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This little medical booklet contains 24 articles of interest to mothers and fathers. It is a collection of articles on common topics of interest to every home. Several of the articles teach valuable lessons on foods and eating. The scope of the articles is so varied that it is impossible to convey an idea of the real value of the information in this short review.


This booklet comprises a series of articles on solar biology, which undertake to bring to the reader in simple language the claims of modern astrology. While they eliminate much of the superstition included under the term astrology, yet they present a broad basis for ascertaining the mental characteristics of the individual, based on the date of birth. The book is more than the equal of any work on so-called astrology selling for $1.00. No specious theories are advanced therein and every statement has been tested and is believed to be as near the truth as it is possible to place this sublime science. LESSONS ON DIGESTION..

.....postpaid 12c

This little booklet is worth its weight in gold to persons who have awakened to the fact that in order to have good health they must give attention to their diet and treat their stomachs with as much consideration as they do their eyes or their minds. It is as necessary to have proper food for the stomach as it is to have proper food for the mind. There are five chapters in the booklet which cover the subject of digestion completely and the articles valuable to either the sick or the well. PLAIN TALKS TO YOUNG MEN.......postpaid 12c


It is not necessary for us to enter into a detailed description of this booklet, but we simply say that the Doctor takes the young man into his confidence and tells him what every parent should tell his son in early youth. It dispels all the superstitions on the subject that have gained currency, and brings good cheer to the young man who has been scared to death by quack doctors. Any parent may safely place this booklet in the hands of his boy and will agree with us upon reading the same that the author has done a great work tor mankind in preparing it. MOTHER'S HOME REMEDIES........postpaid 25c

This booklet is a collection of the remedies and prescriptions published in Volume 32 of The Columbus Medical Journal, and in almost every case the remedy has been found valuable in the home treatment of disease. Almost all of the remedies have been given to the world by non-medical people who have tried them in their homes and found them valuable, as well as simple. The prescriptions given therein are written in plain language and can be filled for a few cents by any druggist. While some of the remedies are old stand-bys and have had years of use, still others have never been published before; and this booklet will be found exceedingly interesting to any mother who cares for the health of her family and who does not call in a doctor for every little ache or pain.

The Columbus Medical Journal sent one year and any four of above booklets for $1.50 cash with order



Whitcomb's School of Health

bad taste in the mouth. Is there any connection between the two?-M. E. M., N. Y.

Answer: The bad taste in your mouth, when it comes from stomach derangement, indicates fermentation. Fermentation can be brought on suddenly by fatigue or nervous excitement. Of course bad breath could be produced by bad teeth, etc., but I judge yours comes from the stomach and is an individual peculiarity. It will come and go according to your condition. A cup of hot water as hot as can be sipped will mitigate it for the time being, especially if followed by a couple of charcoal tablets. Sometimes the tablets alone are sufficient.

There is no special connection between the bad taste in the mouth and gall stones. Any one much subject to gall stones is liable to have the bad taste, but no such thing is indicated in your case.

Less Drinking.

In England the drink habit is undoubtedly on the down grade, says a cable dispatch to the Sun, brewery shares are dropping, small manufacturers and publicans are being crowded out and the big companies and hotels are less prosperous than formerly, and restaurant keepers, are in despair at the lessened consumption of wine. There are many reasons for this besides diminution of spending power. One man is forbidden by his doctor to touch stimulants, another fears to touch port or champagne for fear of gout, and the man of limited means finds that a whiskey and soda provides the needful stimulant at a quarter the cost of wine. Drunkards there are in plenty, but they are becoming increasingly the exception. To a great extent the drink habit has been replaced by the tea habit; tea shops have to a large extent killed the public houses. Britons may not, however, attribute the change wholly to virtue.

Heads are not what they were, and many a man keeps sober because he dare not get drunk.-Ex.

Seek Variety.

Many a man by unfortunate circumstances has been obliged to accept a vocation in which he has no particular interest, aside from drawing his salary to make a living for his family. The work soon grows very monotonous and he becomes dissatisfied. Try as hard as he may, it seems almost impossible to adjust himself to his surroundings.

My advice in such a case, if you cannot change your position, is to make the best of it. Try as much as possible to neutralize the


HEALTH: How to Get and Keep It....... .... Cloth, postpaid 70c.

By Walter V. Woods, M. S. What is the use of Dumb Bells every morn ing and rigid dieting three times a day when there is an open drain in the cellar?

Why shield the baby carefully from drafts and then feed him on unhealthy milk?

Do you know the things that make for Health-proper exercise, rest, bathing, eating, ventilation and good plumbing-these are only a few of them.

This book tells what Health is, what makes it, what hurts it and how to get and how to keep it.

Sent with The Columbus Medical Journal one year for $1.65.

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What to do in all kinds of accidents, as well as in the first stages of illness, with a brief and simple statement of the human anatomy, constitute the chief features of the book.

It is written in a plain and simple way, easily understood, and its value is further increased by its copious illustrations. Sent with The Columbus Medical Journal one year for $1.65.

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The Whitcomb School of Dynamic-Health Overcome all ills, by forcing the good. Clean the body by taking the filth away, and nourish it to by feeding it nutritious foods in place of stimulating poisons. If you want health, enclose ad our literature. Address 184-289 Henry Street, Detroit, Mich.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL


bad effects of your vocation by using such spare time as you have in bringing a variety of thoughts into your mind and exercising your body in a variety of ways. Avoid getting into a rut, either of regular habits or regular humdrum of experiences.

Seek variety as much as possible. Do unusual things. Get something outside of your business that awakens your enthusiasm, so that as soon as business considerations are over you have immediate use for such muscles and such brain cells as your business does not use. A variety is not only the spice of life, but it is the bread of life.

While I am a chiropractor, I wish that there was a copy of The Columbus Medical Journal going to every home in the United States.-A. R. ELY, 506 Church St., Lynchburg, Va.

Raw Starch Harmful.

Query: I would like to know if any bad results are likely to follow eating bulk starch, for which I have an appetite?-L. T. G.. Ohio.

Answer: Raw starch is very indigestible and cannot do otherwise than derange the stomach. I would advise you to quit its use. It is an abnormal appetite and should not be indulged in, as it will grow on you from time to time. If you would get a little piece of sweet flag root and take a bite of that whenever you want the starch, it will soon cure you of the habit. You can get the sweet flag root at the drug store, where it is known as calamus.

Remedy for Rheumatism.

By ALBERT THOMPSON, Indianapolis, Ind. I'll tell you how most cases of rheumatism can be cured.

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Take the patient and have him bare his spinal column so that some one who has a good deal of personal magnetism may get at it with his hands and let him rub the spine from the head to the end of spine briskly, rub from the head down with both hands, letting one follow the other until you make the spine good and warm, taking care not to blister. This will stimulate the nerves and give renewed life to the entire nervous system and will also give tone to the circulation of the blood. I would then stimulate the circulation to the affected


We have a set of 50 post cards in three colors from photographs of the most interesting scenes of a trip around the world. No two of them are alike. They simply cannot be excelled as an addition to your album and we offer them at 30c. a set postpaid. They would cost you 75c. if bought of your local dealer. Quite suitable to send to your friends. Reference: This Journal.

THE AMERICAN CO., A. I. U. Temple, Columbus, 0.

parts; this can be done by rubbing them, or if they are too sore to be rubbed, they can be stimulated by rubbing the hands together until they are quite warm and putting them on the affected parts.

I would also treat the kidneys by heating the hands in the way mentioned above and put one over either kidney and give the suggestion with these different actions that you are stimulating the parts to better action. Along with this treatment I would advise the patient to drink a liberal amount

Remember the Sick Cheer the Shut-In Encourage the Lonely

Send us 10 cents and twelve names of married women friends over 30 years of age and we will send you 10 most beautiful golden floral motto post cards which sell for 25 cents at bookstores.

These cards are particularly suited for sending to your sick friends, or anyone else for that matter. They will prove a source of delight in your own album. We recommend them as works of art and refer by permission to the pub lishers of this magazine. Don't forget the names -can't send them otherwise.

THE AMERICAN CO., A. I. U. Temple, Columbus, 0.


To Drugless Healers and All Those Interested in the Drugless Methods. We have been fortunate in procuring a number of copies of "Neurology, A Drugless System of Healing." by Dr. A. P. Davis, and while they last will offer at an exceedingly low price with the Columbus Medical Journal. The great demand is a book which explains in clear language how to apply the Natural Methods and this has been supplied by Dr. Davis. He has had 40 years' practical experience; has taken the regular course in nearly every school of natural healing of any repute. He knows what is good in each system and this is what he gives in Neurology.

This book deals in absolute certainties-proven problems, unknown to the profession as well as to the masses. The methods shown are proven propositions, not guess work, but mathematically correct. Disease is treated as a condition and you are shown how to remove the conditions causing disease.

Dr. Davis says: "Magnetism has cured and will cure the most hopeless cases at times, but it cannot reduce a dislocation. This must be done by the methods of Chiropractors or Osteopaths." He tells when to use each system and how to use it.

You are shown how to apply Neuropathy, Chiropractic and a few Osteopathic moves, Magnetism, Suggestive Therapeutics, etc. The original ideas of the author are worth the price of the book. There is not a curable disease, either mental or physical, which will not readily yield under a well directed application of the methods advocated in this book. It is invaluable. When you own this book you will possess a system of scientific drugless healing which surrounds and discounts all other books of its kind and class. Bound in Half Morocco. Price $5.00, but while they last we will send Neurology, by Dr. Davis, and the Columbus Medical Journal one year for only $3.95.

Send your order at once, for the stock is limited.

Columbus Medical Journal


In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL

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An Osteopath Book for the Home

of water and take extra breathing exercises in the open air.

If this direction is carefully followed for a few days, most any case of rheumatism will improve and soon be well.

This is probably a combination of personal magnetism, suggestion, friction and heat, but if you have never tried it, if you will do so I feel sure you will surprise yourself and heal your patient. Try it and let me hear what is your experience.


A thirty-two page booklet, entitled The Guiding Star, on diet, health, temperance, reform, prosperity, why failure in business, products, crops, etc.; also the cause and cure of all ailments, as drunkenness, lust, vice, crime, war, sickness, disease and all evil. Sent free for stamp to pay postage. Nothing to buy or sell.

Address J. H. NEFF, 257 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, Cal.

A Housewife's Opinion.

Please find enclosed one dollar for one year's subscription to The Columbus Medical Journal. We missed it greatly when it did not come and it was given a very cordial welcome when it again made its appearance. In your list of things for which the Journal stands you say "every number will be worth many times the price of a year's subscription in direct saving to the home, in loss of time from sickness, in medical bills and in the purchase of useless remedies."

I can testify to the truth of that. For six years in succession before Medical Talk came into our home I was a shut-in every winter from four to eight weeks with la grippe, and such a dreadful cough. As soon as cold weather came I remained close to the stove and as soon as I felt the first symptoms of grippe, I would begin to dose, and the quantities of cough medicine that I have swallowed would surprise one, and got no relief from any.

When I began to read Medical Talk I found there some things that seemed to me like common sense. Now if I feel symptoms of la grippe I drink plenty of cold water, wrap up warm, especially my hands and feet, and take a walk in the air, no matter how cold or how hard it storms. If I begin to cough I squeeze some lemon juice into some strained honey and take it. It always allays the tickling in the throat and does not upset my stomach. The remedy works like a charm, and I have not lost an hour of work or pleasure since I began those remedies. I got them from your Journal.

May you live to be as old as Methuselah and have all your faculties alert as now, up to the last hour, and then you will have had


time to do a great deal of good in the world to the succeeding_generations as well as this.-MRS. M. H. REYNOLDS, Owosso, Mich., 714 Main Street.

Static Machine Treatment.

By Dr. A. E. BAKER, Lenzburg, Ill.

In addition to your excellent advice in case of Mr. S. P. K., Nebraska, Dec., 1908, Journal, would like to make a suggestion which I am quite sure would help the young man.

If there is a doctor near by who has a Static machine and who knows how to use it, let the young man take positive insulation for twenty minutes each day until system becomes charged-then every other day, lengthening out the intervals as symptoms improve, etc.

Stop cold drinks with meals. Take a tablespoonful of pure olive oil every night at bedtime. Sip a cup of hot water first thing in morning. Reduce sugars as much as possible.

The Reason Why.

Dr. A has success with Dover's powder in treating a cold; Dr. B says the remedy is no good, and may aggravate matters. Why the difference? Dr. A gave the remedy at night, accompanied by hot foot


Written for the Sick People by
Francis J. Feidler, D. O.
Author of "Osteopathy, Just how it is done."

Author of "Osteopathic first aids to the Sick."
Author of "The Household Osteopath."
A plainly-worded, practical treatise on the cause,
symptoms, prevention and cure of diseases, by
Osteopathic treatments.

Every treatment is shown by half-tone photo illustrations.

81 Full Page Illustrations. Index Lists 419 Diseases. Drugless, Bloodless, Painless. The author has studiously avoided all scientific terms and technical phrases, none but the simplest and plainest language being used, so that anyone with ordinary intelligence can understand and apply the treatments given for the most common ailments that afflict humanity, frequently curing excruciating, acute pains,-often saving life, long before a physician could be called.

All curable diseases, and many so-called incurable diseases can be cured by this common sense method; will cure in fact any case not beyond human aid. No bad habitsopium, liquor, etc.-can be started by these treatments. It is applicable to the tenderest infant, mature man, or tottering grandsire alike, all thoroughly enjoy the glow producing, invigorating, rejuvenating and strengthening manipulations. if carefully applied.

This book should be in every house; it teaches you how to cure all family ills. Cure your pains before a doctor can come. The means of cure is always at hand. The cost of a single drug prescription pays for it. The book will save you days of misery, drug doctor bills, costly trips to springs or change of climate. May save you dangerous operations. May save your life.

Price $1.50 or sent with Columbus Medical Journal one year for $2.25.


In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL

baths and other synergistic measures calculated to produce nerve sedation and dermal elimination. He insisted on the patient staying in bed the next day, or, at least, in the house. The patient soon improved. Dr. B gave the same kind of treatment, producing relaxation in a thorough manner, but let the patient go about his affairs, constantly "taking more cold." The patient wonders why Dr. B's medicine does not help him. So much depends upon the time, manner and place in which drugs and remedial agencies in general are employed. It always pays to take careful stock of the patient, his idiosyncrasies, habits, occupation, and, in fine, his whole personality.Ex.

As much depends on the conditions under which a remedy is given as upon the remedy itself. A Dover powder to a man going about his business is a delusion and a snare. But a Dover powder to one in bed well covered up is sometimes a blessing of great value. So with most drugs. There is a time and place.

Advice to Students.

I am

Query: I am studying medicine. I graduate as an Osteopath in June, 1910. a graduate of the "American School of Naturopathy," N. Y., and do not care to take state board examinations either here in Illinois or elsewhere. I mean to go on and graduate in Osteopathy and probably right on and graduate in medicine, but I think state boards are gross grafts. If a college is chartered by the state I cannot see why that college's graduates should be compelled to spend another $15.00 to take state board examinations and get a license to practice.

I understand that the "American Medical Union" protects any physician in any practice or any line of therapeutics he chooses to adopt. Please advise and send circulars, etc.

I want to join in any organized society which contends for religious liberty or freedom. The right that any one should have of going to a veterinarian if he chooses, or to a Naturopath, or to a faith healer or to a medical doctor, and at the same time this faith healer, or veterinarian, should be protected as well as the M. D. Let me know your method, cost, etc.

I expect to go to Edinburgh University (when through here) for physiology under Schaffer, and a few other studies along medical lines. May put in the medical degree there while practicing Osteopathy and Naturopathy. I believe it will pay me.-C. M., Illinois.

Answer: As to the American Medical Union, I know nothing of its present status. I was president of it for three years, quite In writing to advertisers, please mention




This work consists of a series of twelve lessons on the application of magnetism in the treatment of disease.

Nearly every person has some magnetic force-some more than others, and in every neighborhood there is one or more who could, if they understood the application of their magnetism, relieve suffering and heal diseases. This book will teach them.

Author's Statement

Magnetism is the sure remedy for ordinary chronic diseases. Other modes of treatment, such as osteopathy, neuropathy, etc., cure many, but it takes them more than double the time, and osteopathy, especially, is painful.

Magnetism is painless and speedy, seldom requiring more than two weeks for the most obstinate

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against my judgment and The purpose of the union was to provide a plan for fraternal relations between independent physicians of all schools. Also, to provide some means to protect them in their natural rights to practice according to their own judgment. But the union proved to be wholly inadequate for that purpose, and I resigned as its president. There was a new board elected after my resignation, but I judge they are not doing anything, letters addressed to them elicit no response. Dr. Bland, who was secretary of the American Medical Union, also its founder and its chief inspiration, died about two years ago, which left the union without any real leader, and in my judgment it is practically defunct.


As to the proper course for you to pursue in preparing yourself to practice the healing arts, I should advise you to take a regular course in some medical college that enjoys the good will of the state board of examination. Otherwise these boards will not license you, and you will find yourself continually in trouble with the legal advantages they will have over you.

I entirely agree with you that any regularly chartered medical college ought to possess the authority to license its graduates to practice. But through the work of the American Medical Association this right of the medical colleges has been taken away, and no man can legally practice in the United States who does not hold a license from the State Medical Board. It is THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL

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