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THE MIDGET MASSAGE VIBRATOR. PATENTED. The handiest, cheapest and most durable Massage Machine made. The only one of its kind in the world; guaranteed to last a lifetime. Fits the handbag or medicine case and is well named The Ladies' Beautifier. We also make Medical Lamps in 5 colors for Doctors, Massage Shampoo Artists and mothers. Agents wanted. Ask your druggist or write Radiodescent Lamp Co., 217 South. Kalamazoo, Mich. 3-0 ASTRO-BIOCHEMISTRY: THE TWELVE NATURAL steps to the Keystone of Health. Explanatory circular matter remitted upon two cents postage! A. J. Stranghan, 820 Anderson St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 4-0 REMOVE YOUR WRINKLES-FREE. IF YOU CARE about the condition of your face, write us, ask for information about this treatment. We will be glad to give it to you. We are not asking for money, this is a great educational movement to help women help themselves along beauty lines. The treatment is a new discovery. Nothing else like it has been tested and proved to be just what thousands of men and women have needed. It forces nature to restore herself. Hollows are filled out, wrinkles are easily and quickly removed by toning up the skin and muscles. You do it yourself, we tell you how. The Leo Depurator Co., 23 R, The Cumberland, Wilkes Barre, Pa. 9-9 SUNLIGHT CURES CANCER, LUPUS, WENS, warts, corns, moles, birth-marks. Apparatus easily operated, great money maker. Address, Dr. J. K. Richardson, Kiowa, Kansas.


IF SUFFERING FROM DIABETES, RHEUMATISM, inflammation of the bladder, urinary troubles, gout, heart failure, send 10c for sample of Eureka Kidney Pills. They're fine. Osborne Drug Co., Seligman, Mo. 8-9 PATTERSON INSTITUTE. WE CURE ALL DRUG and liquor habits with least suffering and fewest relapses of any cure on earth. Write for further information. 316 E. Bridge, Grand Rapids, Mich. 8-9 FAT FOLKS, LOSE TWO POUNDS DAILY. Without nauseous drugs, tiresome exercises, starvation rations or appliances. A guaranteed cure complete, $1.00. Dr. Hossack, 367 Victor St., Winnipeg, Canada. FOR SALE-BY EXECUTOR OF ESTATE. A MANUfacturing business. 12 yrs. standing. Good trade. Small capital needed. Easy terms. Address Box "C" College Springs, Iowa.



FOR SALE. NEW, UNUSED MODEL "A" NO. 2, $13.00 Sanitary Water Still, $6.50. N. E. Ramsey, Lincolnton, N. C. 8-9 PATTERSON STUDY CLASS. BY MAIL, ON HIGHER Thought, Laws of Life and Philosophy Would you join? Write for circular. 316 E. Bridge, Grand Rapids, Mich. 8-9 MRS. RHODES' HEALTH BISCUITS ARE CHEAP, healthful and delicious. Easily and quickly made at home. Par excellence for invalids and children. Food and medicine combined. Cure for constipation. Concise directions, 25c. Complete book, $1. Descriptive price list free. Mrs. Grace G. Rhodes, Dept. K, Corry, Pa. 12-0

they desire to give it to another being to enjoy forever.

The one great big transcendent idea the world needs on the sex question is, I believe, In writing to advertisers, please mention

Send for Our Map of Boston, Showing Exact Location of



When you visit Boston, if you desire the greatest comfort with the least expense, you will find Hotel Rexford all right. You will notice the central location of the hotel, its nearness to the Union Station, State House, Court House, theatres, and business houses. In other words it is a part of Beacon Hill. Of course what you want when you visit Boston is comfort and safety, and, if economy goes with it, that makes a combination that will undoubtedly prove satisfactory. Therefore, when in town, "TRY THE REXFORD" and we will make special efforts to please you.



this: That there is a normal function of the sex nature, normal only in permanent companionship of marriage-a blending of two opposite and complimentary streams of life, from which the life of each is vivified, and from which, as an incident, new life is developed. No greater error is being taught on the sex question than the doctrine that the sex function is solely for procreation, and all else is perversion. That belief, and the unwillingness of nature to abide by it, is, I think, the real cause of the preposterous false modesty which keeps the question of sex from receiving the frank discussion it deserves. Think of it: The way whereby all men and angels first came into being, a subject not proper for study and polite conversation!-Ex.

A Case of Leprosy.

In a letter dated January 21, 1908, Dr. Paulus A. Irving, Secretary State Board of Health of Virginia, stated that there was discovered in Sussex County a patient suspected of having leprosy. He requested that an officer be detailed to aid in making the diagnosis, and, if it was found to be a case of leprosy, to advise as to the disposition of the


In accordance with this request, Passed Assistant Surgeon G. W. McCoy was detailed THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

to visit Sussex County, Virginia, stopping en route at Richmond to confer with Dr. Irving and obtain data as to the history and probable origin of the patient. As a result of this investigation, Dr. McCoy rendered a report, which states as follows:

"On January 31 I visited the case in company with Dr. Crawford, the County Health Officer of Sussex County. The case in question is that of a woman, Lena Leake, aged 45 years, born near Libau, Russia. The woman came to this country about nineteen years ago, living in Philadelphia until four years ago, when she moved to Virginia. She has seven children living, the youngest being three months old. The five younger children were seen and examined; all are in good health.

"The woman says she first noticed an eruption of ring-like formation of her legs seventeen years ago, since which time new spots have appeared and the lesions have gradually spread until now they are found generally distributed over the body except on the scalp and front of chest and abdomen.

"The areas are anesthetic and without sense of temperature; sense of touch is generally preserved. The areas vary in size from that of a split pea to some as large as the palm of the hand. There is a suggestion of beginning nodular lesions on the forehead., There is no atrophy of the muscles. There is a large ulcer on the sole of the right foot. The woman's general health is good.

"The case is, in my opinion, undoubtedly one of leprosy of the anesthetic variety."

It was impracticable for the bureau to advise as to the disposition of the case, as there is no provision in law for the care of those afflicted with this disease. The discovery of this case and the lack of adequate facilities for her care again emphasize the necessity of a national leper home.

Find enclosed one dollar for renewal of my subscription for another year to The Columbus Medical Journal. I do not want to miss a single copy, for I think a great deal of the magazine. Mrs. Ada U. Bowman, Garnett. Kansas. R. D. No. 3.



It is fully and clearly explained both from a theoretical and practical standpoint, in "Modern Physio-therapy" by Dr. Juettner. Equivalent to regular course because it tells you just what to do, when to do it and why. Methods are scientific and exact. This work also covers the other natural methods which have stood the most severe practical tests. You get certainties-not doubtful theory. One man ordered six copies to give to professional friends.

If you want to learn a profession this book paves the way. You don't have to go thru the costly school of experience but master the methods which have been demonstrated exact. Practitioners of all natural methods should own it, because they are told the best methods to use in a particular case, and are given specific instructions for their application. Nothing like it in print. Send stamp for descriptive circular and

special price. 1. W. LONG, No. 24, LONDON, O.


Bound Volumes of

The Columbus Medical Journal


[merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][graphic]

We will be able to supply a few bound volumes of the 1908 Volume 32, Columbus Medical Journal which contains over seven hundred and fifty original articles written for the home.

This volume is bound in silk cloth and should be of great value to old readers of Medical Talk who desire to keep their library complete and intact as to Dr. Carr's writings. The index shows the wonderful scope of our Journal, and the volume will be a most useful thing in your home. It will be a constant mine of information for you, and you will refer to it as long as you live.

There is no living person who cannot find something of interest in its pages. The volume will be sent by mail or express prepaid for $2.25.

If you will send us ten new annual subscribers to the Columbus Medical Journal at full rates, we will send you the volume free. The subscribers must be NEW and not renewals or changes from one member of the family to another.

Columbus Medical Journal

Columbus, Ohio.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.



The Values of Electro-Life

I retire at 9 o'clock and rise at 5:30, and I sleep good until about 3 o'clock in the morning, and then I lie awake., Can you offer any suggestions to overcome this?C. D., S. D.

Answer: A good way to break up the habit of waking in the night and lying awake, is to get up immediately as soon as you awake and spend the rest of the night reading or doing something else about the house. The next night you will sleep a little longer and probably you will break up the habit altogether. At least others have done so.

Unpoised Lives.

The life of the criminal is simply an unpoised life. If a person were perfectly poised, wrong-doing would be so repugnant that it would be unthinkable.

It is the one-sided, the unpoised mind that goes wrong. It is just as normal for the balanced mind to choose the right, the good, as for the magnet to draw to itself whatever is kindred.

Just as the needle in the mariner's compass always points to the north star, no matter how thick the fog or how the tempest rages, there is a needle within every human being which always points to the north star of rectitude, of right, of truth, no matter what storms of discord, of weakness or of crime


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We Cure People suffering from
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WILD-BERRIES-These Are The Things.

For every form of stomach trouble. If you have dyspepsia, indigestion, heavy feeling after eating, bad taste in the mouth, or bad breath, a Wild-Berry will relieve you. Keep them with you and eat one or two berries when you need them. You will find them the best thing you ever had. WILD-BERRIES cleanse the mucous membranes of mouth, throat, stomach and intestines. They put the whole digestive tract in an active, healthy condition.

A manufacturing man writes: "Wild-Berries are the best thing I ever had for stomach trouble. I keep them with me all the time. I like them and their effect is very pleasant."

A well-known singer writes: "I could not do without Wild-Berries; they keep my throat in perfect condition and my voice clear. Enclosed find money order for half dozen boxes."

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A business woman writes: "I find Wild-Berries excellent for train sickness and for headache which is so often caused from riding on the train. They put the stomach in splendid condition."

Wild-Berries are a mountain berry preserved and prepared with a powdered vegetable root. Guaranteed pure and harmless. Put up in 10 and 25 cent boxes. THE WILD-BERRY CO., Dept. 2, 374 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Ill.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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This little medical booklet contains 24 articles of interest to mothers and fathers. It is a collection of articles on common topics of interest to every home. Several of the articles teach valuable lessons on foods and eating. The scope of the articles is so varied that it is impossible to convey an idea of the real value of the information in this short review.

TWELVE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC.....postpaid 50c This booklet comprises a series of articles on solar biology, which undertake to bring to the reader in simple language the claims of modern astrology. While they eliminate much of the superstition included under the term astrology, yet they present a broad basis for ascertaining the mental characteristics of the individual, based on the date of birth. The book is more than the equal of any work on so-called astrology selling for $1.00. No specious theories are advanced therein and every statement has been tested and is believed to be as near the truth as it is possible to place this sublime science. LESSONS ON DIGESTION............postpaid 12c

This little booklet is worth its weight in gold to persons who have awakened to the fact that in order to have good health they must give attention to their diet and treat their stomachs with as much consideration as they do their eyes or their minds. It is as necessary to have proper food for the stomach as it is to have proper food for the mind. There are five chapters in the booklet which cover the subject of digestion completely and the articles are valuable to either the sick or the well.

PLAIN TALKS TO YOUNG MEN.......postpaid 12c

It is not necessary for us to enter into a detailed description of this booklet, but we simply say that the Doctor takes the young man into his confidence and tells him what every parent should tell his son in early youth. It dispels all the superstitions on the subject that have gained currency, and brings good cheer to the young man who has been scared to death by quack doctors. Any parent may safely place this booklet in the hands of his boy and will agree with us upon reading the same that the author has done a great work tor mankind in preparing it. MOTHER'S HOME REMEDIES........postpaid 25c

This booklet is a collection of the remedies and prescriptions published in Volume 32 of The Columbus Medical Journal, and in almost every case the remedy has been found valuable in the home treatment of disease. Almost all of the remedies have been given to the world by non-medical people who have tried them in their homes and found them valuable, as well as simple. The prescriptions given therein are written in plain language and can filled for a few cents by any druggist. While some of the remedies are old stand-bys and have had years of use, still others have never been published before; and this booklet will be found exceedingly interesting to any mother who cares for the health of her family and who does not call in a doctor for every little ache or pain.


The Columbus Medical Journal sent one year and any four of above booklets for $1.50 cash with order


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They have prohibited tea, coffee and chocolate on the ground that they are unhealthful, and now attack milk. Good, healthful milk, they maintain, does not exist, for if the cow from which it is drawn is not tuberculous, the hands of the milkmaid are full of bacteria, which find their way into the milk.

The mouths of cows are declared to be veritable hotbeds of microbes, and should be rendered harmless by cleaning the teeth of the animals with tooth brushes. Many French women of the faddist type refuse to eat fruit unless it has been washed in sterilized water, and even toilet water must be boiled two or three times if it is to be considered safe. Cafe servants are urged to wear gloves which are boiled after each meal and dried by hot airof which commodity the hygienists presumably have a considerable quantity on hand, and are willing to dispose of it at reasonable ratesto avoid all risk of contamination for the guests. Their hands, after washing with soap and boiled water, are to be cleansed in alcohol.

It is a remarkable fact that in spite of all our hygienic measures-perhaps because of them-we are physically inferior to our earlier ancestors, who knew nothing of bacteria and of sterilization, and whose minds, though not encompassing as much miscellaneous knowledge as ours, were not weakened by the fear of finding death in every article of food and drink. What we need to-day is a reaction against the debilitating influence of the notoriety seeking ultra-hygienists.

Enclosed find one dollar for one year's subscription to The Columbus Medical Journal. I like it very much. Had been looking for something of the kind for years, but find in the Medical Journal just what I want.-F. R. GARRIGUES, Freemans, R. D. 4, Massillon, Ohio.

The Poison Label in Russia.

Since the Russian Government enacted the law requiring the poison label to be attached to all containers of Vodka (a strong alcoholic beverage), numerous cases of accidental poisoning have been reported from various parts of the Empire. There is a large population of illiterates in Russia, and with them the poison label appearing on Vodka bottles has come to stand for Vodka. As a result many bottles of really poisonous mixtures are being drunk by these people under the impres sion that any bottle bearing the poison label contains Vodka. This emphasizes the danger of making the poison label too common, for while we have few illiterate adults, we have many children, and to them the poison label now means a sign of real danger.

The attempt to impose the poison label upon drugs, medicines and household remedies, which have been freely and harmlessly taken for years, cannot be too severely condemned. When the poison label appears too often, and on nearly everything, children as well a3 THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Dr. Hull's Book on Magnetic Healing

adults will become careless of poison labels, because the word poison and the skull and cross-bones will lose their terror, and bottles and boxes of really poisonous drugs will be carelessly left with bottles of harmless remedies, because all are labeled alike. The danger to the public, and to children particularly, of this confusion cannot be overestimated.-The New England Druggist.

Recuperation of Nerve Centers.

Query: When the body recuperates during a good night's sleep, and gains what it has lost during the day, a person awakens refreshed. But in case a person is wakeful most of the night, but has his mind and body relaxed, no worry at all, is the repairing process impaired, or the wakeful state responsible for not doing the work like in a good night's sleep, or will it make any difference?-J. N., N. Dakota.

Answer: In sound sleep the nervous system is greatly replenished because the mental life is entirely suspended. This leaves the powers of the body with nothing but the organic life to maintain. Most of the machinery of the body is stopped, so that the nerve centers It is like a have a chance to recuperate.


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Author's Statement Magnetism is the sure remedy for ordinary chronic diseases. Other modes of treatment, such as osteopathy, neuropathy, etc., cure many, but it takes them more than double the time, and osteopathy, especially, is painful.

Magnetism is painless and speedy, seldom requiring more than two weeks for the most obstinate


Rheumatism, stomach and bowel troubles, and all nervous diseases yield to it.

It renders the surgeon's knife unnecessary and
useless in female troubles, and gives to females a
new life and a new interest in life.
Sent with Columbus Medical Journal One Year for
$1.20 Cash with Order. Address

great machine shop that is run by electric Columbus Medical Journal,
dynamos. The dynamos are allowed to rest
if most of the machinery is shut off during
the night. This is what happens through
sleep, and if the sleep is imperfect, it is the
same as if the part of the machinery is kept
running day and night.

Johns Hopkins Hospital.

If any one wishes to keep informed as to the actual accomplishments of modern surgery, he ought to take the Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins University, published at Baltimore. The price is 25c each number.

In the first place, Johns Hopkins University is one of the best Universities in the world. The medical department is under the care of a wise and conservative management. While of course there are a great many things done in the line of surgery which will not stand the test of time, and a great many experiments performed that will lead to nothing. yet on the whole it is one of the most useful hospitals in this country in the development of the surgeon's art. One article in the April number, on recent methods of reuniting blood vessels after they have been cut, and re-estab


We have a set of 50 post cards in three colors from photographs of the most interesting scenes of a trip around the world. No two of them are alike. They simply cannot be excelled as an addition to your album and we offer them at 30c. a set postpaid. They would cost you 75c. if bought of your local dealer. Quite suitable to send to your friends. Reference: This Journal.

THE AMERICAN CO., A. I. U. Temple, Columbus, 0.

In writing to advertisers, please mention

Columbus, Ohie

lishing normal circulation, ought to be worth to any student in surgery a great many times the price of the journal.

A Suggested Despotism.

A society of Chicago physicians has been discussing a phase of human life, a problem that Cain presented to Abel when he slew his brother, and these Chicago doctors tolerate the doctrine that "culls" or "scalawags" of the human race should be haled before the courts, "scientifically investigated, and, if found unworthy, colonized and allowed to die off."

And now it is proposed to haul us all up before a board of doctors to find out whether we Can anybody are "culls" or the real stuff. imagine a despotism comparable with it? Certainly there is no despotism of which authentic history gives account that any free man would not prefer to a board of Chicago doctors with the power to pronounce him leper and unfit for human association.-The Washington Post, March 6th.

No Mail on Bad Roads.

In order to secure good roads on the routes over which rural carriers deliver mail, Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Degraw has issued a new regulation that mail will not be delivered on roads which are not kept in good condition. Some time ago the fourth assistant postmaster issued an order requiring postmasters at rural delivery offices to report to the department the number of miles of road covTHE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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