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1. Ich bin neunzehn Jahre alt, und in meinem drei und zwanzigsten Jahre gehe ich mit meinem Vater nach England. 2. Mein ältester Bruder hatte fünf und zwanzig Personen eingeladen, worunter ungefähr die Hälfte rerheirathete Leute waren. 3. Um drei Viertel (Sect. XXIV. 9) auf zwölf hat uns die Gesellschaft verlassen. 4. Columbus entdeckte im Jahre (1492) vierzehn hundert zwei und neunzig Amerika. 5. Ein Dußend hat zwölf Stück, und ein Pfund hat dreißig Loth. 6. Wir kauften drei Faß Oel, zwei Paar Schuhe und sieben Ellen Tuch. 7. Tausente von Deutschen wantern nach Amerika aus. 8. Ich habe hundert Federn für einen halben Thaler verkauft. 9. Der drei und zwanzigste April ist Shakspeare's Geburt ftag. 10. Ludwig der Vierzehnte war ein Liebhaber von Künsten und Wissenschaften. 11. Zwanzig Minuten nach eilf Uhr starb der Kaiser. 12. 3ch war erst zwei Mal in Amerika, aber das vierte Mal in England. 13. Die Deutschen hatten zu verschiedenen Malen Krieg mit den Franzosen. 14. Die Fier und Neun haben dreifach gewonnen. 15. Den achtzehnten Juni 1815 war die Schlacht bei Waterloo. 16. Wissen Sie, wie alt jener Mann ist? 17. Er ist ein Sechziger. 18. Dieses hübsche Pferd ist dreijährig, und jenes größere ist sechsjährig. 19. Was ist dies für Wein? 20. Es ist Bierunddreißiger (1834). 21. Ich verzinse dieses Capital zu fünf Procent. 22. Giebt es Hirsche in diesem Walde? 23. Ja, der Jäger hat vorgestern einen Sechszehner geschossen.


1. My brother has a hundred books, and my uncle, the professor, has more than a thousand. 2. He rose generally at halfpast five in the morning, and worked till a quarter to eleven o'clock. 3. I have spent seven months with him. 4. I have sold two dozen of pens and seven quires of paper. 5. The half of a hare did he eat at his breakfast. 6. This beautiful horse is five years old. 7. The third part of this money belongs to me. 8. I forgave you once. 9. You did it twice. 10. This piece contains about twenty-two ells. 11. My sister died in the sixteenth year of her age. 12. Thousands died of the cholera in Poland in the year 1852. 13. The wine of the vintage of 1832 is sold at one thaler a bottle. 14. My sister bought three ells of ribbon. 15. Rome was founded by Romulus seven hundred and fifty-two years before the birth of our Saviour.

EXERCISE 34 (Vol. I., page 197).

1. Ist Ihre Schwester, welche mir diese Blumen gab, zu Hause? 2. Nein, sie ist auf das Land gegangen. 3. Es ist Jemand in dem Garten gewesen. 4. Wohnen Sie in Berlin? 5. Nein, ich wohne in Dresten. 6. Die Königin ist von Belgien zurück gekommen. 7. Kennen Sie den Kaufmann, welcher von Wien kam? 8. Ja, ich kenne ihn. 9. Sie haben wenig Vergnügen auf Ihrer Reise gehabt; Sie sind nicht weit gewesen. 10. Sie hatten mehr Vergnügen, als wir hatten, aber wir sind ebenso vergnügt gewesen als Sie.

EXERCISE 35 (Vol. I., page 197).

1. Where is the lead that you have bought? 2. It is still in the shop where I bought it. 3. Have you the same pen which I have

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had? 4. To whom will you send this gold watch? 5. I shall send it to the same man who sent it to me. 6. How much money does this old soldier require ? 7. He requires much, because he is always ill. 8. Is he the person who was here yesterday? 9. No, that one is very lame to-day. 10. To whom do you send the beautiful ring? 11. I send it to the man whom you have praised so much. 12. Have you Have you not loved them? 13. Yes, I have praised them. 14. praised my brother's friends? 15. I have a little sister whom I love; do you love her? 16. The uncle loves his nephew, but he is unthankful. 17. The father loves his little son because he is good. 18. Why are so many troops in the town? 19. Because they have come from the war. 20. Why do our parents love us? children. 22. To whom are you going? nephew. 24. With whom are you going?

21. Because we are their 23. I am going to my 25. I go with my brother. EXERCISE 36 (Vol. I., page 198).

1. Ist Ihr Bruder zu Hause? 2. Ja, aber er ist frank. 3. Wo haben Sie diese Uhr gekauft? 4. Ich habe sie bei dem Uhrmacher gekauft. 5. Diese Ringe sind schön, wollen Sie mir einen derselben geben? 6. Die Truppen, welche nach Leipzig gingen, kehrten gestern zurück. 7. Der Lehrer liebt den Knaben, weil derselbe schön schreibt. 8. Gehen Sie zu Ihren Eltern? 9. Ich gehe mit meinem Bruder. 10. Diese Kinder lieben ihren Lehrer, weil derselbe gut zu ihnen. 11. Gebrauchen Sie meine Bücher noch länger? 12. Ich werde Ihnen dieselben morgen zurückgeben. EXERCISE 37 (Vol. I., page 211).

1. Will you go with me to Mannheim ? 2. I cannot (i.e., I am not able), I have no time. 3. When can you go? 4. I shall go (the) next week, if you can wait so long. 5. Will your teacher go with you to the field, or to the town? 6. He will not go to the field, and cannot go to the town. 7. What do these children want? 8. They want some apples and cherries; but they can buy none, for they have no money. 9. What do you wish, sir? miss? madam? 10. Will you have the kindness to give me a glass of water? 11. Can you tell me what o'clock it is ? 13. 12. I cannot tell you, I have no watch with me. What was the merchant going to sell you? 14. I could find nothing at his shop that I wished to buy. 15. We shall have bad weather tomorrow. 16. It may be, that it will still rain to-day. 17. Can you read the German handwriting? 18. No, I have enough to do with the print. 19. The envious man will not praise his friend. 20. A learned woman is not always a good housewife. 21. Patience is a difficult attainment; many can teach it, but not learn it. 22. A good teacher must have patience. 23. Every good scholar will be attentive.

LESSONS IN BOTANY.—XXI. SECTION XXXIX.-COMPOSITÆ, OR COMPOSITE-FLOWERED PLANTS (continued). PASSING on now to the radiate sub-tribe of the natural order Composita, let us first direct our attention to the cosmopolite but modest daisy (Bellis perennis), which spreads on the verdure its yellow disc surrounded with white rays tipped with pink, springing up at the earliest dawn of spring, and gladdening our sight until the winter blasts return. The pretty daisy (Fig. 176) is associated with our earliest recollections of fields and flowers; it has inspired the pastoral bards of many lands, and formed the subject of many beautiful verses. Every one knows how ornamental are daisies to the green turf of meadows; but only the intelligent farmer knows how dear is the price paid for the ornament. The daisy, unostentatious as it is above ground, encroaches sadly, with its rhizomes and spreading roots, on the grass tribe, which is the special object of culture; hence the grazier should extirpate our little daisy friends by all means in his power; to him they are rather foes than friends. The chrysanthemums are all beautiful species, many of which are cultivated in England. The Indian chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum Indicum), as it is called, is a native of China, where it is a great favourite. It flowers very late in the year, thus furnishing us with a floral Christmas ornament. Its compound flowers grow to the size of three or four inches in diameter.

The asters are sturdy perennials, which, by their large and highly-tinted compound flowers, contribute much to the embellishment of a flower-garden. Most of the exotic asters have been introduced from America; nevertheless, that of greatest beauty, the China aster (Callistephus Sinensis), originally came from China. The extensive genus, Gnaphalium, which is divided into many secondary genera, comprehends many ornamental plants, known under the general designation of Everlastings. greater number of these species are indigenous to Afr America. But of all the radiate sub-genera of esteemed for the beauty of their flowers, the I the most cherished, the most beautiful, is the d


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description of which we shall terminate this notice of the family embryo straight; cotyledons oblong, exceeding in length the Composite.

The genus dahlia is characterised by having an involucrum, of which the exterior bracts, about five in number, are reflexed, and the internal ones, from twelve to twenty in number, arranged in double series, are membranous at their summit, thick and fleshy at their base. The achania, or fruit, are surmounted by two short points. The stem is herbaceous; leaves opposed and pinnatifid. The species most cultivated in our gardens, which it embellishes during the autumn, is the Dahlia coccinea, or ordinary scarlet dahlia. It is a native of Mexico, whence it was transported to Spain about 1790, and a specimen was sent from Madrid to France in the year 1802. At first the French gardeners cultivated it as a greenhouse plant, but they soon discovered the dahlia to be capable of flourishing in the open air. From this time the plant was rapidly disseminated, and many varieties began to appear. The flowers of the primitive species were all simple, the disc yellow, the rays arranged in two series, dark scarlet and velvety in appearance. In 1810 varieties sprang up, having lilac, rose-coloured, and saffron-yellow rays. 1818 double-flowered varieties were obtained, possessing cornetshaped tubular florets, constituting an imbricated rose. Since then so many varieties have sprung up, that their mere enumeration would be impossible. SECTION XL-VALERIANACEE, OR VALERIAN WORTS.


Characteristics: Calyx adherent to the ovary; corolla monopetalous, epigynous; stamens ordinarily less numerous than the lobes of the corolla, and non-adherent. Ovary three-celled, two of which cells are barren, the third containing one seed; ovule pendant; seed, dicotyledonous; radicle superior.

The Valerianacea, which derive their name from the valerian, one of the principal genera, are either herbs, with slender roots, or perennials, having an almost woody rhizome, generally containing odorous matter. The radical leaves are tuft-like, petiolate, simple, opposed, and

without stipules.



radicle. The Valerianacea are, for the most part, inhabitants of the ancient continent, being chiefly restricted to Central Europe and the Mediterranean region, and the Asiatic district of the Taurus and Caucasus, from which a few species have wandered to Nepaul, and Siberia, and Japan. In the tropics they are unknown, except in certain mountainous regions. In Chili and Magellan several species are not unfrequent; but North America only possesses one.

The Valerianacea are a natural order, concerning the medicinal qualities of which all persons are agreed. The active principles are a volatile oil, and an acid termed the valerianic acid, which chemists now make artificially. The perennials are more effi cacious than the annuals, probably because in the latter the




active principles have not had sufficient time to develop themselves. The smell of the valerian is very peculiar; some people think it agreeable; a far greater number, however, are of a contrary opinion. Amongst cats there is no such difference of sentiment. These animals are very partial to the odour of the valerian, and eagerly scratch up such plants of it as they meet with in their rural explorations. Valerian is now employed by physicians in the cure of spasms; formerly its employment was directed to the cure of the far graver disease, epilepsy. Report states that a Neapolitan noble, who lived in the sixteenth century, being a great sufferer from epileptic attacks, and deriving no advantage from physicians, set about learning botany, in order that he might discover the medicinal properties of veget ables, and thus become his own doctor. Notwithstanding the common proverb, that the man who is his own doctor has a fool for his patient, the Neapolitan did not study botany in vain. After trying a host of plants, he at length alighted on valerian, and cured himself of epilepsy. Without intending any disparagement to the skill and perseverance of this resolute gentleman, it may be permitted to hazard a doubt whether the disease which afflicted him was really epilepsy.

Let us now proceed to an



The flowers of most of the 176. THE FLOWERS, LEAVES, AND Valerianacea contain both pistils and stamens, though certain members are monoecious, others dicecious. Usually the inflorescence is a cyme, sometimes a corymb. The tube of the calyx is attached to the ovary; the limb of the calyx divided into three or four parts. The corolla, inserted into the margin of a disc crowning the ovary, is tubular, and shaped like a funnel. Its tube is often spurred at the base, its limb generally divided into five lobes, and sometimes irregular. The stamens inserted upon the tube of the corolla alternate with the divisions of the latter. Their number is rarely five, more frequently four, the fifth, or internal one, being suppressed; sometimes three, by the suppression of the lateral stamens. Lastly, in certain cases only the innermost stamen becomes developed. The anthers are bent inward; the ovary inferior, composed of three carpels, forming three ledges, two of which are empty, the third alone fertile. The ovule is reflexed, and hangs from the cell; the style is simple filiform, terminated by two or three stigmas, which are sometimes coherent into one. The fruit is dry, indehiscent, ordinarily unilocular by disappearance of the barren cells; never containing more than one seed;

Valerianacea, commencing with the Valeriana officinalis, which is the species most commonly employed. This plant is generally distributed throughout Europe, where it frequently grows in humid meadows, rarely in dry and sandy places; its stem is furrowed, its leaves pennisecate and covered with down. The Valeriana phu is a German species, cultivated in our gardens, the radical leaves of which are simple and lanceolate, the flowers white. Valeriana Sichensis is a North American species, and valued beyond every other by the Russians. The ancients vaunted the medicinal qualities of the Celtic and Indian nard. The former (Valeriana Celtica) grows on the mountain summits of Styria and Carinthia; the latter is a native of the Alps. Both are still the objects of a very considerable com merce, large quantities being sent every year to Turkey and Egypt from Trieste, whence they find their way to the interior of Africa and India.

The Indian nard, or spikenard of the ancients, was in great favour; not that it was exactly a medicine, but it was thought to secure the affections of any lady or gentleman to the opposite

party giving it. The plant to which the ancient term refers is supposed by botanists to be the Nardostachys Jatamansi, which is in high repute among the natives of India as a perfume and a remedy for epilepsy. However well attested by ancient testimony the efficacy of spikenard may be, still, in our times, it may be doubted whether the mineral kingdom be not more potent than the vegetable in securing the affections of young ladies.

The chief ornamental plant furnished to our gardens by this natural order is the Centranthus ruber, or crimson centranthus (Fig. 179), remarkable for its floral panicles. The corolla is purple, red, white, or lilac, furnished with a spur-like projection at its base, and only containing one stamen. Its root possesses the usual odour of the valerian tribe. SECTION XLI.-CAPRIFOLIACEAE, OR CAPRIFOILS.


Characteristics: Calyx adherent to the ovary; corolla epigynous; stamens inserted upon the corolla; ovary inferior, two or more celled, containing one or seeds; seed dicotyledonous, albuminous; leaves without stipules. The Caprifoliaceœ are generally trees or shrubs, some of them climbers. The leaves are opposite; stipules absent, or represented by hairs or glands situated at the base of the petioles. The flowers are complete, regular, or almost irregular, disposed in a head or terminal corymb springing from axillary peduncles. The limb, or free part of the calyx, is cleft, or five dentated. The corolla is tubular, or infundibuliform, or rotate, having five-partite limb, ordinarily regular, imbricated in æstivation. The sta mens are in number equal to that of the divisions of the corolla with which they are alternate.



and delicately-scented plants, are general favourites as ornamental members of the vegetable world. Nor is ornament their only quality; many of them have another claim to our regard as medicinal agents. The berries of the common honeysuckle are eminently purgative, although but rarely employed in medical practice. The symphorine (Symphoricarpus parviflora), a small North American species, bearing small flowers and bright-red berries, which, appearing towards the end of summer, form such an agreeable ornament in our gardens, is also useful as a medicine. Its root is astringent, and is employed by the people of North America as a febrifuge. The Linnæa Borealis is an herbaceous evergreen plant, very prevalent in the forests of Sweden, which being the native country of Linnæus, the plant has been dedicated to him. Like the common honeysuckle, it is a creeper, but its infloration is different, each stem terminating with two campanulate or bellshaped flowers, rose-coloured within, white externally. This plant, also, is employed by the Swedes as a medicine. In addition to the Loniceraceæ already mentioned, there are many beautiful species cultivated in our gardens. Among the honeysuckles we have the evergreen honeysuckle (Caprifolium sempervirens), a native


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A very familiar example of a member of this natural family is the common elder (Fig. 180).

The natural order of Caprifoliaceae is usually sub-divided by botanical writers into two tribes, Loniceracea and Sambuceœ. The Caprifoliacea chiefly belong to temperate or cool regions of the northern hemisphere. They are more abundant in Central Asia, in the north of India, and in America, than in Europe. Certain species pass beyond the limits which seem to be imposed by nature to the family, and penetrate into tropical climes; but not being able to support the full rigour of a tropical sun, they take refuge on mountain elevations. A small number of the elder genus, that truly cosmopolitan family, is met with in Chili and in Australia.

The Loniceracea, or honeysuckle sub-tribe, those beautiful

flowers rose-coloured externally,

white internally; and ruddy fruits. Passing on to the conside ration of the elder tribe, the common elder tree (Sambucus nigra) first comes under our notice. It is quite a cosmopolite, known almost everywhere, and consecrated by ancient traditions. Every part of this tree diffuses, when bruised, a disagreeable odour, and a bitter acrid juice exudes. Its berries are familiar in England as the basis of elder wine. In many parts of Germany they are boiled, and in that state eaten as a favourite article of food. The guelder rose (Viburnum opulus), an illustration of which is given in Fig. 181, partakes to some extent the properties of the common elder. The Viburnum Lantana, or wayfaring tree," possesses berries and leaves which are slightly astringent, but the external bark is so acrid that in some countries it is employed as a blister.

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V. THE AMERICAN EAGLE. Bird of the heavens! whose matchless eye Alone can front the blaze of day, And, wandering through the radiant sky, Ne'er from the sunlight turns away; Whose ample wing was made to rise Majestic o'er the loftiest peak, On whose chill tops the winter skies,

Around thy nest, in tempests, speak,-
What ranger of the winds can dare,

Proud mountain king! with thee compare ;
Or lift his gaudier plumes on high
Before thy native majesty,

When thou hast ta'en thy seat alone,
Upon thy cloud-encircled throne ?

Bird of the cliffs! thy noble form
Might well be thought almost divine;
Born for the thunder and the storm,
The mountain and the rock are thine;
And there, where never foot has been,
Thy eyrie is sublimely hung,
Where low ring skies their wrath begin,
And loudest lullabies are sung
By the fierce spirit of the blast,
When, his snow mantle o'er him cast,
He sweeps across the mountain top,
With a dark fury naught can stop,
And wings his wild unearthly way
Far through the clouded realms of day.

Bird of the sun! to thee-to thee

The earliest tints of dawn are known, And 'tis thy proud delight to see

The monarch mount his gorgeous throne Throwing the crimson drapery by

That half impedes his glorious way;
And mounting up the radiant sky,

E'en what he is,-the king of day!
Before the regent of the skies
Men shrink, and veil their dazzled eyes;
But thou, in regal majesty,
Hast kingly rank as well as he;
And with a steady, dauntless gaze
Thou meet'st the splendour of his blaze.

Bird of Columbia! well art thou

An emblem of our native land;
With unbleuched front and noble brow,
Among the nations doomed to stand;
Proud, like her mighty mountain woods;
Like her own rivers, wandering free:
And sending forth from hills and floods,
The joyous shout of liberty!
Like thee, majestic bird! like thee,
She stands in unbought majesty,
With spreading wing, untired and strong,
That dares a soaring far and long,
That mounts aloft, nor looks below,
And will not quail though tempests blow.

The admiration of the earth,
In grand simplicity she stands;
Like thee, the storms beheld her birth,
And she was nursed by rugged hands:
But, past the fierce and furious war,
Her rising fame new glory brings,
For kings and nobles come from far
To seek the shelter of her wings.

And like thee, rider of the cloud,

She mounts the heavens, serene and proud,
Great in a pure and noble fame,
Great in a spotless champion's name,

And destined in her day to be
Mighty as Rome-more nobly free.

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My native land! my native land!

To her my thoughts will fondly turn;
For her the warmest hopes expand,
For her the heart with fears will yearn.
Oh! may she keep her eye, like thee,
Proud eagle of the rocky wild,
Fixed on the sun of liberty,

By rank, by faction unbeguiled;
Remembering still the rugged road

Our venerable fathers trod,

When they through toil and danger pressed,
To gain their glorious bequest,

And from each lip the caution fell

To those who follow'd, "Guard it well."-Thomson.


THE LATIN VERB: ITS SEVERAL TERMINATIONS. THE student is already familiar with case-endings and the way in which they modify the signification of nouns. He must now pass on to consider certain endings in the verbs which in a similar manner affect their import. Referring him back to what has already been said respecting the verb, we here take up the subject, and ask his attention to voice-endings, personendings, tense-endings, and mood-endings.

As preliminary to the whole, we must recall to mind what has been said respecting the stem of words. Having reviewed in his thoughts what has gone before, the reader will find our present statements easy. The endings, then, to which we have just adverted, are added to the stem of the verb, and being so added, vary the meaning. The stem of a verb is that part to which these endings are added. If the endings have been already made, they must be removed. When you have gone through these instructions, you will know what they are. Take lego, I read, as an instance. You are already aware that the o at the end is the sign of the first person singular, indicative mood, present tense, active voice. Cut off that o, and you have leg; leg is the stem. Now in English, if we want to make I read passive, we insert another word, and say I am read. Instead of inserting another word, the Romans added an r to the active form, making the verb stand thus, legor, I am read. Hence r, you see, is here the sign of the passive. In verbs, r at or near the end is generally the sign of the passive voice; thus in lega", I may be read; and legerer, I might be read, the r is the sign of the passive; for the corresponding active forms are legam. I may read; legerem, I might read. The voice-endings vary with the persons; thus, as the active endings are o, is, it, so the passive endings are or, ĕris, itur. Thus voice-endings and person-endings combine, as you see, in this example of THE VOICE-ENDINGS AND PERSON-ENDINGS OF THE PRESENT TENSE, INDICATIVE MOOD.

Active. Lego, legis, legit; legimus, legitis, legunt. Passive. Legor, legeris, legitur; legimur, legimini, leguntur. To the voice-endings and person-endings must be added the tense-endings. In English we form the past tense, for instance, of the verb I love, by adding to love the consonant d, I loved. Something like this takes place in Latin. Thus, as amo is 1 love, amabam is I loved; the bam performing in Latin the part which the d performs in English. This bam, in the active voice, is made passive by being changed into bar, r taking the place of m. Putting these three endings together, we have an example of


THE IMPERFECT INDICATIVE. Active. Legebam, legebas, legebat; legebamus, legebatis, legebant. Passive. Legebar, legebaris, legebatur; legebamur, legebamini, legebantur, Another variation is introduced by the mood-endings. The examples given are in the indicative mood. We subjoin an instance of the change in the endings, by which the subjunctive In the subjunctive mood rem is added tɔ the stem, instead of bam; thus

mood is indicated.

VOICE-ENDINGS, PERSON-ENDINGS, TENSE-ENDINGS, MOOD-ENDINGS OF THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD, IMPERFECT TENSE. Active. Legerem, legeres, legeret; legeremus, legeretis. legerent. Passive. Legerer, legereris, legeretur; legeremur, legeremini, legerentur. The endings will be more clearly seen, if they stand by themselves, as in the following example:

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Some tenses in the passive voice are formed as in English, by
the addition not of an ending, but of another word. Thus, as
we say, I have been loved, so the Latins say, amatus sum.
Amatus sum is a form made up of parts of two separate words;
namely, amatus, the passive participle of amo; and sum, the
indicative mood, present tense, first person singular of the verb
to be. This is, in effect, to declare that the Romans cannot be
aid to have a perfect tense of the passive voice.
The idea
which that tense conveys they express by combining parts of
the verb sum with the passive participle. In this way, however,
the perfect passive has peculiarities of its own. We subjoin an
example of


You thus see that there is a present stem, an imperfect stem, a perfect stem, an infinitive stem, and a supine stem. Of these, the imperfect and the infinitive are nearly the same. Properly speaking, the present stem in amo is the same as the imperfect and the infinitive, for the second a is a part of the root. Hence amo is a contraction of ama-o.



1. God is present in all places. 2. Arms are of little avail abroad, unless there is deliberation at home. 3. Those are despised, who benefit neither themselves nor another. 4. As the laws preside over the magistrates, so the magistrates (preside over) the people. 5. Reason and speech unite men to one another, and in nothing are we further from the nature of wild beasts. 6. I am joyful; thou art sad. 7. If you are contented with your lot, you are happy. 8. While we were in school, our sisters were in the garden. 9. When Charles was at brother were at our house, you were joyful, but your brother was sad. our house yesterday, I was abroad. 10. As long as you and your 11. As long as you were absent, I was sad. 12. Why were you not in school yesterday? 13. Because I was abroad with my father. 14. How long have you and your father been absent from home? 15. We have been absent six months. 16. Why were not our soldiers present at the fight? 17. Because they were too far away. 18. Where had you been yesterday, when I was at your house?


1. Ego prosum tibi. 2. Tu prodes mihi. 3. Pueri matribus non 5. Quum tu aberas, prosunt. 4. Cur puellæ patribus non prosunt? 6. Quamdiu pater tuus abfuit ? 7. Carolus pugnæ ego eram tristis. 8. Erasne heri domi nostræ ? 9. Ero hodie tuæ domi. Nisi domi es beatus, non es lætus foris.




1. So long as you are (shall be) happy, you will have many friends. 2. The fight was most frightful, because the soldiers of each army were very brave. 3. We had been in the city before the beginning of the war. 4. There were many great and illustrious orators in the age of Demosthenes, and had been before, nor did they fail afterwards. 5. This thing was not useful to us, but injured (us). 6. If any one is (shall be) endued with virtue, he will always be happy. 7. So long as I am (shall be) contented with my lot, I shall be happy. 8. The action will not be right, unless the will has (shall have) been right. 9. If we have (shall have) been good, the praise of men will not fail. 10. 11. Let men be mindful of death. 12. Be ye contented with your lot. 13. O my son, be always mindful of the precepts of virtue! 14. The prudent man not only takes care of the present, but also in mind seeks again the past, and foresees the future from the past. 15. Good men endeavour to be useful to the good. EXERCISE 76.-ENGLISH-LATIN.

Active, Legi, legisti, legit; legimus, legistis, legerunt, or legere.
Passive. Lectus sum, lectus es, lectus est; lecti sumus, lecti estis, lecti sunt.
Where observe that, instead of bam, bas, bat, etc., of the im-
perfect, you have i, isti, it, etc. Observe, also, that in the
passive parts of the verb, sum, etc., denote the persons; the
participle lectus undergoes, however, one change in the plural-
lectus becomes lecti. Now, if you wanted to put the passive
form just given into the subjunctive mood, you have only to sub-
stitute the subjunctive sim, sis, sit, etc., for the indicative sum,
es, est, etc. Other forms of sum may stand in combination with
the past participle, as, lectus eram, I had been read; lectus
essem, I might have been read; lectus ero, I shall have been read.
Also the endings of the perfect indicative active change to suit
corresponding changes in the meaning; they become, in the
singular, erim, eris, erit, and in the plural, erimus, eritis, erint, in
the perfect tense subjunctive mood; and in the pluperfect tense
subjunctive, they pass into essem, esses, esset, essemus, essetis, essent.
There is yet another source of variation in these endings.
That source is in the conjugations. There are, you know, four Scholars, be attentive.
conjugations, or general models for the formation of verbs.
verbs which follow these models are called regular.
Such as
deviate from these models are called irregular. Confining our-
selves, at present, to the regular verbs, we find the endings of
the present tense indicative mood active and passive voices vary,
as already (Vol. I., pp. 38 and 70) shown. In the next lesson
we shall give a general view of the tense and person-endings
of the four regular conjugations of the active and passive voices.
In order to get the full forms, you must prefix for the first con-
jugation am or ama; doc, or doce, for the second; leg for the
third; and aud for the fourth. Am is the stem to be prefixed
in the present tense; ama, in the imperfect and future, and
amav in the perfect; as appears in this view of the
Imp. and Fut.



[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Infinitive. Perfect.

[blocks in formation]

These chief parts are commonly exhibited thus :--

Present. Infinitive. Perfect. Supine.




[blocks in formation]



Now, by comparing these tables together, you may learn that is the sign of the present tense; re, of the infinitive mood; i, of the perfect tense; and um, of the supine. In other words, by adding o to am, you form the present tense indicative mood first person singular; by adding bam to ama, you form the corresponding imperfect tense; by adding i to amav, you obtain the perfect tense; by adding re to ama, you get the infinitive mood; and finally, by adding tum to ama, you make the supine;


[blocks in formation]

fuerunt in pugna fortiores quam vestri.
1. Milites nostri in pugna fortissimi fuerunt. 2. Cur milites nostri
3. Quamdiu felix eris, non
deerunt amici. 4. Miseris amici desunt. 5. Ante belli initium in
urbe fueram. 6. Fortes fortibus semper proderunt. 7. Inimici mihi
obsunt. 8. Si eritis virtutis compotes, felices eritis. 9. Quamdiu
sorte men contentus ero, felix ero. 10. Discipuli, in schola attenti este!
11. Illi student esse fortissimi. 12. Mi fili, fortis esto. 13. Prudentes
futura ex præteritis provident.


1. I am not ignorant of what your disposition is toward us. 2. I 3. I am not igknow what your feeling has always been toward us. norant of what your disposition both was before, and now is, toward us. 4. I was not ignorant of what your feeling was toward us. 5. I know how uncertain are the minds of men. 6. Think how short is 8. life! 7. Of what kind the mind is, the mind itself knows not. Think how much good examples are useful to us. 9. I am uncertain where my brother is now. 10. I am uncertain where my friend both has been and now is. 11. I am uncertain where you were yesterday. 12. Tell us (narrate) where you were yesterday.


1. Narra mihi ubi sis. 2. Narra mihi ubi tui pater et mater sint. 3. Nescio ubi soror mea sit. 4. Scisne quantum boni pueri suis parentibus prosint? 5. Scio ubi filius sit. 6. Mi fili, ubi es? 7. Sciebam ubi filius esset. 8. Incertus sum ubi hostes sint. 9. Estne dux nescius ubi exercitus sit ? 10. Scio qua mente tu in regem sis.



THE three curves respectively known as the ellipse, the parabolo.
and the hyperbola, are called conic sections, because ther
be displayed by cutting a cone in different directions.
however, we explain the directions in which the cone mu

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