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ADDRESS TO HER MAJESTY ON THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS' SPEECH. MR. HART DYKE: Sir, in rising to move that an Address be presented to Her Majesty in answer to Her most gracious Speech, I trust I shall not ask in vain for the kind forbearance and consideration which are ever accorded to one who addresses the House for the first time. If I touch but lightly upon the various topics mentioned in the Speech from the Throne, I would ask the House to believe that it is not because I underrate their importance, but simply because I feel some diffidence in addressing myself to subjects in reference to which the vast majority of hon. Members have had longer experience, and upon which they would therefore be better qualified to speak.

Her Majesty has graciously signified Her regret that the necessity has arisen for assembling Parliament at this somewhat unusual season; and the primary cause of Parliament having been thus assembled is as might be expected referred to in the first paragraph of Her Majesty's Speech. I need scarcely remind the House that Her Majesty's Government having deemed it expedient to send a force into Abyssinia for the purpose of liberating our countrymen who are in captivity there, the necessity must necessarily arise for our voting supplies in order to defray the cost of that expedition. The circumstances connected with the sad events that have occurred in Abyssinia, at least so far as the earlier part of them are concerned, are already

pretty well known to this House and to a large majority of the English people who have taken an interest in the subject. It is well known that when Lord Palmerston was Prime Minister a mission was sent to Abyssinia. It would, perhaps, be wasting the time of the House to go through the whole of the events that have sent moment-it will be sufficient to reoccurred from that time down to the precall the fact that this difficult Abyssinian question has been several times brought before both Houses of the Legislature. As early as February, 1866, a noble Lord in the other House (Lord Chelmsford), put a Question to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs on this subject; and no later than last Session a debate occurred on this subject when the question was brought prominently forward by the hon. Member for Poole (Mr. Henry Seymour). I trust that at the outset of a war which may cost the country a large sum of money, it will be felt that it will not only be advantageous to the Government, but satisfactory to the House and those out of doors who take an interest in the subject, that the fullest investigation should take place, both as to the causes which have led to the prospect of this unhappy war, and also as to the means which the Government have adopted with the view of bringing it to a successful issue. In studying the Papers furnished to the House last Session, it will appear that various measures were adopted with a view of persuading, as it were, the somewhat eccentric King Theodore to deliver up the captives. On the 29th January, 1866, through the intervention of Mr. Rassam, who was commissioned by this country to endeavour to procure the release of the prisoners, we find that they were actually liberated. And this reminds me of a point which has been urged-namely, that the difficulties which have arisen in Abyssinia have been occasioned by offence given at different times to King Theodore. The prisoners, as I have said, were actually liberated, and a reconciliation took place between them and the King on the 29th January, 1866; but shortly after which it appears that, without any ostensible reason or provocation, King Theodore, after bidding them adieu, saw fit to send after them and take them once more into captivity, and they were sent to Magdala and put in chains on the 6th July, 1866. The next event which I have to notice is the autograph letter sent by Her Ma

received in the present case, the country being easier of access and with fewer difficulties of transport and climate than Abyssinia, I think there are few persons who would hesitate as to what course we ought to pursue; and I trust that the country will not be deterred from upholding its dignity and liberating the captives by the special difficulties which Abyssinia presents. If during the debate that will arise on this subject it can be

every legitimate means which diplomacy has at its command have been adopted for the purpose of effecting the liberation of the captives, I believe the conclusion at which the Government have arrived to send out an expedition will be acquiesced in and endorsed by the majority of the people of this country. As a young and a humble Member of this House I trust the day will be far distant when Parliament will hesitate to vindicate and protect the representatives of this country when they are subjected to indignities and ill-treatment in a foreign land.

jesty to King Theodore, stating in the graphical position of Abyssinia, it would kindest manner the anxiety felt by her- be useless for me to attempt to disguise self and the people of this country for the fact that an expedition to such a counthe liberation of the captives, and at try is fraught with many difficulties, and the same time expressing no ill-will must be costly as regards money, and it towards King Theodore so long as the may also be as regards life. If we can prisoners were liberated. At the same suppose an instance in which we have retime, presents were sent to King Theo-ceived indignities equal to those we have dore by Mr. Flad, a missionary, and subsequently Colonel Merewether was sent out, in compliance with the King's wish, with certain artizans, who were placed at his Majesty's disposal. I now come to the letter written by the noble Lord the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, to which I will call particular attention. Surprise has been expressed that, inasmuch as the difficulties surrounding this Abyssinian question were well known last Session, prompt measures were not taken while shown as I believe it will that Parliament was yet sitting. That would have been the case; but I should state that the letter to which I have referred was addressed to King Theodore, informing him that unless the British authorities at Massowah were made acquainted within three months of the time the letter was despatched to the King with the fact that the captives were released, the King would be held responsible for the consequences, and the answer to that letter only arrived three days before Parliament was dismissed from its labours at the close of last Session, and therefore it would have been clearly impossible for the Government to Sir, the events which have recently have taken any action in the matter so occurred in Italy, and the complications far as Parliament was concerned. Her to which they are likely to lead, have Majesty and the Government have been given rise to much anxiety in many animated solely by an honest desire to minds; and that anxiety must be mingled secure the release of the captives in with regret when we consider the present Abyssinia, and not by any wish for ter- state of that country, requiring as it ritorial aggrandizement or by any ulterior does, above all things, peace and order for motives. If any hon. Member will search its permanent consolidation, that violent history through, he will find that there persons should have proceeded to harass are few instances in which indignities in- and disturb it, and have thus tended, flicted on a country have been borne with by their own precipitancy, to defer to an greater moderation and patience, or where indefinite period the result they have been more humane and moderate means have desirous of bringing about. Our ally, the been resorted to for the purpose of effect- Emperor of the French, has been placed ing an object such as we have now in in a position of no ordinary difficulty with view. I need not tell the House that in regard to this question; but I trust the the expedition already upon its way the confident hope expressed by Her Majesty Government look for no increase of ter- in Her gracious Speech, founded on the ritory, nor to obtain any special ad- enlightened wisdom and moderation of vantage on the coast of Abyssinia. I feel that monarch, may be speedily fulfilled. and I am sure many in the country will When we remember how many anxious agree with mee-that there is something questions connected with foreign affairs which we have always held dearer than are at present before the political world, it ambition, and that is our national honour. must have been a matter of general gratiAcquainted as the House is with the geo-'fication to all who heard, in the recent

reception of our new representative in Paris, the cordial sentiments expressed by the Emperor, affording, as they do, a clear indication of a continuance of that policy of peace and goodwill towards England which he has not only invariably expressed, but which he has conscientiously endeavoured to carry out as long as he has sat upon the throne.

question, and will facilitate its settlement. Many hard things have been said in reference to the measure of last Session. When we consider the amount of legislation yet to be got through with regard to Parliamentary Reform, I think we had better pass over anything like recrimination respecting the past, and set to work honestly to make complete the partial settlement we have arrived at. Representing a constituency (West Kent) which has certainly as important and varied interests as any, I may say that a feeling of thankfulness and satisfaction pervades all classes that a question about which so much has been promised and so little performed, and which has become a stumbling-block to every kind of legislation, has been so far

Sir, the miserable attempts of certain misguided men among our countrymen and others are referred to in Her Majesty's Speech. It is with feelings of pain and regret that all who love the cause of order in this country, and all who wish to see a brighter future dawn upon the sister country, have observed what has lately taken place in Ireland on the part of violent and unprincipled men, our country-settled. The Commissioners appointed to men and others, who have so far disturbed the existing order of things that trade has been paralysed, agricultural operations have been almost suspended, and many manifest advantages to the progress of prosperity which might have been opened up in that country have been for the present sacrificed. I cannot help offering my meed of praise to the authorities in Ireland and elsewhere for the firm and temperate manner in which they have met the emergency. There have also been certain cases of outrage which have occurred in the streets of London-miserable attempts by a few men armed with revolvers to upset the law. I trust that by a wise administration of the law, and by the good feeling and forbearance that are being shown, we shall soon hear that there is an end to this unhappy state of things.

consider the boundaries of the new boroughs have, I am informed, bestowed much time and attention to their duties; and when their Report is laid on the table, considering the amount of pains they have taken to collect information and the impartiality they have displayed, I have no doubt this important feature of the Reform Act will speedily become the law of the land. Her Majesty's Speech promises the introduction of measures for the suppression of bribery. This is unfortunately a thing which has become so engrafted on our political system that it will be difficult to deal with it. Like a long-seated disease, which has spread through every nerve and every sinew, bribery will be difficult of eradication; but I understand that legislation on this subject will proceed on the basis of the Bill mentioned in this House last year, and that it is proposed that instead of Election Committees sitting in London, competent Judges will be sent to the constituencies involved to make the inquiries on the spot. I believe that such a course will facilitate the administration of the law, for there is no doubt that the heavy expenses of inquiries in London prevents prosecutions for bribery. One great difficulty to be dealt with is that of definition, as it is more difficult in cases of bribery than it is in criminal matters to define the exact point at which it might be said the Rubicon is crossed, and a man, instead of conscientiously canvassing for a vote, is endeavouring to use corrupt influence.

No doubt the Government will supplement the recent Act for the representation of the people of England by other measures affecting the representation of the people of Scotland and Ireland. In introducing those measures Her Majesty's Government will be able to bring to bear on the subject the consideration they must have given to it during the recess. The anxious consideration given to the question of the franchise last Session will prevent that subject giving us as much trouble in dealing with the new Bills as would otherwise have been the case. With regard to the latter part of the Bills-the distribution clauses there will doubtless be some difficulty; but I trust that the The next question referred to in Her Masame policy of forbearance and goodwill jesty's Speech was that of Education, and as was adopted last Session will charac-it is one there is great difficulty in dealing terize our future debates on the Reform with; but I believe, when we consider the

enormous mass of evidence taken by Com- | gone through the chief topics mentioned mittees and Commissions which the House in Her Majesty's Speech. The House now has before it on this subject, we may must be aware that we are met on the express a hope that the question will soon present occasion to consider matters more receive a satisfactory solution. Nor do I especially connected with foreign affairs; think there is any question more urgent at but there are many questions affecting the the present moment. It only requires you amelioration of the law of this country, to look at the calendar at any assizes, and with which, though they are not touched to notice the large proportion of prisoners upon in Her Majesty's Speech, the Gowho are returned as unable to read and vernment will at least attempt to grapple write, or who at best are able to read and with before the Session closes. This has write imperfectly, to perceive how short- been called "a moribund Parliament;" but sighted a policy it has been not to deal I am sanguine that though it may be drawwith the subject long ago. As a mere ing to its close, it will retain its vigour to matter of pounds, shillings, and pence-as the end, and will transmit to its successors a mere matter of saving the county rate- an honoured name. Thanking the House it must be a prudent thing to give the for the attention it has paid to me, I will lower population at starting on their walk conclude by expressing my earnest hope in life some chance of learning those things and confidence that we may so legislate which are likely to make them better and in this last Session of Parliament as to happier members of the community. preserve those institutions which are, I Last year a Motion was brought for- believe, dear to all classes of the comward having reference to the better ma-munity, to uphold the interests of this nagement of the Mercantile Marine; and I country abroad, and insure that prosperity am glad to see that Her Majesty's Govern- at home with which, under the blessing of ment intend to legislate on a subject which Providence, we have been so largely enis so nearly connected with the very bone dowed. The hon. Gentleman concluded and sinew of our commerce. by moving

It is a matter of congratulation that we no longer receive those gloomy returns relating to the cattle plague which used to come to us once a fortnight; and I am glad to hear that a Bill is shortly to be introduced on this subject. I believe that sad experience of this disease has established the fact that its ravages are chiefly to be traced to the ports where cattle are disembarked from the Continent, and that one great centre for spreading the contagion has been the Metropolitan Cattle Market. It is satisfactory, therefore, to learn that a proposition is about to be made for the institution of a separate market for cattle imported from abroad, which are to be slaughtered within a confined area and in separate slaughter-houses. Under present legislation it is provided that cattle landing at any of the out-ports shall be slaughtered within a confined area in each port. Under the Metropolitan Traffic Act, a provision will come in force in 1874, prohibiting slaughter-houses from being erected within a certain distance of dwelling-houses; and while we consider how large the number of cattle slaughtered in London, and how calculated the trade in hides and other things of the kind is to spread disease, I have no doubt this enactment will prove a great and salutary boon.

I have now-very inefficiently I fear

"That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, to convey the Thanks of this House for Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech:

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Humbly to thank Her Majesty for the gracious expression of Her Majesty's regret that She has found it necessary to call for our attendance at an unusual, and, as Her Majesty is pleased to say, probably an inconvenient season:

"To express the regret with which we learn that the Sovereign of Abyssinia, in violation of all International Law, continues to hold in captivity several of Her Majesty's Subjects, some of whom have been specially accredited to him by Her Majesty, and that the persistent disregard by that Sovereign of friendly representations has left Her Majesty no alternative but that of making a peremptory demand for the liberation of Her Subjects, and of supporting it by an adequate

Force :

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"Humbly to express the gratification with which we learn that Her Majesty's relations with Foreign Powers are friendly, and that Her Majesty sees no reason to apprehend the disturbance of the general Peace of Europe:

"Humbly to thank Her Majesty for informing us that, in consequence of the invasion of the Papal States by a band of Italian Volunteers, without authority from their own Sovereign, His Majesty the Emperor of the French felt himself called upon to despatch an Expedition for the protection of the Sovereign Pontiff and his dominions:

"To express our concurrence with Her Majesty in the hope that, as the object of the Emperor has been accomplished, and as the defeat and dispersion of the Volunteer Force has relieved the Papal Territory from the danger of external invasion, his Imperial Majesty will find himself enabled, by an early withdrawal of his Troops, to remove any possible ground of misunderstanding between His Majesty's Government and that of the King of Italy:

"To assure Her Majesty of the deep regret with which we learn that the Treasonable Conspiracy commonly known as Fenianism, baffled and repressed in Ireland, has assumed in England the form of organized violence and assassination :

"To convey to Her Majesty our participation in the opinion which She expresses that such outrages as have been committed require to be rigorously put down, and to express our confidence that Her Majesty may rightly rely, for their effectual suppression, upon the firm Administration of the Law, and the loyalty of the great mass of Her Subjects:

"To thank Her Majesty for having directed the Estimates for the ensuing year to be laid before us in due course, and for informing us that they will be framed with a view to economy, and to the necessary requirements of the Public Ser

vice :

"Humbly to thank Her Majesty for informing us that, as a necessary sequel to the Legislation of the last Session, Bills will be laid before us for amending the Representation of the People in

Scotland and Ireland:

"Humbly to thank Her Majesty for informing us that She has reason to believe that the Commissioners appointed to inquire into and report upon the Boundaries of existing Boroughs, as well as of the proposed Divisions of Counties and newly enfranchised Boroughs, have made considerable progress in their inquiries, and that no time will be lost, after the receipt of their Report, in laying before us their recommendations :

"Humbly to thank Her Majesty for informing us that a Bill will be presented to us for the more effectual suppression of Bribery and Corruption at Elections, and that the Public Schools Bill, which has been already more than once submitted to Parliament, will again be laid before us.

"To express our hearty concurrence in the opinion expressed by Her Majesty, that the Education of the people is a question that requires the most serious attention of Parliament, and humbly to assure Her Majesty that She may rely upon our approaching the subject with a full appreciation of its vital importance and acknowledged difficulty:

"Humbly to thank Her Majesty for informing us that measures will be submitted to us, during the present Session, for amending and consolidating various Acts relating to the Mercantile Marine; and to concur with Her Majesty in opinion that the exemption which the Country has now for some time enjoyed from the Cattle Plague affords a favourable opportunity for con|sidering such permanent Enactments as may relieve the Home Trade from vexatious restrictions, and facilitate the introduction, under due regulation, of Foreign Cattle for Home Consumption :

"Humbly to thank Her Majesty for informing us that Measures for the amendment of the Law, which have been deferred under the pressure of more urgent business, will be submitted to us; and that other questions, apparently calling for Legislative action, have been referred to Commissioners, whose Reports will be laid before us as soon as they may be received:

Humbly to assure Her Majesty, that in common with Her Majesty, we earnestly pray that all our deliberations may be so guided as to conduce to the general contentment and happiness of Her People."

COLONEL HOGG: Sir, in rising to second the Address which has been so ably moved by my hon. Friend, I feel painfully conscious of my own inability to undertake the task; but I know full well that I can rely on the indulgence of the House of Commons, which is always granted to young Members on similar occasions. My hon. Friend has so fully and ably gone into the early causes of the Abyssinian war, that it is unnecessary for me to dilate upon it; but there is one thing he said that I think ought to be enforced on the Government and the country, and that is that it was impossible for the Govern ment before the close of the last Session to give an ample or full explanation of their policy; because in the despatch

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