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cident. Other physicians who have been told of this discovery say they have never seen or read of such a thing.

Chicago Schools.

What she describes as a conspiracy to deprive 1,200 women school teachers of salary increases which they had earned under the rules of the Board of Education was revealed yesterday by Miss Margaret Haley in another installment of letters from prominent school officials. The amount involved was $60,000 a year. Miss Haley charges that the object of the alleged conspiracy was to cut this sum from the teachers' salaries so better contracts could be given to the trusts from which the board buys supplies.

"The object of the conspirators has been to take away the 1,200 pittances of $50 each so that the electricity trust, the text-book trust and similar purveyors of school supplies might get still fatter contracts than have been given to them in the past."

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The new edition of Dr. Goetz's "Manual of Osteopathy" revised and enlarged is just out. Tells you how to treat all diseases successfully, WITHOUT DRUGS, by a series of manipulations (not massage) with the accessories of Diet, Baths and Exercise.

It is the only book of its kind on the market which gives an illustration for each movement or manipulation necessary to bring sure success.

Osteopathy is not new, but most people who do know of it have not had the opportunity of procuring a book on the subject, with illustrations and instructions simply written that anyone without previous study can apply.

This is one of the many endorsements received:

Herein please find enclosed cash for one Manual of Osteopathy. I borrowed a friend's book; found the contents so easy to carry out; results were marvelous. H. J. SCHEID, New Richmond, O.

THIS IS YOUR CHANCE Readers of this journal will find this an excellent work on the science and is written for you and others who have neither time nor inclination to take a college course.

Send for prospectus and sample pages. Your money back if dissatisfied.





come disgusted with ward politicians as managers of the education of our children. Then a competent superintendent of schools will be elected by the direct vote of the people.

A Palatable Laxative.

Those who eat and live correctly need no laxative. But we have not yet reached that stage of civilization where people will all behave themselves. Hence laxatives. An old fashioned, safe, sweet tasting laxative can be made by any housewife by stewing some prunes together with the leaves of senna-two good sized senna leaves to each prune. When the leaves are broken the amount of senna can be estimated by a little judgment. Stew slowly a long time. Sweeten to suit the taste. Small children take it so readily that care should be taken to prevent them eating too much. One prune with a little juice is enough. This is just as good as any advertised laxative on the market.

Why is It So?

The National Food and Drugs Law and about thirty State laws require that all patent medicines which contain alcohol shall bear a statement upon the label showing the percentage of alcohol which they comain; but all over the country the doctors strongly antagonize every proposition to require medicines pre

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scribed or dispensed by a doctor to bear any such statement upon the label.

Pregnancy and Prolapsus.

Query: Would you kindly tell me through the columns of your Journal what you think of the doctors advising pregnancy as a cure for prolapsus, as most of them do? Does it ever cure? I have a friend who has a bad case of this trouble. She has had one child and got along splendidly, but a year ago or later found she had prolapsus in an extreme degree. I know from what she has said that nothing would make her happier than another baby, but she does not want it if she cannot give it the love and care which is any child's right, and she would not want to bring added suffering and ill health upon herself, if this would be apt to be the outcome. Her health was so good the other time she feels as though Nature might right things then. What do you think?-A. T., Colo.

Answer: The statement that pregnancy is a cure for prolapsus is undoubtedly carrying the case too far. Frequently women suffering from prolapsus have a general weakness of the whole muscular system, complicated with abnormal diseases, which would make pregnancy very undesirable. But in a plain case of prolapsus of the womb, with fairly good health in other respects, I should consider pregnancy very desirable indeed. It comes nearer being a radical cure than anything I know of. This is especially true if the woman has ever had a child before. A childless woman about thirty years old I should not advise any such cure.

As far as I can learn from your letter, the woman in question would be benefited by pregnancy, no doubt. I should be inclined to coincide with the opinion expressed by the doctor on the subject.

Less surgery and natural child bearing would be a great deal better for women in this country.

Voice of the Magi.

Any one who likes to read occult science and matters pertaining to Spiritualism will find a magazinelet called "Voice of The Magi" not only entertaining, but instructive. It is published at Waldron, Ark., and is the official organ of the Ancient Order of Melchisedek. There is a department in each issue devoted to the subject of healing edited by Dr. Letta M. Eutwhistle, of Chicago. The editor-inchief is E. H. Adams, of Waldron, Ark., who,



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judging from his writings, is an enthusiastic student of the occult and allied sciences. Subscription, fifty cents per year; foreign, seventy-five cents.

Medical Ethics.

(Extract from an Editorial in The Chicago Examiner.) If the American Medical Association, with its thousands of ramifying branches in counties and states, is in the hands of commercial practitioners, the public should know it. The real humanitarians of the profession should confess that they are being outnumbered. They should give more attention to the laws that are going on the statute books of various states for the regulation of their profession.

That the American Medical Association is a close corporation; that it maintains active lobbies to influence legislation; that it outlaws all other schools of medicine except the "regular" that it is, in short, a medical trust -these charges, openly made by the association's critics, are less important to the general public than the simple query:

Are the laws of the land permitting the graduation, in an increasing stream, of commercial doctors, who are running the ethics of the medical profession into the ground?

The issue, as it concerns the lay public, is even graver than surface indications show. From recent papers read before medical societies we gather that there is no dispute as to the alarming proportion of incompetent and uneducated holders of diplomas from socalled medical "colleges." The vital issue is as to how far these alleged physicians and surgeons have gained ascendency, in mere point of numbers, in the American Medical Association and its branches.

Not Satisfied.



No real man or woman is ever wholly satisfied with his or her achievements. Try as we may we are always falling short of our ideals and our fondest expectations. Some people chafe under the fact of their shortcomings and make themselves quite miserable concerning them. This not only does no good, but does great damage.

Let us all settle the matter for once and forever that we shall never be able to measure up to our own expectations of what we could do or ought to do, that we shall never be able to satisfy the critic within us.

Then let us proceed to forgive ourselves, make the best of it, quit blaming ourselves, but never let up on trying it again.

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The Whitcomb School of Dynamic Health. Overcome all ills, by forcing the good. Clean the body by taking the filth away, and nourish it to life by feeding it nutritious foods in place of stimulating poisons. If you want health, enclose a dime for our literature. Address 184-289 Henry Street, Detroit, Mich.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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still there, repeat for a few days. It hurts no more than a drop of water and it has never failed in fifty years to effect a perfect cure, leaving no scar and causing no pain or inconvenience. No remedy could be easier to apply or more satisfactory in its results. It must not be put on the dry skin around the wart, into the crevices of the wart if split open, as it will smart if so used. Keep the acid away from children, as it is poisonous, and empty out all that is not used.


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To Drugless Healers and All Those Interested in the Drugless Methods. We have been fortunate in procuring a number of copies of "Neurology, A Drugless System of Healing." by Dr. A. P. Davis, and while they last will offer at an exceedingly low price with the Columbus Medical Journal. The great demand is a book which explains in clear language how to apply the Natural Methods and this has been supplied by Dr. Davis. He has had 40 years' practical experience; has taken the regular course in nearly every school of natural healing of any repute. He knows what is good in each system and this is what he gives in Neurology.

This book deals in absolute certainties-proven problems, unknown to the profession as well as to the masses. The methods shown are proven propositions, not guess work, but mathematically correct. Disease is treated as a condition and you are shown how to remove the conditions causing disease.

Dr. Davis says: "Magnetism has cured and will cure the most hopeless cases at times, but it cannot reduce a dislocation. This must be done by the methods of Chiropractors or Osteopaths." He tells when to use each system and how to use it.

You are shown how to apply Neuropathy, Chiropractic and a few Osteopathic moves, Magnetism, Suggestive Therapeutics, etc. The original ideas of the author are worth the price of the book. There is not a curable disease, either mental or physical, which will not readily yield under a well directed application of the methods advocated in this book. It is invaluable. When you own this book you will possess a system of scientific drugless healing which surrounds and discounts all other books of its kind and class. Bound in Half Morocco. Price $5.00, but while they last we will send Neurology, by Dr. Davis, and the Columbus Medical Journal one year for only $3.95.

Send your order at once, for the stock is limited.

Columbus Medical Journal


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