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It appeareth by auncient writers, that the Sacrament of Baptisme in the old tyme, was not commonly ministred but at twoo tymes in the yere, at Easter and Whitsontide, at whiche tymes it was openly ministred in the presence of all the congregacion: which custome (now beyng growen out of use) although it cannot for many consideracions be well restored again, yet it is thought good to folowe the same as nere as conveniently maie be: wherfore the people are to bee admonished, that it is moste convenient that Baptisme should not bee ministered but upon Sondaies, and other holy daies, when the moste nombre of people maie come together. As well for that the congregacion there present maie testifie the receivyng of them that be newely baptised, into the nombre of Christes Churche, as also because in the baptisme of infantes, every man present maie


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First Book of Edward VI.

bee put in remembraunce of his awne profession made to God in his Baptisme. For whiche cause also, it is expedient that Baptisme be ministered in the Englishe toungue. Neverthelesse (if necessitie so require) children ought at all tymes to be Baptysed, either at the Churche or els at home.


When there are children to be baptised upon the Sondaie or holy daie the Parentes shall geve knowlege over night, or in the mornyng, afore the be

Second Book of Edward VI.

may at all tymes be Baptised at home

and people

ginnyng of Mattins to the Cu- Morning prayer
rate. And then the Godfa-
thers, Godmothers, and the
people, with the children, muste
be ready at the Churche doore,
either immediately afore the
last Canticle at Mattins, or
els immediatly afore the last
Canticle at Even song, as
the Curate by his discrecion
shall appoynt. And then stand-
yng there, the priest shall aske
whether the children be bap-
tised or no. If thee answere
no. Then shall the priest saie

be ready at the fonte
after the laste Lesson at
Morninge prayer

Lesson at Evening Song

Deare beloved, forasmuche Dearly

The Use of Salisbury.

The Liturgy of Herman.


Let us praye. Furthermore Almightie God, who in old tyme dydeste destroye the wycked worlde wythe the floude, accordynge to thy terrible judgemente, and dideste serve onelye the familie of Godlye Noe, eyght soules, of thy unspekeable mercie, and who also dyddeste droune in the Redde Sea, obstinate Pharao, the Kynge of the Egyptians wyth all hys ar

Second Book of Edward VI.

First Book of Edward VI.

as all men bee conceived and

borne in sinne, and that no man borne in synne, can entre into the Kyngdome of God (except he be regenerate, and borne a newe of water and the holy Ghoste) I beseche you to call upon God the father, through our Lorde Jesus Christe, that of his bounteous mercie, he will graunt to these children, that thyng whiche by nature thei cannot have, that is to saie, thei maye bee Baptized with the holy ghoste, and received into Christes holy Churche and be made lively membres of the same.

Then the Priest shall saie,

Let us praie. Almightie and everlastyng God, whiche of thy justice diddest destroye by flouddes of water the whole worlde for synne, excepte eight persones, whom of thy mercie (the same tyme) thou diddest save in the Arke, and when thou diddest droune in the red Sea wicked Kyng Pharao with all his armie, yet (at the same tyme) thou diddest lead thy people the chil

oure Saviour Christ sayeth,

none can entre

water and the holy ghoste

Almighty and everlasting God which of thy great merci diddest save Noe and his familie in the Arke, from perishing by water and also dyddest safely leade the chyldren of Israel, thy people throughe the redde Sea; figuring thereby thy holy Baptisme, and by the Baptisme of thy welbeloved Son Jesus Christe, dyddeste sanctifye the floude Jordane and al other waters,

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