페이지 이미지

All chance direction, 489.

discord, harmony, 489. in all, take him for, 721. in the Downs, 235,

is fish they get that cometh to net, 672.

mankind's concern is charity, 398. my pretty chickens, 309.

of death to die, nor, 311.

other things give place, 133.
places shall be hell, 396.
that is bright must fade, 793.
thy ends thy country's, 322.

we know or dream or fear, 583.
Allaying Thames, cups with no, 147.
Allies, thou hast great, 922.
Alliteration's artful aid, apt, 807.
Allured to brighter worlds, 688,
Almighty's orders, the, 539.
Alms for oblivion, 792.

Aloft, cherub that sits up, 615.
Aloné, all, all alone, 855.

doubly feel ourselves, 248.
least, in solitude, 813.
on a wide wide sea, 856.
that worn-out word, 813.
with his glory, 920.
Alph, the sacred river, 831.
Alps, perched on, 398.

that mighty chain, 493.
Altars, strike for your, 582.
Alteration finds, when it, 208.
Amaranthine flower of Faith, 398.
Amaryllis in the shade, 203.
Amazed the rustics gazed, 688.
Amazing brightness, 133.

Amber scent of odorous perfume, 631.
snuff-box, justly vain of, 799.
pretty to observe in, 815.
tipped with, 814.

whose foam is, 720.

Amber-dropping hair, 869.
Ambition, fling away, 322.
ill-weaned, 310.

loves to slide, 798.
lowly laid, 676.

made of sterner stuff, 875.

of a private man, 575.

to reign is worth, 799.
vaulting, 798.

wars that make, virtue, 722. Ambition's ladder, 799.

monstrous stomach does increase, 792.

Ambrosial sin, 167.

Amen stuck in my throat, 883.

American strand, pass to the, 394.

Amice gray, in, 490.

Amid the blaze of noon, 321.

Amorous causes, springs from, 815.

delay, reluctant, 711.

descant sung, 413.

fond and billing, 205.

Ampler ether, 399.

Amuck, to run, 806.

Anatomy, a mere, 722.

Ancestral voices, 824.

Ancient grudge Í bear him, 899.
Angel, consideration like an, 395.
death and his Maker, 739.
dropped from the clouds, 671.
Hope, thou hovering, 830.
in his motion like an, 775.
ministering, thou, 509.
presiding o'er his life, 212.
she drew an, down, 772.
whiteness, 722.

Angels, agree as, do above, 399.
alone enjoy such liberty, 147.
are painted fair, 133.

fear to tread, 798.
fell by that sin, 322.
forget-me-nots of the, 492.
holy, guard thy bed, 76.

in some brighter dreams, 274.

laugh too, 979.

listen when she speaks, 134.

our acts our, are, 797.

plead like, his virtues will, 900.

sad as, for the good man's sin, 395.

still an, appear, 185.

sung this strain, 576.

tears such as, weep, 346.

thousand liveried, 796.

tremble while they gaze, 939.
trumpet-tongued, 900.

Angel's face shyned bright, 828.
visits, like, 347, 396.

wing, feather from an, 908.

Angle-rod made of a sturdy oak, 672. Anguish, here tell your, 348.

wring the brow, 509.

Animated bust, 306.
Anna, here thou great, 814.
Annals of the poor, 306.

Annihilate but space and time, 205.
Another and the same, 494.
Another's woe, teach me to feel, 370.
Answer echoes answer, 449.
Answers till a husband cools, 215.
Anthem, pealing, 306.
Anthropophagi, the, 145.
Antidote, bane and, 759.

sweet oblivious, 347.
Antres vast and deserts, 145.
Anvil, heart an, unto sorrow, 899.
Anything, what is worth in, 803.
Ape, like an angry, 813.
Apostles twelve he taughte, 697.
while, shrank, 795.

would have done as they did, 396. Apostolic blows and knocks, 387. Apothecary, I remember an, 809. Apparel, fashion wears out more, 799. oft proclaims the man, 722. Apparition, lovely, 128. Apparitions, blushing, 723.

Appetite, cloy the hungry edge of, 346.
grown by what it fed on, 205.
may sicken and so die, 808.
Applause, attentive to his own, 910.
of listening senates, 306.

Apple rotten at the neart, 797.
Appliances and means to boot, 762.
Apprehension, death most in, 310.
of the good, 346.

Apprehensions, weakness of our, 899.
Approach of even or morn, 407.
Appropinque an end, my days, 309.
Approved good masters, 145.
Approving Heaven, 214.

April day, uncertain glory of, 492.
proud-pied, 492.

when they woo, 214.
Aprille with his shoures, 695.
Aprons, with greasy, 722.
Apt and gracious words, 723.
Arabia, all, breathes, 713.

Arabs, fold their tents like the, 816.
Araby's daughter, farewell, 294.
Arbitress, moon sits, 491.

Arborett with painted blossoms, 494.
Arch, triumphal, that fill'st the sky, 494.
Archer, insatiaté, 491.

mark the, little meant, 803. Argue at their own expense, 809.

still, though vanquished, 688. Argues yourselves unknown, 812. Arguing, owned his skill in, 688. Argument for a week, 62.

[blocks in formation]

Arms against a sea of troubles, 297. imparadised in another's 205. my soul's in, 541.

on armor clashing, 500. our bruised, hung up, 541. our world within our, 206. take your last embrace, 899. Aromatic plants bestow, 348. Arrest, strict in his, death, 309. Arrow for the heart, 204.

o'er the house, shot my, 121. Arrows of light, swift-winged, 739. Arsenal, shook the, 804.

Art, adorning with so much, 795.
adulteries of, 713.

all the gloss of, 689.
concealed by, 810.

ease in writing from, 806.
her guilt to cover, 336.

is long, time is fleeting, 770.

is too precise in every part, 713.

last and greatest, to blot, 806.
may err, 489.

nature is but, 489.

of God, course of nature is, 489.
tried each, 688.

want of, hide with ornaments, 807.
Artaxerxes' throne, Macedon and, 804.
Artificer, lean unwashed, 722.
Arts in which the wise excel, 806.

and eloquence, mother of, 719.
inglorious, of peace, 539.

that never slip the memory, 671.
wheedling first taught by woman,

As it fell upon a day, 480, 492.

Ashes of his fathers, 567.

Ashes, wonted fires live in our, 305.
Aside, last to lay the old, 806.
Ask of the winds, 614.

Aslant the dew-b: ight earth, 719.

Asleep in lap of legends old, 177.

Asleep, the houses seem, 678.
Aspect, sweet, of princes, 321.
Aspen, light quivering, 509.
Assassination trammel up, 900.
Assayed, thrice he, 346.
Assent with civil leer, 910.
Assert eternal Providence, 395.
Assume a pleasing shape, 396.

a virtue if you have it not, 396.
Assumes the god, 771.
Assurance doubly sure, 793.

given by lookes, 904.

of a man, give the world, 721.
Assyrian came down, 500.
Astronomer, undevout, 492.
Atheism, the owlet, 395.

Atheist half believes by night, 491.
Atheist's laugh's a poor exchange, 395.
Athens, the eye of Greece, 719.
Atomies, team of little, 836.

Atoms or systems, 394.

Attempt and not the deed, 883.

by fearing to, 800.

the end and never doubt, 800.
Attic bird trills, when the, 720.
Atticus, if, were he, 910.
Attire, silk, walk in, 155.

wild in their, 868. Attractive kinde of grace, 904.

here's metal more, 133. Attribute to awe and majesty, 798. Auburn loveliest village, 686. Audience, fit though few, find, 807. Aught divine or holy, 803.

in malice, nor set down, 724. that ever I could read, 250. Auld acquaintance be forgot, 118. claes, gars, 385.

nature swears, 191.

Author, choose an, as a friend, 805. teaches such beauty, 795.

Authority, drest in a little brief, 813. from others' books, 804.

Autumn fruit, fell like, 309.

nodding o'er the plain, 492. Autumne, all in yellow clad, 492. of adversity, 120.

Avon, lucid, strayed, 939.

sweet swan of, 906.

to the Severn runs, 939.
Awake, or be forever fallen, 540.
Awakes from the tomb, beauty, 737.
Away, you're all the same, 271.
Awe the soul of Richard, 541.
Awful volume, within that, 397.
Axe, many strokes with a little, 802.
Azure main, from out the, 576.

Babbling dreams, hence, 541.
Babe in the house, 107.

she lost in infancy, 309.

sinews of the new-born, soft as, 399. Babel, stir of the great, see the, 810. Baby brow, bears upon his, 75.

thinks, who can tell what a, 75.
wordes fearen, 540.
Bacchus ever fair and young, 771.
Back and side go bare, 946.

harness on our, die with, 541.
resounded death, 310.
thumping on your, 121.
to the field, 574.

Backwards, yesterdays look, 792.
Bacon shined, think how, 938.
Bad affright, the. 345.

eminence, to that, 722.

Bade me adieu, so sweetly, 241.
Badge, nobility's true, 798.

of all our tribe, 346.

Baffled oft is ever won, 582.
Baited with a dragon's tail, 672.

Baldric, milky, of the skies, 592.

Ballad, woful, made to his mistress, 711

Ballad-mongers, these same metre, 807. Ballot-box, 'tis the, 604.

Balm from an anointed King, 722.

of hurt minds, 883. Banditti, blue-eyed, 98. Bane and antidote, 759. Banishment, bread of, 346. Bank and bush, over, 671. and shoal of time, 900. I know a, 495.

moonlight sleeps upon this, 775. of violets, breathes upon a, 495. Bank-note world, this, 677. Banner in the sky, 620. star-spangled, 593.

with the strange device, 777. Banners on the outward walls, 540. Banquet-hall deserted, 318.


Banquet song and dance, 582.
Bar, poverty's unconquerable, 812.
Barbarians all at play, young, 681.
Barbaric pearl and gold, 722.
Barbarous skill, is but a, 795.
Bard, be that blind, 822.

more fat here dwelt, 940. Bardy, where ish dat, now, 1000. Bare, back and side go, 946.

imagination of a feast, 346. Bargain, dateless, to death, 899. Barge, drag the slow, 802.

Bark and bite, dogs delight to, 108. attendant sail, 911.

drives on and on, 397.
is on the sea, 920.

watch dog's honest, 166.
Barleycorn, bold John, 848.
Barren sceptre in my gripe, 345.
Base envy withers, 327.

from its firm, this rock shall fly, 655. in kind, born to be a slave, 601. Baseless fabric of this vision, 867.

Bashful sincerity, 204.

virgin's sidelong looks, 687.

Bastard valor, 900.

Bate a jot, 735.

Bated breath, bondman's key with, 724.

Bath, sore labor's, 883.

Bat's back, I do fly, on the, 869.

Battalions, sorrows come in, 345.

Battle and the breeze, 629.

feats of broil and, 145.

for the free, 583.

freedom's, once begun, 582.
front of, lour, 573.

perilous edge of, 540.

prize of death in, 539.

Battlements that bore stars, 867.

sheer o'er the crystal, 725.

Battles fought, all his, o'er again, 771.

Battle's magnificently stern array, 512.

Bay of Biscay O, 628.

the moon, 93.

Be-all and the end-all, 900.

Be just and fear not, 322, 601.

not the first to try, 806.

nothing which thou art not, 796.

or not to be, 297.

she fairer than the day, 193.
wise to-day, 748.

wise with speed, 793.

Beach, there came to the, 578.
Beadroll, Fame's eternall, 938.
Beaker full of the warm south, 316.
Beams, candle throws his, 797.

spreads his orient, 490.
tricks his, 490.

Bear like the Turk, no brother, 910.
those ills we have, 297.

up and steer right onward, 735. Beard of formal cut, 711.

the lion in his den, 648.

Bearded like the pard, 711.
Bears and lions growl, 108.

his blushing honors, 321.

Beast that wants discourse of reason, 723.

Beasts, brutish, thou art fled to, 876.
Beat this ample field, 792.

us to the hip, 900.

Beatific vision, 803.

Beating of my own heart, 149.

Beaumont, lie a little further off, 905. rare, 939.

Beauteous, all that is most, 399.

eye of heaven, 726.

ruin lay, lovely in death, 794.

Beauties, we just, see, 729.

you meaner, of the night, 124. Beautiful and to be woed, 795. beyond compare, 399. exceedingly, 721.

thought, thou wert a, 869. Beautifully blue, 490.

less, fine by degrees and, 721.

Beauty, a thing of, 675.

all, and without a spot, 123.
and her chivalry, 511.

born of murmuring sound, 103.
doth shine alike to all, 796.
draws us with a hair, 203.

dwells in deep retreats, 206.
elysian, 206.

fadeth by possession, 192.

immortal awakes from the tomb. 737.

is its own excuse for being, 461.

is truth, truth beauty, 719.
isle of, fare thee well! 248.

lines where, lingers, 303.

making beautiful old rhyme, 122.
mind diseased of its own, 867.
much, as could dye, 907.
of a thousand stars, 134.
of the good old cause, 814.

Beauty, ornament of, is suspect, 722.
provoketh thieves, 133.
she walks in, 130.

smile from partial, won, 795.
such, as a woman's eye, 795.
thy more than, 796.
truly blent, 122.

upon the cheek of night, 721. waking or asleep, 203. Beauty's chain, sport with, 816. heavenly ray, 720.

Beaux, where none are, 133.
Beckoning shadows dire, 830.

Beckons me hand you cannot see, 311.
Becoming mirth, limit of, 724.
Bed by night, a chest by day, 689.
made his pendent, 720.

of down, thrice-driven, 539.
weeping upon his, 348.
with the lark to, 495.

Beddes hed, at his, 696.

Bedlam or Parnassus is let out, 805.
Beds of roses, make thee, 157.
Bee had stung it newly, 211.

how doth the little busy, 108.
where the, sucks, 869.
Beer, chronicle small, 723.
Bees innumerable, 493.

Beetle that we tread upon, 310.
Beeves and homebred kine, 493.

Beggar that is dumb, máy challenge

double pity, 204.

Beggared all description, 712.

Beggarly account of empty boxes, 809. Beggars die, when, 899.

Beggary in love that can be reckoned,

Beginning late, choosing and, 204.

mean and end to all things, 742.
still, never ending, 772.

Begot, by whom, 311.
Beguile her of her tears, 145.

many, beguiled by one, 207.
the thing I am, 349.

Behold our home, 626.

the child, 107.

Being, hath a part of, 813. intellectual, 794.

Belated peasant, 491.

Belgium's capital had gathered, 511. Belial, sons of, 558.

Bell, church-going, 738.

éach matin, 308.

strikes one, 747.

sullen, knolling a friend, 346. Belle, it is vain to be a, 133. Bellman, the owl that fatal, 882. Bells have knolled to church, 347. jangled out of tune, 808.

ring out wild, to the wild sky, 752.
rung backwards, 108.
those evening, 716.

Belly, God send thee good ale, 946.

shook like a bowl full of jelly, 96. with good capon lined, 711. Beloved from pole to pole, 857. one, face on earth, 765. Ben Adhem's name led, 769. Ben Jonson, O rare, 939.

Bench of heedless bishops, 107.

Bend a knotted oak, 809.

Beneath the churchyard stone, 309.
the milk-white thorn, 385.
the rule of men, 305.
Benediction of the air, 807.

perpetual, doth breed, 758. Benighted, walks under the midday sun,

Bent him o'er the dead, 303.
Bequeathed by bleeding sire, 582.
Berkeley said there was no matter, 808.
Berry, sunburnt Mocha bears, 814.
Beside the springs of Dove, 104.
Best administered is best, 397.

companions, innocence and health,

fools be, who are a little wise, 798. laid schemes o' mice and men, 462. of all ways to lengthen our days, 205, of men was a sufferer, 723. of what we do and aré, 398. portion of a good man's life, 404. riches, ignorance of wealth, 687. Beteem the winds of heaven, 206. Betray, nature never did, 404. Better be with the dead, 311.

days, we have seen, 347.
days, if ever looked on, 347.
fifty years of Europe, 258.
had they ne'er been born, 397.
knowledge, against his, 899.
reck the rede, 796.

spared a better man, 312.
than his dog, 255.

the worse appear, 724.

to be lowly born, 347.

to have loved and lost, 311.

Better to hunt in fields for health, 671. to reign in hell, 799.

Between the dark and the daylight, 98. two dogs, 810.

two girls, 810.

two hawks, 810.

two horses, 810.

Beware of desperate steps, 793.

of entrance to a quarrel, 540.

the Ides of March, 899.

Bewilder, leads to, dazzles to blind, 737.
Bezonian, under which king, 540.
Bible, burdens of the, 735.

knows her, true, 397.

Bid me discourse, I will enchant, 803.
Bids expectation rise, 347.
Bigger, in shape no, 836.
Bigness which you see, 805.
Billows, distinct as the, 608.
foam, 626.

never break, where, 309.
swelling and limitless, 631.
trusted to thy, 607.

Bind up my wounds, 540.
Binding nature fast in fate, 370.
Binds the broken heart, 809.
Bird of dawning, 397.

of the wilderness, 473.
shall I call thee, 472.

that shunn'st the noise, 786.
Birdie, what does little, say, 80.
Birds, charm of earliest, 206, 490.
if, confabulate, 495.
joyous, the, 209.

melodious, sing madrigals, 157. Birth is but a sleep, 758.

is nothing but our death begun, 308. Biscay, bay of, O, 628.

Biscuit, remainder, dry as the, 803.
Bishops, heedless, 107.

Bisier semed than he was, 697.

Bisy a man, nowher so, 697.

Bite, the man recovered of the, 949.
Bitter is a scornful jest, 345.

memory of what he was, 396. Bitterness of things, from out the, 348. Black is not so black, 806.

to red began to turn, 490. Bladders, boys that swim on, 321. Blade, heart-stain on its, 940.

trenchant, Toledo trusty, 507. Blame, in part is she to, 232. Blank misgivings of a creature, 759. universal, 407.

Blast, of no, he died, 309.

of war blows in our ears, 503. upon his bugle-horn, 511. Blasted with excess of light, 939. Blaze of noon, dark amid the, 321. Blazon, eternál, must not be, 725. Blazoning pens, quirks of, 722. Bleeding country, save my, 583.

Blend our pleasure or our pride, 662. Blessed do above, all we know the, 399. it is twice, 798.


or bale, her face resigned to, 721.

source of all my, 690.

that earth affords, 729.

to be alive, 490.

virtue makes our, 398. winged hours of, 347. Blithe, no lark more, 559. Blood, beats with his, 583.

bedew her pasture's grass with, 541. charming your, with heaviness, 816. cold in, cold in clime are, 205. drizzled, upon the Capitól, 899. faithful English, 541.


one line he could wish to, 806. Blotted from the things that be, 308. Blow, bugle, blow, 449.

death loves a signal, 309.

hand that gives the, adore, 312.
liberty's in every, 573.

themselves must strike the, 581.
thou winter wind, 316.
wind! come wrack, 541.

Blows, apostolic, 387.

and buffets of the world, 347. Blue above and blue below, 625.

darkly, deeply, beautifully, 490. the fresh, the ever free, 625. Blunder, free us frae monie a, 486. in men this, still you find, 812. Blush, grandeur, blush, 797.

of maiden shame, 494.
shame, where is thy, 395.
to find it fame, 797.

to give it in, 395.

Blushes, beat away those, 723.
Blushing honors, bears his, 321.

like the morn, 209.

Boast, can imagination, 489.

not of wiles more unexpert, 539.
of heraldry, 306.

patriot's, such is the, 229.
Boat is on the shore, 920.
Boatman, take thrice thy fee, 292.
Bobbed for whale, 672.
Bodice aptly laced, 721.

Bodies, soldiers bore dead, by, 506.
of unburied men, 495.

Boding tremblers, 688.
Bodkin, with a bare, 297.

Body form doth take of the soul, 730.
is under hatches, 629.
meet a body, gin a, 187.
nature is, 489.

naught cared this, 108.
pent, here in the, 389.

Boils, when the nation, 813.

Bold peasantry, their country's pride,

Bondmen, hereditary, 581.

Bone of my bone thou art, 217.

Bones are coral made, of his, 869.

are marrowless, 868.

cover to our, paste and, 310.

good is oft interred with their, 875.
rattle his, over the stones, 341.
to lay his weary, 345.

Booby, who'd give her, for another, 232.
Book and heart never part, 397.

and volume of my brain, 801.
credit of his, confounds the, 805.
in sour misfortune's, 345.

Book's a book, 805.

of fate, heaven hides the, 793.
of knowledge fair, 407.

shelves admit not any modern, 805. Bookes clothed in black, 696. Books are each a world, 805.

authority from others', 804.

in the running brooks, 489.

of honor razed quite, 540.

old, to read, 118.

tenets with, 814.

toil o'er, 804.

were woman's looks, my only, 204.

Bo-peep, played at, 721.

Bore without abuse, 797.

Borrowing, who goeth a, 347.
Bosom, cleanse the stuffed, 347.

of his Father and his God, 307.
of the ocean buried, in the deep, 541.
thorns that in her lodge, 395.
was young, when my, 529.

what, beats not in his country's
cause, 602.

Bosomed high in tufted trees, 785.
Both in the wrong, we are, 121.

sides, much may be said on, 803.
thanks and use, 797.

were young, 764.

Bottom of the deep, dive into the, 670.
Boughs, mossy leafless, 721.
Bound in shallows, 802.

in those icy chains, 263.

into saucy doubts and fears, 800. Boundless contiguity of shade, 593.

his wealth, 563.

Bounds between their love and me, 232.

of modesty, 723.

of place and time, flaming, 939.

Bounties of an hour, 747.

Bounty, large was his, 307.

Bourn, from whose, no traveller re

turns, 297.

Bout, maný a winding, 786.
Bow before thine altar, 203.

unerring, lord of the, 726. Bowels of the harmless earth, 506. Bower, nuptial, led her to the, 209. Bowers of bliss, 910.

silver, leave, 373.

Bowl, mingles with my friendly, 814.
Boxes, beggarly account of empty, 809.
Boy, a little tiny, 494.

it is but a peevish, 144.
love is a, 108.

stood on the burning deck, 614. you hear that, laughing, 979. Boyhood, conceive in, pursue as men,

Boyhood's painless play, 99.
Boyish days, even from my, 145.
Boys, like little wanton, 321.

wooing in my, I'll go, 215.
Braggart with my tongue, 346.
Braids of lilies, 869.
Brain, coinage of your, 868.

giddy, turns up my, 899.
frail fibre of her, 899.
heat-oppressed brain, 882.
out of the carver's, 726.
poet's, possess a, 938.

vex the, with researches, 805.
volume of my, book and, 801.
woman's gentle, 795.

written troubles of the, 347. Brains, lovers have such seething, 806. when the, were out, 868. Branch-charmed by the stars, 494. Branded o'er yet still believed, 558, Branksome hall, custom of, 814. Brave days of old, 570.

deserves the fair, none but the, 771. home of the, 593.

how sleep the, 563.

on ye, who rush to glory, 513. toll for the, that are no more, 612. unreturning, grieves over the, 512. Bravery, all her, on and tackle trim, 631. of his grief, 725.

Breach, imminent deadly, 145.

more honored in the, 814.
once more unto the, 503.
Bread and butter, smell of, 107.
he took and brake it, 398.
in sorrow ate, 348.
of banishment, 346.
Break it to our hope, 345.
of day, eyes like, 263.
Breakers, wantoned with thy, 607.
Breaking waves dashed high, 587.
Breast, feeble woman's, 203.

hope eternal in the human, 801.
one master-passion in the, 799.
on her white, 128.
power that sways the, 809.
soothe a savage, 809.
sunshine of the, 793.

tamer of the human, 345.
that in me bleeds, 271.
thine ideal, 869.
toss him to my, 395.
two hands upon the, 295.
where learning lies, 805.
within his own clear, 796.
Breastplate, what stronger, 796.
Breath, bated, 724.

call the fleeting, 306.
can make them, 687.
lightly draws its, 87.

of kings, princes are but the, 386.
of morn, 206, 490.

rides on the posting winds, 811.
smell's wooingly, heaven's, 720.

Breath, summer's ripening, 492. to the wind, melted as, 868. weary of, one more, 335. Breathe, thoughts that, 867. Breathes there the man, 563. Breathing household laws, 814. of the common wind, 922. Bred, where is fancy, 125. Breeches are so queer, 323. Breeds by a composture, 489. Breeze, far as the, can bear, 626.

refreshes in the, 489. Brevity is the soul of wit, 803. Bridal chamber, come to the, Death, 582. of the earth and skie, 301.

Bride, wife is dearer than the, 215.
Bride-bed to have decked, I thought

Bridegroom, fresh as a, 506.

Bridge of sighs, in Venice on the, 720.
Brief as the lightning, 250.

as woman's love, 207.

authority, drest in a little, 813.

'tis, my lord, 207.

unto as largé a volume, 107.

Bright as young diamonds, 345.

honor, pluck, from the pale-faced moon, 670.

must fade, all that is, 793.

particular star, love a, 242.

waters meet, where the, 721.

Brighten, blessings, as they take their

flight, 801.

Brightens, how the wit, 812.

Brightest and best of sons of morning, 397.

still the fleetest, 793. Bright-eyed Fancy, 867. Brightness, amazing, 133.

recall her native, 867. Bring the day, Phosphor, 489.

the rathe primrose, 494.

your wounded hearts, here, 348. Bringer of unwelcome news, 346. Britain at Heaven's command, 576. Britannia needs no bulwarks, 629.

rules the waves, 576.

Brither, lo'ed him, like a vera, 847.
Britons never shall be slaves, 576.
Broad-based upon her people's will, 632.
Broke the die in moulding Sheridan, 940.
Broken, love vow and heart can be, 271.
Broken-hearted, ne'er been, 233.
Brokenly live on, 512.

Broil and battle, feats of, 145.
Brook and river meet, where, 104.
can see no moon but this, 491.
fast by a, 493.

noise like of a hidden, 858.
sparkling with a, 489.

Brooks, books in the running, 489.
in Vallombrosa, 494.


Builds a church to God, 797.
Built God a church, 396.
Bullen's eyes, dawned from, 397.
Bulwark, firm connected, 632.

native, of the pass, 719. Bulwarks, Britannia needs no, 629. Burden of his song, 816.

of the mystery, 404.

of three-score, 232.

Burdens of the Bible old, 735.
Burn, words that, 867.

Burning deck, boy stood on the, 614.
Burnished dove, livelier iris on the, 254.
Burns with one love, 120.

Burrs, conversation's, 803.

Bush, in the, with God may meet, 744.
the thief doth fear each, 725.
through, through brier, 869.
Business, prayer all his, 399.
Bust, animated, 306.

Busy bee, how doth the little, 108.
companies of men, 719.

hammers closing rivets, 540. hum of men, 786.

Butchered to make a Roman holiday,

Butterflies show not mealy wings, 121.
Butterfly upon a wheel, breaks a, 909.
Button on Fortune's cap, 347.

Buttoned down before, coat that, 976.
Buy it, they lose it that do, 803.

Cabined cribbed confined, 800.

Cares, that wait upon a crown, 136.
Caress, wooing the, 814.
Carols rude, owns in, 559.
Carnage and his conquest cease, 541.
Carpet knight, some vain, 656.
Carry gentle peace, 322.

Carve him as a dish fit for gods, 900.
Carved not a line, we, 920.

with figures strange, 726.
Carver's brain, out of the, 726.
Casca, the envious, 876.

Case, lady's in the, when a, 320.
Casement slowly grows, 315.
Casements, charmed magic, 317.

Cassius has a lean and hungry look, 722.
Cast of thought, 297.

set my life upon a, 802.
Casting a dim religious light, 787.
Castle hath a pleasant seat, 720.

wall, bores through his, 308.
Castled crag of Drachenfels, 446.

Rhine, dwelleth by the, 494.
Castles in the clouds that pass, 831.
Casuists, soundest, doubt, 803.
Cat, caré will kill a, 816.

harmless, necessary, 496.
i' the adage, 800.
Cataract, sounding, haunted me, 404.
Cataracts, silent, 377.

Catch him tripping if you can, 724.

the conscience of the king, 804.
the manners living as they rise, 807.
Caters for the sparrow, 394.

Cadmus, you have the letters, gave, 581. Cathay, cycle of, 258.


Cæsar, great, fell, 876.

hath wept, 876.

I come to bury, 875.

in every wound of, a tongue, 877. more dangerous than danger, 899. with a senate at his heels, 781. yesterday the word of, 876. Cæsar's spirit ranging for revenge, 539. Cage, nor iron bars a, 147. Calamity man's true touchstone, 348. of so long life, 297.

Caledonia stern and wild, 575. Call for the robin-redbreast, 495. it holy ground, 587.

me early, mother dear, 327.
to-day his own, 793.

Called so loud that hell resounded, 540.
Calling shapes, fantasies of, 830.
Calm as a summer sea, 631.

disdain, forsaking with a, 940.
for those who weep, 794.
so deep, I never felt, 678.
thou mayst smile, 807.
Calmness, law made in, 540.
thy current's, 720.
Cambuscan bold, story of, 787.
Camilla scours the plain, 806.
Can imagination boast, 489.

this be death, 365.

Candid friend, save me from the, 121.
where we can, be, 807.

Candied tongue, let the, 111.
Candle, out out brief, 792.

throws his beams, 797.
Candles, night's, are burnt out, 490.
Cane, clouded, conduct of a, 799.
Canker and the grief are mine, 250.
Cannibals that each other eat, 145.
Cannon to right of them, 517.
Cannon's mouth, even in the, 711.
Canon 'gainst self-slaughter,
Canopied by the blue sky, 765.
Canst not say I did it, 868.
Cap whiter than driven snow, 708.
Cabability and godlike reason, 808.
Capitol, drizzled blood upon the, 899.

who betrayed the, 795.
Captain ill, good attending, 398.
Captive, good, attending ill, 398.
Caravan, innumerable, join the, 307.
Carcase, fit for hounds, 900.

Card, reason the, passion the gale, 792.
Care adds a nail to our coffin, 798.

for nobody, if nobody cares, 816.
humbler harmonist of, 940.

in heaven is there, 373.

leaden footstep of, 604.

life of, weep away the, 317. ravelled sleave of, 883.

what, I how fair she be, 393. will kill a cat, 816.

wrinkled, sport that, derides, 785. Care-charming sleep, 816. Careless childhood, 108.

their merits or faults to scan, 688. Cares, heart depressed with, 795. dividing, doubling his pleasures and his, 212.

fret thy soul with, 204. humble, and fears, 231. nobler loves and, 421. that infest the day, 816.

Cato give his senate laws, 602, 910.
indifferent to sleep or die, 310.
Caucasus, on the frosty, 346.
Caught by glare, 215.

Cauld, there's neither, nor care, 296.
Cause, good old, homely beauty of, 814.
grace my, little shall I, 145.
great first, 370.

magnificent and awful, 575.
Cause of policy, turn him to any, 723.
report me and my, aright, 811.
Causes which conspire to blind, 799.
Caution's, cold-pausing, lesson scorning,

Caverns measureless to man, 834.
Caves, dark unfathomed, of ocean, 306.
Cease every joy to glimmer, 800.
rude Boreas, 628

Celebrated, Saviour's birth is, 397.
Celestial harmony of likely hearts, 206.
rosy red, 203.

Cell of fancy, internal sight, 209.
Cement of the soul, friendship, 120.
of two minds, friendship, 120.
Censure, mouths of wisest, 811.
take each man's, 815.
Centre, faith has, everywhere, 397.
Centuries fall like grains of sand, 604.
Ceremony, enforced, 206.

Certainty to please, that charm the, 212.
Chain, hanging in a golden, 492.
lengthening, drags a, 248.
Chains, bound in those icy, 263.

untwisting all the, 786.

Chair, has one vacant, 272.

rack of a too easy, 724.

Chalice, ingredients of our poisoned, 800.
Challenge to his end, 193.

Chamber carved so curiously, 726.

come to the bridal, Death, 545.

where good man meets his fate, 309.

Chance, all, direction, 489.

by happy, saw a twofold image, 494.
Chancellor in embryo, 107.
Chances, most disastrous, 145,

Change a mind with every minute, 813.
came o'er my dream, 765.
of many-colored life, 905.
old love for new, 207.
ringing grooves of, 258.

such a, the sky is charged and, 686.
the place, but keep the pain, 799.
Changeful dream, fickle as a, 813.
Changes, owe their charms to their, 723.
Chanticleer, crow like, 810.

strutting, strain of, 869.

Chaos and old night, 725.
Chaos-like, together crushed, 815.
Characters from high life drawn, 812.
Charactery, fairies use flowers for, 869.
Charge, Chester, charge, 510.

is prepared, the lawyers met, 722.
Chariots, wheels of brazen, 500.
Charities that soothe, 398.
Charity, a little earth for, 346.

all mankind's concern is, 398.
hand open for, melting, 724.
pity gave ere, began, 688.
Charm of earliest birds, 206, 490.
of poetry and love, 495.
one native, more dear, 689.
overcome with female, 899.
power to, nor witch hath, 397,

to stay the morning star, 376. woman's chiefest, a gentle voice, 795. Charmer sinner it, whether the, 805. were t'other dear, away, 134. Charmers, like other, wooing, 814. Charming, ever, ever new, 444.

your blood with heaviness, 816. Charms, music hath, to soothé, 809. solitude, where are the, 738. strike the sight, 203. Charter large as the wind, 602. Chartered libertine, air a, 723. Chase, tears in piteous, 496.

the sport of kings, 671. Chasm, horrid, disclosed, 948. Chaste as morning dew, 106.

as the icicle, 493.


Chastises whom m st he likes, 347.
Chastity my brother, 796.

saintly, so dear is, 796.

she that hath, clad in steel, 796. Chatham's la guage his tongue, 575. Chaucer, learned, more nigh to, 939. lodge thee by, 905.

well of English undefyled, 938.
Cheat, life 'tis all a, 793.
Checkered paths of joy and woe, 226.
Cheek, fe d on her damask, 251.
he that loves a rosy, 141.
of night, hangs upon the, 721.
o'er her warm, 205.

pale grew thy, and cold, 241.
iron tears down Pluto's 787.
villain with a smiling, 797.

Cheeks, blow, winds, crack your, 494.
stain my man's, 346.

Cheer, but not inebriate, cups that, 810. of vigor born, 793.

make good, play and, 232. Cheerful dawn, May-time and the, 128. godliness, 907.

ways of men, cut off from, 407.
yesterdays, 793.

Cheerless being sole and sad, 271.
Cherish, those hearts that hate thee, 322
Cherries that none may buy, 123.
Cherry, like to a double, 38.


Cherub, sweet little, up aloft, 615.
Cherubíns, young-eyed, 775.
Chest of drawers by day, 689.
Chewing the cud of fancy, 813.
Chian strand, blind bard on the, 822.
Chickens, all my pretty, 309.
Chief a rod, 780.

hail to the, who in triumph, 519. Chiefs out of war, 814.

Chiel's amang ye takin' notes, 805.
Child, Ilave een a curious, 631.
a naked new-born, 78.


fleeted by, 108.

first dawn of, 490.
in my days of, 274.

shows the man, 107.

Childhood's hour, from, 251.
Childish ignorance, 93.

tremble, turning towards, 711. Childishness, second, and mere obliv ion, 711.

Childlike and bland, smile that was, 987.
Children blessings seem, 108.

like bells run backwards, 108.

of a larger growth, men but, 107. through the mirthful maze, 232. Chill penury, 306.

Chimæras dire, Hydras and, 868.
Chime, to guide their, 626.

Chimney-pots, what tiles and, 630.
Chimney-sweepers come to dust, 301.
Chin, new-reaped, 506.

China fall, though, 231.

Chinks that time has made, 754.
Chivalry, beauty and her, 511.

charge with all thy, 513.

Choice word and measured phrase, 807.
Choke one with unutterable joy, 725.
Choose an author as a friend, 805.
not alone a proper mate, 215,

Choose thine own time, 303.

where to, their place of rest, 321. which of the two to, 370. Choosing and beginning late, 204. Chord, smote the, of self, 255 Chords, smote on all the, 255.

that vibrate sweetest pleasure, 204. Chorus, landlord's laugh was ready, 847. Christ, ring in the, that is to be, 752. Christian, highest style of man, 399. Christians have burnt each other, 396. Christmas comes once a year, 232, 816. 'twas the night before, 96. Chronicle small beer, 723. Chronicler, such an honest, 811. Chrysolite, one perfect, 723. Church, built God a, 396.

who builds a, to God, 797.
Church-going bell, sound of the, 738.
Churchyard mould, verge of thé, 802.
stone, lie beneath the, 309.
Churchyards yawn, time when, 491.
Chymist, fiddler, statesman, 909.
Cigar, give me a, 814.

Cimmerian darkness, 743.
Cinnamon, tinct with, 179.

Circle, thy firmness makes my, just, 248.
Circumstance of glorious war, 722.

without more, at all, 241.

Cisterns, cool, of the midnight air, 416. Cities, far from gay, 489.

towered, please us then, 786.

Civility, I see a wild, 713.

Clad in complete steel, 796.

Clamors, Jove's dread, 722.

Clasp his teeth, drunkard, 558.

Classic ground, seem to tread on, 807. Clay, porcelain of human, 309. tenement of, 908.

turf that wraps their, 563. Cleanse the stuffed bosom, 347. Clear, deep yet, 723.

in his great office, 900.

Clerk ther was of Oxenforde, 696.
Clicked behind the door, 689.
Cliff, as some tall, 688.

Climb, how hard it is to, 812.

Clime, cold in, cold in blood, 205. deeds done in their, 451.

in every, adored, 370.

in the eastern, advancing, 490.

soft as her, sunny as her skies, 721. some brighter, 304.

Climes, humors turn with, 814.

Clink of hammers, closing rivets up, 540. Clip an angel's wings, 808.

Cloak, martial, around him, 920.

Clock, finger of a, fancy like the, 810. worn out with eating time, 309.

Close against the sky, 93.

of the day, at the, 737.

Clothe my naked villainy, 396.
Clothed in black or red, 696.
Clothes, through tattered, 802.
liquefaction of her, 126.

wantonness in, kindles a, 713.
when he put on his, 948.
Clothing the palpable, 490.
Cloud, lessening, 719.

sable, turn her silver lining, 491.
through a fleecy, 787.

to cloud the lightning's rage, 494.
Cloud-capped towers, 867.
Clouds, behold those everlasting, 495.
castles in the, 831.

exalted with the threatening, 631.
fought upon the, 899.

hooded like friars, 494.

Coats, hole in a' your, 805.

Cobwebs, laws like, in all ages, 810.

Cock that is trumpet to the morn, 868.

Coffin, adds a nail to our, 798.

Cofre, litel gold in, 696.

Cogibundity of cogitation, 808.
Cogitative faculties immersed, 808.
Cohorts were gleaming, 500.
Coigne of vantage, 720.
Coil, not worth this, 348.

shuffled off this mortal, 297. Coinage of your brain, the very, 868. Cold in blood, cold in clime, 205.

iron, man that meddles with, 540.
sweat thrills my limbs, 725.
the changed-the dead, 271.

[blocks in formation]

Combat deepens, the, on ye brave, 513.

wit in the, as gentle as bright, 940.
Combination and a form indeed, 721.
Come and trip it as you go, 785.
as the waves come, 518.
as the winds come, 518.
death will, when it will, 310.
gentle spring, 492.

like shadows, so depart, 868.
live with me and be my love, 157.
one come all, 655.

perfect days, then if ever, 424.
to the bridal chamber death, 582.
unto these yellow sands, 869.
what come, may, 791.

what may, I have been blest, 207. when the heart beats high, 582. when you do call for them, 812. Comes, the blind fury, 812.

to be denied, comes too near, that, 232.

unlooked for if at all, 811.

Comets, no, seen, when beggars die, 899. Comfort, bé, to my age, 394.

continuall, in a face, 904. finds, in himself, 540. flows from ignorance, 730. Coming events cast their shadows, 574. through the rye, 187.

Command success, not in mortalsto, 802. Commends the ingredients, justice, 800. Comment, meek nature's, 491. Commentators, plain, give me, 805. Commercing with the skies, 786. Commit oldest sins, the newest ways, 395. Common as light is love, 206.

men, crowd of, 308.

men, roll of, 812.

people of the skies, 124.
sun the air the skies, 489.

walk, privileged beyond the, 309. Commonplace of nature, 495. Communicated, good the more, 398. Communion with her visible forms, 307. Compact, imagination all, 806. Companies, busy, of men, 719. Companions, his best, innocence and health, 687.

I have had, playmates, 271.
musing on, gone, 248.
of the spring, 472.

Company is mixed, 814.

Compare, beautiful beyond, 399.
Comparisons are odious, 795.

Compass, I mind my, and my way, 742. narrow, 125.

Compassed by the inviolate sea, 632.
Compasses, as stiff twin, are two, 248.
Compassion, courage and, joined, 539.
Competence, health peace and, 815.
Complete stéel, clad in, 796.
Complexion, mislike me not for my, 722.
Complies against his will, 803.
Compliments banish all but truth, 134.
Composture from excrement, 489.
Compound for sins, inclined to, 387.
Compunction, strong, wrought, 797.
Compunctious visitings of nature, 900.
Compute, what's done, 784.

Conceal the mind, talk only to, 804.
Concealment like a worm i'the bud, 251.
Conceive in boyhood, pursue as men, 867.
Concentred in a life intense, 813.
Concerted harmonies, 243.
Conclusion, lame and impotent, 723.
Concord holds, devil with devil firm, 815.

of sweet sounds, 776.

Condemn the wrong, 395.

Conjugal petard, scolding the, 215.
Conquer Love, they that run, 205.

twenty worlds, mine arm, 308. we must, our cause it is just, 593. Conqueror, proud foot of a, 603. Conquerors, a lean fellow beats all, 308. Conscience avaunt, 541.

does make cowards of us all, 297. have vacation, why should not, 395. is corrupted, 796.

of her worth, virtue and the, 209. of the king, catch the, 804. wakes despair, 396. Conscious water blushed, 362. Consent, I will ne'er, 205. Consequence, betray us in deepest, 396. trammel up, and catch success, 900. Consideration like an angel, 395. Constancy in wind, hope, 806. Constant as the northern star, 492.

become more, as they cool, 795. were man but, he were perfect, 271. Constellations, happy, shed, 209. Consummation devoutly to be wished,


Condemned, the wretch, on hope relies, Country, die to save our, 601.

God made the, man the town. 672.
he sighed for his, 578.

his first best, ever is at home, 229.
my bleeding, save, 583.

Country, the undiscovered, 297. Country's cause, bosom beats in his, 602. wishes blessed, 563.

Courage and compassion, 539.
is as little as his wit, 140.
mounteth with occasion, 541.
never to submit, 540.

screw your, to the sticking place, 802. Course of nature, the art of God, 489. of one revolving moon, 909.

of true love never ran smooth, 250. westward the, of empire, 587. Courses, steer their, 807.

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