


Signed at London on the 22d October.

His majesty the king of the French, and his Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, having been invited by his Majesty the King of the Belgians to carry into execution the articles of the treaty relative to the Netherlands, concluded at London on the 15th of November, 1831, the execution of which, according to the terms of the 25th article of the said treaty, has been conjointly guaranteed by their said Majesties the Emperor of Austria, the King of Prussia, and the Fimperor of all the Russias;

Having moreover recognised that all the efforts made in common by the Five Powers who signed the said treaty to arrive at its execution by means of negotiation have hitherto failed to effect;

Agreeing besides that further delay in its execution, will seriously compromise the general peace of Europe, have determined, notwithstanding the regret they experience at finding that their Majesties the Emperor of Austria, the King of Prussia, and the Emperor of all the Russias, are not at this moment prepared to concur in the active measures which are called for in order that the treaty may be carried into effect, on fulfilling, in that respect, without any further delay, their own engagements, and on carrying on by mutual consent the measures best calculated for that purpose, their Majesties the King of the French,

and the King of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, have appointed for their Plenipotentiaries, namely, his Majesty the king of the French, M. Ch. Maurice de Talleyrand Perigord, etc. etc. and his Majesty the king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Hon. Henry John Viscount Palmerston, etc.

Who after having exchanged their full powers, which were found in good and due form, have agreed upon and signed the following articles.

ART. 1. His Majesty the King of the French, and his Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, will notify to his Majesty the King of the Netherlands, and his Majesty the King of the Belgians respectively, that their intention is to proceed immediately to the execution of the treaty of the 15th of Nov. 1831, conformably to engagements which they have contracted; and as a first step towards the accomplishment of this end, their said Majesties will require his Majesty the King of the Netherlands to enter into an engagement by the 2d of November, at the latest, to withdraw on the 12th of the said month, all his troops from the territories which, by the first and second article of the said treaty, ought to form the Kingdom of Belgium, of which the contracting parties to that treaty have guaranteed the independence and neutrality. And their said Majesties will also require his Majesty the King of the Belgians to enter into an engagement on the 2d of Nov. of the present year, at the latest to withdraw on or before the 12th of the said month of Nov. his troops from the territories of his Majesty the King of the Netherlands, so that after the 12th instant, there shall be no Netherland troops within the limits of the Kingdom of Belgium, nor any Belgian troops in the territory of the King of the Netherlands. And their Majesties the King of the French and the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, declare at the same time to his Majesty the King of the Netherlands, and to his Majesty the King of the Belgians respectively, that if this requisition to their Majesties is not complied with, they shall proceed without any further notice or delay in the measures which shall appear to them necessary to compel the execution of it.

ART. 2. If the king of the Netherlands refuses to agree to the engagement mentioned in the preceding article, their Majesties the King of the French, and the king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland will order an embargo immediately to be put upon all the Netherland vessels in the ports of their respective dominions, and they will also order their respective cruisers to stop and bring into their ports all the Netherland vessels which they may meet with at sea, and a French and English squadron combined will be stationed on the coasts of Holland for the more efficacious execution of this


ART. 3. If, on the 15th of No

vember, the Netherland troops shall be still in the Belgian territory, a French corps shall enter Belgium for the purpose of compelling the Netherland troops to evacuate the said territory, it being well understood that the king of the Belgians shall have previously expressed his wish for the entrance of the French troops upon his territory for the purpose above stated.

ART. 4. If the measure pointed out in the preceding article becomes necessary, its objects shall be limited to the expulsion of the Netherland troops from the citadel of Antwerp, and the forts and places dependent upon it, and his Majesty the King of the French, in his lively solicitude for the independence of Belgium as for that of all established Governments, expressly undertakes not to occupy any of the fortified places of Belgium by the French troops, which shall be employed in the above service, and when the citadel of Antwerp and the ports and places dependent upon it, shall have been evacuated by the Netherlands troops, they will be immediately delivered up to the military authorities of the King of the Belgians, and the French troops will immediately retire upon the French territory.

ART. 5. The present convention shall be ratified and the ratfications exchanged at London, within eight days or sooner if possible.

In testimony of which the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the preceding articles, and have affixed the seals of their

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By the grace of God, we, Nicholas, I., Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias, King of Poland, &c. &c.

In our constant solicitude for the happiness of the nations which Providence has confided to our government, we are occupied in fixing the basis for the future organization of the Kingdom of Poland, having regard to the true interests and positions of the country, and to the local wants and manners of the inhabitants.


ART. 1. The kingdom of Poland is to be forever re-united to the Russian empire, and form an inseparable part of that empire. It shall have a particular administration conformably to its local necessities, as well as a civil and military code. The statutes and the laws of cities and towns remain in full vigor.

ART. 2. The crown of the kingdom of Poland is hereditary in our person and in our heirs and successors, agreeably to the order of succession to the throne prescribed by all the Russias.

ART. 3. The coronation of the Emperors of all the Russians and kings of Poland shall be one and the same ceremonial, which shall take place at Moscow, in the presence of a deputation from the kingdom of Poland, which shall assist at that solemnity with the deputies from the other parts of the empire.

ART. 4. In the possible event of a regency in Russia, the power of the regent or regentess of the empire will extend over the kingdom of Poland.

ART. 5. The freedom of worship is guaranteed; every one is at liberty to exercise his religion openly, under the protection of government, and the difference of christian faiths shall never prove a pretext for the violation of the rights and privileges which are allowed to all the inhabitants. The Roman Catholic religion, being that of the majority of our Polish subjects, shall be the object of especial protection of the government.

ART. 6. The funds which the Roman Catholic clergy possess, and those of the Greek church united, shall be considered as the common and inviolable

property of the hierarchy of each of those creeds.

ART. 7. The protection of the laws is assured to all the inhabitants without distinction of rank or class. Each shall be empowered to assume dignities or to exercise public functions, according to his personal merits or talents.

Акт. 8. Individual liberty is guaranteed and protected by the existing laws. No one shall be deprived of his liberty, or called to justice, if he be not a transgressor of the law in all the forms prescribed. Every one detained shall be apprised of the motive of arrest.

ART. 9. Each person arrested must submit to a delay of three days to be heard and judged of, according to the forms of law, before competent tribunals; if he be found innocent, he will instantly obtain his liberty. He will be equally restored to liberty who shall furnish a sufficient surety.

ART. 10. The form of judicial inquests directed against the superior functionaries of the kingdom, and against persons accused of high treason, shall be determined by a particular law, the foundation of which shall be accordant with the other laws of our empire.

ART. 11. The right of property of individuals, and of corporations, is declared sacred and inviolable, inasmuch as it will be conformable to the existing laws. All the subjects of the kingdom of Poland are free to quit the country, and to carry away their goods, provided they conform to the regulations published to that effect.

Акт. 12. The penalty of confiscation shall not be enforced but against state crimes of the first class, as may be hereafter determined by particular laws.

ART. 13. Publication of sentiments, by means of the press, shall be subjected to restrictions which will protect religion, the inviolability of superior authority, the interests of morals, and personal considerations. Particular regulations to this effect will be published according to the principles which serve as a basis to this object in the other parts of our empire.

ART. 14. The kingdom of Poland shall proportionably contribute to the general expenditure and to the wants of the empire. The proportion of taxes will be stated hereafter.

ART. 15. All contributions and all taxes which existed in November 1830, shall be levied after the manner formerly settled till the new fixing of taxes.

ART. 16. The treasury of the kingdom of Poland, and all the other branches of the administration, shall be separated from the administration of the other parts of the kingdom.

ART. 17. The public debt of Poland, acknowledged by us, shall be guaranteed as formerly, by the government, and indemnified by the receipts of the kingdom.

ART. 18. The bank of the kingdom of Poland, and the laws respecting credit, shall continue under the protection of Government.

ART. 19. The mode of commercial transactions between the Russian empire and kingdom of Poland shall be regulated according to the respective interests of the two countries.

ART. 20. Our army in the empire and in the kingdom shall compose one in common, without distinction of Russian or Polish troops. We shall reserve to ourselves a future decision of this, by an especial law, in which arrangement, and upon whose basis, the kingdom of Poland shall participate with our army. The number of troops which shall serve as the military defence of the kingdom, will be also ultimately determined upon by law. ART. 21. Those of our subjects of the empire of Russia, who are established in the kingdom of Poland, who possess or shall possess, real property in that country, shall enjoy all the rights of natives. It shall be the same with those of our subjects of the kingdom of Poland, who shall establish themselves, and shall possess property, in the other provinces of the empire. We reserve to ourselves to grant hereafter letters of naturalization to other persons, as well to strangers as to Russians, who are not yet established there. Those of our subjects of the Russian empire who may reside for a certain time in Poland, and those of our subjects of the kingdom of Poland, who may sojourn in other parts of the empire, are subject to the laws of the country where they reside.

ART. 22. The superior administration of the kingdom of

Poland is confided to a council of administration, which shall govern the kingdom in our name, under the presidency of the Governor of the kingdom.

ART. 23. The council of administration is composed of the Governor of the kingdom, of superior directors, who superintend the commissions, and among whom are divided the interests of the administration, of comptroller, presiding over the supreme chamber of finance, and of other members, whom we shall appoint by special orders.'


We, Frederick the Sixth, by the Grace of God King of Denmark, &c, make known that we, in order to enable us and our successors on the Throne, always to obtain the most certain information respecting everything that may promote our dear and faithful people's welfare, and, at the same time, to knit those ties the closer which unite the Royal House with the people, and give animation to the public spirit, we have resolved to establish Deliberative Provincial States in our Kingdom of Denmark, as well as in our Duchies of Sleswig and Holstein. In order to prepare the fulfilment of this our paternal determination, we have previously had the case examined, and although it has not yet attained that degree of perfection which is necessary previous to its being

passed into a complete law, we have still found it proper now to notify the general basis, which will be the foundation of the organization which we are about to confer on the Provincial States in our kingdom of Denmark.

With respect to the above, we have most graciously ordained as follows:

1. There are to be in our Kingdom of Denmark two Assemblies of Provincial Consultative States, one for the district of Zealand Funen and Lolland Falster, together with Iceland, and another for the four provinces in North Jutland.

2. In each of these Assemblies are admitted such a number of members elected by their fellow burghers as we further shall determine. The right of election

is to be exercised on the condi

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