basis the concession of reciprocal rights to be mutually exercised in specified latitudes and places, will, I trust, enable the two naval forces of the two countries to accomplish by their combined efforts, an object which is felt by both to be so important to the interests of humanity. Regarding the state of Europe generally, the friendly assurances which I receive from Foreign Powers, and the union which subsists between me and my allies, inspire me with a confident hope that peace will not be interrupted. Gentlemen of the House of Commons: I have directed the estimates, for the ensuing year to be pre The scenes of violence and outrage which have occurred in the city of Bristol, and in some other places, have caused me the deepest affliction. The authority of the laws must be vindicated by the punishment of offences which have produced so extensive a destruction of property and so melancholy a loss of life. I think it right to direct your attention to the best means of preserving the Municipal Police of the kingdom in the more effectual protection of the public peace against the occurrence of similar commotions. Sincerely attached to our free constitution, I never cansanction any interference with the legitimate exercise of these rights which secure to my people the privileges of discussing and making known their grievances; but in respecting these rights, it is also my duty to prevent combinations, under whatever pretence, which in their form and character are incompatible with all regular Government, and are equally opposed to the spirit and to the provisions of the law; and I know that I shall not appeal in vain to my faithful subjects to second my determined resolution to repress all illegal proceedings by which the peace and security of my dominions may be endangered.' Proclamation for the Suppression of Political Unions. From the London Gazette, Nov. 22. WILLIAM R. Whereas certain of our subjects, in different parts of our kingdom have recently promulgated plans for voluntary associations, under the denomination of Political Unions, to be composed of separate bodies, with various divisions and subdivisions, under leaders, with a gradation of ranks and authority, and distinguished by certain badges, and subject to the general control and direction of a superior committee or council, for which associations no warrant has been given by us, or by any appointed by us, on that behalf. And whereas according to the plans so promulgated as aforesaid, a power appears to us to be assumed of acting independently of the civil magistrates, to whose requisitions, calling upon them to be enrolled as constables, the individuals composing such associations are bound in common with the rest of our subjects, to yield obedience. And whereas such associations, constituted and appointed, under such separate direction and command, are obviously incompatible with the faithful performance of this duty, at variance with the acknowledged principles of the constitution, and subversive of the authority with which we are invested, as the Supreme Head of the State, for the protection of the public peace. And whereas, we are determined to maintain, against all encroachments on our estly warning and enjoining all our subjects to abstain from entering into such unauthorized combinations, whereby they may draw upon themselves the penalties attending a violation of the laws, and the peace and security of our dominions may be endangered. Given at our Court at St James's this 21st day of November, 1831, and in the second year of our reign. THE KING.' 'GOD SAVE LEGISLATURE OF THE BAHAMAS. Nassau, June 4, 1831. On Tuesday last the Governor opened the present session of the Legislature, with the following Speech: Gentlemen of the Council, Mr Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly. His Majesty in council having been pleased, on the 22d of November last to disallow the Jury act passed by this Legislature in the month of December, 1827,1 have felt it my duty to call you together, in order that you may have another opportunity of preparing and passing another act, for the regulation of our juries in this colony; and in which new act the clauses humbly pointed out in the report of the lords of the committee of council for trade and plantations to his Majesty, as objectionable, must be left out. 2. The Lords of the Comınittee of Council for trade and plantations, state in their report to his Majesty of the 12th of November, 1830, that the Jury act revives an act passed in 1806, by which Roman Catholics and free people of color were disabled from serving on grand petty juries, and, adds, that it does not seem fit that distinctions of this nature should be established or recognised by law. A colonial act to which I gave my assent, on the 14th of January, 1830, has declared, that the Statute of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, entitled an act for the relief of his Majesty's Roman Catholic subjects, shall be in force within these islands. There remains the enactment relative to white people alone being competent to serve as jurors, for you to erase, from the July act, if you wish it to receive the Royal approbation. |