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For Freckles.

Corrosive sublimate, seven grains; alcohol, one and a half ounces; glycerine, one and a half ounces; oil of lavender, ten drops.

This mixture is poisonous to swallow and should be kept in a safe place. Apply with camel's hair brush which can be got of the druggist at the same time the prescription is put up. It should never be applied to a raw surface. Any stain or liver spots as well as freckles would be benefited, if not entirely removed, by this remedy.

Child Labor.

By OWEN R. LOVEJOY, 105 East Twenty-second Street, New York City.

Of the two million working children in this country, many thousand are in forms of labor not only injurious to the body and preventive of education, but which also offer the maximum menace to the moral life. This is sufficient warrant to call upon the churches to devote one day to these of whom Jesus said, "It is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven that one of these little ones should perish."

The National Child Labor Committee it. its four years of work has witnessed improvements in the child labor laws of thirty-four states, and is making a special effort at this session of Congress to secure the authorization of a Federal Children's Bureau. In a pamphlet recently issued by the Committee, the purpose and scope of this Bureau are thus described:

"Such a bureau should investigate and report upon all matters pertaining to the welfare of children and child life, and would especially investigate questions of infant mortality, the birth rate, physical degeneracy, orphanage, juvenile delinquency and juvenile courts, desertion and illegitimacy, employment, dangerous occupations, accidents and diseases of children of the industrial classes, legislation affecting children in the several states and territories. and such other facts as have a bearing upon the health, efficiency, character and training of children."

Literature describing this bureau; addresses by the leading experts of the country discussing the relation of child labor to health, education, citizenship, morals and family life; sugested topics for sermons and selections for use in platform or conference meeting, or in Sabbath Schools, will be cheerfully furnished without charge on application to National Child Labor

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In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

DeVoe's Book on Concentration

Committee, Owen R. Lovejoy, General Secretary, 105 East Twenty-second Street, New York City.

Liver Spots.

Query: Is there any remedy for brown spots, called "liver spots," on face? Have one above my eyebrow and it is enlarging. Also what is the cause of sharp pains shooting through the eyeballs?-E. M. M., N. Y.

Answer: Brown spots are derangements of the pigment layer of the skin. Between the outer skin (epidermis) and the inner skin (corium) there is a layer known as the rete mucosum. This layer contains the pigment cells which give to the skin color. In so-called liver spots, for some unknown reason, these pigment cells, instead of being evenly distributed, seem to be bunched up in spots. Depression of the nerves is the most likely cause. Persistent massage with olive oil is a good treatment. They are not due to the liver any more than to any other vital organ.

Sharp shooting pains in the eyes indicate eye-strain. Either your glasses need changing or else you are using your eyes under improper circumstances. I should think the oculist would be the one to determine exactly what the trouble is.

Columbus Medical Journal,

Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen:

Please do not stop my magazine at the expiration of the time, as I wish it sent another year. I am going out and try to get subscribers soon and hope I may be able to secure some. It's the best magazine in the list of journalisms for the home and I would like to see it have a prosperous year. As soon as I open it I am held spellbound until every article is read. Not so with other magazines and papers, some are never read. But The Columbus Medical Journal is read until it is nearly worn out in passing around the neighborhood.-MRS. ALICE SUMNER, New Albany, Pa.

Only 25 Cents

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A beautifully bound booklet, price 25 cents. Explains the secret of sleep, health, vigor, of mental influence, attracting friends and prosperity..

A 32-page booklet. "How to Practise Mental Healing," will be sent for a 2-cent stamp.

VITA PUBLISHING CO. 5226 Greenwood Avenue, CHICAGO


Query: I have a skin disease of some kind. A spot on my neck which began in the summer of 1906, in the winter it disappears and you cannot see a trace of it, but in the summer it comes out again, and the more it is exposed to the sun the larger it gets. On very hot days it smarts a little, otherwise it gives me no trouble. It is on the left side of my neck just below the left ear. Can you tell me what to do for this spot? J. F. C., Ark.

Answer: There are two skin diseases that very closely resemble each other, erythema and eczema. Erythema might be termed a functional disease of the skin, due to the action of the direct rays of the sun, wind and heat which seem to act as irritants to erythema. Hence it comes and goes according to the seasons. Erythema is worse in the summer time and generally leaves in the winter.

Otherwise your case very closely resembles eczema. While the erythema is in progress it is often called eczema and treated for it. Whatever remedy the patient is using at the end of the fall gets the credit for curing it, but it makes its appearance again in the spring. Eczema, on the other hand, is an organic disease of the skin, stays


Cash or monthly payments. Lectures illustrated with genuine photographs. For particulars address The LEVEY SYSTEM OF MASSAGE, 822 State Street, Bridgeport, Conn.





Money to be 488 St. James Bldg., New York. HEALTH-CULTURE CO., returned if not satisfied. Address Enclosed find 25c. for "On trial" subscription to Health-Culture.



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Every One Who Becomes Weak and Unfit is a Loser. HEALTH-CULTURE considers the art of living long. healthfully, successfully and happily, and the relation to Health of Food, Air, Exercise, Occupation, Rest, Recreation, Sleep, Dress, Mentality, Marriage Relations, etc., and is the best magazine pub lished devoted to the bodily development of men. women and children and the cure of disease out drugs by mental and physical methods. Fully Illustrated. It will help you to make life a success by being well and strong. Never Sick. Avoiding Drugs and Doctor's Bills. It pays to be well. Monthly. $1.00 a year: 10c. a number: for sale news stands. No free sample copies. A ALBERT TURNER, W.R.C.LATSON, M.D., for 25c. Money back if not satisfied. 30-days' offer. "On Trial" 6 months Publisher. Health-Culture, St. James Bdg., N. Y..


In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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all the year round unless it is cured or terminates in some way. The case you describe is evidently a case of erythema, which comes and goes with the seasons.

I would suggest that the spot be kept covered during the summer, to protect it from the wind and direct rays of the sun. It is a tender spot that will always have to be protected. In addition to this I would anoint the spot once or twice a day with cocoa butter. I believe this would prevent the return of the erythema.


I must say that The Columbus Medical Journal is an excellent magazine, and I have arranged with some of the local news-stands to keep it for sale. I enclose one dollar for one year's subscription.-LOUIS BLUMER, M. D,. 1279 Main Street, Hartford, Conn.

Inorganic Salts.

It is estimated that the average person requires about five drachms, or three hundred grains, of inorganic salts every day. A small portion of these salts becomes a part of the tissues of which the body is composed. A deficiency in all or either of these salts, produces disease. The attempt to supply the system with the necessary. salts, when for any reason the food does not furnish them in sufficient abundance. is known as Tissue Remedies. Like all other claims made by doctors, this claim should be tested by the school of experience. People who have tried them are the best judges of their value.

Secret Drugs for Drunkards.


Query: My husband never was a strong man; he has had a cough for years. doctor years ago told him to drink beer, and now he is drunk or stupid most all of the time. He drinks from fifteen to twenty bottles a day. Now what shall I do to stop it? He don't have sprees, but is about the same all the time.-Mrs. E. T., N. Y.

Could you give me some idea where a cure for drink could be found that could be given without the knowledge of the person, and he be made to quit by being made sick of the taste, or in some way to get him to leave off drink?-Mrs. A. H., Wash.

Answer: I wish I could do something to help you. My experience in such cases, however, has long since convinced me that there is no use trying to do anything with a drunkard until he wants to get rid of it himself. When he desires to become free from the vice, even then it will be hard enough for his friends to rescue him. But without his consent nothing can be done.

In this city several men of this sort have been sent to the workhouse and kept there six months, and by that time they were perfectly free from the vice, quit drinking entirely. Sometimes undergoing a religious conversion will result in a cure also. Drunkards are ofTHE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

A Gas Mantle that Will Not Break

ten rescued by attending revival meetings. I frequently visit missions here in the city and listen to the testimonials of people who have been drunkards for many years and everything failed until they got converted, and from that time on they have been free from this vice.

As for something to secretly give a drunkard, I am sorry to say I do not know of any such thing. If such cures have been made, they must be very few and far between. I have never been able to authenticate a single cure of that sort.

Buttermilk for the Baby.

In cases where infants are especially annoyed with fermentation of food in the bowels, the preparation of buttermilk in the following manner has proved very efficacious:

One part buttermilk, and one part water. Add a teaspoonful of sugar to each pint of milk after it is diluted with water. If you can get sugar of milk it will be better, if not, ordinary sugar can be used. The sugar of milk can be obtained at the drug store. When the buttermilk is diluted with water and sweetened it should be warmed and given in the same way as you would give fresh milk. If the child is given buttermilk in this way there will be no harm to nurse it. If the child is nursed, however, it would probably be best for the mother to take half a teaspoonful of Epsom salts in half a glass of water every night. This will correct any fermentation she may have in her bowels, which so long as she nurses the child will be likely to disturb it.

I enclose one dollar for the Journal for 1909. I think I shall be able to send you a subscription occasionally as I have opportunity. The Journal has been good all the way through the year, and I am always pleased to show it to my friends and will ask for their co-operation. Wishing you success, I am, sincerely, MRS. JENNIE ARNOLD, Lakeport, New Hampshire.

Liberal Physicians Unite.

The association of liberal physicians intended to include all schools of medicine, drug and drugless, is known as the Association of Physicians and Surgeons of America. Those wishing information concerning this organization should write to Dr. Edward Dowdall, 47 Lincoln Park Boulevard, Chicago. I hope many of the physicians who take The Columbus Medical Journal will feel interested enough at least to write Dr. Dowdall to find out what the association is and what benefits are to be derived from belonging to it.

I can recommend Dr. Dowdall as being a man worthy of confidence and a man who has had a great deal of experience in matIn writing to advertisers, please mention

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ters relating to the controversies now existing between the so-called ethical physicians and the independent physicians.

Enlargement of Prostate.

Enlargement, or so-called hypertrophy of the prostate gland, is very common in this country. Nearly fifty per cent. of the old men are troubled with it more or less. Osler says that the disease is unknown in China, Japan and India. This is doubtless due to the custom of early marriages and other natural sexual relations of these


By Psychic Methods. We Cure People suffering from all kinds of diseases by Therapeutic Suggestion alone and without drugs; when they cannot come we reach and cure them at their homes in any part of the world, all by purely Psychic Methods-Mental Telepathy. We correct bad habits in young and old, help people to Business Success, reform Moral Perverts, and restore Insane People to their reason. No matter what your ailment, how serious your case, or what you may have done before, our methods succeed after all others have failed. Booklets fully explaining Suggestion and the Psychic Methods we employ in treating absent patients, Sent free to everybody! All afflicted people should read these Booklets. Send for them now. You will enjoy reading them.

Address GEO. C. PITZER, M. D., 1045 S. Union Av., Los Angeles, Cal. THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

countries. In this country of delayed marriage and a host of sexual perversions the crop of enlarged prostates increases every year. The attempt to delay the age of puberty and the equally harmful attempt to extend it to old age are the chief causes of this very distressing affection.

Enclosed find one dollar for the Medical Journal for 1909. I appreciate this Journal because it takes the side of the people.REV. DR. J. B. BERNTHAL, R. 18, Box 9, Oakwood, Wisconsin.

Free Sanatorium.

The Modern Woodmen Society, several months since, acquired 1,380 acres of land within seven miles of Colorado Springs, and has established thereon an up-to-date sanatorium, the tent colony plan being employed. The first colony plan will be ready for the reception of patients on Jan. 1, 1909, and is equipped to care for sixty patients, to which number admissions must be limited for the present. The sanatorium is to be free for members of the Modern Woodmen Society.

C. W. HAWES, Supreme Secretary, Rock Island, Ill.

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The new edition of Dr. Goetz's "Manual of Osteopathy" revised and enlarged is just out. Tells you how to treat all diseases successfully, WITHOUT DRUGS, by a series of manipulations (not massage) with the accessories of Diet, Baths and Exercise.

It is the only book of its kind on the market which gives an illustration for each movement or manipulation necessary to bring sure success.

Osteopathy is not new, but most people who do know of it have not had the opportunity of procuring a book on the subject, with illustrations and instructions simply written that anyone without previous study can apply.

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Herein please find enclosed cash for one Manual of Osteopathy. I borrowed a friend's book; found the contents so easy to carry out; results were marvelous. H. J. SCHEID, New Richmond, O.

THIS IS YOUR CHANCE Readers of this journal will find this an excellent work on the science and is written for you and others who have neither time nor inclination to take a college course.

Send for prospectus and sample pages. Your money back if dissatisfied.




Tear Duct Stopped.

Query: I wish you would tell me what is the matter with my eyes. My left one especially bothers me about weeping, and every little while during the day there will be a bunch come up in the corner next to my nose, and the next thing I know of it, it is gone. My eye is inflamed. I have to wipe it so often it keeps it red. I got some new glasses about three months ago, expecting, as the agent said, that I would be all right when I got them, but to my great disappointment they have been worse.

I have doctored them all the time with boric acid and witch-hazel. I guess I would have been unable to see at all if I had not done so. What is the cause of this almost constant weeping from my left eye? They tell me it is a common complaint with elderly people. I am sixty-six. Is there anything that can be done with it?-Mrs. E. A. A., Vt.

Answer: The trouble with your eyes is that the tear duct is stopped up. The little duct that leads from the inner corner of the ere to the back part of the nasal cavity is constantly draining the moisture formed in the eye, to the nose. When it is stopped up the moisture must overflow the lids and the bunch appears in the corner of the eye. Any doctor could pass a little silver probe

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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