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for research, both engaged in the excavation of zinc and lead. The number of hands engaged is 58. The quantity of zinc ore mined in 1901 was 282 tons, but it was of a less value than that of Bergamo, being estimated at only $2.58 per ton, making a total value of $727.56. There was only one motor engaged, which was of 75 horsepower.


The quantities and values of zinc ore exported in the years 1900 and 1901 were:

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The quantities and values of zinc ore imported were:

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The exports were shipped to the countries named in the following quantities:






The exportations of metallic zinc in blocks or pigs were:



Decrease in 1901..




I, 980 27,948


116, 012

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I submit a comparison of production of zinc ore in Italy with that of other countries.

[blocks in formation]

NOTE.-The above figures have been obtained from the official "Rivista del Serrizio Minerario

nel 1901," published in 1902.

* Produced from indigenous ore.


I give below names and addresses:

Cagliari, Sardinia.

Società delle Miniere di Monteponi Fonderia di Zinco.

Società delle Miniere di Gennamari.

Società delle Miniere di Malfidano.

Società delle Miniere di San Benedetto.

Società delle Miniere Seddas Moddizzi.

Iglesias, Sardinia.

Tacconis Sarrabus (management office at Genoa).

Società Sovvenzioné ed Imprese di Miniere (management office at Genoa).
Forest and Mining Company, Limited, Miniere Marganai,

[blocks in formation]

All the Russian zinc works in actual operation are located in Poland. Deposits of zinc ores are scattered in various parts of the Empire, viz, in the south of Russia, the Caucasus, and Finland, but no work is done in those districts. Zinc blende occurs in large quantities in the Caucasus in association with silver-lead ore. The blende is not yet reduced on the spot, but is exported to Great Britain, Belgium, and Germany.



The principal zinc smelters and manufacturers of metallic zinc

The Bendinsk Works of the Franco-Russian Mining Company; director, Joseph J. Skibinsky, Petrokov Government, Dombrova, on the Warsaw-Vienna Railroad.

The Paulina and the Emma works of the Sosnovitzy Company, Petrokov Government; director, Marquis de Vassal, Vladimirsky street 6, Warsaw.

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Another smelting concern, called the Zadonsk Works, belongs to the Alagir Company, St. Petersburg, but the product is considered insignificant.

In 1901, new smelting works, called the Constantin Works, were put into operation; these belong to the Franco-Russian Mining Company.

The entire ore supply comes from the mines in Poland belonging to the above companies. The ores are not very rich and yield only from 8 to 15 per cent of the metal. Smelting zinc ores is carried on in the Bendinsk, Paulina, and Constantin works. In the Emma Works, sheet zinc and zinc white (permanent white) is manufactured.


The quantity of zinc yielded by the Polish mines-from reliable information obtained from the Imperial Department of Mines-was 4,068,063 poods (66, 147.3 tons) of zinc ore in 1899, 3,864,354 poods (62,834.9 tons) in 1900, and 3,496,233 poods (56,849.3 tons) in 1901. The production of zinc from these ores was:

[blocks in formation]

The above figures show that the production of metallic zinc in Russia is not very important; this is partly due to the poor quality of the ores and partly to the keen competition of the Silesian (German) zinc. The Silesian ore is considered superior to the Polish; the Silesian manufacturers control large capital, and, being favored by more advantageous economic conditions, are able to lower the prices of their product.


Russia imports zinc principally from Germany, Belgium, and Holland, and the quantity entered during 1898 was 10,840 tons. Zinc blende is imported from Silesia. Zinc ore is not exported, all

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the ore mined being smelted in this country. A portion of the zinc. produced in Poland goes to the interior of Russia in the raw state and is chiefly used for manufacture of brass. The remainder is rolled into sheets at the works in Poland.


The duty on zinc is: In blocks, per pood (36.112 pounds), 75 kopecks (38.6 cents); in sheets, polished, 1.50 rubles (77.3 cents) per pood; in rods, 75 kopecks (38.6 cents) per pood; in powder, 75 kopecks (38.6 cents) per pood.


ST. PETERSBURG, January 14, 1903.



There are

Algeria is a producer, rather than a consumer, of zinc. no smelteries or manufactories of metallic zinc, consequently there is no demand for ore. The only importation of zinc is in a manufactured state (principally rolled), with the exception of a certain quantity of ore coming from Tunis for shipment from one of the East Algerian ports.


There are numerous deposits of zinc ore, which may be classed in two groups. In the first of these, blende is the principal mineral, calamine being found only at certain points of the croppings. This group is found only in stratified marl, loam, or other calcareous formations. It exists chiefly in the province of Algiers. It is also found mixed with the débris of the surrounding formations and forming a gap, of which it is the cement. Such are the mines of Guerrauma, Sakamody, R'arbau, and Nador-Chair. In the second group, calamine predominates-sometimes pure, sometimes containing more or less iron and lead, mixed with calcareous deposits of different periods. This class of mine has had the attention of prospectors in the department of Constantine, where chalky formations are the rule.


Department of Alger.-Ouarensis, Sakamody, Guerrouma, and Nador-Chaïr.

Department of Oran.-Mazès and Djebel Massen.

* Report made in answer to instruction of November 5, 1902. See page 251 of this issue of CONSULAR REPORTS.

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