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A Few Terse Words About Medical Boards

perts with large gains at the start. Anything can be obtained at agent's price. In buying, first custom will be given to members, and with large membership the union will have factories to employ its members. As with more members there will be larger gains, self-interest will lead every member to enroll another member, making an endless chain. Will you start a chain?

The union opens new and grand possibilities and will be all that the members choose to make it. Enclose stamp to National Office for blanks and instructions.

Vaccination Is a Curse.

Reprint from The Anti-Vaccination News, 19


Broadway, N. Y.

OHN PFAENDER, child of healthy Swiss parents, born 23rd September, 1875, was healthy until vaccinated. Was a sturdy and beautiful child, as were all his four brothers and sisters; he walked at the age of nine months.

On the 16th of June, 1876, he was vaccinated by the official vaccinator. Eight days later his feet began to swell, abscesses formed, his teeth began to rot, his glands to swell. Fistulous sores appeared on his hands and feet. He could neither walk nor stand; several bones of his hands had

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when they confess in their journals that the public has almost lost confidence in drugs. Now they must bunco the legislatures in every state to pass laws to run out competitive systems and force the sick to patronize them.

The tendency to make a surgical case out of even trivial ills shows a mercenary motive (which is now being condemned by broad-minded physicians), and riding vigorously the "germ" hobby to further deceive the credulous public, shows their own weakness and is simply driving the public away from them to other systems. This only augments their desperation. The public has been educated to believe that medicine will cure any and everything, if you will only get the "right medicine," and if these doctors could deliver the goods and heal the sick, they would have all they could do, and get their own prices, and competitive systems would stand no show.

No one knows the disappointment to be found in the use of drugs as a healing agent any better than the physician, hence the need of legal protection from competitive systems. They had previously used the cry that "the courts will not convict any one any more for violating their medical law." If the "principle" involved keeps the courts from convicting evident impostors, why should those practicing systems other than medical, upon an honorable basis, in a systematic and business-like way, fear conviction for fool law manifestly unviolating a fool constitutional and gotten up expressly to establish a "trust?" While this bill was in the hands of the Governor awaiting his signature, he gave it out to the press that he questioned the constitutionality of the bill, and I immediately sat down and wrote the Governor the following letter:

"I see that you have questioned the constitutionality of the one board medical bill now awaiting your signature. Allow me to give you an illustration which occurred here in my office, which will bring out a constitutional point better than an hour's con

versation. A woman said: 'Doctor, I have been a sick woman nearly all of my life, and my husband has spent nearly $2,000 on me for operations and medicines, and I have gradually grown worse. I understand that Mrs.

had the same identical trouble and came to you, and you cured her without any operations or medicines, and I want you to take my case.' Now Governor," said I in my letter, "will you please tell me that this woman has not, not only a God-given right, but a right under the Stars and Stripes, to try some other doctor after she survived the bloody knife of the surgeons and took their divers poisons? bill that these doctors are asking you to sign, says she shall not. She must stick to the medical man or die, as you propose to run any competitive systems out of the state."

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Did this deter the Governor any? He signed it just the same, and now he is endeavoring to cure his diseased stomach by going to a mineral resort. Why does he not try one of those "licensed" drug doctors and get them to cure him? Will any one show me a doctor in the whole State of Texas who can cure his stomach trouble with drugs?



The book entitled "Dr. Talkwell's Sketches," is written in language easily comprehended by the average reader. It gives some of the author's experiences which come to him by associating with the so-called lower classes. .... ....Cloth bound, 60c; paper, 32c "The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac, "is a book that undertakes to bring to the reader in plain language the claims of modern astrology.. .12c

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"What Doctors Think of Vaccination," is a pamphlet containing the opinions of five hundred physicians in regular practice on the subject of vaccination.........12c "Home Made Talks for the Home," should be in every household. Every member of the family will profit by the helpful talks in this book...... ....25c

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For 1908


We will be able to supply a few bound volumes of the 1908 Volume 32, Columbus Medical Journal which contains over seven hundred and fifty original articles written for the home.

This volume is bound in silk cloth and should be of great value to old readers of Medical Talk who desire to keep their library complete and intact as to Dr. Carr's writings. The index shows the wonderful scope of our Journal, and the volume will be a most useful thing in your home. It will be a constant mine of information for you, and you will refer to it as long as you live.

There is no living person who cannot find something of interest in its pages. The volume will be sent by mail or express prepaid for $2.25.

If you will send us ten new annual subscribers to the Columbus Medical Journal at full rates, we will send you the volume free. The subscribers must be NEW and not renewals or changes from one member of the family to another.

Columbus Medical Journal

Columbus, Ohio.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.


Let Gibson Show You How To Be Strong

Spinal Irritation.

Query: Two Osteopaths examined my back some two years ago. One of them treated it with no benefit, and then he called it neurasthenia that had localized itself at that spot, but when he started to treat it he called it a separation of the fourth and fifth lumbar and an anterior curve.

Another Kirksville Osteopath calls it a separation and also a luxation of and between the fourth and fifth lumbar, and he says he can cure it, but I have been fooled so many times I don't rely on them so much any more.

Could neurasthenia stay there that long, or not? What would you do when one Osteopath called it one thing and one called it another? One Osteopath treated it eight months for the dislocation and then called it neurasthenia, and he said if I got off my feet for three months and let it rest I would be cured, but eight months' rest has not cured it, or made any change.-C. D. G., Wisconsin.

Answer: I think the doctors are correct in their diagnosis, judging that from your symptoms. Of course any one suffering from neurasthenia, his weakest point will suffer most. That may partly serve to explain the doctor's opinion that neurasthenia had settled there. But the thing you are mostly interested in is the cure. Well, now!

First, you might go right on and ignore the difficulty. Pay no attention to it-producing a change in the mental relation to it might prove to be a cure.

Second, you might use some persistent local irritation. The use of an ordinary sun glass is sometimes very successful. The sun glass should be held so as to turn the sunlight upon the point where the trouble is, slowly moving around so that it will not blister or burn in places. The treatment may be continued from one to ten minutes, according to the sensitiveness of the skin. There is no use blistering or burning it, although if a very red spot is produced with a scaling off of the skin, no harm will be done.

There are other forms of local irritation, which I will not mention now, but will if I find it necessary. Should you do this, taking no other form of treatment, and should discover that general nerve weakness is a part of your trouble, I cannot help but believe Tissue remedies will be of great assistance to you. I am sure I should be glad to help you, but you must realize, however, I am laboring under a disadvantage to attempt this by correspondence, which is at best only an imperfect way, especially in cases like yours.

Mormons and Medicine.

The Mormons as a people do not make much use of doctors or medicine. They generally believe in what is usually called "divine healing." I clip a passage from "The Elders

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An emulsion of cod-liver oil after a
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Hydroleine is simply pure, fresh, codliver oil thoroughly emulsified, and rendered exceptionally digestible and palatable. Its freedom from medicinal admixtures admits of its use in all cases in which cod-liver oil is indicated. The average adult dose is two teaspoonfuls. Sold by drug gists. Sample with literature will be sent gratis on request.



I will give a 640-acre farm in Columbia Co., North Florida, where the Fig does even better than in California, and Casava grows to perfection, and will fatten more stock per acre than double same area in best of corn ground, yet costs less work. Where two crops of peanuts or chufas and a winter forage may be grown yearly. Or will give a Custom Water-Power Wheat and Corn Mill at Edwardsville in Middle Eastern Alabama, for an Annuity of $500.00 per year while I live. I am in my 70th year. Recently had a stroke of paralysis and the doctors say I had better arrange my business. I am propped up now to pencil this. The mill property has an 80-acre farm and residences, and is within one-half mile of depot. Just the place to make Breakfast Foods, as there are none South. I. M. D., care of Columbus Medical Journal.




Journal," a Mormon periodical published at Independence, Mo. The passage was written by one John Taylor, a Mormon writer. It reads as follows:

"A notice appeared, not long since, in the public prints, that Phineas Camp, a Revolutionary patriot, was dead, aged ninety-nine years and six months. The writer of this exit says: 'Temperance in eating and drinking. and avoiding medicine, etc., left him in the enjoyment of his faculties, in full energy during a long life.'

no medicine until after he was eighty years old. From this fact alone, it is possible that if he had taken no medicine at all, he might have lived to be as old as Moses, one hundred and twenty years.

"Another case: Elder Cole, of this city, says his grandfather, Jacob Cole, now living in Lebanon, New York, is about one hundred and fourteen years of age; and he has never taken any medicine whatever, and he is in the full possession of his mental powers, as far as can be expected at so great an age. Such cases of longevity speak volumes against the common practice of medicine, and bring many to the conclusion that medicine destroys as many lives, prematurely, as war."

Remedy for Canker Sores.

By FRED B. CROFUT, Birch, Nevada. Take a small piece of raw alum and pulverize very fine, then wet the canker sore thoroughly and cover the sore with the powder. Generally one application is sufficient, but if needed apply until the sore disappears.

Diet in Typhoid Fever.

The diet forms an important consideration in the treatment of typhoid fever. It should be chiefly of liquids. In this disease the bowels become thin and ulcerated. Any solid or rough food is apt to perforate these ulcers, causing serious hemorrhages. Milk, diluted with an equal amount of water, makes a good food, where it agrees. If it causes constipation something else should be substituted. Albumen water, the juice of raw beef, soft custards, jellies, ice cream, milk and flour porridge, coffee, cocoa, are other soft

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DIVINE HEALING. Present or absent treatments. Persons who desire absent treatment can write or telegraph for fuller particulars-1418 Euclid Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 'Phone, West 221. (Mention The Columbus Medical Journal.)

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The struggle of life to-day is incessant. The bright, the active, the courageous, the hopeful, the self-reliant, the teachable, the magnetic, alone win the prizes. To know how to possess these qualities or improve self in any way, and to know the secrets of Success read Power For Success" by Dr. Haddock. Not theory, but practical instructions. Send 2c. stamp for big illustrated circular. It is convincing. I. W. LONC, No. 24 LONDON, OHIO.

foods that may be given. The albumen water is made by straining the white of an egg and mixing with an equal amount of water. It may be flavored with lemon juice or brandy.

Injecting Antitoxin.

The Proper Method of Injecting Diphtheria Antitoxin.-In injecting antitoxin into a child crying and resisting, one is apt to thrust the needle almost anywhere, and as quickly as possible press the piston, injecting the serum. The ordinary dose contains from one to five cubic centimeters of serum, and the sudden entrance of such an amount into the blood current is likely to have a very depressing effect on the heart. A better way is to take two or three minutes while injecting the serum, and by this means avoid emptying the entire contents of the syringe into the lumen of a vein at once, and causing collapse from the sudden entrance of a foreign substance into the blood current. A little more care exercised in administering this dangerous drug would avoid the distressing experiences sometimes occurring.-Ex.

In my opinion the best way to give injections of diphtheria antitoxin is to not give it at all or else inject it into the doctor. Then if there is any bad result the calamity will fall where it belongs.

But if the stuff is to be used at all, it is best to do it right, and the above extract undoubtedly is the latest.


BY E. D. BARBER, D. O. THE NEW EDITION. This is the work which has stood the test of time. Nearly 600 pages including 51 etchings and colored plates. You get in a blear and concise mannlr not only the Principles of Osteopathy, but the symptoms, and treatment of 500 diseases. Sold more cheaply than you think. Ask for descriptive circular. Complete line of books, charts, etc. on Osteopathy, Neurology, Chiropractic, Mechano-Therapy. Ask for literature.


In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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Weighed in the Balance and Found Wanting


The world moves, science progresses, sick and puny men and women become strong and healthy.

Learn "How Foods Cure." My new book (sent free) tells you. I ask you to read this book that you may understand why diet is the strongest factor in the building of health or the cure of disease.


Why don't more people know about this? the world had to wait for the science of Food Chemistry and the science of Physiological Chemistry to be put together united into one science before either of the old sciences were of any real value. Hitherto, like the science of astronomy, they could not be used.

It has taken a great many years to shake off old superstitions and to realize what this new science really means. Food Science controls your health, strength, vitality and the length of time you will live. Is It Worth Your While, do you think?

Send for this book "How Foods Cure," together with diagnosis blank. They will be sent to you free of charge.


Suite 88

7 East 41st Street,

New York.


For Loose Teeth.

It is said the most universally useful application to the gums for neuralgia of dental origin is a lotion of two parts of tannic acid to ten parts of rectified spirit. When this is painted on the gums and around the teeth, it relieves almost every kind of dental pain. It is also the best application in alveolar pyorrhea. Loose teeth under this treatment soon become tight, and regain their power of mastication.-CHARLOTTE Med. Journal.

If the above will really tighten loose teeth it is a wonderful remedy. There is great demand for such a remedy. It is well worth trying.

Correspondence Column.

I would like to correspond with those who have had trouble and perhaps hearing from such could keep me from thinking of my own. Am forty years old, with dark hair and light gray eyes, five feet three and one-half inches in height. A widow.-MRS. L. M. Barnes, Rush, Susquehanna Co., Pennsylvania.

Scalp Treatment.

By A. H. TUCKER, 626 E. Commercial St., Springfield, Mo.

Perhaps many of your readers have thought of this, but I speak of it any way. Any one wishing to apply a liquid to the scalp without getting it on the hair but

WILD-BERRIES-These Are The Things.

For every form of stomach trouble. If you have dyspepsia, indigestion, heavy feeling after eating, bad taste in the mouth, or bad breath, a Wild-Berry will relieve you. Keep them with you and eat one or two berries when you need them. You will find them the best thing you ever had. WILD-BERRIES cleanse the mucous membranes of mouth, throat, stomach and intestines. They put the whole digestive tract in an active, healthy condition.

A manufacturing man writes: "Wild-Berries are the best thing I ever had for stomach trouble. I keep them with me all the time. I like them and their effect is very pleasant."

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A business woman writes: "I find Wild-Berries excellent for train sickness and for headache which is so often caused from riding on the train. They put the stomach in splendid condition."

Wild-Berries are a mountain berry preserved and prepared with a powdered vegetable root. Guaranteed pure and harmless. Put up in 10 and 25 cent boxes. THE WILD-BERRY CO., Dept. 2, 374 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, III.

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