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prison or to the business, management, discipline or government thereof, and to render to them every other facility in his power to enable them to discharge their duties under this


ART. 1.



8. To make a monthly report, through the inspector having To make a charge of the prison, to the inspectors, stating the names of report to all convicts received into the prison during the preceding month, the counties in which they were tried, the crimes of which they were convicted, the nature and duration of their sentences, their former trade, employment or occupation, the nature of their employment in prison, their habits, color, age, place of nativity, degree of instruction, and a description of their persons, and also stating whether such convicts have ever before been confined in any state or county prison, and if so, stating the offence for which they were confined, and the duration of their punishment, and also stating in such report the names of all the convicts pardoned or discharged during the past month, and all other particulars in relation to the parties so pardoned or discharged, that are required to be stated in relation to the convicts received in the prison.

Warden to

act as agent

in case of


S 54. Whenever there shall exist a vacancy in the office of agent of either of the prisons, all the powers and duties of such agent shall devolve upon, and be executed by the warden of said prison until such vacancy shall be filled. $55. The agent of each prison shall possess all the powers, Agent to act and discharge all the duties of the warden of the prison in certain during a vacancy in the office of warden, or disability in the cases. warden from any cause to act.

as warden

prison to of inspec

$56. The clerk of the prison shall act as clerk of the board Clerk of of inspectors, and before entering on the duties of his office act as clerk as such clerk, shall execute a bond to the people of the state, tors. with sufficient sureties, to be approved by the inspectors, in the penal sum of four thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office as such clerk, which bond shall be filed in the office of the comptroller of the state.


$57. It shall be the duty of each clerk of the prison to Duty of which he is appointed,

daily during


1. To attend at the prison daily during the proper business To attend hours, unless by the direction of an inspector or of the agent business he is otherwise engaged in transacting business on account of the prison.

register of

2. He shall keep a register of convicts, in which the names To keep a of the convicts shall be alphabetically arranged, and in which convicts. shall be entered, under appropriate columns, the date of conviction, where born, age, occupation, complexion, stature, crime, court, county where convicted, term of sentence, number of previous convictions, to what prison or prisons previously sent, when discharged, and how discharged. The inspectors may require such additional facts to be stated on the register as they may deem proper.


To keep all the books

and accounts.

To examine articles purchased by agent.

To enter

each bill taken by agent.

To have

charge of all


3. To keep all the books and accounts of the financial transactions of the prison, and annually report to the inspectors on the thirty-first day of December, the number of convicts remaining in prison at the commencement of said year, the number received during the year, the number discharged by pardon, expiration of sentence, habeas corpus or by the courts, the number of deaths and escapes, and the number removed to the house of refuge and lunatic asylum, and the number then remaining in prison.

4. To examine all articles purchased by the agent for the use of the prison at the time of their reception, and compare them with the bills thereof, to ascertain whether they correspond in weight, quality and quantity, and to inspect the supplies which are furnished for the prison on contract or otherwise, and to ascertain whether they correspond with the contract or with the provisions of law regulating the same; and in case of any discrepancy, to report the same immediately to the agent.

5. The clerk shall enter each bill taken by the agent and warden of the prison in the books of the prison, at the time of the receipt of the articles mentioned in such account; and in case the articles received do not agree in all respects with the invoice, he shall immediately notify the agent and warden of such discrepancy, and note in his book the discrepancy, whether in weight, quantity or quality, but no goods or any other article purchased for the use of either of said prisons shall be received or a receipt given therefor unless accompanied by a proper bill or invoice of the same, and found correct; and any officer of either of the prisons of this state violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. The clerk shall do such writing as may be required of him by the inspectors and agent and warden of the prison relating to the affairs of such prisons.

Laws of 1854, ch. 240, § 7. Post, vol. 5, p. 195.

6. To have charge and custody of all the books of account, the books, registers, returns and other documents and papers relating to the affairs of the prison; all of which shall be preserved and remain in the prison as public property, and shall be open at all times to the examination of each inspector and of every other person authorised by law to examine the same.

To preserve

a set official reports.

7. To preserve in the prison a set of all official reports made of all to the legislature respecting the same, and a set of similar reports in relation to each of the other state prisons, for which purpose a suitable number of such reports, when printed, shall be supplied to him by the secretary of state.

To make an annual re

port to

8. To make an annual report to the secretary of state on or before the first Tuesday of February in each year, stating secretary of the names of convicts discharged or pardoned during the preceding year from said prison, and all the particulars in relation to such convicts as are required to be stated in the warden's


monthly report to the inspectors, and stating also in cases of pardon, the time unexpired of the time for which the convicts so pardoned were respectively pardoned, when such pardons were granted, and the conditions, if any, on which they were granted, and also the state of health of each convict so pardoned, at the time of his discharge.


annual re


9. To make an annual report to the inspectors on or before To make an the first day of December in each year, exhibiting the number port to inof convicts then confined therein, the various branches of business in which they are employed, and the number employed in each branch.

to preserve

$58. The keepers in each prison shall preserve proper The keepers discipline among the convicts under their respective charge; proper shall take care that they are diligently employed in the labor discipline. or business assigned to them. It shall also be the duty of each keeper or assistant matron having the charge of convicts employed upon contracts or otherwise, to keep a correct daily account of the labor of each convict, so employed, in the manner that shall be prescribed by the agent, and shall make reports to him of the same at such periods as the agent shall require, which reports shall in all cases be attested by the affidavit of the keeper or assistant matron that the account fairly and justly sets forth the labor performed on such contract or otherwise during the period charged in said account. Laws of 1855, ch. 552, § 2. Post, vol. 5, p. 198.

$59. The matron of the female convict prison at Sing Sing, shall have the same powers, and perform the same duties in relation to that prison as are herein given and imposed upon the wardens of prisons, and the powers and duties of assistant matron shall be the same as those of the keepers of the prison; but such matron and assistant matron shall in all cases be bound to obey such regulations and instructions as the inspectors shall from time to time prescribe.

the matron

Powers o

at Sing Sing


Duty of the chaplain.

$60. It shall be the duty of the chaplain of the prison, 1. To perform religious services in the prison, under such To perform regulations as the inspectors may prescribe, and to attend to religious the spiritual wants of the convicts.


convicts in

2. To visit the convicts in their cells for the purpose of giv- To visit ing them religious and moral instruction, and to devote at their cells. least one hour in each week-day, and the afternoon of each Sunday to such instruction.

3. To furnish, at the expense of the state, a bible and Bibles, hymn-book to each convict.

charge of

4. To take charge of the library, and to take care that no To take improper books are introduced into the cells of the convicts, library. and if any such books shall be found either in the cells or in the possession of a convict, to take away and return the same to the agent, and for the purpose of properly discharging these duties, to visit weekly each cell in the prison.

5. To visit daily the sick in the hospital.



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Instructors to be sp

6. To make an annual report to the inspectors, up to the first day of December, relative to the religions and mocal conduct of the prisoners during the past year, stating there's what services he shall have performed, and the fruits if any. of his instructions, and shall append thereto, as far as prac ticable, in tabular form, a statement exhibiting the tuber of convicts then in prison, the number of white males between the ages of twenty and thirty, thirty and forty, forty and nity. ffty and over, and in like manner of black males, whic females and black females, the number born in the United States, foreigners, and of what country, the number that can not read, that can read only, read and write, well educated. classically educated, temperate, intemperate, bealth, scrof lous, whether employed at the time of the commission of the crime, counties where convicted, occupation, sentence, bow many times recommitted, and social state.

361. Two instructors shall be appointed by the board of posed for inspectors for each of the prisons at Sing Sing and Auburn. the press and one for the Clinton state prison; it shall be the duty of such instructors, in conjunction with, and under the supervision of the chaplain, to give instruction in the usef branches of an English education, to such convicts as in the judgment of the warden or the chaplain may require the same and be benefitted by it; such instruction shall be given for not less than one hour and a half daily, Sunday excepted. between the hours of six and nine in the evening.

The chapluiz to

See Laws of 1849, ch 141. Post, vol. 5, p. 192.

362. The chaplain shall make a quarterly report to the inspectors, stating the number of convicts that shall Lave quarterly been instructed during the last quarter, the branches of eda

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Duty of the

To examine the ces

To report monialy.

cation in which they shall have been instructed, the text books used in such instruction, and the progress made by the convicts, and to note especially, any cases in which an Lsual progress has been made by a convict.

363. The physician of each prison shall have charge of the hospital, and shall attend at all times to the wants of the sick convicts, whether in the hospital or in their cells, and if the inspectors shall deem it necessary, they shall require the physicians at the Sing Sing and Clinton prisons respectively, to reside in the prison, and in that case they may, in their discretion, add not exceeding one hundred dollars, to the salary of each of the said physicians respectively, and it shall be the further duty of such physician,

1. To examine weekly the cells of the convicts for the purpose of ascertaining whether they are kept in a proper state of cleanliness and ventilation, and report the same weekly to the warden:

2. To report monthly to the inspectors the number of patients received into the hospital during the month. stating their respective ages, color, disease and occupations in prison,

the quality and kind of medicines administered during the month, the number of those discharged, their condition when discharged, the time they shall have remained in the hospital; the number of deaths, stating the cause of such death, and it shall be his further duty to state in such report the number of sick convicts not received into the hospital for whom he shall have prescribed during the last month, and the quantity and kind of the medicines so prescribed, and the number of days during which such convicts, in consequence of sickness, shall have been relieved from labor:

ART. 1.

the quality

the provi

3. To examine daily into the quality and state of the pro- To examine visions delivered to the prisoners, and whenever he shall have and state of reason to believe that any of such provisions are prejudicial sions. to the health of the prisoners, he shall immediately make a report thereof to the warden and agent of the prison; he shall also have power, and it shall be his duty to prescribe the diet of sick convicts, whether in the hospital or in their cells or elsewhere, and his directions in relation thereto shall be followed by the agent and warden:

4. To keep a daily record of all admissions to the hospital, To keep a indicating the sex, color, nativity, age, occupation, habits of daily record life, crime, period of entrance and discharge from the hospital, date of admission to the prison, time in county prison before conviction, disease, if afflicted with scrofula before admission, scrofula during the first, second and third six months after admission to prison, and of the prescriptions and treatment of each case:

yearly re

5. To make a yearly report to the inspectors, of the sani- To make a tary condition of the prison for the past year, in which all the port. information contained in his daily record and his monthly report shall be condensed.

See Laws of 1862, ch. 403. Post, vol. 5, p. 203.

S64. There shall continue to be maintained at each state prison, a guard, to be employed by the inspectors, to consist of one sergeant and so many privates as the inspectors may from time to time direct; but the guard at Sing Sing, including the sergeant, shall not exceed thirty in number; the guard at Auburn shall not exceed the number of twenty, and that at Clinton shall not exceed the number of twenty-five.

$ 65. The guards of the respective prisons shall continue to be furnished from the arsenals of this state, with sufficient arms, ammunition and accoutrements, and shall be subject to the command and direction of the agent and warden of the prison, who is hereby empowered to suspend for cause, any officer, keeper or guard, in said prison, and employ others in their stead, until the pleasure of the inspector in charge shall be known, and whom he shall immediately notify of such suspension and the reasons therefor.

Laws of 1857, ch. 94. Post, vol. 5, p. 201.

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