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of the persons who appeared to have been principally involved it it,-it came out upon the trial, to the conviction of the jury, who thereupon acquitted the parties, that the government had been privy to all the proceedings of Miranda, and, by never so much as whispering their disapprobation, appeared of necessity, both to him and to his agents, to favour, though they deemed it impolitick at the time to countenance, his undertaking.

The particulars of the expedition to Caraccas, it is necessary for us entirely to pass over. It failed, feeble as were the means employed in it, chiefly from the intelligence which had been treacherously conveyed to the Spaniards, and by the misconduct of the American shipmasters, over whom the general had not sufficient control. But it had this in it

of benefit, that the careful protection of persons and property which Miranda maintained, removed every shadow of prejudice which the industry of the Spanish agents had been able to raise respecting the purity of his intentions, and had not the British commanders, who seconded his views, been induced to withdraw their support, and to urge the dereliction of the enterprise, by the false intelligence which reached the West Indies, of the conclusion of peace by lord Lauderdale; at any rate, had our government lent a very small assist ance, not a doubt can be entertained that the province of Caraccas would have then declared its independence.t

The principal facts, together with the proclamations of general Miranda, documents of importance in forming a judgment of the whole bearings of this affair, may be found in a pamphlet, which we recommend as containing some correct information, not to be found any where else, entitled, "Additional Reasons for our immediately Emancipating Spanish America." By William Burke.

That this was the opinion of the best informed among the Spaniards themselves, appears from the following ex

The part which our country had in this expedition, it is still of some importance to explain. The prospect of the vast advantages to Great Britain, from the independence of that part of South America, which was the object of Miranda's immedi. ate views, induced the British admiral on the station, sir Alexander Cochrane, to enter into a formal stipulation for certain means of operation he was to afford to the undertaking, and certain advantages which were to be yielded to his country in return. The governours, both of tract of an intercepted letter from Don Dionisio Franco, director of the king's revenues at Caraccas, to the governour of Cumana. "Un des hommes," says Depons [Voyage à la Terre Ferme, t. ii. p. 293] un des hommes de l'Espagne qui connoit le mieux les interets de sa nation.”

"Caraccas, 16th August, 1806. to his private resources alone, will, it "Miranda, despicable indeed, if left appears to me, give us more to do than what we thought, if supported, as he appears to be, by the English; although the assistance they have until now given him be reduced to the not disapproving only of his enterprise.

"He effected his landing at Coro with out any resistance, because the garrison of that interesting point, was reduced to 200 fusileers of the militia alone; and although they might have armed more than 1000 men, they had no arms for the purpose, and in the same case, we find, are now all the inhabitants of these provinces.

"With this information, the captain general of the province has marched with all the armed force he could collect; but it will be a month before he can reach will find him already intrenched, and in Coro; in which place, it is probable he a situation to make good his retreat That, in my opinion, will be the least of the evils which may happen to us; because, if the English give him any assistance, let it be ever so little, and offer him support, his situation is the most advantageous of all those he could have chosen in all these coasts, as the peninsula of Paraguana may afford them a situ long as they are masters of the sea; and ation to establish another Gibraltar, as it may happen that this spark of fire, that appears nothing, may finish by devouring the whole continent, &c.


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Trinidad and Barbadoes, allowed the The extraordinary events which general to recruit in these islands, immediately followed the rupture of and even from the militia. Bul af- the negotiations at Paris, and the reter a little time, the admiral wrote moval from his majesty's councils, to him, that “ hy recent instructions which soon succeeded, of the minisreceived from England, he was di- ters by whom that negotiation was rected to limit the assistance general conducted, afforded them no opporMiranda was to receive from him, tunity of recommencing any operato protection from the naval force of tions for the emancipation of South the enemy,--to prevent

America; and the facility with which being landed,—and to secure his re- they allowed themselves to be drawn embarcation, in the event of his being into the support of the schemes of obliged to leave the shore.” It is conquest, so injudiciously undertaprobable, that the negotiations at ken by sir Home Popham, deranged Paris, in which the ministers were all their views with regard to that then engaged, and their hopes of great object of policy. Of the mepeace, were the sole motives of the. morable expedition to Buenos Ayres, reserve which they embraced on this the history is too well known to reoccasion. That they had by no quire any recapitulation in this place. means determined against the great Its effects, with regard to the great plan of emancipation, as some of and salutary plan of liberation, have their enemies have been busy to in- been twofold. It has certainly shasinnate, we are happy to be able to ken, and that violently, the confidence prove, by the succeeding passage of of the American people in the British the same letter. “ I am further di- government. They had been told, rected,” says the admiral, “ to send from the highest authority, that the by a fast sailing vessel, full details views of that government were soleof the situation in which the conti- ly to aid them in procuring their nent of South America now stands, independence; yet the first army in order that his majesty's ministers they behold, comes both for conquest may finally decide as to the measures and for plunder.* However, it has they may lake." In consequence of the above, he adds, a schooner at.

A proclamation, transmitted by lord tends captain Dundas of the Ele. Melville, then secretary of state, and cir

culated on the coasts of Spanish America phant, to Coro, which schooner will

by the governour of Trinidad, in 1797, receive on board your despatches, and calling upon the inhabitants to resist the immediately proceed to England." oppressive authority of the Spanish governHe concludes by saying: “ į think ment, assures them, “that measures have it proper to give you this early in

been taken to support them by means of

the British naval force, and to supply formation, lest you should be led to

them with arms and ammunition, merely expect a military force to arrive for

to enable them to maintain their commeryour support; a circumstance. I am

cial independence, without any desire on ignorant of being in the contempla- the part of the king of England, to acquire tion of his majesty's government;

any right of sovereignty over them, or te but, should any arrive, you may de

interfere with their civil, political, or re.

ligious rights; unless they themselves pend on its being forwarded to you

should any degree solicit his protecwithout loss of time.”. In another tion." Let us consider the effect which letter, ten days later, he says: “I this proposal was calculated to make upon wish I could send you five or six re

the minds of the people of South America, giments; and if the negotiations for when contrasted with the conduct direct. peace blow off, I do not despair of a

ed to be pursued in the instructions to

the assailants of Buenos Ayres. In the inforce arriving from England, to place structions to general whitelocke [Sce yo: in perfect security."

the documents published in the Appem.

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had this fortunate effect, that it has course, all idea of using force to dee given us, nationally a much juster tach her colonies is out of the ques. idea than we formerly possessed, of tion. We are not only at peace, but the value of the South American we are in alliance with her. A genepopulation. It has turned the pub- rous sympathy with a people conlick curiosity more forcibly toward tending for their independence has that quarter of the world ; and it has had, at least, as much share in produafforded us some precious evidence of cing that alliance, as our common the desire which pervades South hostility to their oppressor. We are America to shake off the yoke of a bound, therefore, by every considere foreign government, and assume theation of national honour, to abstain, guidance of its own affairs.

while this struggle lasts, from any The men who had succeeded to step which might admit of being power, when general Miranda re. construed into an injury or offence turned to England, were prepared to to our allies. If the Spaniards, thereembark in the scheme with real en- fore, should succeed in repelling their ergy. After various delays, a force invaders, and should remain in peace was at last assembled. And it has and alliance with us, we must rebeen oftener than once publickly sta- nounce, of course, all notion of emanted, we believe, with perfect accura. cipating her colonies without her cy, that the expedition which was consent. Incalculably beneficial as prepared at Cork last summer, and such an event would be for us, and which was to be commanded by sir even for Spain herself, and impossi. Arthur Wellesley, was intended to ble as it might be for any efforts of cooperate with Miranda in the long her's long to prevent its occurrence, projected measure of emancipating still we conceive, that the relations South America; and, had not the of peace and amity in which we extraordinary revolution which broke should stand with that power, would out in Spain given to those forces a prevent us from interfering to prodifferent destination, it is probable mote it, and tie up our hands from that, by this time, that important attempting to separate from her measure would at length have been those dependencies, upon which she accomplished.

still set a value, although she might We are now once more at peace really derive no benefit from their with the Spanish nation; and, of possession, and might be guilty of dix to Whitelocke's Trial, p. 8.] is the

the greatest oppression with regard following passage. “ With the force

to them. If it were possible, there. above stated, you will proceed to exe

fore, for us to entertain those pleasing cute the service intrusted to you, by the views on the probable issue of the reduction of the province of Buenos Ayres present contest in Spain, to which under the authority of his majesty." In some of our more sanguine country. the next page, he is directed “not to introduce into the government any

men seem still to adhere, we should

other change than that which must necessarily only have to say, that we should arise from the substitution of his majes- trust with some confidence, that the ty's authority for that of the king of Spain." same spirit and intelligence which In the instructions likewise to general had been triumphant in Europe, Crauford respecting Chili, he is com- would be just and generous in Amemanded to make no other changes " than rica. And that the amended governthat of placing the country under his majesty's protection and government;" and

ment and enlightened councils of told, “ that the form of the former govern. regenerated Spain, would relax the ment is to be preserved, subject only to severity of its control over its rea the changes which the substitution of his mote dependencies, and yield, sponmajesty's authority for that of the king of taneously, to its transatlantick chil: Spain may render inevitable.”


dren, that emancipation for which conqueror; and his ambition and cue they have hitherto relied, rather on pidity have no doubt already scented the weakness, than the beneficence, their quarry in her American possesof their mother country.

sions. At this moment, we have no These, however, alas! are specu- doubt, his restless intriguers are at lations in which it appears to us that work to poison the pure fountains of no sober man can now allow himself patriotism and concord in these disto indulge. The fate of Spain, we tant regions; and forces are prepathink, is decided ; and that fine and ring to trample down those sparks misguided country has probably yield- of independence which the slightest ed, by this time, * to the fate which has stirring would now spread into an fallen on the greater part of conti- unquenchable blaze. A moment is nental Europe. Her European do- yet left us, to resolve on what may minions have yielded already to the soon be impracticable. unrelaxing grasp of the insatiable

FROM THE QUARTERLY REVIEW. Publick Characters of 1809-10, 8vo. pp. 684. London. 1809. FROM an ill-written “ Preface" William Coxe, M. A. F. R. S. and F. to this strange production, it appears S. A. Archdeacon of Wilts and Recthat the editor has been, for some tor of Bemarton." His appearance years, in the practice of sallying forth is not a little comical ; and we should on the king's highway, seizing upon endeavour 10 give our readers some numbers of unsuspecting people, un- idea of it, did we not consider him as der the extraordinary pretence of “a man more sinned against than their being “ PUBLICK CHARAC- sinning," and no less grieved than Ters," and dressing them up with ashamed at his involuntary degradacaps and bells, and other derogatory tion. appendages of folly, for the enter- But though we feel unmixed pity tainment of such as chose to lay out for sufferers. of this description, we a few shillings on so indecorous a cannot be so indulgent to those who spectacle.

rush into the circle, uncaught, and The only plea advanced by him for exhibit their foppery for the gratifithis annual outrage on the peace of cation of individual vanity. Towards society, is, that the victims of it are the conclusion of the show, “ Mr. M. dizened out in such beautiful colours, P. Andrews, M. P. for Bewdley in that they cannot choose but be de- Worcestershire,"steps gayly forward, lighted with their own appearance. and, with the air and gait of a morrisThis is adding mockery to injury. dancer, enters upon a ridiculous dis The wardrobe of a puppet show is play of his accomplishments. more magnificent than the frippery He begins with a scrap of bad Itathus forced upon them; and the lian; after which he informs the aubungling wretches employed to string dience that he was destined for the the tawdry tatters together, must have counting house ; but that, “instead of served their apprenticeship to the thumbing over the leger, he befurnishers of garden scarecrows. came en raptured with the poets of

The first, or, as we rather think, ancient days, and wooed the muses the second person who figures in the with considerable success." p. 523. group of this year, is “the reverend Of these raptures, and his success,

he gives a specimen, in a prologue of January 1809.

several pages, in which, he adds," he

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is allowed to have displayed peculiar speech, and given two votes for the excellence.” p. 525.

prince of Wales.” p. 530. “Lady Drawcansir came to me last night:

Lastly—but the reader shall have *Oh! my dear ma'am, I am in such a

it in his own words : and we must do fright;

the speaker the justice to say, that, They've drawn me for a man, and what is in every requisite of fine language,

what follows is, at least, equal to the I am to soldier it, and mount a horse : Must wear the breeches! -Says I, don't very best parts of this curious exhi. deplore

bition of “ Publick Characters." What in your husband's life you always " But it is chiefly as a member of wore,” &c.

the bon ton that colonel Andrews”. Notwithstanding the radiance shed [mark that, the colonel!}" has renderaround him by these, and a hundred ed himself conspicuous. His house other verses, nearly equal to them in is occasionally thrown open to the first glory, Mr. M. P. A. absolutely star- company, and no private gentleman, tles our credulity by affirming, with perhaps, has ever possessed a more apparent seriousness, that he was elegant assemblage of lords and ladies not dazzled with his good fortune.” than have made their appearance at

his routes. His noble withdrawing He next produces a list of his nu- rooms, uniting with the brilliancy of merous farces,-farces of which the an audience chamber all the effects very names have perished from all of a conservatory, exhibit, amidst the memory but his own,-and, that no severest rigours of winter, a parterre possible wish may remain ungratified, of blooming dutchesses, marchioin a matter of such moment, he con- nesses, countesses, baronesses, &c. siderately subjoins “ the cast of the and had he realized his early inclinacharacters at Covent Garden." tions, and repaired to the east, his

A rapid transition is then made harem, even if he had become a from poetry to politicks, and we learn Turkish bashaw, would have turned that Mr. M. P. A. has “sat during pale at the sight of so many fine spec five successive parliaments, made one cimens of British beauty.” p. 532.

P. 529.



Anecdotes of Birds, or short Accounts of their Habits in a State of Nature, collected from the best Authors in Natural History. With Figures engraved on Wood. 12mo. 5s. 1809.

THIS is a very entertaining and they were fed. As the cock grew and useful book, exceedingly well calcula- obtained strength, he began to resist this ted to make young persons acquainted violence, and, after repeated battles, at

last obtained the masterhood. The tables with certain familiar parts of natural

were now completely turned, and the history of which it is a disgrace to be cock exercised as much oppression over ignorant. The accounts are select the turkey cock as he had before received ed from Pennant White, Latham, from him. In fact, he could not come in Hearne, &c. The following anecdote sight of the cock but he was instantly of the common cock, is whimsical, ludicrous sight to see so large a bird run

chased round the premises, and it was a and we are assured it is authentick.

ning with all his speed from an adversary “ In a gentleman's yard in the country, so much smaller than himself. At last who kept a stock of poultry, an old turkey he was found dead with his head and cock used to take delight in chasing a neck thrust into a heap of brushwood, young cock round the yard and orchard,

where he had vainly expected to be sheland whenever he could overtake him used

tered from his exasperated antagonist, any to fight him unmercifully; he also con. tbus fell a victim to his tyranny." stantly drove him from his meat when

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