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Miss Wiggins, consented to have some of their epidermis removed for the sake of their friend. The skin grafting proved successful, but the arm, Miss Wiggins maintains, remained stiff and helpless. The court took the case under advisement.

I expect to take The Columbus Medica. Journal as long as I am able.-Chas. S. Wa:son, St. Anthony, Idaho.

The New Prescription.

By Mrs. H. L. Monty, North McGregor, Iowa. Mrs. Dodds walked slowly into Dr. Parker's office one early spring morning, and wearily sat down in the chair he gave her.

"Good morning," he said, then for as much as five minutes he aimlessly scribbled on paper, purposely to study her yawns and languor. Mentally he sized the patient up as follows:

"Too much ease-nothing to keep blood in healthy circulation-servants for everything. There's a lot just like her, and they all rush for prescriptions." To kill time he carefully folded the paper on which he had scribbled. then walked over and threw it in the waste basket. Then he turned to his patient.

"Mrs. Dodds, I've got such a homesick streak on me this morning to see once again the oldfashioned flowers, such as mother and grand

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A Gas Mantle that Will Not Break

mother used to fill the front dooryard with. Oh, to see beds and rows of those old flowersmarigolds, bachelor buttons, poppies, balsams, etc., would be almost heaven itself. I'm tired of all these new-fangled things that die with the change of the moon. Those old flowers I'm homesick for live till the first snow comes. I wish why, Mrs. Dodds, haven't you a tiny space on your flower garden you could possibly spare?"

"We have, if it would be of any use to you," she answered.

They talked old-fashioned flowers for half an hour, and the result was that on her way home she stopped at a store and bought seeds for old-fashioned flowers.

The next morning she was up early, directing the gardener where to spade her flower beds. When her husband arrived on the scene an hour later, he found her wearing thicksoled shoes, a long dark apron and a sun hat, and she was down on her knees planting seeds.

"Feeling better, Mary?" he asked. "What prescription did Dr. Parker give, and did he think your ailment serious?"

"Honest, John, I never thought of the prescription from the minute I went in his office until you spoke of it. We just talked about old-fashioned flowers all the time I was there. He had a homesick streak for them, such as his mother used to grow, and when he asked me if I couldn't spare a tiny space and grow


To Drugless Healers and All Those Interested in the Drugless Methods. We have been fortunate in procuring a number of copies of "Neurology, A Drugless System of Healing." by Dr. A. P. Davis, and while they last will offer at an exceedingly low price with the Columbus Medical Journal. The great demand is a book which explains in clear language how to apply the Natural Methods and this has been supplied by Dr. Davis. He has had 40 years' practical experience; has taken the regular course in nearly every school of natural healing of any repute. He knows what is good in each system and this is what he gives in Neurology.

This book deals in absolute certainties-proven problems, unknown to the profession as well as to the masses. The methods shown are proven propositions, not guess work, but mathematically correct. Disease is treated as a condition and you are shown how to remove the conditions causing disease.

Dr. Davis says: "Magnetism has cured and will cure the most hopeless cases at times, but it cannot reduce a dislocation. This must be done by the methods of Chiropractors or Osteopaths." He tells when to use each system

and how to use it.

You are shown how to apply Neuropathy, Chiropractic and a few Osteopathic moves, Magnetism, Suggestive Therapeutics, etc. The original ideas of the author are worth the price of the book. There is not a curable disease, either mental or physical, which will not readily yield under a well directed application of the methods advocated in this book. It is invaluable. When you own this book you will possess a system of scientific drugless healing which surrounds and discounts all other books of its kind and class. Bound in Half Morocco. Price $5.00, but while they last we will send Neurology, by Dr. Davis, and the Columbus Medical Journal one year for only $3.95.

Send your order at once, for the stock is limited.

Columbus Medical Journal


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some, and take care of them myself, I agreed to. He wants me to bring two bouquets a week to his office when they bloom."

When the flowers were in bloom, Mr. Dodds remarked one evening. "It is wonderful, Mary, how many women here have taken to raising these old-fashioned flowers, and taking them to Dr. Parker. I was up to his office last evening, and in the room off his office were twelve huge bouquets of old-fashioned flowers. He saw me looking at them, and with a hearty laugh he said: "Just a new order of prescriptions, Dodds. How's your wife's health?"

Mrs. Dodds looked at her husband for a minute, then peal after peal of laughter rang through the room. "I guess I didn't need a prescription, just more stirring around, and Dr. Parker knew it. I've felt so well lately that when the cook asked for a vacation, I let her have it, and I've been doing the cooking,


We have a set of 50 post cards in three colors from photographs of the most interesting scenes of a trip around the world. No two of them are alike. They simply cannot be excelled as an addition to your album and we offer them at 30c. a set postpaid. They would cost you 75c. if bought of your local dealer. Quite suitable to send to your friends. Reference: This Journal.


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just as I used to before-well, before we got so awfully rich I thought it a disgrace to work."

Children's Diseases.

By Mrs. P. Petty, Montrose, Ill. Here is what I copied from the Saturday Evening Post of April 24, 1909, according to U. S. statistics:

"The Herods of Our Day," by Woods Hutchinson, A. M. and M. D. In part he said:

The "little" diseases of childhood-such as measles, whooping-cough, mumps and chickenpox-which we dub as non-important and almost absolutely inevitable, ruin or kill mor children than we are aware of. Also that they are genuine members of that class of pathologic poison snakes-the germ infections --that when they bite they bite to kill; that two out of five do kill.

And he said, according to census statistics, measles cause yearly nearly 13,000 deaths, as against smallpox, which causes so few deaths as to be left out of the count of important causes of death, while scarlet fever causes 6,333, as compared with appendicitis, with barely 5,000, and the same number with rheumatism.

Whooping cough causes 9,958 deaths, which is more than double the mortality from diabetes and nearly equal to that of malarial fever, to say nothing of those maimed for life who survive childhood diseases.

I enjoy reading your Journal very much and look forward to its coming every month.Mrs. Thos. McBain, Box 100, Napa, California.

Emmanuel Treatment.

Query: What do you think of the Emmanuel treatment? I have been advised to try it. -O. S., Mich.

Answer: As to the Emmanuel treatment, I believe in it, and always have. If religion is worth anything at all, it is good for the whole being, the body, the mind and the soul. Your physical troubles are just as properly the subject of prayer as your spiritual troubles. To believe that God is able to save you from sickness as well as from sin is perfectly logical, but God cannot save you from sickness nor sin without your making an effort yourself. Do all you can do willingly and conscientiously, and God will do the rest. This is just as true of sickness as it is of sin. The Emmanuel healers cannot tell you any more than this.

A Christian Doctor.

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, January 25. To live as Jesus would is the course that Dr. and Mrs. Claude Wolcott, of Higgins, Texas, who have come to San Antonio to make their future home, have outlined for themselves. Dr. Wolcott, who is a practicing physi


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ASSOCIATION offers a course of Bible Lessons free. Applicants are requested to canvas for our Books and Periodicals on commission. For further information address with stamp, The International Missionary Association, Miami, Fla., U. S. A.


WANTED: PHYSICIANS FOR DETAIL WORK. to represent a company which manufactures several pharmaceutical products of character, and prescribed by physicians throughout the United States. Address P. O. Box 996, New York City.

NATURE'S SIMPLE FOOD RESTORATIVES. (NO drugs) cures constipation and piles. Write J. J. Calkins, Jackson, Mich., enclosing stamp for reply. 10-9 CLAIRVOYANCE FREE. TO KNOW YOUR DISease send now Symptom, Lock of your hair. two stamps, and full name, to Dr. Hinkly, X3, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 11-9

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Expert Medical Scientists Announce Startling Results Obtained by Senpine.

NEW YORK:-Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made by The Woodworth Co., 1161 Broadway, New York City, requesting an experimental package of Senpine, the great discovery for Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, and Catarrh, which is mailed free of charge to all who write for it. It is curing thousands of the most stubborn cases. It makes no difference how long you have been suffering or how severe the climatic conditions are where you live, Senpine will cure you. If you have experimented with other treatments and have failed to find a cure do not be discouraged but send for a trial of this wonderful truly meritorious remedy which is a scientific compound discovered by a Professor of Vienna University, and is being recommended by thousands.


cian, not quite 40 years old, of stylish dress, says that he is not trying to start a new sect, but that merely he and his wife have come to the conclusion that the only life to live is that taught by the lowly Nazarene in his sermon on the Mount. Dr. Wolcott says that he will continue the practice of medicine, but that he will not charge any fees.

He says that he will not raise the question as to fees and that his patients may pay him what they please. He says that if he is unable to continue to make a living in this manner he will labor in some other way to do so. He will show no discrimination between rich and poor, black and white. Dr. Wolcott says his greatest fear is that he and his wife will be misunderstood; that the people will get the idea that they are trying to start a new sect, or that they are evangelists, or that they have something to sell. Dr. Wolcott was at one time county physician of Hemphill County.

Gall Stones.

Query: Please state in your Journal the cause of gall stones of liver; also best way to relieve the pain during sick spells with them. A. W. R., Calif.

Answer: The cause of gall stones is a thickened condition of the bile. The bile is secreted by the liver, and in its natural state it is a thickish, yellowish-brown fluid, but it is thin THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

enough fluid to flow easily. Sluggish conditions of the liver lead to the thickening of the bile in such a way that little hard masses of bile salts are formed, and these are called gall stones. They sometimes become lodged in the gall bladder and gall ducts so as to necessitate a surgical operation. The best way to prevent them is to avoid conditions that lead to a sluggish liver. Frugal diet, with plenty of fresh and raw vegetables, free use of drinking water, distilled water or limpid spring water is the best. Water loaded with minerals or hard water should not be used.

After the gall stones have begun to form, medical treatment is sometimes necessary. The salts of lithium and some samples of lithia water are excellent. Such cases, however, ought to come under the care of a physician. So much depends upon other physical conditions of the patient.

A Missionary Agent.

I have thought a great many times, if people would take such a journal as The Columbus Medical Journal, especially the old Medical Talk, that I used to edit, go out into the world and tell the people what the Journal aims to do, what it really is, lecturing on the various topics that it advocates, social hygiene being one, that success would follow. I know there is a tremendous demand for literature of that sort. It would be opposed by the orthodox medical fraternity, if not the orthodox preacher. In fact, any set of men who are satisfied with things as they are now, would naturally resent any effort to change them.

Unreasonable Patients.

By W. S. S. Young, M. D., Vallejo, Cal. No one medicine will cure all cases that it is intended for.

People who continue to violate the natural laws will find only temporary relief from their ills by any and all treatments. More failures in medicine are due to the patient than the medicine or physician. Every treatment has its place, and the physician should, without


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It is fully and clearly explained both from a theoretical and practical standpoint, in "Modern Physio-therapy" by Dr. Juettner. Equivalent to regular course because it tells you just what to do, when to do it and why. Methods are scientific and exact. This work also covers the other natural methods which have stood the most severe practical tests. You get certainties--not doubtful theory. One man ordered six copies to give to professional friends.

If you want to learn a profession this book paves the way. You don't have to go thru the costly school of experience but master the methods which have been demonstrated exact. Practitioners of all natural methods should own it, because they are told the best methods to use in a particular case, and are given specific instructions for their application. Nothing like it in print. Send stamp for descriptive circular and special price. I. W. LONG, No. 24, LONDON, O.

Bound Volumes of

The Columbus Medical Journal




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For 1908

We will be able to supply a few bound volumes of the 1908 Volume 32, Columbus Medical Journal which contains over seven hundred and fifty original articles written for the home.

This volume is bound in silk cloth and should be of great value to old readers of Medical Talk who desire to keep their library complete and intact as to Dr. Carr's writings. The index shows the wonderful scope of our Journal, and the volume will be a most useful thing in your home. It will be a constant mine of information for you, and you will refer to it as long as you live.

There is no living person who cannot find something of interest in its pages. The volume will be sent by mail or express prepaid for $2.25.

If you will send us ten new annual subscribers to the Columbus Medical Journal at full rates, we will send you the volume free. The subscribers must be NEW and not renewals or changes from one member of the family to another.

Columbus Medical Journal

Columbus, Ohio.


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