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CHAP. 49

Chapter 49.

Resolve in favor of the Maine State Poultry and Pet Stock Association.

Resolved, That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be and is hereby appropriated for the use of the Maine State Poultry and Pet Stock Association for the year nineteen hundred and five, and a like sum for the year nineteen hundred and six, for the purpose of encouraging the breeding and development of pure blooded stock and for the general improvement of the poultry industry of the state.

Approved February 28, 1905.

[blocks in formation]

Chapter 50.

Resolve in favor of Peter F. Neptune, representative of the Passamaquoddy Tribe of Indians.

Resolved, That the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars be and is hereby appropriated to pay Peter F. Neptune, representative of the Passamaquoddy tribe of Indians, for his travel and attendance at this session of the legislature.

Approved February 28, 1905.

[blocks in formation]

Chapter 51.

Resolve in favor of the Maine Children's Home Society.

Resolved, That the sum of sixteen hundred dollars be and hereby is appropriated for the use of the Maine Children's Home Society, eight hundred dollars for the year nineteen hundred and five, and eight hundred dollars for the year nineteen hundred and six, to aid in maintaining the home of said society. Approved February 28, 1905.



in favor of.

Chapter 52.

Resolve making appropriations for the Passamaquoddy Tribe of Indians. Resolved, That the sum of twelve hundred dollars be and hereby is appropriated for the purpose of rebuilding the house occupied by the Sisters of Mercy at Peter Dana's Point, within the jurisdiction of the Passamaquoddy tribe of Indians, said money to be paid from the fund belonging to the Passama


quoddy Tribe

of Indians,


tion for.

CHAP. 53

quoddy tribe of Indians now in the state treasury, said fund being the money received by the state from stumpage and for land sold belonging to said tribe, and that said sum be expended under the direction of the governor and council.

Approved February 28, 1905.

Governor Hunton, for marking grave of.

Chapter 53.

Resolve in favor of marking the grave of the late Governor Hunton. Resolved, That the sum of five hundred dollars be and is hereby appropriated for the purpose of improving the burial lot and erecting a suitable monument or other tablet to mark the last resting place of Governor Jonathan G. Hunton, whose remains are interred in the village cemetery at Readfield, the same to be expended by some person appointed by and under the direction of the governor and council.

Approved February 28, 1905.

Penobscot Tribe of Indians,

in favor of.

Chapter 54.

Resolve in favor of the Penobscot Tribe of Indians, for the years nineteen hundred and five and nineteen hundred and six.

Resolved, That the sums:

For schools, each year, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

For agricultural purposes, each year, eight hundred and fifty dollars.

For bounty on crops, each year, two hundred dollars.

For salaries:

Governor, each year, one hundred dollars.

Lieutenant governor, each year, fifty dollars.

Agent of tribe, each year, four hundred dollars.

Constable, for police purposes each year, one hundred dollars. Roman Catholic priest, each year, one hundred and twentyfive dollars.

Superintendent of farming, each year, fifty dollars.

Total, twenty-six hundred and twenty-five dollars.

For interest on Indian Trust Fund, four thousand four hundred twenty-nine dollars and seventy cents.

For annuity, fall dividend, one thousand seven hundred dollars. For shore rentals, three thousand three hundred and twenty dollars.

Of this amount ten per cent for municipal purposes.

Approved February 28, 1905.

CHAP. 55

Chapter 55.

Resolve in favor of Knox County General Hospital.


in favor of.

Resolved, That there be and hereby is appropriated the sum Knox County of one thousand five hundred dollars, to be paid to the Knox County General Hospital for the general use of said institution, for the year nineteen hundred and five, and one thousand five hundred dollars for the year nineteen hundred and six; also the sum of one thousand dollars for the year nineteen hundred and five, for the purpose of maintenance and repair of, or additions to, its buildings and grounds.

Approved February 28, 1905.

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Chapter 56.

Resolve authorizing the land agent to sell certain public lots in Wallagrass
Plantation and Eagle Lake Plantation, in Aroostook County.

Resolved, That the land agent is hereby authorized to sell and convey to actual settlers thereon certain lands in Wallagrass plantation and Eagle Lake plantation, in Aroostook county, constituting part of the school lots of said plantations, if he deems advisable, for such price per acre and on such terms of payment as he may deem advantageous; provided, that in mak ing sales of said lands the legal and equitable rights of persons claiming under said settlers shall be considered and preserved, and provided, also, that the proceeds of any sales made shall be added to the school fund of said plantations.

Approved March 7, 1905.

Public lots in Wallagrass and in Eagle authorized.

Lake, sale of

Chapter 57.

Resolve in favor of the Maine Industrial School for Girls.

Resolved, That there be and hereby is appropriated to the Maine Industrial School for Girls, six thousand dollars for the year nineteen hundred and five, and six thousand dollars for the year nineteen hundred and six, for a general building.

Be there further resolved the sum of one thousand dollars to the said institution for the purpose of grading the grounds.

Approved March 7, 1905.



School for

Girls, in

favor of.

CHAP. 58

Maine Industrial School for Girls, to provide for expenses of.

Chapter 58.

Resolve to provide for the expenses of the Maine Industrial School for

Resolved, That the sum of twelve thousand dollars be and the same hereby is appropriated for the year nineteen hundred five and the same for the year nineteen hundred six. And for ordinary repairs and additional help on the farm the sum of five hundred dollars is hereby appropriated for the year nineteen hundred five and the same for the year nineteen hundred six. And for electric lighting the sum of five hundred dollars is hereby appropriated for the year nineteen hundred and five and the same for the year nineteen hundred and six.

Approved March 7, 1905.

Bridge across Narraguagus river, for repair of.

Chapter 59.

Resolve in aid of repairing the bridge across the Narraguagus River in the town of Milbridge.

Resolved, That the sum of two thousand dollars be and is hereby appropriated, to aid in repairing a bridge across the Narraguagus river in the town of Milbridge, said bridge to be repaired under the direction of the county commissioners of Washington county, and the amounts herein appropriated are to be paid when the governor and council are satisfied that the sum of four thousand dollars has been actually expended for repairs of said bridge by the town of Milbridge. Said sum appropriated and to be paid when the bridge and draw have been completed and not to exceed one-half the amount actually expended for repairing of said bridge by said town.

Approved March 7, 1905.


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Chapter 60.

Resolves providing for the preservation of Regimental Rolls in the Adjutant

General's Office.


providing for



Resolved, That the adjutant general is hereby authorized and Regimental directed under the advice and control of the governor and council to provide for the preservation of the enlistment, descriptive and muster rolls, and the monthly returns of the regiments and batteries in the war of the rebellion, now on file in the adjutant general's office.

Resolved, That the sum of two thousand four hundred dollars for the year nineteen hundred and five, and two thousand four hundred dollars for the year nineteen hundred and six, is hereby appropriated for the preservation of said rolls.

Approved March 8, 1905.

Chapter 61.

Resolve in favor of the early York Deeds.

Resolved, That the Maine Genealogical Society, agreeing to supervise the copying, attesting, editing, indexing and publishing of volume fourteen of the public records of this state in the register of deeds for York county, in the same manner as the thirteen preceding volumes already published, except that, on account of its increased size, it is not required to be leaded, not to have the tabular index, the governor and council shall purchase for the state four hundred and fifty copies of said volume at five dollars per volume; and the state librarian shall cause one copy of said volume to be placed in each registry of deeds in this state; and the remaining copies to be distributed or exchanged at the discretion of said librarian.

Approved March 8, 1905.

York Deeds, purchase of.

in favor of

Chapter 62.

Resolve in favor of the re-establishment, where necessary, of the Boundaries of the lots reserved for public uses in the several Plantations and unincorporated places.

Resolved, That the sum of five hundred dollars be and hereby is appropriated to be expended by the land agent in the re-establishment, where necessary, of the boundaries of the lots reserved for public uses in the several plantations and unincorporated places.

Approved March 8, 1905.

Boundaries of
public lots,
in favor of
ment of.


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