페이지 이미지

past event, carries the mind back to the very time at which it occurred.

Penses-tu qu'Alexandre en terre ait eu cette mine et qu'il sentit aussi mauvais? Dost thou think that Alexander looked in this fashion in the earth and smelt so?

Je n'assurerai pas que ce prince vécût à l'époque que vous citez. I shall not affirm that this prince lived at the time you mention.


If you were requested to do it, I shall never deny that you were thinking of doing it. If we were requested to do it, are you afraid that we would consent to it?

I do not doubt but-he' would come, if he were asked. I doubt whether he would come, if he knew that. I question whether you would study, if you were not compelled. I do not think you would do it, if you were not compelled.


I doubt whether I would stay, if you were going away. think I could see her, if I went now? I do not think


she would play, if you were present. Where will you find a

man who would not commit the same mistake, if he were exposed to the same temptation?

I question whether this gentleman would succeed without your assistance. I shall never believe he would succeed without them. I shall not say that you were in the wrong atthat-time. I do not say that you had then bad intentions, but I do not think that at that time you were right on this point.

1. Qu'il ne.-2. Alors.

CXXIX.-RULE 4TH. When the first Verb is in the Present or in the Future of the Indicative, the second is in the Pluperfect of the Subjunctive, if it refers to a Past Action, with a condition expressed or implied.


Je doute que vous eussiez pu le faire, si l'on vous en avait prié. I doubt whether you could have done it, had you been asked.

Je ne croirai jamais que vous eussiez pu le faire, si l'on ne vous avait pas aidé. I shall never believe you could have done it, had you not been helped.


Had she been asked, I cannot think she could have consented. I question whether she would have written, had she known that. I doubt whether your brother would have set off without you. I do not think you would have done it, had you not been compelled.

I do not know whether this affair would have succeeded without her. I doubt whether I would have said it, had he not forced me to it. I doubt whether we would have lent the money, had you not asked us to do it. Do you think your sisters would have come, had it been fine weather? I do not think they would have come, if I had not gone for them.

It is probable you could-have-got' the situation, had you applied-for it. Do you think your brothers would have learned French, had they been taught properly?3

1. Obtenir.-2. Demander.-3. Bien.


The Imperfect, the Past Tenses, and the Conditionals require the Imperfect and the Pluperfect of the Subjunctive.

The Imperfect, to indicate a Present or a Future Time.

J'ignorais qu'il fût encore en vie. I was not aware that he was still alive.

Il ne se doutait pas que vous demeurassiez ici. He had no idea that you were living here.

Je serais charmé que vous voulussiez m'accompagner dans mon voyage. I should be happy to have the pleasure of your company on my journey.

The Pluperfect, if the event it expresses was Prior to that expressed by the first Verb.

Nous ignorions qu'il eût été blessé. We did not know he had been wounded.

On n'avait pas cru que nous eussions si complètement réussi. At first they did not believe that we had so completely succeeded.


I did not think you

I was not certain you would come. would be back so soon. It was proper he should be there himself. I was surprised at his arriving so soon. I would have-her-make-haste.1 She seemed interested that I should not lose myself. He consented that his son should return. I desired the note to be sent early. I never should have supposed your sisters were English.

Did you think I should-have-gone? I was not sure you would have come. I did not know that you had studied French. I went before he had arrived. I did not know that had cost so much money. Would you have thought he would have bought the horse? I did not know he had lost his lawsuit. I would-have-been-obliged to write.

I wish you had mentioned it to me long ago, all would be right now. It were to be wished that you would apply yourself more seriously to your studies. Oh, that my friend were come! He was not convinced of the fact, nor was it likely he should. I wish you could lend me ten pounds.

I wish you would never have troubled-yourself with my son. He did not think I had anticipated him. I wish he would settle in this country. I would they were-out-of9 the



That child ought to be whipped, to teach-him-bettermanners." I did not suppose he was impudent enough to

answer so. It is getting-late." I did not think it was so late.

1. Se dépêcher.-2. à ce que.-3. Donner l'ordre qu'on.-4. Devoir y aller.-5. Falloir.-6. En règle.-7. S'occuper.-8. Prévenir.— 9. N'être plus dans.-10. Mériterait qu'on.-11. Lui apprendre à vivre.-12. Commencer à se faire tard.

CXXXI.-RULE 6TH. With the Past Indefinite, or the Conditionals, we use the Present of the Subjunctive, to denote Present Actuality, or Something which can be done at all times; but, the second Verb should be in the Imperfect, if the state or action is over at the time of speaking.

Je n'ai pas pu aller au spectacle, quelque envie que j'en aie. I was not able to go to the theatre, though I am ever so fain.

Je n'ai pas pu aller au spectacle, quelque envie que j'en eusse. I was not able to go to the theatre, though I was ever so fain.

Il m'aurait trompé quoiqu'il dise que je sois son meilleur ami. He would have deceived me, though he says I am his best friend.

Je ne saurais croire qu'il veuille vous tromper ni qu'il le puisse. I cannot believe that he was willing or able to deceive you.


God has created

He gave us He refused me

God has given us eyes that we may see. us that we may love, revere, and serve him. reason that we may discern good from evil. this favour, although he is my friend. I wrote him to be here at four o'clock.

Although he is recovering from illness, and (is) still very weak, he would-set-out. I have used no expression


that is not the truth.

It-has-been-God's-will-that3 we
Who could doubt his being


should be poor and needy. an honest man, unless-perchance his creditors? I-cannotthink it is as they relate it.


She did me too many services for me to-doubt her friendship. He has neglected us too long for us to-expect-anything from him. I cannot help his doing such things.


1. Relever.-2. Se mettre en route.-3. Dieu a voulu que.-4. Pourrait.-5. Si ce n'est peut-être.-6. Je ne saurais m'imaginer.-7. Pouvoir douter.-8. Pouvoir rien espérer.


CXXXII.-In Optative Propositions, in Adjurations, in Imprecations, a sentence will often commence with a Subjunctive Clause, the Verb of the leading Proposition being left out, with the Conjunction Que sometimes expressed and very often omitted.

Plût à Dieu que mon indignation fût pesée et qu'on mit ensemble dans une balance ma calamité! Oh, that my grief were thoroughly weighed, and my calamity laid in the balance together.

Puisse cet océan où vous l'exposez ne jamais vous la rendre! Puissent ses flots vous rapporter mon corps, et, le roulant avec le sien parmi les cailloux de ces rivages, vous donner, par la perte de vos deux enfants, un sujet éternel de douleur! May the ocean, to which you trust her, restore her to you no more! May the waves, rolling back our corpses amidst the stones of the beach, give you, in the loss of your two children, an eternal subject of remorse!


God bless her! May I see her happy! May the Gods destroy' me, rather than suffer me to be enslaved by effemi

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