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Lady Free. To wait on me! The expression is much too polite for the nature of his visit. My lord Trinket, the nobleman whom you met as you came in, had, you must know, madam, some thoughts of my niece, and, as it would have been an advantageous match, I was glad of it; but, I believe, after what he has been witness to this morning, he will drop all thoughts of it.

Mrs Oak. I am sorry that any relation of mine should so far forget himself

Lady Free. It's no matter his behaviour, indeed, as well as the young lady's, was pretty extraordinary-and yet, after all, I don't believe he is the object of her affections.

Mrs Oak. Ha!

[Much alarmed. Lady Free. She has certainly an attachment somewhere, a strong one; but his lordship, who was present all the time, was convinced, as well as myself, that Mr Oakly's nephew was rather a convenient friend, a kind of go-between, than the lover. Bless me, madam, you change colour! You seem uneasy! What's the matter?

Mrs Oak. Nothing--madam--nothinga little shocked that my husband should behave


Lady Free. Your husband, madam!

be alarmed; I must insist on your not making yourself uneasy.

Mrs Oak. Not at all alarmed-not in the least uneasy. Your most obedient.

[Exit MRS OAKLY. Lady Free. Ha, ha, ha! There she goes, brimful of anger and jealousy, to vent it all on her husband. Mercy on the poor man!


Bless me! My lord, I thought you was gone.


Lord Trink. Only into the next room. curiosity would not let ine stir a step further. I heard it all, and was never more diverted, in my life, 'pon honour. Ha, ha, ha!

Lady Free. How the silly creature took it! Ha, ha, ha!

Lord Trink. Ha, ha, ha! My dear lady Freelove, you have a deal of ingenuity, a deal of esprit, 'pon honour.

Lady Free. A little shell thrown into the enemy's works, that's all.

Both. Ha, ha, ha, ha!

I have

Lady Free. But I must leave you. twenty visits to pay. You'll let me know how you succeeded in your secret expedition? Lord Trink. That you may depend on. Lady Free. Remember, then, that to-morrow Mrs Oak. His nephew, I mean. His unpar- morning I expect to see you. At present, your donable rudeness-but I am not well-I am sor- lordship will excuse me. Who's there?[Calry I have given your ladyship so much trouble-ling to the servants.]—Send Epingle into my I'll take my leave. dressing-room.

Lady Free. I declare, madam, you frighten [Exit LADY FREELOVE. me. Your being so visibly affected makes me Lord Trink. So! If O'Cutter and his myrmiquite uneasy. I hope I have not said any thing dons are alert, I think I cannot fail of success, -I really don't believe your husband is in fault. and then prenez garde, Mademoiselle Harriot! Men, to be sure, allow themselves strange liber-This is one of the drollest circumstances in naties. But I think, nay, I am sure, it cannot lie So. It is impossible. Don't let what I have said have any effect on you.

ture! Here is my lady Freelove, a woman of sense, a woman that knows the world, too, assisting me in this design. I never knew her laMrs Oak. No, it has not-I have no idea of dyship so much out. How, in the name of wonsuch a thing. Your ladyship's most obedient-der, can she imagine that a man of quality, or [Going, returns.]—but sure, madain, you have not heard, or don't know any thing.

Lady Free. Come, come, Mrs Oakly, I see how it is, and it would not be kind to say all I know. I dare not tell you what I have heard.Only be on your guard-there can be no harm in that. Do you be against giving the girl any countenance, and see what effect it has.

Mrs Oak. I will-I am much obliged—But does it appear to your ladyship, then, that Mr Oakly

Lady Free. No, not at all—nothing in't, I dare say-I would not create uneasiness in a familybut I am a woman myself, have been married, and cannot help feeling for you. But don't be uneasy; there's nothing in't, I dare say. Mrs Oak. I think so. Your ladyship's humble


Lady Free. Your servant, madam. Pray don't

any man else, 'egad, would marry a fiue girl, af-
ter-not I, 'pon honour. No-no-when I have
had the entamure, let who will take the rest of
the loaf.

SCENE II.-Changes to MR OAKLY's house.

Enter HARRIOT following a servant.
Har. Not at home! Are you sure that Mrs
Oakly is not at home, sir?

Ser. She is just gone out, madam.
Har. I have something of consequence-
If you will give me leave, sir, I will wait till she

Ser. You would not see her, if you did, madam. She has given positive orders not to be interrupted with any company to-day.

Har. Sure, sir, if you was to let her know that I had particular business

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Ser. Will you favour me with your name, madam?

Har. Be pleased, sir, to let him know that a lady desires to speak with him.

Ser. I shall, madam.

[Exit Ser. Har. I wish I could have seen Mrs Oakly.What an unhappy situation am I reduced to! What will the world say of me? And yet what could I do? To remain at lady Freelove's was impossible. Charles, I must own, has this very day revived much of my tenderness for him; and yet I dread the wildness of his disposition. I must now, however, solicit Mr Oakly's protection, a circumstance (all things considered) rather disagreeable to a delicate mind, and which nothing, but the absolute necessity of it, could excuse. Good Heavens! What a multitude of difficulties and distresses am I thrown into, by my father's obstinate perseverance to force me into a marriage which my soul abhors!

Enter OAKLY.

Oak. [At entering.]-Where is this lady?— [Seeing her.]-Bless me, Miss Russet, is it you? Was ever any thing so unlucky?—[Aside.]—Is it possible, madam, that I see you here?

Har. It is too true, sir; and the occasion on which I am now to trouble you, is so much in need of an apology, that

Oak. Pray make none, madam. If my wife should return before I get her out of the house again! [Aside. Har. I dare say, sir, you are not quite a stranger to the attachment your nephew has professed to me?

Oak. I am not, madam. I hope Charles has not been guilty of any baseness towards you. If he has, I'll never see his face again.

Har. I have no cause to accuse him. ButOak. But what, madam? Pray be quick! The very person in the world I would not have seen! [Aside.

Har. You seem uneasy, sir! Oak. No, nothing at all-Pray go on, madam.

Har. I am at present, sir, through a concurrence of strange accidents, in a very unfortunate situation, and do not know what will become of me without your assistance.

Oak. I'll do every thing in my power to serve you; I know of your leaving your father, by a letter we have had from him. Pray, let me know the rest of your story.

Har. My story, sir, is very short. When I left my father's, I came immediately to London, and took refuge with a relation, where, instead

of meeting with the protection I expected, I was alarmed with the most infamous designs upon my honour. It is not an hour ago, since your nephew rescued me from the attempts of a villain. I tremble to think, that I left him actually engaged in a duel.

Oak. He is very safe. He has just sent home the chariot from the St Alban's tavern, where he dines to-day. But what are your commands for me, madam?

Har. I am heartily glad to hear of his safety. The favour, sir, I would now request of you is, that you would suffer me to remain for a few days in your house.

Oak. Madam !

Har. And that, in the mean time, you will use your utmost endeavours to reconcile me to my father, without his forcing me into a marriage with sir Harry Beagle.

Oak. This is the most perplexing situation !— Why did not Charles take care to bestow you properly?

Har. It is most probable, sir, that I should not have consented to such a measure myself. The world is but too apt to censure, even without a cause and, if you are so kind as to admit me into your house, I must desire not to consider Mr Oakly in any other light than as your nephew; as, in my present circumstances, I have particular objections to it.

Oak. What an unlucky circumstance !-Upon my soul, madam, I would do any thing to serve you!--but being in my house creates a difficulty, that

Har. I hope, sir, you do not doubt the truth of what I have told you?

Oak. I religiously believe every tittle of it, madam; but I have particular family considerations, that

Har. Sure, sir, you cannot suspect me to be base enough to form any connections in your family contrary to your inclinations, while I am living in your house?

Oak. Such connections, madam, would do me, and all my family, great honour. I never dreamt of any scruples on that account. What can I do? Let me see-let me see—suppose


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Mrs Oak. So! So!

Har. What place can be so proper as your own house?

Oak. My dear madam, I—IMrs Oak. My dear madam- -mighty well! Oak. Hush! hark!-what noise- nonothing. But I'll be plain with you, madam; we may be interrupted. The family consideration I hinted at, is nothing else than my wife. She is a little unhappy in her temper, madam! and if you was to be admitted into the house, I don't know what would be the consequence.

Mrs Oak. Very fineHar. My behaviour, sir

Oak. My dear life, it would be impossible for you to behave in such a manuer, as not to give her suspicion.

Har. But if your nephew, sir, took every thing upon himself

Oak. Still that would not do, madam. Why this very morning, when the letter came from your father, though I positively denied any knowledge of it, and Charles owned it, yet it was almost impossible to pacify her.

Mrs Oak. The letter! How I have been bubbled!

Har. What shall I do? What will become of me?

Oak. Why, look'e, my dear madam, since my wife is so strong an objection, it is absolutely impossible for me to take you into my house. Nay, if I had not known she was gone out, just before you came, I should be uneasy at your being here even now. So we must manage as well as we can. I'll take a private lodging for you a little way off, unknown to Charles or my wife, or any body; and if Mrs Oakly should discover it at last, why the whole matter will light upon Charles, you know.

Mrs Oak. Upon Charles!

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Oak. And since that, it seems, Charles has been so fortunate as to

Mrs Oak. O, you deceitful man! That trick is too stale to pass again with me. It is plain, now, what you meant by your proposing to take her into the house this morning. But the gentlewoman could introduce herself, I see.

Oak. Fy! fy! my dear; she came on purpose to inquire for you.

Mrs Oak. For me! better and better! Did not she watch her opportunity, and come to you just as I went out? But I am obliged to you for your visit, madam. It is sufficiently paid. Pray, don't let me detain you.

Oak. For shame! for shame, Mrs Oakly!How can you be so absurd? Is this proper behaviour to a lady of her character?

Mrs Ouk. I have heard her character. Go, my fine run-away madam! Now, you've eloped from your family, and run away from your aunt! Go! You shan't stay here, I promise you.

Oak. Prithee, be quiet. You don't know what you are doing. She shall stay.

Mrs Oak. She shan't stay a minute. Oak. She shall stay a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year! 'Sdeath, madam, she shall stay for ever, if I choose it.

Mrs Oak. How!

Hur. For Heaven's sake, sir, let me go. I am

Har. How unhappy is my situation! [Weep-frighted to death. ing.] I am ruined for ever.

Oak. Ruined! Not at all. Such a thing as this has happened to many a young lady before you, and all has been well again-Keep up your spirits! I'll contrive, if I possibly can, to visit you every day.

Mrs Oak. [Advancing.] Will you so? O, Mr Oakly! have I discovered you at last? I'll visit you, indeed. And you, my dear madam, I'llHar. Madam, I don't understand

Mrs Oak. I understand the whole affair, and have understood it for some time past. You shall have a private lodging, miss! It is the fittest place for you, I believe. How dare you

look me in the face?

Oak. For Heaven's sake, my love, don't be so violent. You are quite wrong in this affair-you don't know who you are talking to. That lady is a person of fashion.

Mrs Oak. Fine fashion, indeed! to seduce other women's husbands!

Ouk. Don't be afraid, madam! She shall stay, I insist upon it.

Rus. [Within.] I tell you, sir, I will go up. I am sure the lady is here, and nothing shall hinder me.

Har. O my father! my father!

[Faints away. Oak. See! she faints. [Catching her.] Ring the bell! Who's there?

Mrs Oak. What! take her into your arms, too! I have no patience.

Enter RUSSET and Servants.

Rus. Where is this-ha! fainting! [Running to her.] O my dear Harriot! my child! my child!

Oak. Your coming so abruptly shocked her spirits But she revives. How do you, madam? Har. [To RUSSET.] O, sir!

Rus. O my dear girl! How could you run

away from your father, that loves you with such | One word with you, sir!The height of your fondness- -But I was sure I should find you


Mrs Oak. There-there! sure he should find her here! Did not I tell you so? Are not you a wicked man, to carry on such base underhand doings, with a gentleman's daughter ?

Rus. Let me tell you, sir, whatever you may think of the matter, I shall not easily put up with this behaviour. How durst you encourage my daughter to an elopement, and receive her in your house.

Mrs Oak. There, mind that! The thing is as plain as the light.

Oak. I tell you, you misunderstand

Rus. Look you, Mr Oakly, I shall expect satisfaction from your family for so gross an affront. Zouns, sir! I am not to be used ill by any man in England.

Har. My dear sir, I can assure you

Rus. Hold your tongue, girl! You'll put me in a passion.

Oak. Sir, this is all a mistake.

Rus. A mistake! Did not I find her in your house?

Oak. Upon my soul, she has not been in my house above

Mrs Oak. Did not I hear you say you would take her a lodging? a private lodging! Oak. Yes, but that

passion, and Mrs Oakly's strange misapprehension of this whole affair, makes it impossible to explain matters to you at present. I will do it when you please, and how you please. [Exit.

Rus. Yes, yes; I'll have satisfaction. So, madam! I have found you at last. You have made a fine confusion here!

Har. I have, indeed, been the innocent cause of a great deal of confusion.

Rus. Innocent!-What business had you to be running hither after

Har. My dear sir, you misunderstand the whole affair. I have not been in this house half an hour.

Rus. Zouns, girl, don't put me in a passion !— You know I love you---but a lie puts me in a passion. But come along-we'll leave this house directly-[CHARLES singing without.] Heyday! what now?

After a noise without, enter CHARLES, drunk. Cha. But my wine neither nurses nor babies can bring,

And a big-bellied bottle's a mighty good thing. [Singing. What's here? a woman? Harriot! impossible! My dearest, sweetest Harriot! I have been looking all over the town for you, and at lastwhen I was tired-and weary-and disappoint

Rus. Has not this affair been carried on a long ed-why, then, the honest major and I sat down time in spite of my teeth?

Oak. I never troubled myself

Mrs Oak. Never troubled yourself! Did not you insist on her staying in the house, whether I would or no?

Oak. No.

together to drink your health in pint bumpers. [Running up to her. Rus. Stand off!-How dare you take any liberty with my daughter before me? Zouns, sir, I'll be the death of you! -You jolly

Cha. Ha! 'Squire Russet, too!Rus. Did not you send me to meet her, when old cock, how do you do?-But Harriot! my she came to town? dear girl! [Taking hold of her.] My life, my soul,

Oak. No.

Mrs Oak. Did not you deceive me about the letter this morning?

Oak. No-no-no-I tell you, no. Mrs Oak. Yes yes—yes—I tell you, yes. Rus. Shan't I believe my own eyes? Mrs Oak. Shan't I believe my own ears? Oak. I tell you, you are both deceived. Rus. Zouns, sir, I'll have satisfaction. Mrs Oak. I'll stop these fine doings, I warrant you.

Oak. 'Sdeath, you will not let me speak-and you are both alike, I think. I wish you were married to one another with all my heart.

Mrs Oak. Mighty well! mighty well! Rus. I shall soon find a time to talk with you. Oak. Find a time to talk! you have talked enough now for all your lives.

Mrs Oak. Very fine! Come along, sir! Leave that lady with her father. Now she is in the properest hands.

Oak. I wish I could leave you in his hands. [Going, returns.] I shall follow you, madam!

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Rus. Let her go, sir-come away, Harriot !— Leave him this instant, or I'll tear you asunder. [Pulling her.

Har. There needs no violence to tear me from a man who could disguise himself in such a gross manner, at a time when he knew I was in the utmost distress.

[Disengages herself, and exit with Rus. Cha. Only hear me, sir-madam !—my dear Harriot- Mr Russet-gone !——she's gone!—and, egad, in very ill humour, and in very bad company! -I'll go after her-but hold!I shall only make it worse-as I did-now I recollect once before. How the devil came they here?-Who would have thought of finding her in my own house? My head turns round with conjectures.-I believe I am drunk--very drunk- -so, egad, I'll e'en go and sleep myself sober, and then inquire the meaning of all this. For,

I love Sue, and Sue loves me, &c.

[Erit singing.

SCENE I.-ОAKLY's house.



Maj. WELL-well-but sister! Mrs Oak. I will know the truth of this matter. Why can't you tell me the whole story?

house uncomfortable to him, poisons his meals, and breaks his rest.

Mrs Oak. I beg, Major Oakly, that

Maj. This it is to have a wife that dotes upon one the least trifle kindles your suspicion; you take fire in an instant, and set the whole family in a blaze.

Maj. I'll tell you nothing. There's nothing to Mrs Oak. This is beyond all patience.-No, tell-you know the truth already. Besides, what sir, 'tis you are the incendiary-you are the cause have I to do with it? Suppose there was a dis-of-I can't bear such-[ready to weep.]—from turbance yesterday, what's that to me? was I here? it's no business of mine.

Mrs Oak. Then, why do you study to make it so? Am not I well assured that this mischief commenced at your house in the country? And now you are carrying it on in town.

Maj. This is always the case in family squabbles. My brother has put you out of humour, and you choose to vent your spleen upon


Mrs Oak. Because I know that you are the occasion of his ill-usage. Mr Oakly never behaved in such a manner before.

Maj. I? Am I the occasion of it?
Mrs Oak. Yes, you. I am sure on't.
Maj. I am glad on't with all my heart.
Mrs Oak. Indeed!

Maj. Ay, indeed: and you are the more obliged to me. Come, come, sister, it's time you should reflect a little. My brother is become a public jest; and, by and by, if this foolish affair gets wind, the whole family will be the subject of town-talk.

Mrs Oak. And well it may, when you take so much pains to expose us. The little disquiets and uneasiness of other families are kept secret; but here, quarrels are fomented, and afterwards industriously made public. And you, sir, you have done all this-you are my greatest enemy. Maj. Your truest friend, sister.

Mrs Oak. But it's no wonder. You have no feelings of humanity, no sense of domestic happiness, no idea of tenderness, or attachment to any woman.

Maj. No idea of plague or disquiet-no, no— and yet I can love a woman for all that-heartily as you say, tenderly-But then, I always chuse a woman should shew a little love for me,


Mrs Oak. Cruel insinuation!-But I defy your malice-Mr Oakly can have no doubt of my affection for him.

Maj. Nor I, neither; and yet your affection, such as it is, has all the evil properties of aversion. You absolutely kill him with kindness. Why, what a life he leads! He serves for nothing but a mere whetstone of your ill-humour.

Mrs Oak. Pray now, sir!

this instant, sir, I forbid you my house. However Mr Oakly may treat me himself, I'll never be made the sport of all his insolent relations.

[Erit MRS OAK.

Maj. Yes, yes, I knew I should be turned out of doors. There she goes!-back again to my brother directly. Poor gentleman!'Slife, if he was but half the man that I am, I'd engage to keep her going to and fro all day, like a shuttlecock.

What, Charles!


Cha. O major! have you heard of what happened after I left you yesterday?

Maj. Heard! Yes, yes, I have heard it plain enough. But poor Charles! Ha, ha, ha! What a scene of confusion! I would give the world to have been there.

Cha. And I would give the world to have been any where else. Cursed fortune!

Maj. To come an adventure! glad to see you? dare say?

in so opportunely at the tail of -Was not your mistress mighty You was very fond of her, I

Cha. I am upon the rack. Who can tell what rudeness I might offer her! I can remember nothing I deserve to lose her-to make myself a beast!-and at such a time, too!-O fool, fool, fool!

Maj. Prithee, be quiet, Charles !-Never vex yourself about nothing; this will all be made up the first time you see her.

Cha. I should dread to see her—and yet, the not knowing where she is, distracts me-her father may force her to marry sir Harry Beagle immediately.

Maj. Not he, I promise you. She'd run plump into your arms first, in spite of her father's teeth. Cha. But then her father's violence, and the mildness of her disposition

Maj. Mildness!-Ridiculous!-Trust to the spirit of the sex in her. I warrant you, like all the rest, she'll have perverseness enough not to do as her father would have her.

Cha. Well, well-But then my behaviour to her. To expose myself in such a condition to her again! The very occasion of our former quar

Maj. The violence of your temper makes his rel!

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