페이지 이미지

Of the marriage of the emperor and empress at Worms. At the time of the empress's arrival at Cologne, the emperor was engaged in a war against his son who had rebelled against him; his father, however, led such a large army against him that he laid siege to ten of his castles at one and the same time; in one of the strongest of these the son had shut himself; but on his father's laying siege to it, he, dreading his father's severity, left the castle, and throwing himself at his feet begged his mercy. The latter however, without pity, ordered him to be enchained* and took him away with him to Worms, from which place he sent word to the empress to come to him there, she having then been six weeks at Cologne. The archbishop of Cologne and the bishop of Exeter, with the other nobles of her suite then at once set out on their way to the emperor, and, after a journey of seven days brought the empress to him amidst all kind of nuptial pomp and rejoicing. She was received on her arrival by the emperor with joy and respect, who was beyond measure delighted with her beauty, and the marriage was solemnized at that place on Sunday the 20th of July, and although her beauty pleased the emperor at first sight he was much more pleased after marriage. After the nuptial festivities had been continued for four successive days, the bishop of Exeter and the rest who had attended the empress thither, obtained leave from the emperor and returned joyfully to England, taking with them as presents from him to the English king, three leopards with other costly presents which were scarce in the countries of the west, the emperor also promised to assist him against the king of the French.

Of the nobility of the extraction of this empress.

There were many however in the Roman empire who thought that it was degrading for the emperor, who was so powerful and rich, and who was as it were the lord and governor of the whole world, to marry the sister of an English king. But as it is known to all that there is greater dignity in being of a noble race than in being rich, the reader ought to know that the father of this empress was John king of England; that the then reigning king Henry was her brother; that the illustrious kings Henry and Richard, and Geoffrey count of Brittany, were her uncles. These kings of renowned race ruled in England and Ireland, whence they were kings; in Normandy and Aquitaine, by which they were

* Paris here adds, "When he was released from prison, and the restraint of reverence for the emperor was somewhat removed, the son is said to have procured poison to give to his father; but being accused of this intended crime, he was placed in closer confinement, and consigned to the custody of a certain duke, who bore him imperishable hatred, because king Henry had used all his endeavours to disinherit him; but now, fortune having changed, the king was consigned to the pleasure of the duke. emperor therefore sent for the empress to come to him at Worms.


dukes; in Poictou and Anjou, by which they were counts; besides claiming jurisdiction over Touraine, Maine, Berry, and Auvergne. In all these districts they had seven archbishops in subjection to them, with the kings of Scotland and Wales, and of the islands of Ireland and Man; and besides these an almost countless number of bishops, earls, barons, and knights. The mother of the empress was queen of all these countries; and of her two sisters, one was queen of Scots, and the other countess of Pembroke. She had five aunts, the first of which was the wife of Alphonso king of Castile, and the mother of Blanche queen of France (whose son Louis now reigned in that kingdom); Roger king of Sicily married another; a third had married Henry duke of Saxony, and became the mother of Otho, afterwards emperor of the Romans, whose brother of Henry duke of Saxony was afterwards king of Jerusalem; a fourth was the wife of Raymond count of Toulouse, and Rotroc count of Perche married the fifth. By this and other things, it seems that the empress was "descended from a race of kings," her father, as aforesaid, being king John, the son of the renowned king Henry; and the latter was the son of the empress Matilda, the daughter of Henry the First, king of England, by his queen Matilda. This Matilda was the daughter of Malcolm king of Scots, and his queen St. Margaret. Margaret was the daughter of Edward by Agatha, sister to Henry the Roman emperor. This Edward was the son of the English king Edmund, surnamed "Ironsides," who was the son of king Ethelred; the father of Ethelred was Edgar the Peaceful;" the father of the latter was Edmund, and his father was the first Edward, who was the son of the renowned king Alfred. The genealogy of this king is carried back in English history to Adam our first parent. and by this it appears that an empress descended from such ancestors was in every respect most worthy of a marriage with the emperor.

Thus far extend the Chronicles of master Roger de Wendover: "And thus in these pages the history of our age is,

There are writers still in store who'll hereafter tell you more."


A Beckett, Thomas, i. 532,

535-68. ii. 12-16. martyr-
dom, 16-21.

Athelburga, i. 75.

Clodesuida of Metz, i. 67.

Athelhard, i. 137, 144, 167. Clotildis, i. 18.
Athelhere, i. 92.

Abissa, son of Hengist, i. 9. Athelhun i. 147.
Acephali, the, i. 13, 38
Acre, surrender of, i. 458.
Second Siege, ii. 91. Cap-
ture, 105.
Ademar, bishop of Puy, i. 389.
Adeodatus, pope, i. 100.
Adrian, pope, i. 156, 528.
Aethelwin, i, 89.
Agapetus, pope, i. 37, 45.
Agelbert, bishop, i 88.
Ageric, bp. of Verdun, i. 44.
Aigulf, the monk, i. 108.
Ailesford, battle at, i. 1).
Alaric, i. 17.

Athelred, earl, i. 220.
Athelred, king, i. 106.
Athelwald, i. 96.
Athelwulf, i. 183.
Athulf, earl of Berks, i. 201.
Augustine St., i. 56, 58, 64.
Aurelius Conan, i. 44, 50.

Alban, St, i. 160.
Albigenses, the, i. 278, ii. 583.
Albuin, i. 44, 49.
Alclud, city of, i. 37.
Aldegils, king, i. 104.
Aldhelin, bishop, i. 128.
Alexander, the mason, ii. 251.
Alexander, king of Scots, ii.
377, 427.

Alexius, emperor, i. 388.
Alfdritha, i. 266-7.
Alfege, St. i. 278, 295.
Alfleda, i. 241-3.
Alfreda, i. 235.
Alfred, king, birth of, i. 180.
Education, 184, 204. Mar-
riage, 190. Wars, 201, 206-
13, 216, 228-34. Govern-
ment, 225-7.

Alfred, son of Ethelred, i. 301.
Alfstan, bishop, i. 190.
Algiva, i. 247.

Ausilius, i. 25.

Avalon, isle of, i. 43.

Axianus, i. 400-12.

Clovis, i. 17, 18.

Cnute, king, i. 285-300.
Colgrin a Saxon leader, i.
34, 36.

Columbanus, St., i. 48, 58.
Conrad, emperor, i. 487-507.
Conrad of Montferrat, i, 71.
Constans, emperor, i. 86.
Constantine, emperor, i. 70.
Constantine, king, i. 43.
Constantine, pope, i. 127.
Coradin, ii. 410, 491.

Balac, prince of the Turks, Crusades, i. 376, ii. 63, 604.

i. 474.

Baldulph, i. 34, 36.
Baldwin, abp., ii. 97, 99.
Baldwin, brother of Godfrey,
i. 399, 451-69.
Bangor, massacre at, i, 58.
Barba, baptism of, i. 30.
Barnabas St., i. 19.
Basilii, Peter, i. 178.
Battle Abbey, i. 351.
Battle of the "Fair," ii. 395.
Bede, i. 8, 125, 136, 140-2.
Benedict, abbat, i. 124.
Benedict St., i. 40, 108.
Berengaria, i. 95, 103.
Berta, Queen, i. 57.
Bertulf, king, i. 181.
Birinas, bishop, i. 82.
Blecca of Lincoln, i. 78.
Boamund, Prince, i. 389-463.
Boamund II., i. 477, 480.
Boethius, i. 30, 36, 37.
Boves, Hugh de, ii. 298, 336.
Brandon, St., i. 47.
Brause, Wm. de, i. 248, 254.

[blocks in formation]

365, 367, 449, 462.

Anthony, St., i. 39.

Anthymus, i. 44, 45,
Antioch, first siege of, i. 400
-12. second siege, 413.
battle of, ii. 84.
Arthur, his birth, i. 29. vic-
tories, 35-41, marriage,57.
death, 42. discovery of his
tomb, ii. 110.
Arthur duke of Brittany, ii.
95, 179, 182, 203, death, 205.
Assassins, the, i. 503. ii. 129
Athelbald, i. 142-8.
Athelbert, St. i. 158.

Caretius, king, i. 51.
Ceaulin, i. 46, 48, 50.
Cedda, i. 87, 99.
Cedwalla, i. 100, 115.
Celestine, pope, i. 25.
Ceolred, king, i. 133.
Cerdic, i. 26, 31, 39, 40.
Chalcedon, council of, i 8.
Charlemagne, i. 153-73.
Charles le Gros, i. 217.
Chaumont, Hngh de, ii. 147.
Cheldric, duke, i. 35, 36, 43.
Cissa, i. 19, 33.
Clarendon, constitutions of,
i. 539.

Cumbra, death of, i. 148.
Cursac of Cyprus, ii, 102, 138.
Cuthbert, St., i. 110, 112.
Cuthred, i. 87, 147.
Cyrus of Alexandria, i. 73.
D'Albiney, W.ii. 334,357,382.
Philip, ii. 399, 435.
Damietta, siege of, ii. 414.
David, king of Scots, i. 485.
Deusdedit, pope, i. 66, 86, 91.
Deuterus, Arian bishop, i. 30.
Dinoot, the abbat, i. 59.
Dionysius, cycle of, i. 39, 346.
St., i. 96.

Dioscorus, i. 8.

Drichthelm, vision of, i. 121.
Dubricius, i. 24, 34.
Dunewulf, bishop, i. 213.
Dunstan St., i. 250-70.
Eadbald, i. 67, 83.
Eadbert, king, i. 148.
Eadburga, queen, i. 170
Eadgar, king, i. 258–65.
Eadmund Ironside, i. 268,286.
Eadred, king, i. 253-6.
Eadric, king. i. 114.
Eadward, king, i. 234.

Eadward, son of Eadgar,i.265,
Eadward, the Confessor, i.

Eadwin, son of Ella, i. 69,

Eadwy, king, i. 257-9.
Ebba, the abbess, i, 191.
Edith, queen, i. 306—10.
Edmund, king, i. 250-3.
Edmund St., death of, i. 193.
Egbert, archbp.of York, i.145.
Egbert, king of Kent, i. 92.
Egelric, bp. of Durham, i. 337.
Egfrid, king, i. 100, 110.
Egfrid, son of Offa, i. 167.
Egric, king, i. 91.
Elafdel, i. 436.
Eldad, bp. of Gloucester, i. 22.
Eldol of Gloucester, i. 12, 21.
Eleanor, Q. i. 504, ii. 77, 203.
Elfleda, i. 88
Elfey, St, i 254-5.
Ella, i. 19, 24, 26, 33.
Ella, son of Yffa, i. 46.

[blocks in formation]

Guthlac, St., i. 131.

Guy, king of Jerusalem, 54.
Gytro, Danish king, i.199,210.

Erkenwine, son of Offa, i. 38. Hardecnute, i. 301-5.
Ermenburga, i. 93

Ethelbert, king, i. 47-67.
Etheldrida, St., i. 106.
Ethelfrid, i. 54, 58, 69.
Ethelred, i. 92.

Ethelred, king, i. 267-87.
Ethelstan, king, i. 245.
Ethelwald, i. 95.
Ethelwold, St., i. 261.
Eustace of Boulogne, i. 309.
Eustace, the monk, ii. 399.
Eustace, abb. of Flaye, ii 190.
Eutyches, i. 8, 18.
Falkasius, ii. 348, 386, 394,
451, 458, 484.
Fitz-Osbert, William, ii. 146.
Fitz-Peter, Geoffrey, ii. 275,


Fitz-Walter, Rob. ii. 307,381.
Fortunatus, i. 47.
Frederic, emperor, ii. 63, let-
ter to Saladin 64, death 95.
Franco, archbishop, i. 239.
Frideswide, St., i. 464.
Frollo, slain by Arthur, i. 40.
Fulk, king of Jerusalem, i.
480, 495.

Gaugi, Robert de, ii. 404.
Gawaine, tomb of, i. 353.
Genevieve, St., i. 33.
Gennadius, i. 24.
Geoffrey count of Anjou, i.
463, 477.


Geoffrey, son of Henry II.,
532, ii. 23, 51, 77, 103, 192,
236, 261.
Germanus, St., i. 4, 6, 7.
Giant's dance, the, i. 23, 34.
Gilbert, bishop of London,
i. 537-65, ii 1.
Gildard, bp of Rouen, i. 40.
Gilla, i. 239.

Gillomannius, i. 23, 27.
Glanville, Ralph de, ii. 82.
Glappa, king, i. 48.
Glastonbury, i. 246.
Godbald death of, i. 81.
Godfrey of Boulogne, i. 387,
391, 405, 425, 435, 450.'
Godiva, i. 314.
Godric, St., life of, ii. 1-11.
Godwin, earl of Kent, i. 296,

Gorlois, d. of Cornwall, i. 29.
Gregory, St., i. 46.
Grispin, c. of Evreux, i. 417.
Guenhumara, queen, i. 37,42
Guillamuir, i. 38.

Gunilda, empress, i. 304.
Gunnildis, i. 283.
Gunthran, king, i. 54.

Julian, St., ii. 221.
Justin, emperor, i. 37.
Justin the younger, i. 48.
Justinian, emperor, i. 38-9.

Harold, i. 309. 310, 312, 313, Kaerkaradauc, i. 23.
317, 318, 321, 326, 328–33. | Kaerlegion, i. 58.
Hastein, the Dane, i. 223.
Hastings, battle of, i, 331-3.
Henry, son of Hen. II., i.
533, ii. 11, 21, 52.
Henry of Champagne, ii. 164.
Henry II., birth of, i. 480,
marriage 504, reign 523,
ii. 76.

Henry I., king, i, 337, 446-83
Henry, emperor, i. 347.
Hereward. i. 339.
Hengist, i. 5, 9, 10, 20, 21.
Heraclius, Augustus, i. 66, 70.
Constantine, i. 84.

Henry III., ii. 379.
Hilda, St., abbess, i, 97, 107.
Hildebrand, pope i. 347.
Hoel, king, i. 35, 37.
Honorius, pope, i. 75.
Horsa, i. 5, 10.
Honorius, bishop, i. 78.
Hubert de Burgu, ii. 373,
381, 399, 440, 446, 553, 593.
Hubert, archbishop of Can-
terbury, ii. 141, 173, 201.
Hubba, i. 191.

Hugh the Great, i. 423.
Humbert, bishop, i. 196.
Hugh Bigod, i. 483.
Hugh, bp. of Durham, ii. 82.
Hugh, bp. of Chester, ii. 170.
Hugh, bp. of Lincoln, ii. 193,
403. 427, 602.
Ida, king, i. 44.
Idatius, bp. of Libitana, i. 24.
Igerna, queen, i. 29.
Ine, son of Kenred, i. 115.
Ingelburg, i. 133.

Innocent III., pope, i. 47.
Interdicts, ii. 165, 184, 246.
Isabel, empress, ii. 607-11.
Jacobites, ii. 169.
James, St., ii. 221.
Jerusalem, siege of, i.

Kenelm, St. i. 173.
Kenred, king, i. 127.
Kenulf, king, i. 167.
Kineburga, i. 88.
Kinegils, i. 75, 78.
Kineric, i. 26, 31, 39, 40, 46.
Kinewale, i. 85, 100.
Lacy, Roger de, ii. 208, 213.
Lambert, St. i. 119.
Lanfranc, abp. i. 342, 355-9.
Langton, abp. ii. 238, 292,
342, 443, 508.
Laurentius, pope, i. 30.
Lawrence, abp. i. 68.
Leicester, siege of, i. 25.
Leo the elder, i. 11.
Leo the younger, i. 11
Leof, i. 253.
Leofric, earl, i. 314.
Leutherius, bp. i. 101.
Llewellyn, ii. 432, 444, 539.
Lombard, Peter, heresy of, i.


de Fay

Loth, consul of Leil, i. 32.
Loth, king of Norway, i. 40.
Lothbroc, i. 193.

Louis, son of Philip Augustus,
ii. 358, 381, 444, 480.
Lucius, Roman consul, i. 41.
Lupus, bp. i. 4.
Macbeth, i. 312.
Macemunt, ii. 53.
Magna Charta, i. 309-22.
Malcolm, king of Scots, i. 360.
Malgo, king, i. 50.
Mamertus, St. i. 11.
Martel, Charles, i. 183.
Martina, i. 84.
Matilda, empress, i. 462.
Matilda, queen of Henry I. i.

Matilda, queen, i. 348.
Mauleon, Savaric de, ii. 339.
427-Maur, St. i. 45.

33, description of, 436-43,
taken by Saladin, ii. 61
Joachim, abb. of Flore, ii. 46.
Johanna, queen, ii. 123.
John, bp. of Alexandria, i. 65.
of Anagnia, ii. 70,


of Beverley, i. 135.
John of Ferentine, ii. 219.
John, king, i. 550, ii. 22, 57,

77, 132, 135, 179-379.
John, pope, i. 33.
John the Baptist, i. 11, 150.
Jornandes, i. 45.
Joppa, siege of, i. 119.

Gurth, son of Godwin, i. 331. Judith, queen, i. 185.

Maurice, emperor, i. 51, 62.
Mellitus, bishop of London,
i. 61, 67.
Menduc, king of the Persians,
i. 466.
Mercredesburne, i. 20.
Medard,bp. of Noyon i. 40-6.
Merlin, i. 14, 15, 22, 41.
Meroveus, king, i. 5.
Miracles, i. 11, 18, 30, 39, 41,
43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 64, 66,
108, 111, 120, 157, 188, 227,
238, 244, 246, 252, 255, 280,
321, 525; ii.8, 191, 209, 390,
598-600, 606.


Modred, nephew of Arthur, | Quendritha, i. 159,

i. 40-3.
Monothelites, i. 78, 86.
Montfort, Simon de, ii. 281,


Mountsorel, castle of, ii. 398
Mummolus, i. 108.
Nathaulioth, i. 31.
Neot, St. i. 211.
Nice, siege of, i. 392-6.
Nicholas, St. i. 352.
Notheim, Archbishop, i. 143,
Octa, son of Hengist, i. 9,
21, 22, 28, 31.
Odo, bp. of Bayeux, i. 348,355.
Odo, archbishop, i. 258.
Odoacer, i. 19.

Offa, king, i. 126.

Offa, son of Tinferth, i. 149

Olympus, death of, i. 30.
Osbert, king, i. 189.
Osburga, i. 180.
Osred, king, i. 118.
Osric, son of Hengist, i.

18, 22.

king of the Deiri, i. 81.
Ostritha, queen, i. 118.
Oswald, reign of, i. 82-5.
Oswi, king, i, 86.
Oswin, death of, i. 89, 319.
Otho, king of Germany, ii.
169, 183, 249.
Otho, the legate, ii. 461.
Owen's visit to Purgatory,
i. 510.

Palladius, bishop, i. 24.
Pallas, body of, i. 301.
Palumbus, i. 316.

Pandulph, ii. 255, 263-485.
Pascentius, i, 7, 27.
Passelewe, Robt, ii. 565, 594.
Patrick, St. i. 24, 511.
Paulinus, abp. i. 75, 76, 81.
Peada, son of Penda, i. 88-95.
Pelagius, bishop ii. 411.
Pelagius, pope, i. 45, 50.
Pepin, king, i. 116.
Peter, bishop of Winchester,
ii. 541, 553, 594.
Peter of Provence, i. 417.
Peter the hermit, i. 379.
Penda, i. 65, 78-94.
Philip, the presbyter, i. 8.
Philip Augustus, ii. 48, 444.
Phocas, Cæsar, i. 62.
Pirannus, abp. of York, i. 37.
Placidia, i. 7.
Poreta, heresy of, i. 470.
Prester, John, ii. 50.
Prosper of Aquitaine, i. 18.
Purgatory, vision of, ii. 148,

Quenedrida. i. 173.
Quichelm, i. 67, 75, 76.
Rabbod, duke, i. 155.
Radegundis, queen, i. 46.
Raimond of Toulouse, i. 392.
Ralph, bp. of Durham, i. 449.
Ralph, earl of Chester, i. 492.
Raymond, count of Toulouse,
ii. 470.

Redwald, king, i. 55, 58, 69.
Remigius, bp. i. 19, 30, 39, 44.
Richard, archbishop of Can-
terbury, i. 23.

Sweyn, king of the Danes,
i. 283.

Swithun, St. i. 188, 261-2.
Symmachus, pope, i. 30, 31.
Tancred, i. 389, 420, 433, 439.
Tatwin, archbishop, i. 139.
Telesphorus, pope, i. 31.
Templars, their origin, i. 71,

Theodore, abp. i. 101, 116.
Theodore, pope, 83.
Theodoric, i. 19, 30, 37.
Theodoric, the abbat, i. 40.
Theodorus, bp of Cyria, i. 71.
Theodosius, emperor, i. 8.
Theon, abp. of London, i. 52.
Thurstan, archbp. of York, i.
467, 491.

Richard, bishop of Durham,
ii. 429, 476.
Richard I, i, 533, ii. 23, 48,
52, 72, 76; crowned, 79;
joins the crusades, 84; Toledo,astronomers of,ii.514.
returns, 123; imprisoned, Toledo, synod at, i. 56.
125; ransomed, 134; death,
177; his piety, 547-55.
Richard Marshall, ii. 542-91.
Rivaulx, Peter de, ii. 565.
Robert, count of Paris, i. 397.
Robert, earl of Gloucester,
i. 486.

Robert, earl of Leicester,
ii. 25-6.
Robert, son of William I. i.
344, 351, 391, 367, 400, 439,
449, 481.


Rollo, duke, i. 232, 239.
Romanus, the Legate. ii. 469.
Romanus, St. i. 75.
Rowena, i. 7, 11.
Rupibus, Peter de, i. 214.
Sabinian, pope, i. 64.
Saladin, ii. 55-130;
to the emperor
ric, 66.
Salomon, king, i. 79.
Sampson, St. i 24.
Saphadin, ii. 130, 410.
Saxons, arrival of, i. 5.
Scotus, Marianus, i. 348.
Scot, Master John, i. 215.
Sebert, king, i. 54, 67.
Segrave, Stephen de, ii. 565.
Severus, bp. of Treves, i. 6.
Seville, capture, of, ii. 73.
Sexburga, queen, i. 84.
Sibylla, queen, i. 54.
Sichelin, K. of Norway, i. 40.
Sigebert, king, i. 83, 91.
Simplicius, pope, i. 18.
Sithric, king, i. 245.
Siward, duke, i. 312.
Sledda, king, i. 54.
Soliman, i. 384, 393.
Stephen, king, i. 476-522.
Sweyn, son of Godwin, i.

Tosti, i. 310, 312, 321, 326.
Trajan, how released from
hell, i. 62.
Valery, St. ii. 167.
Vedastus, St. i. 39.
Verulam, i. 33.
Victorinus, i. 15.
Vigilius, pope, i. 38, 40, 44.
Vortigern, i. 3-17.
Vortimer, i. 7, 9, 10, 11.
Uffrea, son of Eadwin, i. 81.
Urban, pope, i. 374.
Uterpendragon, i. 13, 16-33.
Walchere, bishop, i. 345.
Walo the legate, ii. 361.
Walter, the penniless, i. 381.
Walwain, son of Loth, i. 40.
Wilfrid, bishop, i. 97-130.
William, bp. of Ely, i. 100.
William the Conqueror, i.
297, 317, 326-53.

William Rufus, i. 354-444.
William, son of duke Robert,
i. 468-78.
William, son of Henry I., i.

William, son of Henry II.,
i. 509.

William Longsword, earl of
Salisbury, ii. 299, 348, 468.
William, Marshal, ii. 385,
391. 413, 444, 539.
William, king of Scotland,
ii. 29, 30.

Wina,bp. of Winchester,i.99
Wipedes-Flete, i. 18.
Witch of Berkeley, i. 181.
Withgar, i. 33, 44.
Withgaresbi, i. 39.
Wulfric, St., i. 523.
Wulstan, St., i. 369-74.
Ynguar, i. 191.
Zeno, emperor, i. 19.


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