페이지 이미지

fore them, are rendered by the Indicative or the Subjunctive, as the case may be.

On dirait que vous êtes fou. One would suppose you to be mad.

Qui croyez-vous que c'est? Whom do you fancy it to be?

Personne au temps de Shakspeare ne soupçonna que cet acteur populaire fût le poéte du genre humain. Nobody in Shakspeare's time ever suspected that popular actor to be the poet of the human race.

There is another construction which consists in omitting the verb To be in French.

Je le tiens pour honnête homme, pour homme d'honneur. I hold him to be an honest man, a man of honour.


I know him to be wise. I believe him to be learned. I know him to be1 a thief. I suppose him to be an honest man. He has-proved-himself to be a coward. We acknowledge it to be true. I warrant the watch to be good.

This curiosity of the king caused-us-to-be3 presented to him. He avers it to be a fact. You must prove it to be true. I believe her to be a virtuous woman. The Pope declared the triumph of the Holy See to be inevitable. He declared it to be the will of God. I expect you to have finished your task against night.

1. Que c'est.-2. Il a montré qu'il.-3. Fit qu'on nous.-4. Affirme.— 5. Compter.-6. Avant qu'il soit.


Somebody knocks; whom do you suppose it to be? I do not suppose it to be her. You want me to go with you, do you not? Only' suppose yourself to be at Paris. Will you

have me belie2 my heart? I like people always to act in an open3 manner. Do you think it to be honest to-act-in-thatway ?4

Mr. B. wishing me to see his lawyer before beginning the prosecution," I shall call on him to-morrow. Mr. B. wishing me to see his lawyer, I have already had several interviews with him. Allow me to tell you what has happened. I will never allow you to do any-such-thing."



What-do-you-desire me to do? I require you to pay attention to what you are told. At what o'clock do you wish me to come to-morrow? I require1o you to be at my house at seven o'clock. Do-you-like" me to retire? He intends you to do it.

I forbade you to do such a thing. If you can induce-him12 to do so. I order you to do it without-further-delay.13 She would wish" him to return early. I scarcely-expect 15 him tocome-now.16 God permits it1 to be done.18 We should like very much the-weather-to-be-fine1 to-morrow. She allowed 20 me to tell her the truth.

I want you to-boil these eggs hard. I want him to-putdown-the-head" of the carriage. He will not suffer his compassion 23 to be abused. He cannot bear to-be-disturbed. 24 Hand me a good knife to carve 25 the turkey. You wouldnot-choose 26 him to come up. I believe" it to be unfit.28


I would-not-have 29 you write. Masters wish their servants to obey, and not to-murmur. Do you wish the room to be furnished or unfurnished ?31

1. Seulement.-2. Trahir.-3. Franche.-4. D'en user de la sorte.5. Poursuite.-6. Souffrir.-7. Une chose semblable.-8. Que vous plaîtil.-9. Demander.-10. Exiger.--11. Vous plaît-il.-12. Obtenir de lui qu'il.-13. Sans plus tarder.-14. Désirer.-15. Ne plus espérer.16. Pouvoir venir.-17. Que cela.-18. Se faire.-19. Faire beau temps. -20. Souffrir.-21. Faire durcir.-22. Baisser la capote.-23. De sa pitié.-24. Déranger.-25. Découper.-26. Vouloir.-27. Ne pas croire. -28. Convenable.-29. N'être pas d'avis.-30. Raisonner.-31. Ou non.

XXX.-In indeterminate Propositions, Passive Verbs, followed by an Infinitive, are rendered by, On dit que, on présume que, on croit que, on suppose que, and the

English Nominative becomes as it were the Nominative of the Infinitive, which in French must be translated by a Personal Mood.

On dit que, on croit que César est ou a été le plus grand général de l'antiquité. Cæsar is said to be, or is said to have been the greatest general of antiquity.

On dit que les ours lèchent leurs petits pour achever de les former. Bears are said to lick their cubs into shape.



The red squirrel is said to drive the gray squirrel out-ofthe woods where he lives. She was supposed to be the author of that novel. The French and the English are thought to have committed a signal fault in not marching on Sebastapol, after the battle of the Alma.

The first bayonets are said to have been made at Bayonne. He was supposed to have made a compact with the devil. He is reported' to have lost fifteen pounds. He was not expected to survive long. He is said to be a good swordsman; but he is said to have been very imprudent in the



She is said to be as pretty as her sister. Paris is now said to contain above 10 one million souls. The dog is said to be the only animal who knows his master. That castle is said to have been built" four-hundred-years-ago." The navigation was expected to be long. You are expected to be at your post by six o'clock to-morrow. He is expected 13 to leave on Monday. The attendance is expected to-be-large." It is believed to be he who spoke. He is said to be an honest man. When swallows fly low, it is thought to be a sign of rain. The merchant is thought not to have left a shilling. Cæsar is-said 15 to have dictated to several secretaries atCertain poisons are-said" to-curdle 18 the blood in the veins. The house is said to-be-haunted-by-ghosts. The planets 20 were formerly believed to have an-influence-in-the

once, 16



the country.


The enemy was said to have ravaged 22 all

1. Chasser.-2. Des.-3. Qu'il habite.-4. De.-5. Fabriquées.6. Pacte.-7. Dit.-8. S'attendre.--9. Tireur.-10. Plus de.-11. Construire.-12. Il y a quatre cents ans.-13. Présume.-14. Qu'il y aura beaucoup de monde.-15. On prétend que.-16. En même temps.17. On a prétendu.-18. Figer.-19. Fréquentée par des revenants.20. Astres.-21. De l'influence sur la destinée.-22. Désolé.-23. Province.

XXXI.-When English Adjectives or Participles are preceded by So, such, or other words of an intensive meaning, and followed by As, connecting them with an Infinitive, this Infinitive is often resolved in French by a verbal clause, though sometimes an Infinitive construction may also be used.

On construit certaines voûtes de manière à ce qu'elles ont beaucoup d'écho. Certain vaults are so constructed as to give loud echoes.

Il est tellement pauvre qu'il lui faut mendier. He is so poor as to be obliged to beg:

Le salaire devra être suffisant pour permettre à l'heureux candidat de vivre respectablement.

The salary must be such as to allow the successful candidate to live respectably.


The weather-is-so-warm' as to dissolve the snow on the mountains. He is so wise as not to confide in3 men whom he does not know. He is no such fool' as not to know what he does. They were quite-intoxicated-so-much-so as not to be able (Translate-that they have not been able) to walk. She is so peevish' as to be hated by all her servants. He is so lowspirited as to be unable to speak. The heat had been so strong as to dry-up' the rivulet. They are so much alike as



He is such a simpleton as to

believe everything she says. He-ordered-matters-so"1 be 12 alone with her.

as to

1. La chaleur est si forte.-2. Fondre.-3. à des.-4. Sot.-5. Savoir bien.-6. Ivres au point.-7. Acariâtre.-8. Triste.-9. Dessécher. -10. Qu'on s'y méprend facilement.-11. Arranger tellement les choses.-12. Se trouver.

XXXII.—After an Impersonal Construction with for me to, for thee to, for him to, for her to, for us to, &c., the English Infinitive is translated by the Subjunctive.

Trouvez-vous bon que j'aille le voir? Je trouve bon que vous le fassiez, car il est grand temps que vous agissiez. Do you think it advisable for me to go and see him? I think it advisable for you to do so, as it is high time for you to act.


Is it proper' for me to act? It is not proper2 for him to go now. Is it suitable for her to receive his note, read it, and answer it? It is not proper for her to do so. What is proper for us to do? It is fit for a man to know his own faculties, abilities, and weaknesses.

It is lucky for you to-have-come3 before the rain began. Is it necessary for me to be there? It is time for thee to be off. Is-it-reasonable for thee to waste thy time so? It is impossible for me to understand him. It is impossible for you to


When will it be time for him to come? It will be time for him to come at seven o'clock. Is-it-not-better1 for him to start when you will? It is time for you to read, translate, and write your exercise.

It is natural for man to pretend that his will should be law. It is impossible for you to succeed; he is too strong for you to pretend to resist him. It is useless for you to undertake this business. It is useless for you to speak about it. It was-not

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