their present distressed condition, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars shall be paid the Creek tribe, as soon as may be after the ratification hereof, to be applied to the payment of their just debts, and then to their own relief, and to be distributed as they may direct, and which shall be in full consideration of all improvements. ART. 10. The sum of sixteen thousand dollars shall be allowed as a compensation to the delegation sent to this place, and for the payment of their expenses, and of the claims against them. ART. 11. The following claims shall be paid bythe United States. For ferries, bridges and causeways, three thousand dollars, provided that the same shall become the property of the United States. For the payment of certain judgments obtained against the chiefs eight thousand five hundred and seventy dollars. For losses for which they suppose the United States responsible seven thousand, seven hundred and ten dollars. For the payment of improvements under the treaty of 1826 one thousand dollars. The three following annuities shall be paid for life. To Tuske-hew-haw-Cusetaw two hundred dollars. To the blind Uchu King one hundred dollars. To Neah Mico one hundred dollars. There shall be paid the sum of fifteen dollars, for each person who has emigrated without expense to the United States, but the whole sum allowed under this provision shall not exceed fourteen hundred dollars. There shall be divided among the persons, who suffered in consequence of being prevented from emigrating, three thousand dollars. The land hereby ceded shall remain as a fund from which all the foregoing payments except those in the ninth and tenth articles shall be paid. ART. 12. The United States are desirous that the Creeks should remove to the country west of the Mississippi, and join their countrymen there, and for this purpose it is agreed, that as fast as the Creeks are prepared to emigrate, they shall be removed at the expense of the United States, and shall receive subsistence while upon the journey, and for one year after their arrival at their new homes however, that this article shall not be construed so as to compel any Creek Indian to emigrate, but they shall be free to go or stay, as they please. Provided ART. 13. There shall also be given to each emigrating warrior a rifle, moulds, wiper and ammunition, and to each family one blanket. Three thousand dollars, to be expended as the President may direct, shall be allowed for the term of twenty years for teaching their children. As soon as half their people emigrate, one blacksmith shall be allowed them, and another when two-thirds emigrate, together with one ton of iron and two hundred weight of steel annually for each blacksmith. - These blacksmiths shall be supported for twenty years. ART. 14. The Creek country west of the Mississippi shall be solemnly guarantied to the Creek Indians, nor shall any State or Territory ever have a right to pass laws for the government of such Indians, but they shall be allowed to govern themselves, so far as may be compatible with the general jurisdiction which Congress may think proper to exercise over them. And the United States will also defend them from the unjust hostilities of other Indians, and will also as soon as the boundaries of the Creek country West of the Mississippi are ascertained, cause a patent or grant to be executed to the Creek tribe; agreeably to the third section of the act of Congress of May 2d, 1830, entitled An act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the Correspondence Relating to the Negotiation of the Treaty with the Sublime Porte, &c, &c, &c. tary of State. Mr Bradish to Mr Adams, Secre- times to contribute whatever may be in my power towards their promotion. Constantinople, 20th December, 1820. SIR: In availing myself of the permission obligingly granted me by you, previous to my leaving Washington in April last, I cannot flatter inyself with the idea of adding much to the information already possessed by you, upon the subjects relating to the interests of the United States embraced in this communication. I _hope, however, at least to testify my attachment to those interests, and to evince my readiness at all The inquiries here, in which the United States are particularly interested, are: 1st. Would the interests of the United States be promoted by a treaty of amity and commerce with the Sublime Porte? If so, 2d. Is the conclusion of such a treaty practicable? And if so, 3d. What is the most eligible mode of accomplishing this object? After a residence of only a few months within the Turkish dominions, for me to attempt even to form, and more particularly to express an opinion on a subject so important in its nature, and so extensive in its relations, as that embraced in the first of the above inquiries, would be to hazard extreme error at least, if not the highest degree of presumption. Sources of correct information upon this interesting subject are here few, and those difficult of access. Loose and vague statements are current in every circle, and are as various as they are generally incorrect. A few days' residence only, would be sufficient to enable any person of tolerable industry to collect these, but when embodied, they would form a basis too frail and uncertain upon which to rest the decision of a question so important as that under consideration. Upon this first question, therefore, although in its nature preliminary to the other two, I must beg leave to reserve myself until more extensive observation and inquiries, and better information, shall enable me to communicate with you thereon, in a manner better suited to its difficulty, and more becoming its importance, than is at present in my power. I will, however, add, that the strong impressions in favor of the affirmative of this first question, with which I left the United States, have been much strengthened by what I have myself observed, and by the best information I have been able to derive from others since my arrival here. Notwithstanding, then, the first of the above questions is in its nature preliminary to the other two, and a decision thereon in the negative would supercede the necessity of any discussion of the two latter, I shall take the liberty of communicating now the result of my observations and inquiries relating to the second and third of these questions. I am the more inclined to do this at the present time, not only because I am impressed with the idea that the United States are already satisfied in the affirmative of the first question, but also from the nature of what has occurred since my arrival in this place. And here, sir, I beg your indulgence, while I premise a few particulars which relate to myself individually. Upon my arrival at Gibraltar, Leghorn, Naples, Malta, Smyrna, and this place, I found a report currently circulating that the object of my visit, here was to conclude a commercial treaty between the United States and the Sublime Porte. This report, some months previous to my arrival, had reached this place from various parts of Europe, and coming from different quarters of the United States. I cannot express to you, sir, the painful surprise and mortification I experience at the existence of this report, and am altogether at a loss to conjecture what can have given rise to it. So far from having, in the slightest degree, justified such a report by any unguarded act or expression of mine, I have uniformly observed the most vigilant prudence upon this subject, and have used every means in my power to suppress the report, both by expressly contradicting it, and declaring, on all occasions, that my objects here, as elsewhere, were merely those of a private individual, travelling for my own gratification and improvement. Even the special passports which the Government were so obliging as to grant me previous to my leaving Washington, I have avoided exhibiting to any person whatever, except Commodore Brainbridge, since I received them from yourself, lest, with persons unacquainted with their real nature, they should give the slightest color to the report, and contribute to its currency. But, notwithstanding all these precautions, the report still continues to circulate. I am sorry to be compelled, sir, thus to mingle my own affairs with those of general interest. But have deemed the communication of the above particulars, due to myself, and trust you will excuse the departure thereby occasioned from the main subjects of my letter, to which I now gladly return. Taking, then, the affirmative of the first question for granted, I shall proceed to communicate now the result of my observations and inquiries relating to the second and third of the affirmative of the second question. So far as it may depend upon the present dispositions of the Sublime Porte, there can be no doubt. That disposition has been not only clearly indicated by many unequivocal circumstances, but expressly and repeatedly declared by the Government itself to me since my arrival here. Some days after I reached this capital, and previous to my having had any communication whatever with any department of this Government, I received a message from the Porte, inviting me to a private interview with the Reis Effendi, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. Although much surprised at the receipt of this invitation, I had no hesitation in accepting it. In the result, I found the object of the interview was to inquire the disposition of the United States in regard to a treaty of amity and commerce with the Porte; and, also, their views as to the mode of negotiating such a treaty. Upon both these points much interest was evinced, and upon the latter considerable solicitude, produced probably by a report prevailing here that the United States contemplate negotiation with this Government through the mediation of Russia. I know not upon what authority this report may have originated, but I have strong reasons to believe that this course would be very unacceptable to the Porte, and probably unsuccessful. Although all persons connected with this Government, with whom I have conversed upon the subject, have, on all occasions, seemed much in favor of a treaty of amity and commerce with the the United States, they have appeared equally in favor, indeed very tenacious of direct negotiation. Hence, then, arises the third question proposed. In the few observations which I shall take the liberty of submitting to your consideration upon this question, I have not the boldness of presuming to enlighten your own or the wisdom of our Government; and trust this will not be considered by either as an attempt to instruct the latter in the most eligible mode of conducting its negotiations, but as the humble endeavors of an individual, by communicating such information as circumstances and his peculiar situation have put in his possession, to discharge the duty incumbent on every citizen of the United States to contribute whatever may be in his power, however little that may be, towards the promotion of the interests of his country. From all I have observed of this Government and people, I am well convinced that the success of any overtures the United States may hereafter make to the Sublime Porte, will depend much upon the manner in which the Porte is in the first instance approached. It has heretofore been usual for individuals and nations in their first applications to the sublime Porte, to approach it under the auspices, and through the mediation of some intermediate power already having friendly relations with it. To this mode there are many objections, some in their nature general, and many peculiar as they regard the United States. It would be much more difficult, expensive, and less successful, in the first place, than direct negotiation. But what is more important, it would be attended with many future disadvantages. If a case in proof of the first position were necessary, among many similar, one is furnished by recent experience here. The King of Sardinia, about four years since, employed the mediation of * ** in the negotiation of a treaty of amity and commerce with the Sublime Porte. During this period of four years, this illustrious and very disinterested mediator has gone on negotiating and flattering; and its employer paying and hoping, till at length, finding its funds and patience nearly exhausted, it has wisely come to the decision, it ought at first to have adopted, of taking its own affairs into its own hands; and it has now a prospect of having them concluded. If, therefore, the objections to direct negotiations are many in the outset, for the future, they are more numerous and much stronger. Both desire considerable additional force from the peculiar circumstances of the present moment. Such is at present the posture of the relations of most of the nations of Europe with the Porte; such the character of this Government and people; and such the extreme jealousy entertained by them towards the great European powers generally, and particularly Russia, that any approach made to them by the United States, through any intermediate powers, and especially the latter, would, I am thoroughly convinced, so far identify the United States with such power, as to draw upon them a participation in the jealousies entertained towards it, and subject them to all the prejudices and disadvantages arising therefrom. Any unfavorable change in the relations of such power with the Porte, would extend to, and prejudice those of the United States, established through its mediation. In the |