SUMMARY STATEMENT of Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, of the growth, produce, and manufacture of Foreign Countries, exported; commencing on the Ist of October, 1830, and ending on the 30th September, 1831. MANUFACTURES PAYING DUTIES AD VALOREM. Of wool-not exceeding 50 cents per square yard 15,461 Exceeding 50 and not exceeding 100 cents per square yard 32,886 Exceeding 100 and not exceeding Exceeding 250 and not exceeding 400 do. do. 47,767 Exceeding 400 do. do. 2,794 Blankets 28,039 Hosiery, gloves, mits and biridings 371 Hats and caps 2,193 4,450 49,997 12,422 Bombasins Worsted stuff goods All other, manufactures of Of cotton-Printed and colored White Hosiery, gloves, mits and bindings Twist, yarn and thread Of silk-From India, piece goods 1,746,442 973,774 57,015 70,254 Nankeens 237,330 All other manufactures of 144,043 378,868 Sewing silk 6,475 Hosiery, gloves, mits and bindings 4,680 Other articles 28,666 395,598 Sewing silk 7,995 Hosiery, gloves, mits & bindings 24,867 Other articles 194,471 Total dollars From other places, piece goods Hats, caps, & bonnets Of Leghorn, chip, straw, grass, &c. 9,418 Of fur, wool, leather or silk Clothing, ready made 7,862 Of Iron, and iron and steel Side and fire arms, other than muskets and rifles Drawing knives, axes, adzes, and socket chisels 17,054 750 Bridle bits, of every description 1,100 Steelyards, scale beams, and vices 20 Cutting knives, sickles, scythes, reaping hooks, spades, and shovels 29,661 8,233,946 |