[blocks in formation]


This subject-index contains a reference under its appropriate head to every digest of cur-
rent opinions which has appeared in the volume. The references, of course, are to the pages
apon which the digest may be found. There are no cross-references, but each digest is in-
dexed herein under that head for which it would most naturally occur to a searcher to look.
It will be understood that the page to which reference, by number, is made, may contain more
than one case on the subject under examination, and therefore the entire page in each instance
will necessarily have to be scanned in order to make effective and thorough search.

[blocks in formation]

Attorney and Client-Authority of Attorney, 53,
359, 449: Attorney's Lien, 161 449; Compen-
sation, 35: Compromise of Judgment, 233;
Compromise with Client, 35; Confidential Re-
lations, 35; Constructive Contract, 143; Con-
tingent Fee, 71; Disbarment, 89, 107, 161;
Disrespectful Motion Papers. 143; Inexperi-
ence of Attorney, 143; Interest on Claim,
107; Knowledge of Attorney, 53; Payment of
Money Awarded, 197; Right of Associate At-
torneys, 107; Unpatriotic Conduct, 53; Value
of Services, 449.

Auctions and Auctioneers-Caveat Emptor, 341.

Automobiles-Collision, 395; Duty of Driver. 413;
Duty to Guest, 359; Negligence of Driver,
413; Use by Son, 431.

Bailment Admissibility of Evidence, 161; Burg-
lary, 143; Return Shipment, 143.

Bankruptcy-Action by Creditor, 53; Assignment
to Trustee, 179; Attachment Lien, 251; At-
torney's Fee, 89; Building on Bankrupt's
Land, 125; Chattels, 287; Chattel Mortgage,
89, 251; Civil Contempt. 305; Composition,
215, 413; Contest of Claim, 215; Contribu-
tion. 395; Devise in Trust, 161; Discharge,
161, 197: Discretion of Court, 143; Exemp-
tions, 431; Exemption from Arrest, 197; False
Pretenses. 71, 125; False Property Statement,
179; Farming. 53; Form of Pleading, 413;
Insurance Benefit, 125; Insurance Policies,
287; Judgment of Referee, 233; Jurisdiction,
251, 287; Landlord's Lien, 215; Misappropriat-
ing Proceeds, 197; Mistake. 305; Mortgaged
Property, 161, 233; Motion to Intervene, 449;
Operation of Bankruptcy Suit, 71; Partner-
ship, 449; Payment of Check, 287; Personal
Property 269; Petition to Revise, 17; Powers
of Liquidators, 179; Powers of Trustee, 161;
Preference, 107, 125 233; Preferential Pay-
ments, 161; Principal Place of Business, 197;
Priority of Payment 449; Set-Off of Deposit,
269; Stay of Proceedings, 251; Stockholders'
Liability, 251; Surrender Value of Insurance
Policy, 71; Taxes, 449; Unauthorized Note,
431; Unincorporated Association, 449; Unre-
corded Assignment, 215; Validity of Sale,
215: Voluntary Bankruptcy, 107, 215, 359,
449; Widow of Partner, 233.

Banks and Banking-Accumulating Checks, 125;
Act of President. 215; Application of De-
posit, 107; Authority of Cashier, 161; Bank
as Agent, 89; Bill of Lading, 143; Cable
Transfer, 179; Certified Check, 161; "Check,
Draft or Order," 323; Corporate Existence,
287; Credit for Check, 161; Degree of Care,
125 Deposit Slip. 89; Dishonor of Check, 323;
Dishonor of Draft, 305; Draft, 341; Duty of
Commissioner, 53; Exchange Value. 215;
Failure to Pay Assessment, 89: Fiduciary
Relation, 179; Forgery, 17, 89, 125, 197, 287,
305; Identification, 107; Insolvency, 359; In-
tra Vires 323; Joint Deposit, 53, 287; Knowl-
edge of Account, 143; Liability of Directors,
377, 431; Liability of Express Company, 413:
Liability of Shareholders, 251; Liability for
Note 359: Lien on Deposit, 71, 233; Note of
Another Bank, 197; Notice. 323; Notice of
Fraud, 126; Overloan not Void, 215; Owner-
ship of Draft, 107; Powers of Officers. 323;
President's Draft, 35; Receiver of National
Bank is Officer of United States, 359; Re-
ceivership, 126; Refusal of Draft, 359; Re-
turn of Consideration, 179; Set-Off of De-
posit, 269; Special Deposit 341; Status Apart
from State, 17; Stock Purchases, 323; Stock-
holder's Liability, 287; Telegram as Check,
89: Title to Funds, 251; Ultra Vires Contract,

Bills and Notes-Admissibility of Evidence. 395;
Assignment, 179; Attorney's Fee. 17, 143, 179,
323: Bona Fide Holder, 35, 359; Conditional
Promise. 89: Contingency, 233; Corporate
Note, 17: Definite Time, 395; Disputed Claim,
215; Duress, 305; Estoppel, 107: Failure of
Consideration, 53; Failure to Present, 377;
Foreign Corporation. 126; Gambling Debt,
197, 269; Good Faith. 71; Holder for Value,
179; Holder in Due Course, 179, 215, 287, 305,

395, 413; Indorsement "For Collection," 251;
Insanity of Maker, 35; Interest 197, 251;
Lack of Maturity Date, 143; Liability of Ac-
ceptor, 71; Liability of Indorser, 89, 449;
Memorandum, 251; Misrepresentation, 431;
Negligence of Bank. 197; Notice of Defect,
305; Negotiability, 161; Ownership, 359; Pay-
ment for Stock, 341; Place of Signature, 71;
Proper Signature, 359; Purchaser Before Ma-
turity, 17; Purpose of Signature, 251; Re-
newal 269, 305, 359; Set-Off, 269; Stipulation,
53; Substitution, 395; Terms of Contract, 35;
Transfer, 53, 71. 89 126; Uncertainty, 377;
Valid Consideration, 377.

[blocks in formation]

Carriers of Goods-Bailee for Hire, 126; Bill of
Lading, 323. 359; Care of Explosives, 144;
Cartman a "Common Carrier" 377; Conver-
sion of Shipment, 54: Damage in Transit,
126, 144, 161: Delay. 35. 341. 395; Delivery.
126, 197, 323 432: Discrimination, 341; Duty
to Accept. 395; Freight Charges. 269; Good-
Faith Delivery, 233: Joint Rates, 432; Law-
ful Rate 107, 126; Liability of Initial Car-
rier 395: Limitation of Liability. 395; Meas-
ure of Damages, 71; Measure of Recovery,
216: Notice of Arrival. 341; Overcharge, 323;
Owner's Risk. 180: Place of Bringing Suit,
269: Proof of Weight, 180; Rates. 252:
Switching Service, 161: Transfer of Bill of
Lading, 126; Voluntary Reduction of Rate,

Carriers of Live Stock-Act of God. 162: Delay.
90: Element of Damage. 35; "Inherent Vice."
359; Negligence, 413; Suitable Cars, 54.

Carriers of Passengers-Act of Passenger, 216;
Alighting 233, 287, 341: Arrest. 233; Assault,
162. 233: Attendant of Live Stock. 35; Con-
tributory Negligence, 432; Defective Door,
359: Degree of Care. 71: Due Care. 432;
Ejectment. 126; Injury Caused by Derailment,
341: Liability of Carrier, 306: Loss of Bag-
gage. 17, 180; Negligence, 35. 71 144, 162,
197. 216, 233, 269. 306. 341: Ordinary Care,
287: Proximate Cause of Death. 54; Pullman
Conductor not Passenger. 17: Rates, 17. 71.
323: Res Insa Loquitur, 17; Separate Coach
Law. 126: Starting Car, 216: Ticket not Con-
tract, 126.

Certiorari-Laches. 432.

Champerty and Maintenance-Quantum Meruit,
36; Void Contract, 413.

Charities-Gift to Town. 396: Power of Legis-
lature, 126; Testamentary Trust, 197.

Chattel Mortgages-Annulment of Sale, 17; Con-
ditional Sale, 269, 396; Conversion, 144; De-
scription, 269; Foreclosure, 377; Foreign,

Commerce "Foreign," 252; Imports. 413; Inter-
state. 90. 144, 180, 197, 216, 252, 270, 414;
Interstate Telegram, 233; Liquor Transpor-
tation, 18: Money not "Article of Commerce,"
126: Order of Interstate Commerce Commis-
sion. 396; Posting on Billboards, 72: "Prop-
erty Taxes," 90; Rate Regulation. 233; Safe-
ty Appliance, 270; State Laws, 306; Taxation
of Intangible Property, 72.

Conspiracy-Evidence, 126; Plan by Unions, 107;
Trade with Indians, 198.

Constitutional Law-Anarchistic Doctrines. 90;
Authority of City, 36; Authority Over Cable
Landings, 180; Ball Rent Law, 360; City Or-
dinance, 432; Contractor's Bond. 198; Denial
of Admission to Bar, 90; Disloyal Utter-
ances, 360: Distribution of Income Tax. 180;
Divorce, 162, 414: Due Process, 54, 107, 288.
341, 450; Equal Protection 288; Escheat of
Bank Deposits, 270, 324; Federal and State
Laws, 288; Fixing Wages, 107; Freedom of
the Press, 90; Garnishment 36; Habeas Cor-
pus, 126: Impairment of Contract, 54, 377:
Investigation of Strikes, 396: License Tax
on Dogs, 198; Meaning and Effect of Con-
stitution 360: Mixed Marriages, 432; Motive
of Legislature, 306; Non-Payment of Debt,
324; "Obligation of a Contract," 342; Opera-
tion on Prisoner, 126; Periods of Limitation.
36: Police Power, 342; Public Lands. 36: Rati-
fication, 144; Regulation of Barbering, 108;
Regulation of Rates, 126; Religious Corpora-
tion. 127: Revocation of License. 108; Right
of Appeal, 396; Right of Assembly, 432; Road
Improvement. 180: State Insurance, 288; Vir-
gin Islands. 306; Women as Jurors, 324.

Contempt-Indirect, 432.

Contracts-Breach of, 414, 432; Compliance with,
180: "Cost of Completion" Defined, 90; Build-
ing Repairs, 252; Divisible, 252; Effects of
World War, 72; Entirety, 216; Good Will,
270; Impossibility of Performance, 198; In-
suring Property in Storage, 36; Mutuality.
90. 127, 396, 414; Mutual Agreement. 450;
Partial Breach 72; Pawnbroker. 18; Public
Policy 72, 450; Specific Performance, 414;
Substantial Performance, 216; Test of Water
Well, 18; Verbal Agreement, 377.

Corporations-Adverse Claim, 234; Assets, 216;
Assignment of Contract, 162; Authority of
Employe, 144; Cancellation of Stock, 72; Cer-
tificate to do Business, 18; Change of Venue,
127; Compensation of Directors. 288; Com-
pensation for Serving Public, 90; Considera-
tion for Stock, 90: Corporate Seal. 396; De
Facto, 72: Doing Business Within State, 198.
270, 342; Double Agency, 306; Excessive Sal-
aries, 216; Exchange of Stock 162; Fore-
closure, 414; Foreign Corporation. 144, 377,
414: Fraudulent Judgment 270; Illegal Con-
tract 127: Insolvency. 414; Interstate Busi-
ness, 414: Intrastate Transaction, 162; Issu-
ance of Stock, 216, 306; "Laches." 180; Lease.
324; Laches of Stockholders, 90; Liability of
Stockholders, 54; Libel by Controlled Com-
pany 72: Payment of Dividends, 234: Place
of Meetings, 360; Power of President, 342;
Profit on Resale of Bonds, 288; Promoter's
Contract, 144; Provision of Charter. 18; Pro-
visions of Statutes 377: Public Utility, 234;
Purchase of Own Stock, 324, 450; Ratifica-
tion. 377: Receivership, 342; Rescission of
Contract, 18; Sale of Stock. 342; Stock Trans-
fers, 360; Tort of Former Partnership, 144;
"Transacting Business," 234; Ultra Vires,
360: Valid Obligations. 18; Void Deed, 216;
Withdrawal of Majority, 36; Worthless
Stock, 198.

Costs-Attorney's Fee, 234.

Counties-Road Bond Issue, 18.

[blocks in formation]


Innkeepers-Entry of Guest's Room, 397; Neg-
ligence, 234, 432.

Insurance-Accidental Death, 108; "Accidental
Means," 162, 378; Accidental Poisoning, 307;
Addition to Building, 55; Aeronautics, 378;
"Arrears," 288; Assessment Contract, 343;
Assignment of Policy, 108; Authority to Ac-
quire Building,
Breach of Warranty, 217; Burden of Proof,
234; Beneficiaries, 271;
108, 145, 288; By-Laws, 288, 324; Cancellation,
181, 414; Cause of Injury, 55; Change of
Beneficiary, 432; Change of Occupation, 145,
162; Class of Employment, 127, 324; Colli-
sion, 397; "Combat," 181; Compliance with
Provisions, 36; Conditions in Policy, 181;
"Confined to Bed," 73; Construction of By-
Law, 271; Construction of Contract, 91; Con-
summation of Contract, 325; Crops, 450; De-
fault of Mortgagee, 18; Default on Note, 343;
Delay in Action, 217; Delivery of Policy, 73;
"Dependent," 127; Deposit of Premiums, 108;
Disability, 397; Dispute, 163; Effect of Rider,
271; Eligibility, 36; "Enlisted Man." 325;
Examination After Loss, 217; Excess Pre-
mium, 252; Failure to Designate Beneficiary,
109; False Statement, 108, 217; Felonious
Taking 397; Forfeiture,
217; Fraud, 91;
Health, 198; Hazardous Employment, 307;
Representations, 145; Good
Hospital Treatment, 325; "Immediate No-
tice," 450; Increase of Assessments 109; In-
sanity, 252; Insurable Interest, 91, 109. 127,
325, 414; Lapse of Policy, 271; Law of State
of Delivery, 109; Liability of Insurer, 252;
Liability of Medical Examiner, 163; Liability
for Payment by Insured, 18; Loss of
325; Loss Through Hail, 217; Military Serv-
ice, 127, 145, 198, 217, 360, 414; Misrepresenta-
tion, 127, 360; Misstatement of Age, 127;
Mutual Mistake, 73; Note in Payment of
Premium, 234; Option.
Benefits, 288; Payment of First Premium,
432; Payments of
360; Policy Against Theft, 271: Proof of
Disability, 325; Proof of Loss. 252, 343, 450;
Provisions of Policy, 235; Proximate Cause
of Injury, 181; Raise of Rates, 198; Removal
of Goods, 288; Renewal, 55; Repairs, 450;
Representations, 325, 378; Specific Goods, 307;
Statutory Provisions, 378; Subrogation. 145,
325; Suicide Clause, 289; Surety Bonds, 432;
Time Limit, 19; "Vessel Hazard," 199; Vex-
atious Refusal, 55; Violent Death, 127; "Vol-
untary Exposure," 235; Waiver of Limitation,


Insurrection and Sedition-Martial Law, 450.

Interest-Coupons, 199.

Intoxicating Liquors-Accomplice, 181: Admis-

sibility of Evidence, 73, 181, 415; Alaska
Bone Dry Law, 163; Apparatus for Making,
325; "Concurrent Power," 91; Contradictory
Evidence, 109; Description, 127; Eighteenth
Amendment, 307; Excess Tax, 181; Flavoring
Extracts, 235; Inference, 289; Insufficient
Bill, 19; Intent, 378, 433; Interstate Com-
merce, 361; Jamaica Ginger, 199; Liability
for Wife's Acts, 451; License Fee, 252; Penal
Ordinance, 343; Possession, 163;
sion," 289; Possession of Equipment, 217;
Possession for Unlawful Purpose, 73; Prep-
aration for Household Use, 199; Prima Facie
Case, 163; Prima Facie Evidence, 378; Search
of Residence, 199; Search Warrant, 55; Seiz-
ure of Automobile, 55; State Laws, 19, 73, 127,
163. 235, 289, 307; Substantial Evidence, 433;
Sufficiency of Proof, 378, 451; Sufficient In-
dictment, 145; Tax, 433; Transfer of License,
415; Unlawful Intent. 91; Unlawful Search
and Seizure, 19, 36; Use of Automobile, 181,
217, 235. 253, 343, 415; Use of Property, 432;
Validity of Ordinance, 451; "Violation of
Law," 361; Volstead Act, 181; Warrant to
Police Officer, 37.

Joint Adventures-Division of Profits, 415.

Landlord and Tenant-Agreed Service, 73; Alter-
ing and Sub-letting, 271; "Apartment House,"
199; Assignment of Lease, 127, 217; Breach
of Contract, 37, 235; Construction of Lease,
361; Counterclaim, 271; Crops, 73, 378; Dam-

No. 26

age by Tenant 199; Description of Property,
415; Forcible Entry, 217; Holding Over, 55;
Housing Laws, 271; Injury to Lessee, 289;
Insufficient Rent, 181; Landlord's Lien, 163;
Lease, 217; Legality of Bond, 199; Lessee's
Rights, 37; Liability for Rent, 451; Lien on
Crops, 73; Measure of Damages, 235; Notice,
73; Notice to Renew Lease, 199; Nuisance,
235; Option to Purchase, 91, 361; Portion of
Premises, 19; Provisions of Lease, 289; Rati-
fication of Contract, 73; Reasonable Rent,
73, 163; Remodeling, 235; Renewal of Lease,
145, 415; Rent Regulation, 109; Repairs, 127,
307; Requirement of Lease Waived, 378;
Right of Action, 55; Safety of Premises, 91;
"Structural Addition," 289; Summary Pro-
ceeding, 19, 163; Tenancy at Will, 451; Term
of Years, 55; Termination of Lease, 181; Title
to Land, 217; Unlawful Use, 271; Unreason-
able Rent, 181, 289, 361.

Libel and Slander-Actionable per se, 163; Coun-
terclaims, 73; "Libelous per se," 109, 397;
Privileged Communication, 343; Publication,

Licenses-Fees Not Tax, 325; "Manufacturer,"
109; Peddlers, 145; Power of Municipality,
307; Presumed Reasonable, 451; Share of
Unincorporated Association, 73; Tax Not
Recoverable, 163; Transient Merchant, 217.

Life Estates-Cutting Timber, 37; Savings De-
posit, 235; Tax Sale, 378; Use of Land, 433.
Limitation of Actions-Claims for Extras, 397;
Statute Construed, 343.

Lis Pendens-Cancellation, 415.

Literary Property-Same as Other Personalty,

Logs and Logging-Entire Contract, 199.
Malicious Mischief-Depositing of Dead Animals,

Mandamus-Conformance with Contract, 361;
Election Contest, 433; Highway Commission-
ers, 271; Officers' Salaries, 128; Public Funds,
415; Restoration to Office, 128.

Maritime Liens-Repairs, 55; Supplies Furnished
to Owner, 55.

Master and Servant-Admissibility of Evidence,
235, 397; Amount of Compensation, 19; Ar-
bitration Stipulation, 163; Arising Out of
Employment, 253, 343, 415; Assault by Em-
ployee, 55, 253; Assault by Foreman, 109;
Assumption of Risk, 37, 55, 74, 91, 397, 433;
Authority of Employee, 289; Basis of Com-
pensation, 91; Bonus, 19; Burden of Proof,
217; Casual Employment, 145, 307, 397; Com-
pensation Act, 451; Compensation to State,
37; Compliance with Statute, 397; Conclu-
sive Settlement, 145; Contributory Negli-
gence, 19, 74, 217; Corporate Officer, 55;
Course of Employment, 19, 55, 74, 91, 145,
163, 217, 235, 253, 271, 325, 378; Death from
Cerebral Hemorrhage, 145; Death from Dis-
ease, 307; Defect in Car, 271; Defective Coup-
ling, 37; Dependent, 235, 253; Disposition of
Award, 109; Duty to Servant, 361; Electric
Shock, 289; "Employee," 271, 343; "Em-
ployee" and "Independent Contractor" Dis-
tinguished, 91; Employee of Interstate Car-
rier, 307; Employees of Stockbroker. 325;
Employers' Liabality Act, 397; Ensuing Dis-
ease, 289; Enticing Servant, 199; Fellow
Servant, 289; Fire Clay Works a "Mine."
361; Fireman not Employee, 235; Foreman
as Alter Ego, 325; Hazardous Employment,
19, 199, 253, 343; Hours of Service, 451; In-
dependent Contractors,
ployee, 199, 379; Injury in Parade, 19; In-
253; Infant Em-
juries Occurring Without State, 253; Inter-
state Commerce, 19, 128, 307, 361, 379; Inter-
state Service, 325; Loan of Servant, 361;

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