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Columbus Medical Journal Columbus Ohio

tinued for some time establishes sort of a physiological habit, which will continue long after the cause is removed. I am not able to tell what is the cause in your case, but I make these suggestions, that you may discover what the cause is yourself. It is a species of nerve depression.

Diet For Obesity.

Query: Can you advise me of a diet for reducing flesh?-R. D. B., Philadelphia.

Answer: There are a great many diets recommended for this condition. The diet I am in the habit of recommending to my patients is simply to select one or two articles of food at each meal, and eat them exclusively. Be guided by the appetite in the selection of food, but never more than one or two articles of food at one meal. This will reduce flesh without subjecting the patient to such a rigorous self-denial. Each meal may be different, to suit the whim of the patient. I have known it to work in many cases.

Olive Oil.

Query: How about using Sylmar Olive Oil, for its supposed weight-creating propensities? I would like to try it, and await your detailed instructions for use.-J. H., Washington, D. C.

Answer: I doubt very much if olive oil increases any one's weight. It possibly prevents people from losing flesh, but I do not think it will cause people to take on flesh. It might in a roundabout way. People who are constipated are sometimes benefited b- the use of olive oil. In such cases the improvement of their bowels naturally im roves their digestion and general health, and the might improve in that way. But I do not believe olive oil is assimilated into the system in such a way as to produce fat.

A Home-Made Salve.

By a Subscriber, 109 Central Ave., West Duluth, Minn.

I want to tell you of a salve that has been used in our family for over twenty years, and think there is nothing like it on the earth. Draws out all poisons, heals up quickly. In fact, I think there is a fortune in it if it was put on the market.

Pine pitch, one part by weight. Tallow or lard, one-half or one-fourth part by weight. (The pitch without anything else with it makes it too strong for man, too drawing, but fine for horses.) Warm and mix together. While stirring it sprinkle in red precipitate until it turns a pinkish color. That's all there is to it. A little beeswax may be added to harden it.

The Columbus Medical Journal,
Columbus, Ohio.

Inclosed find my check for one dollar, for which please renew my subscription to your magazine for another year. I am a very

busy man and seldom have time to read anything, but I cannot miss Dr. Carr's homely and sensible articles. I consider Dr. Carr one of the greatest men of the present day.-R. E. THOMPSON, TOomsuba, Miss.

Poison Sumac.

Query: Will you please publish a good prescription for poison schumac?-C. E. F., Pa.

Answer: There is a great variety of such formulæ. Most every doctor has a different one. The one that keeps bobbing up the most frequently is poulticing the affected parts with cranberry sauce. Some use the cranberries crushed raw, others prefer to stew them. At the same time an even teaspoonful of Epsom salts taken at bedtime is advisable. Where the eruption covers a large surface, the cranberry juice may be used as a wash.


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