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and that there fhall be a like ceffation of hoftilities between the respective forces of the Moft Chriftian and Catholick Kings on the one part, and thofe of the most Faithful King on the other, in all other parts of the world, as well by fea as by land; which ceffation fhall be fixed on the fame epochs, and under the fame conditions, as that between Great Britain, France and Spain, and fhall continue till the conclufion of the definitive treaty between Great Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal.

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2d. That all his Most Faithful Majefty's fortreffes, and countries in Europe, which fhall have been conquered by the Spanish and French armies, fhall be reftored in the fame condition they were in when they were conquered : and that, with regard to the Portuguese colonies in America, or elsewhere, if any change thall have happened in them, all things fhall be put again on the fame footing they were before the prefent war. And the Moft Faithful King fhall be invited to accede to the prefent preliminary articles as foon as fhall be poffible.

XXI. All the countries and territories which may have been conquered, in any part of the world whatfoever, by the arms of their Britannick and Moft Faithful Majefties, as well as by thofe of their Moft Chriftian and Catholick Majefties, which are not included in the prefent articles either under the title of ceffions, or under the title of reftitutions, fhall be reftored without difficulty, and without requiring compenfations.

XXII. As it is neceffary to affign a fixed epoch for the reftitutions and the evacuations to be made by each of the high contracting parties, it is agreed, that the British and French troops fhall proceed, immediately after the ratification of the preliminaries, to the evacuation of the countries which they occupy in the Empire, or elsewhere, conformably to the XIIth and XIIIth articles.

The ifland of Belleifle fhall be evacuated fix weeks after the ratification of the definitive treaty, or fooner if it can be done.

Guadaloupe, Defirade, Marigalante, Martinico, and St. Lucia, three months after the ratification of the defini tive treaty, or fooner if it can be done.


Great Britain fhall likewife, at the end of three months after the ratification of the definitive treaty, or fooner if it can be done, enter into poffeffion of the river and of the port of Mobile, and of all that is to form the limits of the territory of Great Britain, on the fide of the river Miffiffippi, as they are specified in the VIth article.

The island of Goree fhall be evacuated by Great Britain three months after the ratification of the definitive treaty; and the island of Minorca by France at the fame epoch, or fooner if it can be done. And according to the conditions of the IVth article, France fhall alfo enter into poffeffion of the islands of St. Peter and of Miquelon at the end of three months.

The Comptoirs in the Eaft Indies shall be restored fix months after the ratification of the definitive treaty, or fooner if it can be done.

The island of Cuba, with the fortrefs of the Havannah, fhall be restored three months after the ratification of the definitive treaty, or fooner if it can be done. And at the fame time Great Britain fhall enter into poffeffion of the country ceded by Spain according to the XIXth article.

All the fortreffes and countries of his Moft Faithful Majefty in Europe shall be restored immediately after the ratification of the definitive treaty and the Portuguese colonies, which may have been conquered, fhall be reftored in the space of three months in the West Indies, and of fix months in the Eaft Indies, after the ratification of the definitive treaty, or fooner if it can be done.

In confequence whereof the neceffary orders fhall be fent by each of the high contracting parties, with reciprocal paffports for the fhips which fhall carry them, immediately after the ratification of the definitive treaty.

XXIII. All the treaties, of what nature foever, which exifted before the prefent war, as well between their Britannick and Moft Chriftian Majefties as between their Britannick and Catholick Majefties, as alfo between any of the above-named powers and his Moft Faithful Majefty, fhall be, as they are in effect, renewed and confirmed in all their points, which are not derogated from by the prefent preliminary articles, notwithstanding whatever may have been ftipulated to the contrary by any of

the high contracting parties: and all the faid parties declare, that they will not fuffer any privilege, favour, or indulgence, to fubfift, contrary to the treaties above confirmed.

XXIV. The prifoners made refpectively by the arms of their Britannick, Moft Chriftian, Catholick, and Moft Faithful Majefties, by land and by fea, fhall be restored reciprocally, and bona fide, after the ratification of the definitive treaty, without ranfom, paying the debts they fhall have contracted during their captivity. And each crown fhall refpectively pay the advances which fhall have been made for the fubfiftance and maintenance of their prifoners by the Sovereign of the country where they shall have been detained, according to the receipts and attested accounts and other authentic titles which shall be furnished on each fide.

XXV. In order to prevent all causes of complaints and difputes which may arife on account of fhips, merchandizes, and other effects, which may be taken by sea, it is reciprocally agreed, that the fhips, merchandizes, and effects, which may by taken in the Channel and in the north feas, after the fpace of twelve days, to be computed from the ratification of the prefent preliminary articles, fhall be reciprocally restored on each fide.

That the term fhall be fix weeks for the prizes taken from the channel, the British feas, and the north feas, as far as the Canary islands inclufively, either in the ocean or in the Mediterranean.

Three months from the faid Canary islands as far as the Equinoctial Line, or Equator.

Laftly, fix months beyond the faid Equinoctial Line, or Equator, and in all other parts of the world, without any exception, or other more particular defcription of time and place.

XXVI. The ratification of the prefent preliminary articles fhall be expedited in good and due form, and exchanged in the fpace of one month, or fooner if it can be done, to be computed from the day of the fignature of the prefent articles.

In witness whereof, we the under-written Ministers Plenipotentiary of his Britannick Majefty, of his Moft Chrif,


tian Majefty, and of his Catholick Majefty, in virtue of our refpective full powers, have figned the prefent preliminary articles, and have caufed the feal of our arms to be put thereto.

Done at Fontainbleau the third day of November,

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Declaration, figned at Fontainbleau the 3d of November, 1762, by the French Plenipotentiary, relating to the XIIIth Article of the Preliminaries.


IS Moft Chriftian Majefty declares that, in agreeing to the XIIIth article of the Preliminaries figned this day, he does not mean to renounce the right of acquitting his debts to his allies; and that the remittances which may be made on his part, in order to acquit the arrears that may be due on the fubfidies of preceding years, are not to be confidered as an infraction of the faid article.

In witness whereof, I the under-written Minister Plenipotentiary of his Moft Chriftian Majefty, have figned the prefent declaration, and have caufed the feal of my arms to be put thereto.

Done at Fontainbleau the third day of November, 1762.

(L. S.) Choifeul Duc de Praflin.

The definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship between his Britannick Majefty, the Moft Chriftian King, and the King of Spain. Concluded at Paris the 10th day of February, 1763. To which the King of Portugal acceded on the fame day. [Printed from the Copy.]

In the Name of the Moft Holy and Undivided Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy. Ghoft. So be it.

E it known to all thofe whom it fall, or may, in any manner, belong,

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It has pleafed the Most High to diffuse the spirit of union and concord among the Princes, whofe divifions


had fpread troubles in the four parts of the world, and to inspire them with the inclination to caufe the comforts of peace to fucceed to the misfortunes of a long and bloody war, which having arisen between England and France during the reign of the Moft Serene and Moft Potent Prince, George the Second, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, of glorious memory, continued under the reign of the Moft Serene and Moft Potent Prince, George the Third, his fucceffor, and, in its progress, communicated itself to Spain and Portugal: Confequently, the Moft Serene and Moft Potent Prince, George the Third, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Duke of Brunfwick and Lunenbourg, Arch Treasurer and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire; the Moft Serene and Moft Potent Prince, Lewis the Fifteenth, by the grace of God, Moft Christian King; and the Moft Serene and Moft Potent Prince, Charles the Third, by the grace of God, King of Spain and of the Indies, after having laid the foundations of peace in the preliminaries figned at Fontainbleau the third of November laft; and the Moft Serene and Moft Potent Prince, Don Jofeph the Firft, by the grace of God, King of Portugal and of the Algarves, after having acceded thereto, determined to compleat, without delay, this great and important work. For this purpose, the high contracting parties have named and appointed their respective Ambaffadors Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary, viz. his Sacred Majefty the King of Great Britain, the Moft Illuftrious and Moft Excellent Lord, John Duke and Earl of Bedford, Marquis of Taviftock, &c. his Minifter of State, Lieutenant General of his Armies, Keeper of his Privy Seal, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, and his Ambassador Extraordinary and Minifter Plenipotentiary to his Moft Christian Majefty; his Sacred Majesty the Most Christian King, the Moft Illuftrious and Moft Excellent Lord, Cæfar Gabriel de Choiseul, Duke of Praflin, Peer of France, Knight of his Orders, Lieutenant General of his Armies and of the province of Britanny, Counsellor of all his ·Councils, and Minister and Secretary of State, and of his Commands and Finances; his Sacred Majesty the Catho


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