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Healing by Therapeutic Suggestion

prejudice, be able to point out the best treatment to pursue.

All treatments come under the great law of resistance. It is only a matter of starting the cells in action that control the ailment and getting the proper bacteria working for your patient. Any old thing is liable to do it, medicine, Christian Science. Osteopathy, electricity, or anything; this all belongs to the law of resistance.

We have a number of magazines, but can't get along without The Columbus Medical Journal. It is fine. I am with you for success.Nettie Fursdon, 2603 Vestry Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.

Charcoal As A Remedy.

Query: I have always thought that the use of charcoal was beneficial for the stomach, and used it very often, both in powdered and tablet form. Here comes the adviser of the within slip and talks like it was injurious to the system without the use of a purgative. Kindly give me your views regarding same. The clipping reads as follows:

"Charcoal is very effective in clearing the complexion. Mix one teaspoonful of powdered charcoal with water and honey, to be taken for three nights in succession. Then use some simple purgative, such as rhubarb or magnesia, to remove it from the system. Taken in this way the result is the same as if calomel were used, with none of the bad effects of the latter. The purgative must not be omitted, otherwise the charcoal, poisoned by absorption, will remain in the system."

Answer: My opinion is that the article claims altogether too much for the effect of the charcoal. It is all right to take it with honey, and it is a good remedy. There is no need, however, of taking the physic afterwards. The charcoal is absolutely insoluble. It will pass through the alimentary canal without doing any harm whatever. Of course, too much of it taken, say a pound or so, its presence in the stomach and bowels might create some disturbance, but in any reasonable quantities it cannot do the slightest bit of harm. There is no poison possible by charcoal; it will not be absorbed, but if it is absorbed, it will do no harm.



By Psychic Methods. We Cure People suffering from all kinds of diseases by Therapeutic Suggestion alone and without drugs; when they cannot come we reach and cure them at their homes in any part of the world, all by purely Psychic Methods-Mental Telepathy. We correct bad habits in young and old, help people to Business Success, reform Moral Perverts, and restore Insane People to their reason. No matter what your ailment, how serious your case, or what you may have done before, our methods succeed after all others have failed. Booklets fully explaining Suggestion and the Psychic Methods we employ in treating absent patients, Sent free to everybody! All afflicted people should read these Booklets. Send for them now. You will enjoy reading them. Address GEO. H. HAMPSHIRE, M. D., or Mrs. GEO. C. PITZER,


1045 S. Union Ave.

Picric Acid Stains.

Los Angeles, Cal.

Enclosed you will please find one dollar, for which send The Columbus Medical Journal for one year.

We like your Journal very well and especially your stand against vaccination. We have twelve healthy children, seven boys and five girls, ranging in age from five years to twenty-seven years old, and have never had one vaccinated. We have seen enough of the evils of vaccination. My sister came near losing her arm from vaccination. Also one of our neighbor's little girls, a very bright child, died from blood poison caused by vaccination. When will the doctors come to their senses?-MRS. MAGGIE KINZIE, Hoover, Ind.

I was an old subscriber to Medical Talk. Always considered I received full value for my money. Enclosed you will find three dollars to renew my subscription and to pay for two subscriptions for my friends.-Mrs. A. E. Grandy, Delta, Ohio.

Burning Feet.

Query: My feet burn so. I have tried everything I know of without any relief. Could you tell me a good remedy? Mrs. E. T.

Answer: I think a mud bath would be ex

cellent for your feet. You can make it yourself. Get some clay, it makes no matter

WILD-BERRIES These Are The Things.

For every form of stomach trouble. If you have dyspepsia, indigestion, heavy feeling after eating, bad taste in the mouth, or bad breath, a Wild-Berry will relieve you. Keep them with you and eat one or two berries when you need them. You will find them the best thing you ever had. WILD-BERRIES cleanse the mucous membranes of mouth, throat, stomach and intestines. They put the whole digestive tract in an active, healthy condition.

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A business woman writes: "I find Wild-Berries excellent for train sickness and for headache which is so often caused from riding on the train. They put the stomach in splendid condition."

Wild-Berries are a mountain berry preserved and prepared with a powdered vegetable root. Guaranteed pure and harmless. Put up in 10 and 25 cent boxes. THE WILD-BERRY CO., Dept. 2, 374 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Ill.

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This little medical booklet contains 24 articles of interest to mothers and fathers. It is a collection of articles on common topics of interest to every home. Several of the articles teach valuable lessons on foods and eating. The scope of the articles is so varied that it is impossible to convey an idea of the real value of the information in this short review.

TWELVE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC.....postpaid 50c This booklet comprises a series of articles on solar biology, which undertake to bring to the reader in simple language the claims of modern astrology. While they eliminate much of the superstition included under the term astrology, yet they present a broad basis for ascertaining the mental characteristics of the individual, based on the date of birth. The book is more than the equal of any work on so-called astrology selling for $1.00. No specious theories are advanced therein and every statement has been tested and is believed to be as near the truth as it is possible to place this sublime science. LESSONS ON DIGESTION.... ...postpaid 12c

This little booklet is worth its weight in gold to persons who have awakened to the fact that in order to have good health they must give attention to their diet and treat their stomachs with as much consideration as they do their eyes or their minds. It is as necessary to have proper food for the stomach as it is to have proper food for the mind. There are five chapters in the booklet which cover the subject of digestion completely and the articles valuable to either the sick or the well.


PLAIN TALKS TO YOUNG MEN.......postpaid 12c It is not necessary for us to enter into a detailed description of this booklet, but we simply say that the Doctor takes the young man into his confidence and tells him what every parent should tell his son in early youth. It dispels all the superstitions on the subject that have gained currency, and brings good cheer to the young man who has been scared to death by quack doctors. Any parent may safely place this booklet in the hands of his boy and will agree with us upon reading the same that the author has done a great work tor mankind in preparing it. MOTHER'S HOME REMEDIES........postpaid 25c This booklet is a collection of the remedies and prescriptions published in Volume 32 of The Columbus Medical Journal, and in almost every case the remedy has been found valuable in the home treatment of disease. Almost all of the remedies have been given to the world by non-medical people who have tried them in their homes and found them valuable, as well as simple. The prescriptions given therein are written in plain language and can be filled for a few cents by any druggist. While some of the remedies are old stand-bys and have had years of use, still others have never been published before; and this booklet will be found exceedingly interesting to any mother who cares for the health of her family and who does not call in a doctor for every little ache or pain.

The Columbus Medical Journal sent one year and any four of above booklets_for $1.50 cash with order


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whether it is white or blue clay. Dry and pulverize it. It had better be dried in the oven. Remove all the little impurities that it may contain and sift it in water until you have made a thin mud of it. This you can keep in a bucket. Dip the feet into the mud for ten minutes, then take them out and rinse. Two treatments a day at first. You can gradually increase the time of keeping the feet in the bath.

Typhoid Fever.


Each case deserves a single nurse. The best nurse is one with training in her work, and of these the one who knows the method of treatment and its capabilities. A "trained" nurse, a synonym of expense and worry, unfortunately to some of the laity, is not necessity. In the case of a child, the best nurse, if her he 1'h allow, is its mother, a sister or some one of her family. An adult male or female of moderate intelligence, some aptitude and fair perseverance does very well, if the medicul attendant give the proper instructions and is sure to supervise the execution thereof.

The home treatment is superior to the hospital treatment in most particulars. The most powerful argument, and the final one, is the greater mortality in institutions. At home the subject has no sense of isolation or neglect. No longing for his family, more constant nursing, ready redress for complaints. No dangers from the transportation of his sick body. He feels security and protection, a greater hope of recovery. He responds more quickly to treatment. In fine, he receives at home the earliest diagnosis and its proper application.-Ex.

A Remedy For Felon.

By Dr. L. H. Worthington, Montrose,

Take the marrow of a beef's backbone; you can get it at any butcher shop. Cut a piece two inches long and split it open with a small knife and apply the inside to the finger or part affected, being careful to press it gently down until the air is excluded as much as possible. The philosophy of the cure is, the finger taints or rots the marrow, and this process of decomposition absorbs all the fever in the finger.

Change the application every four or five hours. By the time you have used three or four applications, all fever and pain is gone, and often the first application is sufficient to effect a cure. I learned this from an old hunter, and have cured more than forty felons, and the number of ordinary boils, I could not remember.

Nutrient Injections.

It is sometimes necessary to use nourishing injections. Various organic diseases of the stomach, make it impossible to nourish the


Professor Weltmer's Telepathy Class


The Only Practical Course in Telepathy Ever Attempted


To All Who Unselfishly Love Their Fellowmen



TELEPATHY MEANS-the transmission of thought direct from one mind to another. Is it unreasonable to think that the Mind of Man, which has evolved and, by the use of great blunt fingers, builded the delicate Wireless Telegraph Machine, which transmits thoughts through space, is able to transmit thoughts directly without the use of a machine of any kind? We have been interested in Telepathy many years, and have come to the point in our experimentations where we are ready to undertake to make a world-wide application of it in many ways, and at the same time gather the materials from which to formulate laws for the widest possible application of this wonderful natural force.


Each Thursday evening, Prof. S. A. Weltmer will send out a message by Telepathy to all who become receivers by joining the Telepathy Class.

The message will be sent between 9:00 and 9:30 p. m., central time.

We furnish all members with the complete instructions, comprising a Course in Telepathy without charge. To safe-guard the experiments from any chance of fraud, intentionally or innocently, each Thursday evening a different committee of three of the subscribers in attendance at the Weltmer Institute will select a message and present it to Prof. S. A. Weltmer at the exact time that he is to begin sending it. Then the Committee make affidavit that no one (including S. A. Weltmer) has seen or been informed of the message until it is handed to S. A. Weltmer, who is to send it.

Then the receivers who have been receptive (by following the instructions we furnish free) at the same time Prof. Weltmer is sending the message, make a report of what they receive (on a blank furnished by us for the purpose) and mail this report to us, where they are carefully assorted, numbered and filed.

Only reports bearing a post-mark of the Friday following the Thursday evening experiment, are counted, thus guarding against intentional or innocent deception. This makes fraud impossible and gives the resulting conclusions a full scientific value.


We furnish all instructions FREE-we admit all members to honorary membership in the "Concentration Course," which now has 8,800 members in all parts of the world, and on receiving the report of the Thursday Evening Trial for the message, we print the four last correct messages and a lesson analyzing the reports of receivers and telling of Health and Success benefits, in each issue of NEW THOUGHT.

All receivers are benefited through Concentration and the Mental Exercises, and many are learning of psychic matters, and developing physically to a wonderful degree. Hundreds have reported themselves healed of disease and poverty.

We invite you to join us-and will send application blanks for as many of your friends as may wish to join with you, to form a club for home study and experimentation. You can help us formulate the Science of Telepathy and we can help you in Psychic Research and Health and Success.

Sign the coupon below and get the first of the lessons for study.

In these classes there are now already enrolled more than 2,500 people, new applications are coming in continually, and there are 8,800 in the former classes. many of whom will re-enroll immediately on reading this advertisement, so in view of the fact that this class will be limited to only 5,000 members, you must decide quickly. Membership and the Lessons may be obtained only

in one way. They are free to all subscribers of NEW THOUGHT, or any sick friend who needs the Health benefits.

Do not write us a letter of inquiry about the Telepathy and Concentration Classes, but send in the coupon below, and MAIL AT ONCE. If you are a subscriber to New Thought, please say so; if not, send $1.00 for subscription one year in advance.

There will be only 5,000 complete Courses of Lessons printed; the first applicants will get these, and others must wait until 5,000 more members have been enrolled before further Lessons will be printed and distributed.

There is no better magazine than NEW THOUGHT; it is worth your dollar; and the Telepathy and Success Lessons, aside from the time and attention we will give you as a member of this class, will be worth many dollars to you before the end of the six months, as the lessons are printed on the back sides of a 52-page 9x12 Telepathy Calendar. This Calendar includes six months. There are famous Axioms, Health, Success and Harmony thoughts for each day, and a blank for you to fill in your best thoughts for the day,

These 180 Aphorisms are the very germs of the seeds sown by the books of the greatest Authors. Each one expresses many pages and many years of the author's work, in tabloid form, and the Lessons printed on the back pages will make a book of 200 pages and later will be printed in a book and sold for $1.50 or more. Do it now.


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Cut this out and mail today.

To NEW THOUGHT PUBLISHING CO., of Chicago. For Ernest Weltmer, Telepathy Editor, Nevada, Mo. GENTLEMEN:-I ask that you enroll my name as a regular member of your Telepathy Class, for receiving messages at 6 p. m. each Thursday evening, and the Concentration Class, in which each member, through the CONCENTRATION COURSE, which you furnish, gives every other member his sustaining thought, to attract HEALTH and SUCCESS.

I promise faithfully to observe directions and try for each Thursday evening message, and to report on blanks furnished by you for that purpose. I will avoid thinking such things as would place me out of harmony or interfere with my success or that of any other member. It is understood that I am not to be asked for any fees or dues and that I do not obligate myself further than herein specified. Yours truly,

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And now

Ants and Typhoid.

one more insect has been added to the list of disease carriers. An investigator by the name of Meyer thinks he has discovered that the common ant carries typhoid fever germs. The reasons he gives are very fantastic. He had some mice in a cage. Some ants had access to the cage, also. The mice got typhoid. He thinks the mice caught it from the ants. He says not only the mice were infected, but he also became affected, as he determined by examination of his own secretions.

No doubt all of this was very serious and real to the learned professor, but it reads like a case of hysteria pure and simple. Of course


one wants ants crawling around. or mice either, but the idea that they bring typhoid fever is all fudge. To convert all the crawling things into bugaboos is poor work.

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A Surgeon's Mistake.

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 22.-A pair of surgeon's forceps, accidentally sewed up in her abdomen after an operation eleven years ago, caused the death of Miss Mary G. Donovan, of this city, on Wednesday. The operation in which the unfortunate mistake occurred was performed by a surgeon of high repute, who has since died. The facts were suspected only a few days ago, following an X-ray examination.

Miss Donovan was operated on at the University Hospital immediately, but it had been too long delayed and death followed a few hours later.

It was stated by the young woman's brother to-day that the operation eleven years ago was at first believed to have been a success. Afterward strange symptoms developed, and since that time Miss Donovan's life has been one long search for the cause of her illness.

Dear Doctor Carr:

Enclosed please find money order for one dollar in payment for The Columbus Medical Journal for 1909.

With gratitude for the help the Journal has been to me and with best wishes for its continued success. I am sincerely, B. E. Westcott, 222 N. Fifth St., Mt. Vernon, Illinois.



If so, please fill out the following blank with list of names and addresses and send to us. We prefer names of mature people, who are in

terested in our work.

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The Columbus Medical Journal



Consumption Germs.

By Mrs. Lillie Goodrich, 133 Laurel Avenue,
Binghamton, N. Y.

When I was a girl of sixteen or seventeen a lady in our place had consumption, and when she got so low she could not speak out loud any more they employed me to wait on her and sleep on the couch by her bed, so she could touch me if she wanted anything in the night.

Now, why is it, if you can tell me, that I did not get a germ and die? Or did they have the consumption different those days than


Social Hygiene.

With the kingdom alive within us we will find "dry rot" nowhere, nor will opposition discourage us.

Do not make a plan and then attempt to coerce the people to become subject to that plan. Follow the leadings of the spirit within Make every conversation you. a message, every contact with men true missionary work. The average man looks upon social hygiene as stirring up a subject about which the least said the better. I do not coincide with this opinion, but I know it to be the opinion of the majority of people, especially people who imagine they have religion. Frankness, out

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spoken candor, speaking the truth without fear of consequences, is unknown to such people, and they will not receive with enthusiasm any attempt to bring such subjects into public discussion.

For fifteen years I have been trying to get the city authorities here, with whom I have been acquainted all these years, to introduce some practical plan to check the spread of venereal diseases. It would be the easiest thing in the world. It is absolutely feasible. The damage from venereal diseases can hardly be over-estimated, and yet these men won't act in the matter. It has always been that way, they say, and they have no faith in trying to introduce any revolutionary measures. Yet I have not lost my patience. Nor do I allow it to trouble me. I deliver my message wherever and whenever I can. Having delivered it, I turn the consequences over to Providence, knowing that in his own good time, and in his own way, it will bear fruit.


Urticaria is sometimes called hives, also nettle rash. It appears suddenly and looks like bee stings or nettle stings. Hard, round, sometimes oval, pinkish white color, white in center, often surrounded by a red ring. Itches terribly, especially at night. Scratching the places brings out lumps. The whole thing THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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