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wontending with the disadvantages of pany, has spirit to undertake and advery different theatres and different dress to execute a great diversity of audiences, to comparisons with actors parts. Those which require little past. It is nugatory and frivolous, if else than memory he seizes with fadone to flatter the living ; unjust and cility ; but if deliberation, time, and cruel, if intended to disparage them. study shall be wanting, I cannot see The present stage, whilst possessed of where he will find those favours to Mr. Kemble, has to boast of a per- bestow upon them. If he is not exformer, more deeply scientifick, more travagantly fond of praise, I think learned, and more laborious in his he must be more than satisfied with profesion than is probably to be found the very fine things which Mr. Hunt in the annals of the British theatre. has said of him. I suspect he has Although Garrick and Barry, Quin a few failings, which it would be well and Henderson, Woodward and O' to correct, but, lest he should not Brien, have passed off'; although be quite as well pleased with advice, Mrs. Cibber and Mrs. Barry, Mrs. I shall forbear to obtrude it upon him. Pritchard and Mrs. Yates, Mrs. A man of lively parts is apt to catch Abington and Miss Farren, will be at an apology for carelessness, and if

no more, the few old fellows you can inspire him with a high opi. like myself, who have lived through nion of his genius, you may take no the whole list, and admired every one further pains about instruction; he of them in their turns, would be the will be sure enough to hold it in conmost illiber. I of bigots, if we did not tempt. If genius may be said to acknowledge the merit of those, consist in the variety of its operations who have succeeded to delight us, without any regard to the dignity and and support the undiminished credit importance of them, then may a of the stage.

maker of toys be called a man of I cannot quite take leave of Mr. more genius than the builder of a Kemble without noticing Mr. Hunt's ship. remarks upon orthoëpy, as applied Endowed with an excellent and to that elaborate performer

I con- well informed understanding, graced fess I wish him not to be 100 precise with a becoming person, and modest, in his pronunciation, but to content unassuming manners, the junior Mr. himself with speaking what is com. Kemble wants nothing but opportuni- . monly called court language, without ties to display in new and more imtoo marked an aspiration of certain portant parts the histrionick powers, vowels In some instances, that are which he possesses in no less degree urged against him, I think bim right; than others of his family. As I am yet I would recommend it to him to persuaded that this rising actor has restrain his zeal or reforming cus- too much real merit to disdain the toms, so long as they are sanctioned advice of a judicious critick, I hope by the best societies, and are not in, he has noticed Mr. Hunt's remark, elegant. That he pronounces aiches, and will correct his indolence, if inas those who employed the word, dolence can fairly be imputed to him; meast it to be spoken, I am well but if he only wants animation in convinced: the metre puts it out of some unanimating, under characters, doubt; but it is not worth his while and possesses it to the full in such to be in a minority for a word. Let learling parts as Romeo and Jaffier him say to himself

(which I am told is the case) it only -Scio meliora, proboque; proves that he is alive to good writing, Deteriora sequor

and a lazy advocate in a lame cause, Mr. Elliston, the Gracioso of Dru- and for an unworthy client. As his ry Lane, always enterprising, and as

talents have been gradually expandvarious as a hore of a country com- ing and improving from the first hour




when he stepped upon the stage, I of a theatre, there is no reasoning would advise him now, before he has in the case. It is to be hoped, howthe responsibility of a leader upon ever, that in the construction of the him, to lay out for excursive service, new and magnificent theatre by which he may diversify his walk. erected in Covent Garden, care will No man can exactly foresee to what be taken that the voices of the perextent the elasticity of talent may be formers may have a fair chance to stretched by the energy of ambition. reach the ear's of the audience And

When Mr. Cook is Richard, or as this is unquestionably the first lago, or Sir Pertinax, he is in his thing needful, there can be little fear proper post, and whilst he bears his ofits being overlooked and neglected, faculties in steady poise, no actor Means may at the same time be taken can surpass him He is then the to secure and guard the interiour of main prop of the drama he is engaged the theatre from those unseemly in; but should that main prop totter, noises and disorderly interruptions, what disgrace can be greater than that have been matter of such just that of an actor so disabled? what re- complaint; and when the avenues and sentment more justifiable than of an lobbies shall be kept free from those audience so disappointed ?

disgraceful scenes, which to every Of Mr. Alexander Rae, now act- person that passed through them exing on the Dublin stage, I am glad bibited the licentiousness of a brothel, to find that Mr. Hunt conceives fa- a great and very needful thing will vourably. What his advances may be effected. The consequence of have been since he appeared in the this reform will be, that in proporsummer theatre I cannot say: but tion to the respectability of the asof a mind so well informed, so open sembly, so will be that of the enter: to instruction, and so totally devoid tainment. Authors, who have been of self-conceit, as I believe his mind in the practice of writing to the galto be, I augur confidently, and ex- leries, must give place to those, who pect great produce.

can address themselves to hearers of High as my opinion of Mr. Dow

a purer taste ; and actors, who, in ton's abilities as an actor is known to compliment to those gallery authors, be, and much as I regard him, it is have condescended to become bufenough for me to say that I am par- foons, must recollect themselves and ticularly gratified to find my opinion be comedians. so flatteringly confirmed by the in- Much will depend upon the con. genious author of these essays struction of this new theatre about to

That so many comick actors and open, and still more upon the style actresses, capable of doing justice and character, which the conductors to the best productions, have been shall give to its representations, and seen to sacrifice their admiralle ta- of what description the first novellents to buffoonery and farce, is much ties shall be, which they offer to the to be regret'ed, and I cannot but publick. If the splendid pile be realagree with Mr. Hunt, that it has ly meant to be a playhouse, and if been evidently prejudicial to some song, and scenery, and show, are to

, amongst them of the higher order. be employed as ornamental, not as Woodward, I confess, was a harle- essential, then indeed, provided there quin. and would jump through the be genius in the age to furnish dradial-plate of a clock ; but he would mas of true, sterling worth, there not grin through a halter. If more seems no reason why nonsense should than that degree of spectacle and

pass current, merely because it glitsplendour, which is auxiliary to dra- ters. matick compositions, must be em- That there is this genius in our ployed to meet the great outgoings contemporaries I cannot doubt ; but in the fitness and capacity of those, er, and adjust the rules. What plea who may be selected to pass judg- can any writer have for discontent, ment on their tenders to the stage, I if a period were named for all offers have not the same confidence. This to be made, and a time limited, withimportant task of deciding upon the in which all answers should be given ? elegibility of dramatick compositions No one need subject himself to be offered to the stage, has sometimes announced as the author of a reject. been confined to one, sometimes in ed piece, if he subscribed his directhe hands of a committee, and at tion and withheld his name. The other times so involved in mystery, accepted author only would be sumthat the candidate for acceptance

moned to a revisal of his drama at a knew not who were his judges, nor conference with the reader, who would could easily find out the channel, be prepared to suggest whatever through which to make his approaches might be thought of to improve, and to the secret tribunal. Now as it perfect it for representation, before cannot be for the honour, or advan- the parts were cast, and it was retage, or repose of the conductor of cited in the Green room. a theatre that discouragements should Should it be asserted, that the be thrown in the way of men of ta- eventual remuneration, which the lents, who might otherwise be dis stage holds forth, is encouragement posed to write for the stage, nothing enough tor every man to write, that seems more easy than to give promp- can write, I dissent from that assertitude and security to an intercourse tion, believing, as I do, that there between parties, who seem to have a are many, with whom emolument is common interest, and no real cause but a secondary object, who are fully for disagreement.

qualified to write well and ably for The proprietor's object is, to have the stage, and only want facility of a variety of dramatick novelties, and access to it. out of these to select such as shall be But if it only be contended, that judged most likely to attract the pube where the property is, the right of lick and ensure success.

judgment ought to be, I think so too. The man who offers his production Therefore let the proprietor, who for the stage, naturally wishes and accounts himself competent to the larequires to be secured against the bour and the duty of the task in quesmortifying necessity of waiting for tion, undertake it, and adopt, if he an answer tediously postponed, and, shall see fit, or as far as he sees fit, perhaps, after much solicitation at the accommodating mode above prolength discovering that his unhappy posed. manuscript has been mislaid or losi. If he does not choose to undertake lle can ill submit to have his offers it in his own person, let some man treated, and his feelings tortured in be sought out, by experience, temper, this manner. He is undoubtedly en- punctuality, and good manners, fitted titled to receive a speedy and respect- to conduct a business, which, howful answer, and has a right to know ever delicate and difficult it may be, by whom his work has been read, and would in my opinion, under prudent of course, who it is that is responsi- management, produce effects very ble for the judgment, that has been highly favourable to the interests of passed upon it.

theatrical property, the restoration of If these positions are admitted, the legitimate drama, and to the gethe remedy is obvious. The only neral improvement of the taste and thing wanting is, to appoint the read. genius of the age we live in.


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Travels through the South of France, and in the Interiour of the Provinces of Provence

and Languedoc, in the Years 1807 and 1808, by a Route never bef re performed, being along the Banks of the Loire, the Isere, and the Garonne, through the greater Part of their Course. Made by Permission of the French Government. By Lieu. tenant Colonel Pinkney, of the North American Native Rangers. 4to. pp. 282. Price 1l. 1s. London, 1809.

WHAT a dissatisfied genera- demoiselle St. Sillery, who, “ with tion is that of the criticks! The very the single exception of her aunt, was volume before us, although we have the handsomest woman he had yet perused it with pleasure, cannot es- seen in France.” We must state, for cape a reprimand; and even perhaps the information of our readers, that may be deemed censurable. It is Madame Younge was the piece of certainly as impolitick, as it is unpo- our friend, M. Lally Toller dal, so well lite, for a book to thrust itself on the known by his tragedy of Strafford, reader without a single word of intro. his pleadings for the reversal of his faduction, preface, apology, or address. ther's sentence, in which he succeedIn this instance, we know not whe. ed, some years after his father's death; ther the present be an original edi. and lastly, for his eloquent Plaidoyer tion, or reprinted from an American for the unfortunate Louis XVI. We copy; nor, if it be the former, for understand that he is now a Préfet what reasons England is first favoured of the Corsican !!.... with it. In this we blame the author; The route taken by this agreeable but, we confess, that we no less blame society was by Chartres, Nantes, ourselves for wishing to find in a tra- Tours, Blois, Nevers, and Moulins, veller information which we have no . to Lyons : from Lyons to Avignon, reason to suppose it was his object Aix and Marseilles, where our auto obtain, nor was it, probably, in his thor's tour terminated, and he empower.

barked for America. The condition of the people in the For a journey of pleasure nothing south of France, or indeed in any could be better selected than the part of that kingdom, so lately as in route, the company, and the season ; the years 1807, 1808, excites an in- for a journey of information, we terest which is highly favourable to should have chosen another course. a writer. Happily for himself this Unluckily, too, towards the close of traveller pursued a route through the the excursion, when our author enters most enchanting districts of France: on provinces the state of which we districts proverbially known as the particularly desire to know, his time residence of health, and amenity; as is shortened by events; and he travels the abode of the goddess of love, and most rapidly, where we could have gaieté de cæur.

most earnestly requested his stay, Mr. Pinkney left Baltimore in For so long a time have we been ex. America, for Liverpool, in April '897: cluded from the south of France, that from Liverpool he visited London ; descriptions of that country are now and, the vessel having some connex. recommended by their novelty ; and ions in Calais, he entered France by we are curious to be informed to what that port : wherce he travelled by the degree the character of the people is direct road to Paris. At Paris he le- affected by the scenes they have witmained a short time ; and quitted that nessed. In truth, however, it has city in company with Mr. Younge, sustained scarcely any perceptible vathe confidential secretary to Mr. riation ; and Mr P. informs us, that Armstrong, the American ambassa- it is a standing rule in France to fordour, the lady of Mr. Younge, herself get as much as possible the blessings a French woman, and her niece, Ma- of the French revolution ; and te

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wave that discourse which might riously thought of making a purchase. lead to the recollection of them. With

An estate of eleven hundred acres, seven

hundred of which were in culture, the this rule we also shall comply ; and

remainder wood and heath, was offered shall avail ourselves of the delinea

for sale for 8000 louis. The mansiontions of Mr. P. (which we know by house was indeed in ruin beyond the posrecollection to be faithful) to furnish sibility of repair, but the land, under promaterials for an estimate of the pre- per cultivation, would have paid twentysent state of that part of the kingdom main point of such purchases, however, is

five per cent on the purchase money. The of France.

contained in these words : Under proper A stranger, whether Briton or

cultivation.' Nothing is so absurd as the American. would naturally be startled expectation of a foreign purchaser, and at the high value of money, as ex- particularly of a gentleman, that lie will pressed in the relative cheapiness of be able to transfer the improved system of

cultivation of Liis own country into a kingland, and of the necessaries of life

dom at least a century behind the former. (produced on the spot) throughout As far as his own manual labour goes, as France. When Mr. P. tells us, that, far as he will take the plough, the harrow, at Angers, he found “ the prices of and the broadcast liimself, so far may he beef and multon to be about 2d. per

procure the execution of his own ideas.

But it is in vain to endeavour to infuse lb; a fowl 5d.; turkies, when in sea

this knowledge or this practice into French son, from 18d. to 28. ; bread about

labourers ; you might as well put a pen in 1 1-2d. a lb; and vegetables, greens, the hand of a Flottentot, and expect him to &c. chean to a degree; a good house write his name. The ill success of half the about six louis per year; and a man- foreign purchasers must be imputed to sion fit for a prince (for there are

this oversight. An American or an En. some of them, but without inhabitants)

glishman passes over a French or German

farm, and sees land of the most produce from 40 to 50 louis, including from

tive powers reduced to sterility by slo30 to 40 acres of land without the

venly management. A suggestion imme, walls.” We are by 110

diately arises in his mind how much prised at his inference « what a situ- might this land be made to produce unation for a residence !” When he

der a more intelligent cultivation ? Full

of this idea he perhaps inquires the price, finds large estates to be sold for a

and finding it about one tenth of what trifle ; so as to “clear the purchase such land would cost in England, immemoney in five years ;” that he should diately makes his purchase, settles, and be even tempted to speculate on what begins his operations. Here his eyes are advantages they offer, appears to us

soon opened. lle must send to England very natural. But, his good sense was

for all his implements; and even then his

French labouiers neither can nor will too efficient not to lead him to ex

learn the use of them. An English ploughamine the reverse of the medal; and man becomes necessary; the English to state the per contra : which he ploughman accordingly comes, but shortly does on several occasions. We select becomes miserable amongst French habits what he says of the country around and French fellow-labourers. Clermont, because on that occasion “ In this manner have failed innumerahe discusses this subject at some

ble attempts of this kind within my own length.

knowledge. It is impossible to transplane

the whole of the system of one country “ The same scenery continues with lit- into another. The English or the Ameritle variation to Clermont, the country im- can farmer may emigrate and settle in proving and the roads becoming worse. France, and bring over his English plough In this interval, however, I passed several and English habits, but he will still find a chateaux in ruins, and several farms and French soil, a French climate, French houses, on which were affixed notices that markets, and French labourers. The they were to be let or sold. On inquiring course of his crops will be disturbed by the rent and purchase of one of them, I the necessity of some subservience to the found it to be so cheap, that could I have peculiar wants of the country and the reconciled myself to French manners, and demands of the market. He cannot, for promised myself any suitable assistance example, persevere in his turnips, whereFrom French labourers, I should have se- he can find no cattle to cut them, po por:




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