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In such a work as the POPULAR EDUCATOR-whose chief end and aim are to put into the possession of the uneducated the means of teaching themselves, and to give those who have been but partially or imperfectly educated the power of improving themselves in those branches of knowledge in which they have already received a limited amount of instruction, and entering new fields of learning-it is manifestly requisite that we should, from time to time, introduce papers on the various institutions and endowments by which the self-teacher, by dint of perseverance and earnest work, is enabled to obtain a substantial reward for his labours in the shape of a sum of money which will assist him in pursuing his studies in the profession or calling that he has adopted, or to procure an endorsement of his ability and brain-power in the form of a degree or diploma granted by one of our universities, royal schools, or colleges of science -an honourable testimonial which also has a monetary value to its possessor, inasmuch as it will enable him to procure situations and obtain


ledge in factories and works devoted to the production of machinery.

That example is better than precept-that it is always better to show, practically, how an end may be attained instead of contenting oneself by simply saying that such a thing should

and ought to be done-Mr. Whitworth seems also to have learnt to some purpose, from his long connection with practical men; and in the present year, on March 18th, Mr. Whitworth shaped his scheme for the promotion of science and art among artisans into a tangible form in a letter to Mr. Disraeli, in which he offered to found thirty scholarships of the annual value of £100 each, to be applied to the further instruction of young men, natives of the United Kingdom, selected by open competition for their intelligence and proficiency in the theory and practice of mechanics and its cognate sciences, with a view to the promotion of engineering and mechanical industry in this country; and expressed a hope that means might be found for bringing science and industry into closer relation with each other than at present obtains here, although the United Kingdom is the

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positions in life which would be closed to him if he sought to gain them unstamped, as it were, by the seal of official approval.

First and foremost among the endowments that have been made for the immediate pecuniary benefit of the deserving student are the Whitworth Scholarships, founded by Mr. Joseph Whitworth, the inventor of the rifle and rifled cannon which bear his


Mr. Whitworth's long connection with men whose employment was of a nature that demanded, in addition to the manual skill of the artisan, a close acquaintance with the scientific principles of the manufacture in which they were engaged, saw with

Fig. 2.

regret that while there were scholarships and endowments at the universities and elsewhere for the assistance of students of divinity, law, and physic, there was no fund set apart for the encouragement of science and art especially among artisans-a fund, in fact, that would enable the hand-worker to spend two or three years in studying theory, or give the theorist in mechanical science an opportunity of gaining a practical know


greatest manufacturing country in the world, and therefore of all others the country in which an intimate and enduring relation between science and industry should be established and sedulously maintained. Mr. Whitworth further proposed that the scholarships which he offered to found in aid of advanced scientific instruction should be tenable on conditions to be defined by a deed of trust regulating the administration of the endowment fund during his life, and that thereafter the management of this fund, subject to the conditions specified therein, should rest in the Lord President of the Council or other minister of public instruction for the time being.

In reply to a letter from the Lords of the Committee of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council on Education, accepting Mr. Whitworth's munificent offer, and seeking further suggestions with respect to the conditions on which the contemplated scholarships for mechanical science were to be thrown open to competitors, Mr. Whitworth wrote again, submitting for the consideration of their lordships whether honours in the nature


of degrees might not be conferred by some competent authority on successful students each year, thus creating a faculty of industry analogous to the existing faculties of divinity, law, and medicine, as he was of opinion that such honours would be a great incentive to exertion, and would tend greatly to promote the object in view. To this end he hoped that the Government would provide the necessary funds for endowing a sufficient number of professors of mechanics throughout the United Kingdom. With regard to the scholarships, he proposed that the following should be the general arrangements in the first instance, which might be modified after the first competition has taken place in May, 1869 :

I. That the thirty scholarships of £100 each should be open to all of Her Majesty's subjects, whether of the United Kingdom, India, or the Colonies, who do not exceed the age of twenty-six years, and be held either for two or three years, as experience may prove to be desirable.

II. That ten scholarships should be competed for and awarded in May, 1869, at the general examinations of the Science and Art Department, provided that a sufficient number of candidates prove themselves to be competent; that the successful candidates should be required to spend the period of holding the scholarships in the further satisfactory prosecution of the studies and practice of mechanical engineering, and pursue the studies according to the spirit of the endowment, making periodical reports of them; that the student should state where he proposes to pursue his studies, the Lord President of the Council deciding if the proposal can be allowed, also if the student's progress be satisfactory, and the manner in which it shall be tested from year to year. In deciding if the place of study proposed by the student be satisfactory, as much latitude as possible may be allowed. If the student wish to complete his general education instead of continuing his special scientific study, he may be permitted to do so. He may go to the universities or colleges affording scientific or technical instruction, or he may travel abroad. The successful artisan should be encouraged to study theory, and the successful competitor in theory aided in getting admission to machine shops and other practical establishments. All further details would be hereafter prepared and issued by the Science and Art Department.

III. The candidates must be of sound bodily constitution. IV. The examinations in the following subjects will be held by Local Committees simultaneously on certain evenings in May in about 350 places in the United Kingdom-wherever localities form committees for conducting them according to the prescribed rules.

These rules may be found in Sections x., xi., xii., etc., of the Science Directory, issued by the Science and Art Department; and also in pages 21, 22, and 23 of the Art Directory. V. The competition will be in the following theoretical subjects :

1. Mathematics (Elementary and Higher). 2. Mechanics (Theoretical and Applied).

3. Practical Plane and Solid Geometry.

4. Machine Construction and Drawing. 5. Free-hand Drawing.

6. Acoustics, Light, and Heat.

7. Magnetism and Electricity.

8. Inorganic Chemistry.

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It should be said that the object of Mr. Whitworth in devising the foregoing scheme has been, while requiring acquaintance with a few simple tools as a sine quâ non, to render the competition accessible on fairly equal terms to the student who combines some practice with his theory, and to the artisan who combines some theoretical knowledge with perfection of workmanship.

All communications respecting the Whitworth Scholarships should be addressed to the Secretary of the Science and Art Department, South Kensington Museum, London, W. Онг readers should carefully bear this in mind, as we are unable to give any information on the subject beyond that which is em bodied in this paper.

Competitors for the Whitworth Scholarships will be required to produce a certificate of having passed in the ability to draw outlines such as those in the preceding page, either enlarged or reduced in size, from a copy. The examinations will be held at any school of art or night-class in the United Kingdom, during the month of May, 1869, or, if specially required, at a science school.

The outlines which we have set before our readers in Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, are reproduced in fac-simile from woodcuts issued by the Science and Art Department for the guidance of competitors for the Whitworth Scholarships. They are specimens in a reduced size of second-grade free-hand drawing exercises.

That our readers may fully understand what is meant by calling these exercises examples of second-grade free-hand drawing, we give the different kinds of instruction comprised within each grade as laid down by the Science and Art Department.

The first grade consists of drawing in outline from flat examples, drawing from regular solids or objects of simple form, and of easy problems in practical geometry.

The second grade is an examination of a higher standard than that of the first grade, but in the same subjects, with the addition of perspective and mechanical drawing.

The third grade is represented by works embracing the whole course of instruction in night-classes or schools of art, such as drawing from examples, from casts or models, from nature, the antique, or the life; paintings, flowers, landscape, or from life;

9. Metallurgy, or the Art of Separating Metals from designing or drawing for decorative purposes.

their Ores.

The nature of these examinations is shown in the Syllabus of the Subjects in which examinations in Science are held by the Science and Art Department. This Syllabus is given in the Science Directory, or may be obtained separately. The Syllabus has been prepared to afford candidates for these examinations some guide to their reading, but it must be understood that the questions in the examination need not necessarily be on the special points enumerated. Mention is made in the Syllabus of text-books, but solely to afford a candidate some assistance in selection, and not at all to confine his reading to those works, or to assert that they are the best on the subjects they treat of. Candidates will also find a valuable clue to the nature of these examinations in the Examination Papers for Science Schools and

May, 1868, which may be obtained for 2d., by applica
Secretary, Science and Art Department of the Com-
ncil on Education, South Kensington, London, W.,

It must be remembered that the Whitworth Scholarships, instead of being possessed of a mere ephemeral interest-in which case they could hardly demand even a passing notice here-are endowments in perpetuity for the benefit of the founder's countrymen, and that each successive month of May, or, at all events, each successive year, will bring about examinations for ten or more of these scholarships as long as the United Kingdom endures, and that the information contained in this paper will be as useful in years to come as it is now in pointing out to the practical student of mechanical science a road to his advancement in life. A moment's reflection will serve to show the colossal proportions of Mr. Whitworth's gift to the British nation, and the importance of the service that he has rendered to scientific and technical education by his princely and welltimed donation. To secure an annual income of £3,000 for the maintenance of thirty scholarships of £100 per annum in perpetuity, a sum must be invested approximating closely to £100,000 at a rough calculation. Such a deed for the fur

therance of education has never been done before. As an act of generosity in a monetary point of view, it has only been surpassed by Mr. George Peabody's gift of £250,000 to the poor of London.


23 as:

SECTION LXVIII.-VARIOUS IDIOMS (continued). THE word eigen (own) is often used with an article, as also with a pronoun preceding, as :-Er hat ein eigenes Pferd, he has (an own horse) a horse of his own. signification, " Eigen has also the kindred peculiar, singular; ' he is a "peculiar" man, etc. —Er ist ein eigener Mensch, 1. Finten (to find) often answers to our verbs "to think "consider," as :-Ich finde den Wein sehr gut, I (find) think the wine very good. Ich finde es unrecht, daß er das gethan hat, I think or consider it wrong that he has done that.

"to think "

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2. Halten (to hold), with its proper case, followed by für, has, like finten, the sense mich für seinen Feind, he thinks me (literally, holds me for) his or "consider; 29 as-Er hält enemy. Followed by auf, halten also means "to esteem, regard;" as:- Ich halte viel auf ihn, I think much of him. For Aufhalten, to hinder, see Sect. XXXVII.

Ab'weichen, to deviate, diverge.

Acht, f. care; sich in Acht nehmen vor, to beware of. Bekom'men, to get, receive, obtain. Bereisen, to travel


Gben, so eben, even, just.

Frage, f. question.
Hüten, to guard, keep


Interessant', interest-
Je, ever, always.
Je'tenfalls, in any case,
at all events.
Merkwürdigkeit, f. re-
markableness, cu-


Nichts ist so sehr unser eigen, als unsre Gedanken; alles An'dere ist außer uns.

Die meisten Menschen sind von Em.

pfindung ihres eignen Werths auf'geblasen, weil sie nicht wissen, was der wahre Werth des Menschen ist.

Wer hat je den herben Trank des

Schicksals gern und willig ge-

Der Graf kommt so eben mit seinem
Gefolge von der Jagd.
Halte ja fest an dem Glauben an
Gott, den Lenker deines Schicksals.


Wir beurtheilen die Menschen in vielen Fällen nur nach Schein, und halten manche für flug weil sie an'maßend, und antere für un'wissend, weil sie bescheiten sind.


Miethen, to
Schließen, to shut,
Ob, whether.
lock, close.
Unterscheiden, to dis-
tinguish, discrimi-
nate, discern.
Verbessern, to



Vergessen, to forget.

Nothing is so much our own, as
our thoughts; all else is ex-
terior to us.

Most men are puffed up by a
feeling of their own worth,
because they do not know
what the true worth of man
Who has ever cheerfully and
voluntarily taken the bitter
cup of fate ?

The count is just coming, with

Hold (Sect. XLIII. 4) fast to

his retinue, from the chase.

thy (the) faith in God, the
We estimate men in many cases
disposer of thy destiny.
only by the appearance, and
regard many as wise because
they are assuming, and others
as ignorant because they are



Ja, ich werde es jedenfalls thun. 26. Wagt es ja nicht, ohne Begleitung
28. Diese Merkwürtigkeit will ich ja sehen. 29. Hast Du die Thüre ja
in den Wald zu gehen. 27. Ich werde mich ja hüten, ihm Geld zu leihen.
gut geschlossen? 30. Nehmen Sie sich vor diesen Leuten ja in Acht. 31.
Unterscheiden Sie ja tas Wahre vom Falschen.
Zeit in Berlin und Leipzig aufgehalten.
32. Ich habe mich längere
mich, weil ich mich über Niemand aufhalte.
Stunde bei meiner Arbeit aufgehalten. 34. Meine Freunde halten viel auf
33. Er hat mich über eine halbe


2. Have you ever travelled over such a beautiful country as 1. The reflecting man never deviates from the path of virtue. Italy or Switzerland ? 3. No, but I shall never forget the beautiful valleys of the Rhine. they tell you. 4. Do not believe everything 5. The father is just coming with his son and thinks much of a comfortable life. the uncle from their journey. of his scholars ? 6. Does the teacher think much 7. Yes, he considers them very good. 8. He his friend. 11. I have a house of my own, and my brother has abilities too much. 9. This man regards his 10. John is his enemy, but he thinks he is consider this a very singular question. 12. Is this your own invention ? 13. Yes, it is; but I peculiar notion. 14. This man has a 15. Do you not find your friend a peculiar man ? 16. Yes, I do; he finds fault with everybody. 17. Have you ever been in the museum ? several times. 18. Yes, I have been there 21. My friends hindered me very much in my employment. 19. Have you already been in the garden of my uncle ? 20. To procure repose to others, he sacrifices his own. 22. A prince can improve the laws of his forefathers as well as his own.



Wer (he who), as a relative, stands at the head of its clause; the word which it represents always coming after; as:-Wer zufrieden ist, der ist glücklich, he who is contented is happy. Generally, however, the demonstrative is left out in the principal clause, as-Wer auf dem Wege der Tugend wandelt, ist glücklich, he who walks in the path of virtue is happy. Wer tich genau kennt, muß dich verlassen, he who knows thee well must quit thee. (Byron.)

1. Was is employed like the corresponding English word; also be bad. as:- -Was schön ist, kann auch schlecht sein, what is beautiful can Er ist, was ich sein möchte, he is what I would (wish to) be.

2. After an antecedent, used in a general and indefinite sense, was is often employed as a simple relative; as:-Er glaubt Alles, was er hört, he believes all that he hears. Ich thue Alles, was ich cedent is particularly specified, welches (not was) is to be emfann, I do all that I can. believes only that which he sees. Er glaubt nur das, was er sieht, he ployed; as:-Das Buch, welches Sie mir gelichen haben, the book When, however, the antewhich you have lent me.

3. Was is, likewise, sometimes used instead of warum; as :— Was lachen Sie? why (warum) do you laugh? or, what are you laughing at?

4. Gebürtig and geboren correspond commonly to our words "native" and 66 born; as-Er ist ein geborner Deutscher, he is a native German. Woher sind Sie gebürtig? where were you born? Ich bin aus Berlin gebürtig, I was born in Berlin. Fürst, he is a prince by birth. Frau N. war eine geborne G., Mrs. Er ist ein geborner N. was a Miss G.

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1. Sagen (Sect. LXXXII. 1) Sie mir, ob das Ihr eigenes Pferd ist? 2. Haben diese Kinder viel eigenes Vermögen? 3. Ihre Eltern waren sehr reich. 4. Ich finde es sehr eigen, daß er nicht seine eigenen Pferde benußt, fontern mit antern fährt. 5. Ich habe kein eigenes Haus. 6. Ist dies sein eigener Wagen, oder hat er ihn nur gemiethet? 7. Diese Frage finte ich sehr eigen. 8. Es ist dies (Sect. XXXV. 3) meine eigene Ueberzeugung, nach ter ich handle. 10. Jeter Mensch hat seine eignen Fehler. 9. Dieser alte Kaufmann ist ein sehr eigener Mensch. Hause gewesen? 12. Ich bin nie da gewesen. 13. Ich halte es für meine 11. Sind Sie je in diesem Blicht, mich nicht über ihn aufzuhalten. 14. Ich werde nie von meinen Gruntsägen abweichen. gewesen? 16. Ich habe ihn so eben gesehen. 17. 3ft Deine Tochter schon 15. Sind Sie noch nicht bei meinem Bruder in meinem Garten gewesen? 18. Sie ist noch nicht ausgegangen. Haben Sie je ein so interessantes Land bereist ? Schönes gesehen, aber nie vergesse ich die reizende Schweiz. 21. So eben Erfech'tex, to win in 20. Ich habe schon viel

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Blut gerüft, n. scaffold.
Ebenbild, n. image,
Darin, therein, in it.

ance, succour, sup-

exact likeness.

Göttlich, divine.

Hoch'verrath, m. high

Kleinigkeit, f. trifle,
small matter.

[blocks in formation]

Lufti, merry, sportive ln'beteutend,
Mufit lehrer, m. music-

Ulm fommen, to perish.
portant, insignifi-

master. Narr, m. fool.

Eintritt, m. entrance. Nie terlage, f. discom-
fiture, defeat.
Nortameʼrika, n. North
Schlüssel, m. key.

fight, conquer. Erleiten, to suffer.

4) nicht zu nahe an das Feuer. 24. Kommen Sie ja bald zurück. 25. Finster, dark.


[blocks in formation]

RÉSUMÉ OF EXAMPLES. Wer das Gute licht, ter liebt auch Gott und verach'tet Alles, was ihn nicht zur Vollkommenheit befördert.

Was quälen Sie mich mit Ihrer
Gelehrsamkeit? (Gellert.)
Der Mensch glaubt leicht, was er
hofft, und sieht leicht, was er sehen

now jumping upon his good horse. 18. The man sits at the table, and the book lies upon the table. 19. I have no hat on my head. 20. Where is the soldier going? 21. The soldiers are going to the field; they are already on the field. 22. The frog leaps into the river and swims in the river, and the goose swims in the pond. 23. I have read these words somewhere. 24. I can find my cap nowhere, although it

He that loves goodness, also
loves God, and contemns all
that does not advance him
towards perfection.
Why do you torment me with must be somewhere in this room.
your erudition ?

Man easily believes what he hopes, and sees easily what he wishes to see. The large house, that you see yonder, belongs to us.

Das große Haus, welches (not was) Sie dort sehen, ist (Sect. LVIII. 1) unser. Einige meiner Freunde sind aus Some of my friends are natives Dresten gebürtig. of Dresden. Dieser Mann ist ein geber'ner Ame. This man is a native Ameririfa'ner.




1. Wer sich das Göttliche will und das Höchste im Leben erfechten, scheue nicht Arbeit und Kampf (Körner). 2. Wer gewinnen will, muß wagen. 3. Dieses Buch ist mir lieb; wer es stiehlt, der ist ein Dieb. 4. Wer nichts lieben will, als sein Ebenbild, hat außer sich nichts zu lieben 5. Wer zweifelt, verzweifelt. 6. Wer gegen sein Vaterland streitet, ist ein Berräther. 7. Wer sich in Gefahr begiebt, kommt darin um. 8. Wer dem Untertrückten nicht beisteht, vertient auch keinen Beistand. 9. Wer fich gegen das Schicksal stemmen will, ist ein Narr. 10. Sind Sie ein geborner Englänter oter Amerikaner? 11. Ich bin feins von beiden (Sect. XXXII. 2), ich bin ein geborner Deutscher. 12. Wer ist Ihre Freundin? 13. Sie ist eine Amerikanerin, gebürtig aus New-York. 14. Woher ist Ihr Freund gebürtig? 15. Er ist aus England gebürtig. In welchem Lante wurten Sie geboren? 17. Ich bin in ten Vereinigten Staaten ven Nordamerika geberen. 18. Ich mache mich über diesen Mann luftig. 19. Sie sollten sich nicht über ihn lustig machen. 20. Gr macht fich über Jedermann lustig. 21. Es giebt auch Narren, welche sich über Andere lustig machen 22. Dieser Mensch hält sich über jede Kleinigkeit auf (Sect. XXX.) 23. Es ist unflug, sich über eine unbedeutente Sache aufzuhalten oder lustig zu machen. 24. Wer zu viel anfängt, vollendet wenig. 25. Ich freue mich über meinen artigen Neffen 26. Der römische Kaiser Augustus war in Verzweiflung über die Nieterlaae, welche Varus von den Deutschen erlitten batte. 27. Er hat mit mir über diesen Gegen stand gesprochen. 28. Wer aus Liebe zu Gott der Menschheit Pflichten entsagt-sigt im Finstern, und hält immer den Spiegel vor sich.



1. He who assists the poor will receive divine assistance. He who would have entrance everywhere, must have golden keys. 3. He who fights for his country deserves distinction. 4. He who wishes to learn German, must give himself some trouble. 5. He who dies for his king, dies with glory. 6. He who commits high treason, dies mostly upon the scaffold. 7. They are born under a happy star. 8. In which country were those ladies born? 9. They were born in Italy, in the year 1795, but their mother was born in England. 10. Are these ladies natives of Germany? 11. No, they are natives of France. 12. Our music-master is a native of Italy, and was born in Florence. 13. I will do what I have promised. 14. Show me what you have found. 15. What enhances the glory of this hero, is his modesty. 16. Let us grant him what we at first refused. 17. Thou hast never told us what they have trusted you with. 18. Why do you make yourself merry at the misery of the oppressed? 19. The fruits which we saw in the garden of our neighbour were not so good as those which grew in yours.


3. Where

1. Where is the brother-in-law? 2. He is at the table. is the confectioner going? 4. He is going into the bakehouse. Where is his friend, the actor? 6. He is at the opera-house. 7.


EXERCISE 45 (Vol. I., page 245).

1. Wo ist die Bildergallerie tiefer Statt? 2. Wo war dieser Herr geberen? 3. Er war in Böhmen geberen. 4 Wo wohut Ihr Freunt, der Schauspieler? 5. Er wohnt in der Stadt. 6. Wo gehen diese Auswanterer hin? 7. Wober kommen diese Einwanterer? 8. Sie kommen von Frankreich. 9. Wo viel gegeben ist, wird viel verlangt. 10. Hier tringt nicht die Rache und der geweßte Dolch eines Verräthers;―unter den 11. Er warf das Buch vor Schatten dieses Baumes kommt kein König. 12. Wobin gehst du? 13. Ich gehe zu meinem Schwager. 14. Werden diese Auswanderer nach Amerika gehen? 15. Nein, sie werden hier bleiben. 16. Da (or es) ist Wasser im Teiche. 17. Woher kommt sie? 18. Sie femmt von Deutschland.

mir nicter.

EXERCISE 46 (Vol. I., page 245).

1. The soldiers are here, and the commander-in-chief is coming hither also. 2. The enemy is already there, and our brave brothers must proceed thither. 3. When are you going to Spain ? 4. I do not mean to go there at all, but my father will travel thither next week. 5. Have you been there already? 6. No, but one of my acquaintances was there, and will never go there again. 7. We are going upon the mountain; will you go with us? 8. Does the Russian mean to send his servant to the town? 9. He has already sent him thither. 10. Will the troops come hither? 11. They will not come hither. 12. Where do these strangers come from? 13. They are immigrants, and come from Bohemia. 14. Is this ship from Bremen or Havre? 15. It is neither from Bremen nor from Havre, it is from Venice. 16. Are these French immigrants going to Milwaukee? 17. A part of them are going there, the others remain in New York. 18. The immigrants to America are emigrants from Europe, and from other parts of the Old World. 19. When do you mean to go into the field? 20. I have been already in the field, and cannot go there again; but I must now soon go into the garden, because my teacher is there and wishes to see 21. Why will this Italian not speak English? 22. He would and Spanish. 23. How many languages can you speak? 24. I speak like to speak it, but he does not know it yet; he speaks only Italian


only two, but I mean to learn others besides.

EXERCISE 47 (Vol. I., page 245).

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1. Wann lebte er? 2. Er lebte im vierzehnten Jahrhundert. 3. Mein Freund sagte mir, er würde nie wieter tahin gehen. 4. Geben Sie nach Spanien? 5. Nein, ich werde nicht dahin gehen. 6. Der Feltberr hat seine Truppen dahin geschickt, wo die größte Gefahr war. Schiff von Spanien over von Havre ? 8. Nein, es ist weder von Spanien, noch von Havre; es kommt von Hamburg. 9. Diese Einwanderer gehen nach Milwaukee, und sind Auswanderer von Böhmen und Benedig 10. Können Sie über jenes Thor springen? 11. Ich konnte es, als ich jung war. 12. Er bat mich, dahin zu gehen, damit er mit mir darüber sprechen EXERCISE 48 (Vol. I., page 246).




1. Have you seen my friend? 2. Yes, he has gone down the street. Are you going over to Mainz to-day by the steamboat? 6. Yes, Will you go into the cabin ? 4. No, I am going down below deck. and this evening I shall come over by the railroad over the new bridge of boats. 7. Our course is up and down. 8. The roe leapt down while the hare ran up the hill. 9. The soldiers sprang out of the barracks, as the enemy rushed into the town. 10. As the watchman stepped into the house, the terrified thief hastened down-stairs. 11. I cannot get out of the crossways of this garden. 12. Do you no know how this bird got in? 13. Yes, but he does not know where he can get out again. 14. The young Swiss looked towards the blue mountains of his native country. 15. Are you not coming down to day? 16. Yes, if my uncle comes up, I shall go down. 17. Have you seen this man already? 18. Yes, he entered the door as I went out. 19. The friend went over the river and back again in one hour, 20 The stream falls down the rock with great roaring.

EXERCISE 49 (Vol. I., page 246).

1. Der Sohn eilte binunter, seinen Vater zu empfangen. 2. eint

Where is his friend, the ropemaker, going? 8. He is going into his Rete tauerte über zwei Stunden. 3. Das Reh sprang aus seinem Ser workshop. 9. Where is the shepherd? 10. He is on the mountain. stecke hervor. 4. Werten Sie beute mit dem Damrfboote nach Fran 11. Where is the shepherd going? 12. He is going on the mountain. 13. Where is our old neighbour going? 14. He is now in the little hinübergehen? 5. Nein, ich werde mit der Eisenbahn hinübergeben, und garden, but he is going into the large garden soon. 15. His wife is in mit dem Dampfboote zurückommen. 6. Geben Sie nicht über den Krene this house, but his cousin is going into that picture gallery. 16. I weg hinaus. 7. Ich sah Ihren Freund hereinkommen, als Ihr Cheun Etand at the window, and you are coming to the window. 17. The binausging. 8. Diese Leute, welche über jene Brücke geben, find in Göcht knight already sits upon his good horse, and the servant also is just ihres Lebens. 9. Werten Sie heute mit Ihrem Freunde hinauszeben ?

10. Von diesem Hügel können wir nach unserm Vaterlande hinübessehen. 11. Wie ist der Dieb in Ihr Haus gekommen? 12. Eduard stürzte sich von tem delsen hinab. 13. Ich werde diesen Morgen an Ihrem Hause vorbeikommen, und werte hineinkommen, ohne daß Sie mich bitten, solches zu thun

EXERCISE 50 (Vol. I., page 259).

1. Will the aged soldier go to-day in the forest? 2. He will go, but he cannot to-day, because he has much to do. 3. The man-servant is gone into the market to fetch meat. 4. To remain healthy, one must live orderly and temperately. 5. The woodcutter has gone into the forest to cut wood. 6. The butcher goes from one village to the other to buy oxen. 7. He goes from one village to the other, but can find no oxen. 8. What does he want with the oxen ? 9. He means to kill them; we must indeed have meat. 10. The peasant has two horses, which the brewer wishes to buy. 11. I go to the city to buy a hat or a cap. 12. He has books to read, and an exercise to write. 13. Where does your brother's friend wish to go? 14. He wishes to go nowhere, he wishes to remain with his uncle. 15. Will you go upon the high mountain? 16. I shall go there, but not to-day. 17. Can you go to morrow into the country? 18. I can go there, but I will not. 19. When does your father want his horses back again? 20. He must have them to-morrow morning, because he wishes to drive to-morrow evening to Frankfort. 21. Why will he not ride there? 22. Because he has no good saddle-horse, and the weather is very cold.

EXERCISE 51 (Vol. I., page 259).

1. Es ist heute zu kalt für ihn, um nach Frankfurt hinüberzugehen. 2. Dort läuft der Hase über den Berg. 3. Da fährt Ihr Bruder. 4. Der Zuckerbäcker ist in die Backstube gegangen, um Brod zu backen. 5. Der Megger geht auf den Markt, um Schafe zu kaufen. 6. Ihr Kutscher hat mich schnell hierher gefahren. 7. Schen Sie jenen Mann auf dem Pferde, welches wir gestern jahen? 8. Die Soldaten reiten auf schönen Pferten. 9. Man sagt, in diesen Kutschen fährt man bequem. 10. Wir sind in Ihrem Wagen gefahren, um unsere Visiten abzustatten. 11. Übertritt nicht das Gesetz. 12. Das neue Dampfboot fährt heute zum ersten Male den Fluß hinunter.

EXERCISE 52 (Vol. I., page 260).

1. This hunter has a fine dog, mine is finer, and yours is the finest of all. 2. The earth is smaller than the sun, and the stars are more distant than the moon. 3. Virgil is a more agreeable writer than Ovid. 4.

The city of Canton is larger than Paris. 5. Alexander the Great had less prudence than courage. 6. We find much more copper than silver, and more iron than tin. 7. This girl prattles more than she works. 8. The air in the towns is more impure than the country air. 9. France is not so fertile as Germany. 10. This youth has not as much understanding as his brother, but neither has he as much vanity. 11. The rose is one of the finest flowers in the world. 12. Those are commonly the least proud, whose minds are the most educated. 13. The manners of those with whom we have intercourse are commonly influential upon us. 14. The benefits that we are worthy of are more agreeable to us than those we are unworthy of. 15. He is the richest man whose children are virtuous. 16. The Lord has no pleasure in those people who have no love to their brothers. 17. The apple-tree has a thick trunk, the beech has a thicker trunk, and the oak has the thickest trunk. 18. The more he has, the more he wants. Florence is finer than Parma.



HISTORIC SKETCHES.-XXV. ADMIRAL BYNG ON THE 14TH OF MARCH, 1757. "EVERY person in the fleet who, through cowardice, negligence, or disaffection, shall in time of action withdraw or keep back, or not come into the fight or engagement, or shall not do his utmost to take or destroy every ship which it shall be his duty to engage every such person so offending, and being convicted thereof by the sentence of a court-martial, shall suffer death." This was the article of war upon which the life and honour of Admiral John Byng were given in charge to a naval court-martial on the 28th of December, 1756. The trial took place on board the St. George, in Portsmouth harbour, under circumstances of unusual excitement. All England was smarting under a sense of the disgrace which the conduct of the prisoner had appeared to bring upon it, and there was a universal cry for investigation. The populace were deeply imbued with the spirit which actuated all ranks, from the king downwards, and as Admiral Byng was brought to Portsmouth from Greenwich, under the escort of a strong guard, he was insulted in every town and village he passed through.

It is, happily, an event of most rare occurrence when a British

officer's courage is called in question; and it is a matter of satisfaction that in this case of Admiral Byng the personal courage of the accused was admitted to be unsullied. But the way in which he had conducted himself in the Mediterranean, when not his own honour only, but that of the kingdom also, was entrusted to his keeping, was said to have been such as greatly to tarnish the national glory. What that conduct was, and the result of it to the man most concerned, will be shown in this sketch.

In 1755 war, which had for a long time threatened, broke out Various indecisive between England and France and Spain. aotions had been fought between the ships of the several countries, and a few collisions took place between detached bodies of troops; but there were not any operations on a large scale till in the early part of 1756 the French determined on reducing the island of Minorca, which was held by General Blakeney for the British. All the previous winter they had been secretly preparing for the enterprise, though they had skilfully concealed the aim and objects of it. Indeed, until February, 1756, the British Ministers were not aware that the expedition was meant for any place in the Mediterranean, but fancied that the British possessions in North America were the destination. Convinced, however, at this time, of the actual designs of the French, the Government took steps, albeit tardily, to frustrate them.

A squadron of ten ships of the line was fitted out, and the command was given, on the 1st of April, to Admiral Byng, with instructions to proceed forthwith to Gibraltar, and to inquire there whether the French fleet from Toulon had passed the strait. If they had, he was to detach Admiral West, his second in command, with a portion of the fleet, to North America, where it was still supposed a blow would be struck. If they had not, he was "to go on without a moment's loss of time to Minorca." Failing to meet the enemy's fleet there, he was to go to Toulon, and blockade it in that port. He was also to use his utmost diligence to protect Minorca and Gibraltar.

As soon as he found what work was marked out for him, Admiral Byng complained to the Admiralty of the inadequacy of the force assigned to him. He had not a single frigate for reconnoitring or signalling purposes; the ships he had were foul, the crews weak both in number and health; and there were not any marines on board of them, that valuable arm of service having been withdrawn in order to make room for a regiment of soldiers he was to take to Minorca, and for another he was to pick up at Gibraltar. The only answer he received from the Admiralty was an order to proceed, and on the 7th of April he put to sea.

Owing to the foulness of his ships, on the sides and bottoms of which weed had so collected as to impair most materially their sailing qualities, the admiral did not reach Gibraltar till the 2nd of May, and there he found there were not enough stores to replenish his squadron, and that the governor would not part with the regiment which Byng had been instructed to take from him to Minorca. While lying in Gibraltar Bay, the news reached him that a fortnight before the French admiral, with a strong fleet, had appeared off Fort Mahon, Minorca, and had landed the Duc de Richelieu, with an army of 16,000 men, to besiege the place. The governor of Minorca was away (General Blakeney, eighty-two years of age, was deputygovernor), and there were many of the officers of the garrison on leave of absence; the fortress of St. Philip, though very strong, was very ill supplied; and there was not any assistance from Nature, in the shape of rugged cliffs or difficult beaches, to defend the place. General Blakeney did his best to prepare for the siege, with his 3,000 men against 16,000 of the enemy. Under these circumstances Admiral Byng's instructions "to go on without a moment's loss of time to Minorca" should unquestionably have been acted on to the very letter, yet the admiral waited in Gibraltar Bay till the 8th of May, and did not sight Minorca till the 19th.

Though the British flag was still flying from the citadel of Port Mahon, the place was closely invested. The Duc de Richelieu was pressing the siege with all his power, and M. de la Galissonière, the French admiral, was cruising off the island with a fleet about equal in strength to the British admiral's. General Blakeney had sunk some vessels at the mouth of the harbour to prevent the French fleet getting in, and so succeeded in relieving himself from the fire of the ship's guns; but by

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