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MASSAGE VIBRATOR. (PATENTED) Foreign patents pending. The Ladies' Friend-Will make you plump and beautiful. Every Lady can have a first class massage machine in their home at a small expense. Over 90 per cent of the homes do not have electricity and the ladies cannot use a massage machine. The Midget Massage Vibrator is operated without electricity, giving a firm, deep and penetrating movement. Every la y appreciates this little wonder, and physicians in small towns find it of inestimable value.

Some of the diseases successfully treated with "The Midget": Headache, Obesity, Catarrhal Affections, Bowel and Stomach Trouble, Brain Fag, Indigestion, Constipation, Rheumatism, Sprains, Falling of the Hair, Dandruff, Backache, Nervousness, Sciatica, Lumbago, Paralysis, Torpid Liver, Gout, Ague and Loss of Energy. It puts new life into every part of the body to which it is applied. We guarantee "The Midget" to last a lifetime. Write today for particulars. Agents wanted to sell this new and fast selling instrument. Radiodescent Lamp Co., 217 South Kalamazoo, Mich.


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WANTED! WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU can buy the Best Peanut Butter direct from us at the exceptionally low price of 12 cts. per pound in the following sizes: 20, 25 and 50-lb. cans, 5 and 10-lb. pails, 13 cts. per lb. Freight paid on 100 lbs. or more east of the Mississippi and north of Tennessee. Cash with order. Send for trial can postpaid for 10 cts. St. Laurent Bros., 1220 Saginaw St., Bay City, Mich. 6-9

HAVE YOU LINES IN YOUR FACE? YOU CAN iron them out with the Leo Depurator. It brings the blood to the surface in floods. In using the Depurator you are dealing with the great unchangeable, natural law of the body, tissues-muscles-skin flooded with healthy blood can not shrink or diminish in size. The Depurator can be operated in the privacy of your own room. It makes the skin smooth and firm. It tones up the muscles. Use the Depurator every day for two months. If you fail to get results, return it and get your money back. Personal letter from expert on the care of the face with every order. It does the work. Price $1.00. The Leo Depurator Co., 23 R, The Cumberland, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.


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$5.75 PAID FOR RARE DATE 1853 QUARTERSKeep all money coined before 1875 and send 10 cents at once for set of two coin and stamp value books, size 4x7; it may mean your fortume. C. R. Clarke & Co., Le Roy, N. Y. 5-9

FINE SACHET PERFUMES. DAINTY, FRAGRANT and lasting. In beautiful art package 3x4 inches. Send 12c for full size sachet postpaid. Address, Mrs. Laura Frasier, Fredonia, Kansas. 5-9 AGENTS WANTED: YOU DON'T NEED TO TALK; you don't need money. This is the chance of your life. Write to-day. Box 551, Port Townsend, Wash. 7-9 THE MIDGET MASSAGE VIBRATOR. PATENTED. The handiest, cheapest and most durable Massage Machine made. The only one of its kind in the world; guaranteed to last a lifetime. Fits the handbag or medicine case and is well named The Ladies' Beautifier. We also make Medical Lamps in 5 colors for Doctors, Massage Shampoo Artists and mothers. Agents wanted. Ask your druggist or write Radiodescent Lamp Co., 217 South. Kalamazoo, Mich. 3-0 ASTRO-BIOCHEMISTRY: THE TWELVE NATURAL steps to the Keystone of Health. Explanatory circular matter remitted upon two cents postage! A. J. Stranghan, 820 Anderson St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 4-0

MRS. RHODES' HEALTH BISCUITS Are cheap, healthful and delicious. Easily and quickly made at home. Par excellence for invalids and children. "Food and Medicine combined.' Cure for constipation. Concise directions, 25c. Descriptive price list of Mrs. Rhodes' Health Foods sent with recipe or free upon request. Mrs. Grace G. Rhodes, Dept. K, Corry, Pa. 7-9 SAVES YOUR TEETH. THREAD CUTTING THIMble. Sells like wildfire. Sample 10c. Catalogue free. W. I. Burgess & Co.. 66 Broadway, New York City. 5-9

I WILL POSITIVELY GUARANTEE TO CURE NERvousness, Lack of Self-Confidence, Lack of Memory, and Mental Concentration. Complete course $2.50 postpaid. W. J. Moore, 257 E. Kinzie St., Chicago, Ill. 5-9

6 LOVELY FLORAL POSTCARDS, WITH GREETings and your name or town in gold and velvet, 10c. Souvenir Art Co., West Haven, Conn. 5-9


NATURE'S SIMPLE FOOD RESTORATIVES drugs) cures constipation and piles. Write J. J. Cal6-9 kins, Jackson, Mich., enclosing stamp for reply. HAVE YOU LINES IN YOUR FACE? YOU CAN iron them out with the Leo Depurator. It brings the blood to the surface in floods. In using the Depurator you are dealing with the great unchangeable, natural law of the body, tissues-muscles-skin flooded with healthy blood can not shrink or diminish in size. The Depurator can be operated in the privacy of your own It makes the skin smooth and firm. It tones up the muscles. Use the Depurator every day for two months. If you fail to get results, return it and get your money back. Personal letter from expert on the care of the face with every order. It does the work. Price $1.00. The Leo Depurator Co., 23 R, The Cumberland, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. t-f




A Gas Mantle that Will Not Break

Query: Some time ago the health officer of this city lectured in the Y. M. C. A. on the "Sanitary Laws of Moses," and among the laws of that time he dwelt on the laws of circumcision, and the benefits to health. If you are willing to answer, I would like to ask the following questions: 1. Do you consider a long foreskin detrimental to health, if so, in what way? 2. Would you advise circumcision at the age of fifty?— W. E. G., Pa.

Answer: In answer to your first question, I should be inclined to say yes, it is a detriment. This can be partly overcome by careful attention to cleanliness. I do not consider a long foreskin so dangerous as a tight one, that is not easily movable. The 'danger of a long foreskin is that it retains secretions beneath it and the decomposition of these materials produces irritating substances that sometimes give rise to inflammatory conditions.

Second: No, I would not advise circumcision at the age of fifty unless for some very special reason. If some disease has rendered the foreskin immovable, it might be necessary, but otherwise I would not.

The Jews who practice circumcision are especially free from venereal diseases. This is partly due to circumcision and partly due to their habits. In young boys care of the foreskin is a very important matter, which is frequently neglected. The earlier habit of paying no attention to it sometimes resulted in diseases of the nervous system, even convulsions, and the latter day attempt to bring the foreskin back before its natural time has resulted in injuries of another kind. The foreskin is an organ of real importance, but in treating on this subject many writers go to the ridiculous extreme, which is often worse than the old-time neglect of the whole subject.

Psycho-Therapy Growing.

That the medical profession is on the eve of a great medico-religious movement was the opinion expressed by Dr. Frank B. Wynn last night at the meeting of the Indianapolis Medical Society. Christian Science, Dowieism and the other mental healing cults, he declared, had all a grain of truth in them, hid in a mass of chaff.


A pure, nature food, full of vitality and life. Entirely different from other Baby foods-not predigested or medicated; no milk, no sugar to cause sour stomach and resulting ills, diarrhoea, constipation. etc. But a food containing every element necessary to promote a vigorous, healthy growth of the body.

A sickly, puny child grows and thrives as on no other food. Very fattening-an ideal food for invalids, consumptives and nursing mothers.

Price-a six-pound sack, delivered express prepaid, $2.00. Money refunded if a failure.

12 ounce sample 25 cents. Literature free. BYRON TYLER, Mfr., 7 Syndicate Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.

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The medical profession, he stated, on the other hand, had underestimated the influ ence of mental healing. Great physiologica discoveries, he reasoned, had so intereste the physician, appealing to him on the prac tical side, that psycho-therapy had to an ex tent been neglected.

"No one can doubt," he said, "that w are on the eve of a great medico-religior movement. The Emmanuel movement ha received such attention and such an impetu that nearly 100 churches already have th plan in operation."


By Psychic Method: We Cure People suffering fr all kinds of diseases by Ther peutic Suggestion alone a without drugs; when they cannot co we reach and cure them at their hon in any part of the world, all by pur Psychic Methods-Mental Te epathy. We correct bad habit young and old, help people to Bus ness Success, reform Moral Perver and restore Insane People to their reason. matter what your ailment, how serious your case, or w you may have done before, our methods succeed after others have failed. Booklets fully explaining Su gestion and the Psychic Methods we ploy in treating absent patients, Sent free to ev body! All afflicted people should read these Bookl Send for them now. You will enjoy reading them.

Address GEO. C. PITZER, M. D. 1045 S. Union Av., Los Angeles, C THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

A Good Eye Wash.

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The ideal Food Medi-
cine for Brain workers
-the busy Business

Man or the Care-worn Nervous Woman.

Ten Day Trial Treatment sent free to prove it.

A valuable discovery has been made in the Alfalfa plant which chemical analysis shows to contain most of the elements which go to make up the human body. Already the ingredients of this field plant have been used with remarkable results, and a well-known expert has testified after an extended analysis that Robinson's Alfalfa-Nutrient contains no alcohol, narcotics, opiates, poisonous, or deleterious ingredients of any kind.

The Alfalfa plant has been known for its wonderful fattening properties, but not until recently has it been known to be a most remarkable specific for weak nerves, sleeplessness, bad digestion, dyspepsia, chronic constipation, blood impurities, sallow face, deadlooking eyes, general weakness, lack of ambition, kidney troubles, torpid liver, malaria, rheumatism. anemia and many female troubles.

Alfalfa-Nutrient will give you a vivacious feeling; put strength in your nerves, rich red blood in your veins, regulate your bowels, and put all your vital organs in such splendid order that your face will clear up at once, and your complexion become velvety and and rosy, and your whole body will bound with new vigor and happiness.

To prove that this is absolutely true, we will send for 4c postage a 35c package in plain wrapper, together with a 56 page scientific book "How to Develop the Form and Secure Perfect Health", which will probably surprise you. Lady and gentlemen agents are wanted. Write today for free trial to

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They are worth nothing to the masses. But not so with your Journal. Your Journal, I am happy to say, is a journal for the people, and I only wish it was possible for it to be in every home in the United States. It is a valuable book for the common people to read. It would be hard to estimate its real value to the people if they should read it with care.

I am a great believer in "The Grand Mother School of Herb Teas" and a hand treatment, such as a manual therapeutist gives. I always vote against the use of poison in the treatment of disease. I am unable to understand how a doctor can make a sick man well with a drug that will make a well man sick. I am afraid of all medicine that will make well people sick, and I happen to know that poison will

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

do just that very thing.

A Book Explaining Mechano-Therapy

If you can correctly diagnose the disease of your patient and can then remove the cause of that disease, your patient will soon get well of his own accord. The less medicine people take the better it is for them.

D. L. KINCAID, 1006 Bellefontaine St., Indianapolis, Ind.

A Good Remedy for the Blues.

A good remedy for the blues and something good for people who imagine they are mental derelicts and have lost all interest in life is to look about and discover some one you have reason to believe is Make the acworse off than you are. quaintance of that one with the purpose of doing him good. Any one you can help. Just as soon as you find yourself engaged in trying to help some one else, life will begin to take on new meaning and the old zest of life will return again. You will be benefited by it and you will set going in the sea of human experiences a ripple that will touch the furthest shores of our country. It will set something going that will never stop as long as history continues.

Please find enclosed one dollar for a year's subscription to The Columbus Medical Journal. I think the Journal is worth double the price you ask for it. It is without doubt the best medical journal published. Respectfully, A. BJORGUM, Route 1, Fergus Falls, Minn.

For Bruises and Burns.

By ALBERT THOMPSON, Indianapolis, Indiana. A splendid liniment:

Take one pint of turpentine and one pint of pure raw linseed oil. Mix thoroughly, and take six drachms of sulphuric acid and pour slowly into the above mixture, which will become very hot; let it stand until cool,




It is fully and clearly explained both from a theoretical and practical standpoint, in "Modern Physio-therapy" by Dr. Juettner. Equivalent to regular course because it tells you just what to do, when to do it and why. Methods are scientific and exact. This work also covers the other natural methods which have stood the most severe practical tests. You get certainties-not doubtful theory. One man ordered six copies to give to professional friends.

If you want to learn a profession this book paves the way. You don't have to go thru the costly school of experience but master the methods which have been Practitioners of all natural demonstrated exact. methods should own it, because they are told the best methods to use in a particular case, and are given specific instructions for their application. Nothing like it in print. Send stamp for descriptive circular and special price. I. W. LONG, No. 24, LONDON, O.





By J. Howard Moore.


Is Man entitled to his calling himself the "Paragon of Creation"? The author says: "No. His actions toward the other living beings stamp him as an egotist. The book is logical and scientific and yet as fascinating and readable as a novel. You will not only read it once, but many times. $1.00 Postpaid

The Bookman

681 E. Oakley Ave.,

Chicago, Ill.

and pour off, and you have a liniment which can hardly be beat for burns, from what ever cause, and for fresh bruises.

Care should be taken that the vessel doe not burst and spill the mixture while i undergoes the change which takes place The bottle which this mixture is made i should be strong and had better be throw away, as it would be very hard to clea Leav out of the sediment thrown down. bottle open until it has cooled.

Diet for Rheumatism.

Query: I have a friend troubled wit sciatica, and another member of his hous hold complains of plain rheumatism. As want to tell them if possible how to g well without the use of medicine, won you please favor me with a short sket regarding the nature of the respective a ments?-C. M. J., N. Y.



Answer: Chronic sciatica chronic rheumatism are both of the san nature as gout. Nothing but the mo rigid fasting and avoidance of certain kin of foods will permanently rid one of t affliction. It is dependent upon excessi urates in the blood and sometimes takes t form of obesity, sometimes gout, sometim rheumatism and sometimes sciatica, whi is only one form of rheumatism.

I should advise oatmeal gruel for brea fast and supper, nothing else. It should made with water as follows: One part o to four parts water, and cooked a lo time. Either oatmeal or, oat flakes can used in making the gruel. A little salt m be added. A little sugar and rich cre may be added when served, if preferr It should be good rich cream, however, milk.

For dinner I would suggest baked po toes, baked apples, buttermilk, fresh b boiled rice, lettuce, onions, radishes, c bage, fresh beans and peas in their seas not canned. These are all the things would allow for the noon meal. Each

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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This little medical booklet contains 24 articles of interest to mothers and fathers. It is a collection of articles on common topics of interest to every home. Several of the articles teach valuable lessons on foods and eating. The scope of the articles is so varied that it is impossible to convey an idea of the real value of the information in this short review.

TWELVE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC.............postpaid 50c

This booklet comprises a series of articles on solar biology, which undertake to bring to the reader in simple language the claims of modern astrology. While they eliminate much of the superstition included under the term astrology, yet they present a broad basis for ascertaining the mental characteristics of the individual, based on the date of birth. The book is more than the equal of any work on so-called astrology selling for $1.00. No specious theories are advanced therein and every statement has been tested and is believed to be as near the truth as it is possible to place this sublime science. LESSONS ON DIGESTION............postpaid 12c This little booklet is worth its weight in gold to persons who have awakened to the fact that in order to have good health they must give attention to their diet and treat their stomachs with as much consideration as they do their eyes or their minds. It is as necessary to have proper food for the stomach as it is to have proper food for the mind. There are five chapters in the booklet which cover the subject of digestion completely and the articles are valuable to either the sick or the well.

PLAIN TALKS TO YOUNG MEN.......postpaid 12c It is not necessary for us to enter into a detailed description of this booklet, but we simply say that the Doctor takes the young man into his confidence and tells him what every parent should tell his son in early youth. It dispels all the superstitions on the subject that have gained currency, and brings good cheer to the young man who has been scared to death by quack doctors. Any parent may safely place this booklet in the hands of his boy and will agree with us upon reading the same that the author has done a great work tor mankind in preparing it. MOTHER'S HOME REMEDIES........postpaid 25c

This booklet is a collection of the remedies and prescriptions published in Volume 32 of The Columbus Medical Journal, and in almost every case the remedy has been found valuable in the home treatment of disease. Almost all of the remedies have been given to the world by non-medical people who have tried them in their homes and found them valuable, as well as simple. The prescriptions given therein are written in plain language and can filled for a few cents by any druggist. While some of the remedies are old stand-bys and have had years of use, still others have never been published before; and this booklet will be found exceedingly interesting to any mother who cares for the health of her family and who does not call in a doctor for every little ache or pain.


The Columbus Medical Journal sent one year and any four of above booklets for $1.50 cash with order



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