페이지 이미지
[blocks in formation]

"" use of 139,

"o" use of 140

Objective in campaign speeches, 448
purpose of speaker, II
Objectiveness in speech, 343-344
Observation, as a method of getting
material, 234

Occasion, speeches of farewell, 426
speeches of presentation, 426
speeches of welcome, 425
"Ode on a Grecian Urn," 162
Onamatopoeia, 17

O'Neill, J. M., A Manual of Debate
and Oral Discussion, 388
Modes of Speech Composition, 290,
421, 433, 439, 443, 447, 452, 456
Modern Short Speeches, 421, 433,
443, 447, 452, 456
Laycock and Scales, Argumentation
and Debate, 276

[blocks in formation]


Overstreet, H. A., quoted, 313
Overtones, 151

Palate, soft, action of, 158
in articulation, 113

Palmer, G. H., Self-Cultivation in
English, 345

Pantomime copying in reading, 376
Parables, value of, 309

Paraphrasing in reading, 375
Parliamentary motions, 388
practice chart, 388
rule in discussion, 387
Partial tones, 151
Partition, 253
Patellar reflex, 28
"Passing of Arthur," 197
Patrick Henry, 290
Pause, in reading, 373
Pauses, emphatic, 193
grammatical, 193
Pausing, 192
Pavlov, 28

Pectoral quality, 157
Perception, 292 ff.
definition of, 292, 299
habit in, 297

verbal responses in, 295
and empathy, 293–294
Perego, Ina M., 66

Personal magnetism, 329-330
Personal pronouns, 289

Personal qualities, in the conclusion,


Personalities and interest, 309

[blocks in formation]

step in, 206-207
vocal, 203-208

Pitt, "Reply to Walpole," 211
Plans in debate, 400
Pleasing the audience, 219
Pliny the Younger, 368
Plosive consonants, 132
Poetic and rhetoric, 434
Polarizing an audience, 333
"Pooh-pooh" theory, 16
"Portia's Speech," 208
Posture, 296

and bearing, 72-74
common errors in, 72
defined, 72
general law of, 73
Power, motive of, 325-326
Practice in debate, 395
Precurrent responses, 322
Prejudices, origin of, 315

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

subvocal, 295

Tennyson, quoted, 143-144, 198, 200,


Terhune, A. P., quoted, 327

Text, type of introduction, 249
Theories of origin, 14

"The World is Too Much with Us," 184
Thinking, abstract, 45

as a method of getting material, 233
as related to speech, 10

as silent talking, 4

Thornton, John, quoted, 97
Thorough stress, 181
Thought, defined, 5
and speech, 3, 43
"Threnos," 162
Thrill seeking, 304

Thyro-arytenoid muscles, 104
Thyro-hyoid muscle, 106
Thyroid cartilage, 101

glands in emotional responses, 48
Tickling, 339

Tilly, William, quoted, 119, 124
Timbre, 152

Time factor in vocalization, 190-195
physiological factors in, 190
psychological principles in, 190-191
Time-order outlines, 267

"To Autumn," 165

"To Milton," 166

"To Sleep," 195

Tone, fundamental, 151
quality of, 151

physics and psychology of, 151–152
vocabulary of, 154

Tone color, 152

Tone copying in reading, 376
Tones, 9

partial, 151

Tongue, as organ of articulation,

[blocks in formation]

Trachea, 94

figure of back of, 95

Tassin, Algernon, The Oral Study of Transcriptions, modifying symbols

Literature, 364, 369

Tastes, motive of, 327-328

and habit, 298

"Tears and Laughter," 338
Teeth, in articulation, 112
Telescoping of responses, 26

used in, 142-143
phonetic, 143-148

Transferring meanings, II
Transition, 252

Trial and error, 7

Trilled consonants, 132

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