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Doctor Langworthy's Chiropractic School

up and die of old age about twenty years in advance of their natural longevity.

I wish to unqualifiedly commend this school to the readers of The Columbus Medical Journal. Write and get some of their literature and see what they are proposing to do. Address School of Surgical Chiropody, No. 1160 Broadway, New York City, N. Y.

Removing Odors.

Burning coffee in a room filled with the odor of creosote will remove the odor.

Clothes that have been filled with the odor of iodoform can be renovated by rinsing them in tar water.

To remove the odor of iodoform from the hands, wash them in a solution of linseed meal.

The best way to get rid of iodoform is not to use it at all. It is miserable stuff. It simply makes a disagreeable odor, and that is about all it does do.

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..postpaid 15c

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This little medical booklet contains 24 articles of interest to mothers and fathers. It is a collection of articles on common topics of interest to every home. Several of the articles teach valuable lessons on foods and eating. The scope of the articles is so varied that it is impossible to convey an idea of the real value of the information in this short review. TWELVE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC.....postpaid 50c

This booklet comprises a series of articles on solar biology, which undertake to bring to the reader in simple language the claims of modern astrology. While they eliminate much of the superstition included under the term astrology, yet they present a broad basis for ascertaining the mental characteristics of the individual, based on the date of birth. The book is more than the equal of any work on so-called astrology selling for $1.00. No specious theories are advanced therein and every statement has been tested and is believed to be as near the truth as it is possible to place this sublime science. LESSONS ON DIGESTION............postpaid 12c

This little booklet is worth its weight in gold to persons who have awakened to the fact that in order to have good health they must give attention to their diet and treat their stomachs with as much consideration as they do their eyes or their minds. It is as necessary to have proper food for the stomach as it is to have proper food for the mind. There are five chapters in the booklet which cover the subject of digestion completely and the articles are valuable to either the sick or the well. PLAIN TALKS TO YOUNG MEN.......postpaid 12c

It is not necessary for us to enter into a detailed description of this booklet, but we simply say that the Doctor takes the young man into his confidence and tells him what every parent should tell his son in early youth. It dispels all the superstitions on the subject that have gained currency, and brings good cheer to the young man who has been scared to death by quack doctors. Any parent may safely place this booklet in the hands of his boy and will agree with us upon reading the same that the author has done a great work tor mankind in preparing it. MOTHER'S HOME REMEDIES........postpaid 25c

This booklet is a collection of the remedies and prescriptions published in Volume 32 of The Columbus Medical Journal, and in almost every case the remedy has been found valuable in the home treatment of disease. Almost all of the remedies have been given to the world by non-medical people who have tried them in their homes and found them valuable, as well as simple. The prescriptions given therein are written in plain language and can be filled for a few cents by any druggist. While some of the remedies are old stand-bys and have had years of use, still others have never been published before; and this booklet will be found exceedingly interesting to any mother who cares for the health of her family and who does not call in a doctor for every little ache or pain.

The Columbus Medical Journal sent one year and any four of above booklets for $1.50 cash with order






Nothing will take the place of material food if you want to keep the material body in repair. The Creator gives the normal animal intelligence enough to feed itself and expects it to use it; otherwise the body will be destroyed. When you come to consider necessary foods, Rohe, in Textbook of Hygiene, gives: (1) Water; (2) Salts; (3) Proteids; (4) Fats or carbohydrates. Currier, in Practical Hygiene, gives: (1) Water; (2) Salts; (3) Albumins; (4 Fats and oils; (5) Starch and sugars. Doctor Henry Reed Hopkins, President of the Medical Society of New York, in an article on the Mineral Nutrients. says that Air is the most important food, Water the next in importance, and Salts the third, the three constituting Class One. The reason is plain; A person can live but a few seconds without air, a few hours without water, and a few days without the mineral nutrients. A person will die in less time when fed on food from which the salts have been largely extracted than when given no food at all.

The absence of the mineral nutrients in part, so that the necessary proportions in the animal body are disturbed, causes disease, and that kind of disease which only the restoration of the equilibrium will cure. Nature cannot heal because her supplies are wrong. She will cure as soon as she gets the needed supplies in sable form.

The Ensign Remedies are composed of mineral nutrients in usable form. Taken into the body they are readily assimilated, and are used promptly in the restoration of wasted tissues. They are foods, and the most important of all foods, where there are diseased conditions. Remember, if you have tried tissue remedies and failed to secure desired results, that the Ensign Remedies are different from all others. Other manufacturers use twelve tissue remedies on.y, and are therefore greatly limited. We use over eighty different forms of salts, and all are needed in the living animal body. We cure all forms of disease, and are not limited to a few chronic ailments. What we tell you we know from experience in thousands of cases, and are neither guessing or theorizing. If you want to know more about the Remedies write us today for our literature. We cure all diseases. There are incurable cases, where the body has been so destroyed that it cannot be repaired-but these are comparatively few. Write us for booklets on General Diseases, Private Diseases, Women's Diseases, Varicose Veins and Varicocele. They are free to all.


Department A,

Canadian Office, Windsor, Ont.


American Woman's League.

By Katherine C. Haills, Clinton, Miss. I shall be glad to hear from any interested in the "American Woman's League." Was canvassing for membership, when illness put a quietus upon my work, and as I fear the limit will be reached before mine is completed, I would deeply appreciate the kindness if those ordering any magazine (I have the general agency) or literature would do so through me, and when I can resume canvassing will return all help as given. My greatest object in joining the League is to take its course of journalism-literature. Can we not get up a club of literary students through the kindly medium of Dr. Carr's (and our's) "The Columbus?"

Irritable Bladder.

Query: I have a desire to urinate most of the time, but when I attempt to (that is, after or while working), it generally takes me two or three minutes to start the water, and if I keep on working without attending to this frequent call (say every half hour), it affects me like a severe strain, and there is great pain. My diet consists of home-made entire wheat bread and butter, ordinary vegetables, meat three or four times per week, milk. apple sauce and seldom any acid fruit except

In writing to advertisers, please mention


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A Case of Irritable Bladder


Advertisements inserted in this column at the rate of two cents a word per issue. Cash must accompany all orders. No display except as shown hereunder.

In writing to these advertisers Please mention The Columbus Medical Journal.

BRAINY FOODS MAKE BRAINY, ENERGETIC PEOple. Read "A Brainy Diet for the Healthy", "Scientific Applications of the Foods in General Use". Free particulars from G. Brinkler, Educational Food Campaign, Washington, D. C. 4-0

FITS POSITIVELY CURED, THE CAUSE REMOVED. Trial bottle free. No failures. I cure. Dr. C. Lindley, 656 S. Turner Ave., Chicago, Ills. 3-0 BED WETTING COMPLETELY CURED, ALL AGES. Box Penine, full directions, free. Missouri Remedy Co., Box 7459, St. Louis, Mo.


THE MIDGET MASSAGE VIBRATOR. PATENTED. The handiest, cheapest and most durable Massage Machine made. The only one of its kind in the world; guaranteed to last a lifetime. Fits the handbag or medicine case and is well named The Ladies' Beautifier. We also make Medical Lamps in 5 colors for Doctors, Massage Shampoo Artists and mothers. Agents wanted. Ask your druggist or write Radiodescent Lamp Co., 217 South. Kalamazoo, Mich. 3-0 ASTRO-BIOCHEMISTRY: THE TWELVE NATURAL steps to the Keystone of Health. Explanatory circular matter remitted upon two cents postage! A. J. Stranghan, 820 Anderson St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 4-0 REMOVE YOUR WRINKLES-FREE. IF YOU CARE about the condition of your face, write us, ask for information about this treatment. We will be glad to give it to you. We are not asking for money, this is a great educational movement to help women help themselves along beauty lines. The treatment is a new discovery. Nothing else like it has been tested and proved to be just what thousands of men and women have needed. It forces nature to restore herself. Hollows are filled out, wrinkles are easily and quickly removed by toning up the skin and muscles. You do it yourself, we tell you how. The Leo Depurator Co., 23 R, The Cumberland, Wilkes Barre, Pa.



LUPUS, WENS. warts, corns, moles, birth-marks. Apparatus easily operated, great money maker. Address, Dr. J. K. Richardson, Kiowa, Kansas. 11-9

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an apple now and them, and very little sweet stuff. I am on my feet walking around and hurrying from one chore to another from 5 o'clock A. M. to 7 P. M. I have to take syringes quite often, as my bowels always seem to be more or less sluggish, in spite of so much exercise.

My trouble makes me very nervous and irritable. Last summer I went on an excursion to the seashore, and it was a noticeable fact that something about the sea air or something of that sort seemed to make my bladder act perfectly, and urinate without pain or without waiting. I have noticed this fact three or four times while near the water-A. C. P., Conn.

Answer: I am glad you spoke to me about the seashore experience of yours. Now, let In any good drug me tell you what to do. store they have a sea salt for bathing purposes. You get a small package of it, say half a pound. Take a little lump of the sea salt as big as the end of your finger and put it into a teacup. Pour on it boiling hot water. After it is thoroughly dissolved, drink it as hot as you possibly can, Take this


We have a set of 50 post cards in three colors from photographs of the most interesting scenes of a trip around the world. No two of them are alike. They simply cannot be excelled as an addition to your album and we offer them at 30c. a set postpaid. They would cost you 75c. if bought of your local dealer. Quite suitable to send to your friends. Reference: This Journal.

THE AMERICAN CO., A. I. U. Temple, Columbus, O.

THE PANTEKNA UNIVERSITY (CHARTERED) In its department of Pantherapy, (copyrighted) teaches all laws of Therapy and Health. No drugs. Diplomas good over all the earth. Be a Doctor in Pantherapy. Write the Chancellor, A. M. MORRISON, Pittsburg, Kan. THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.



The Real Nature Cure

THE TOXO-ABSORBENT is an external treatment which cures by absorbing the Poisons and Impurities from the system on Natures Plan.

It has infinitely greater curative power than drugs and cures diseases heretofore incurable.

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It is the only prompt and positive cure for HAY FEVER, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, and Throat and Lung Diseases.

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NERVOUS PROSTRATION, Paralysis, Neuritis and all nervous diseases are successfully treated.

Many Physicians are adopting the Absorbents with pronounced success.

THE CANCER ABSORBENTS are the most reliable cure for Cancer ever discovered. They cure by absorbing the cancer poisons from the system. They are painless and do not break the skin. Operations only remove the symptoms. The Absorbents Cure. Send for the books, explaining the Wonderful Drugless Treatment. Free.

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Guaranteed CURE for CATARRH, HAY.
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in the morning, about half an hour before dinner and at bedtime.

At first this will probably operate on the kidneys, so as to make the urine more free. But, as you get used to it, you will find it very helpful, and have about the same effect as the seashore. It may be the above dose of salt will be a little too large to begin with, but think it will not as you get used to it. You might begin with a piece about as large as a pea.

Ulcer of Leg.

Tricturated Camphor, one-half ounce; tinc. oxide, six drachms; lard, one and a half ounces. Mix and apply to the ulcer twice daily.

The Best Way.

Some people envy children for their prowess of activity and enjoyment. Instead of envying, the best way is to copy them. Do as







1160 Broadway
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Do you want to learn an easy profession that will bring you a good income?


Chiropody is the Art of Treating and Healing Ailments of the Feet. We teach the Pro-
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For every form of stomach trouble. If you have dyspepsia, indigestion, heavy feeling after eating, bad taste in the mouth, or bad breath, a Wild-Berry will relieve you. Keep them with you and eat one or two berries when you need them. You will find them the best thing you ever had. WILD-BERRIES cleanse the mucous membranes of mouth. throat, stomach and intestines. They put the whole digestive tract in an active, healthy condition.

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A business woman writes: "I find Wild-Berries excellent for train sickness and for headache which is so often caused from riding on the train. They put the stomach in splendid condition."

Wild-Berries are a mountain berry preserved and prepared with a powdered vegetable root. Guaranteed pure and harmless. Put up in 10 and 25 cent boxes. THE WILD-BERRY CO., Dept. 2, 1429 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Ill.

In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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Dr. Jos. Holt, of New Orleans, Ex-President of the State Board of Health of Louisiana, says: "I have prescribed BUFFALO LITHIA WATER in affections of the kidneys and urinary passages, particularly in Gouty subjects, in Albuminuria, and in irritable condition of the Bladder and Urethra in females. The results satisfy me of its extraordinary value in a large class of cases most difficult to treat."

Dr. George Ben Johnston, Richmond, Va., Ex-President Southern Surgical and Gynecological A880eiation, Ex-President Medical Society of Virginia, and Professor of Gynecological and Abdominal Surgery, Medical College of Virginia: "It is an agent of great value in the treatment of the Albuminuria of Pregnancy."

T. Griswold Comstock, A. M., M. D., St. Louis, Mo., says: "I have made use of BUFFALO LITHIA WATER in Gynecological practice, in women suffering from acute Uræmic conditions, with results, to say the least, very favorable."

Dr. J. T. Davidson, New Orleans, La., Ex-President New Orleans Surgical and Medical Association, says: "I have for several years prescribed BUFFALO LITHIA WATER in all cases of Scarlet Fever. directing it to be drunk ad libitum, with the effect of relieving all traces of Albumin, in the urine, and have found it equally efficacious in renal diseases requiring the use of alkaline water."

Medical Testimony on Request.

For Sale by Druggists generally.

BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS WATER CO., Buffalo Lithia Springs, Virginia

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