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A New Book on Mechano-Therapy

to enter your mind. Do nothing you are obliged to keep secret. Believe that everybody else is doing the best he can, according to his opportunity and education.

Despise no one. Get interested in every one who will allow you to. Make friends with children. Make pets of young animals. Never Never treat any creature brutally.

use violent language.

Cultivate a sense of humor. Cut out every joke you see that is worth saving. Make a scrap book of them. Repeat them on all A good laugh is better proper occasions. than medicine. You can scatter sunshine in no more effective way than to always have a good story to tell.

This is the way to get well. This is the way to keep well. People who observe these things will not only live a long time, but their living is worth while. With few exceptions, people ought to live to be one hundred years old. Those who are willing to adopt the above program stand an excellent chance of living that long.

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It is fully and clearly explained both from a theoretical and practical standpoint, in "Modern Physio-therapy" by Dr. Juettner. Equivalent to regular course because it tells you just what to do, when to do it and why. Methods are scientific and exact. This work also covers the other natural methods which have stood the most severe practical tests. You get certainties-not doubtful theory. One man ordered six copies to give to professional friends.

If you want to learn a profession this book paves the way. You don't have to go thru the costly school of experience but master the methods which have been demonstrated exact. Practitioners of all natural methods should own it, because they are told the best methods to use in a particular case, and are given specific instructions for their application. Nothing like it in print. end stamp for descriptive circular and special price: 1. W. LONG, No. 24, LONDON, O.


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We will be able to supply a few bound volumes of the 1908 Volume 32, Columbus Medical Journal which contains over seven hundred and fifty original articles written for the home.

This volume is bound in silk cloth and should be of great value to old readers of Medical Talk who desire to keep their library complete and intact as to Dr. Carr's writings. The index shows the wonderful scope of our Journal, and the volume will be a most useful thing in your home. It will be a constant mine of information for you, and you will refer to it as long as you live.

There is no living person who cannot find something of interest in its pages. The volume will be sent by mail or express prepaid for $2.25.

If you will send us ten new annual subscribers to the Columbus Medical Journal at full rates, we will send you the volume free. The subscribers must be NEW and not renewals or changes from one member of the family to another.

before is probably correct, although the substance of these tales has been told by one physician to another a great many times, no doubt.

Columbus Medical Journal

Columbus, Ohio.

The gist that constitutes this book concerns marriage from the physician's standpoint. An innocent woman is contaminated for life by marriage to a man who through ignorance or thoughtlessness enters into the marriage relation with the virus of contagious venereal disease lurking in his system. The tales are told with dramatic strength, and tend to emphasize the awful truths concerning the spread of venereal diseases through legitimate marriage relations.

Surely, every doctor ought to read the book.

Every young man contemplating marriage ought to read the book.

I am not so sure whether young women ought to read the book or not. I am afraid the panic that would be caused among them by reading such a book would be so great as to create needless alarm and raise in their minds fears which they would have no means of verifying or refuting.

The plain speech that characterizes Dr. Robinson's writings appears in every page and sentence. I hope it will find many readers among the subscribers of The Columbus Medical Journal. It is published


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To Drugless Healers and All Those Interested in the Drugless Methods. We have been fortunate in procuring a number of copies of "Neurology, A Drugless System of Healing. by Dr. A. P. Davis, and while they last will offer at an exceedingly low price with the Columbus Medical Journal. The great demand is a book which explains in clear language how to apply the Natural Methods and this has been supplied by Dr. Davis. He has had 40 years' practical experience; has taken the regular course in nearly every school of natural healing of any repute. He knows what is good in each system and this is what he gives in Neurology.

This book deals in absolute certainties-proven problems, unknown to the profession as well as to the masses. The methods shown are proven propositions, not guess work. but mathematically correct. Disease is treated as a condition and you are shown how to remove the conditions causing disease.

Dr. Davis says: "Magnetism has cured and will cure the most hopeless cases at times, but it cannot reduce a dislocation. This must be done by the methods of Chiropractors or Osteopaths." He tells when to use each system and how to use it.

You are shown how to apply Neuropathy, Chiropractic and a few Osteopathic moves, Magnetism, Suggestive Therapeutics, etc. The original ideas of the author are worth the price of the book. There is not a curable disease, either mental or physical, which will not readily yield under a well directed application of the methods advocated in this book. It is invaluable. When you own this book you will possess a system of scientific drugless healing which surrounds and discounts all other books of its kind and class. Bound in Half Morocco. Price $5.00, but while they last we will send Neurology, by Dr. Davis, and the Columbus Medical Journal one year for only $3.95.

Send your order at once, for the stock is limited.

Columbus Medical Journal



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Doctor Langworthy's Chiropractic School

by The Altrurians, No. 12 Mount Morris
Park West, New York City. Price $1.00,
I ostpaid. Do not write to us for the book,
for we have only one copy, with which we
would not part. Write to the publishers.
Price postpaid $1.00.



Query: I want to know if there is any remedy to remove moles from the skin. have one on my forehead, just above my brow, that I would destroy if I could. It is dark brown in color, skin on it rough. I tried to destroy it one time by an application of acid of mercury, which caused it to peel off by forming quite an ugly scab and healing dimmed it only for a short time. I tried it repeatedly, but it is in its former location, and I dislike its roughness, and it causes me to scrape at it or scratch. If you can give me any information in regard to a remedy, I will be so glad to thank you for said information, either through your Journal or personally.-Mrs. L. M. O., Tenn.

Answer: In regard to the mole, I would
advise you to let it alone entirely, except
to apply a little cocoa butter once a day. Put
nothing on it, do not fuss with it in any way.





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This booklet comprises a series of articles on solar biology, which undertake to bring to the reader in simple language the claims of modern astrology. While they eliminate much of the superstition included under the term astrology, yet they present a broad basis for ascertaining the mental characteristics of the individual, based on the date of birth. The book is more than the equal of any work on so-called astrology selling for $1.00. No specious theories are advanced therein and every statement has been tested and is believed to be as near the truth as it is possible to place this sublime science. LESSONS ON DIGESTION............postpaid 12c

This little booklet is worth its weight in gold to persons who have awakened to the fact that in order to have good health they must give attention to their diet and treat their stomachs with as much consideration as they do their eyes or their minds. It is as necessary to have proper food for the stomach as it is to have proper food for the mind. There are five chapters in the booklet which cover the subject of digestion completely and the articles are valuable to either the sick or the well.

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It is not necessary for us to enter into a detailed description of this booklet, but we simply say that the Doctor takes the young man into his confidence and tells him what every parent should tell his son in early youth. It dispels all the superstitions on the subject that have gained currency, and brings good cheer to the young man who has been scared to death by quack doctors. Any parent may safely place this booklet in the hands of his boy and will agree with us upon reading the same that the author has done a great work tor mankind in preparing it. MOTHER'S HOME REMEDIES........postpaid 25c

This booklet is a collection of the remedies and prescriptions published in Volume 32 of The Columbus Medical Journal, and in almost every case the remedy has been found valuable in the home treatment of disease. Almost all of the remedies have been given to the world by non-medical people who have tried them in their homes and found them valuable, as well as simple. The prescriptions given therein are written in plain language and can be filled for a few cents by any druggist. While some of the remedies are old stand-bys and have had years of use, still others have never been published before; and this booklet will be found exceedingly interesting to any mother who cares for the health of her family and who does not call in a doctor for every little ache or pain.

The Columbus Medical Journal
sent one year and any four
of above booklets for
$1.50 cash with order


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Nothing will take the place of material food if you want to keep the material body in repair. The Creator gives the normal animal intelligence enough to feed itself and expects it to use it; otherwise the body will be destroyed. When you come to consider necessary foods, Rohe, in Textbook of Hygiene, gives: (1) Water; (2) Salts; (3) Proteids; (4) Fats or carbohydrates. Currier, in Practical Hygiene, gives: (1) Water; (2) Salts; (3) Albumins; (4 Fats and oils; (5) Starch and sugars. Doctor Henry Reed Hopkins, President of the Medical Society of New York, in an article on the Mineral Nutrients, says that Air is the most important food, Water the next in importance, and Salts the third, the three constituting Class One. The reason is plain; A person can live but a few seconds without air, a few hours without water, and a few days without the mineral nutrients. A person will die in less time when fed on food from which the salts have been largely extracted than when given no food at all.

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The absence of the mineral nutrients in part, so that the necessary proportions in the animal body are disturbed, causes disease, and that kind of disease which only the restoration of the equilibrium will cure. Nature cannot heal because her supplies are wrong. She will cure as soon as she gets the needed supplies in usable form. The Ensign Remedies are composed of mineral nutrients in usable form. Taken into the body they are readily assimilated, and are used promptly in the restoration of wasted tissues. They are foods, and the most important of all foods, where there are diseased conditions. Remember, if you have tried tissue remedies and failed to secure desired results, that the Ensign Remedies are different from all others. Other manufacturers use twelve tissue remedies only, and are therefore greatly limited. We use over eighty different forms of salts, and all are needed in the living animal body. We cure all forms of disease, and are not limited to a few chronic ailments. What we tell you we know from experience in thousands of cases, and are neither guessing or theorizing. If you want to know more about the Remedies write us today for our literature. We cure all diseases. There are incurable cases, where the body has been so destroyed that it cannot be repaired-but these are comparatively few. Write us for booklets on General Diseases, Private Diseases, Women's Diseases, Varicose Veins and Varicocele. They are free to all.


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Canadian Office, Windsor, Ont.



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You will only make it worse. If, however, you could consult some first-class skin specialist who knows how to use the electric needle, it may be that he could remove it entirely, without leaving a scar. I have seen it done quite a good many times myself, and I think it will work, unless the mole is too deeply seated in the skin. That would be for him to decide. But unless you do this, let it alone.

Physical Culture.

Query: Do you teach and practice what is known as physical culture?

Answer: I teach physical culture only so far as I practice it myself. I think it the height of folly for one to contrive up a course of physical culture that he doesn't practice exactly as he instructs his students to practice.

A great deal of foolishness has been written in the name of physical culture. People have been exhorted to do this and that, subject themselves to a regime of exercises and practices, and if anybody should seriously undertake to follow out all that is recommended as being essential to good health he would have to spend his whole time in physical culture.

Every day I try to introduce into my life a little physical culture. This is necessitated in my own case from the fact that my THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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FITS POSITIVELY CURED, THE CAUSE REMOVED. Trial bottle free. No failures. I cure. Dr. C. Lindley, 656 S. Turner Ave., Chicago, Ills. BED WETTING COMPLETELY CURED, ALL AGES. Box Penine, full directions, free. Missouri Remedy Co., Box 7459, St. Louis, Mo. 3-0 THE MIDGET MASSAGE VIBRATOR. PATENTED. The handiest, cheapest and most durable Massage Machine made. The only one of its kind in the world; guaranteed to last a lifetime. Fits the handbag or medicine case and is well named The Ladies' Beautifier. We also make Medical Lamps in 5 colors for Doctors, Massage Shampoo Artists and mothers. Agents wanted. Ask your druggist or write Radiodescent Lamp Co., 217 South. Kalamazoo, Mich. 3-0 ASTRO-BIOCHEMISTRY:

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FIVE SCHOOLS IN ONE. THE INDIANA COLLEGE of Manual Therapeutics is the only school offering five full terms in one term to students. Physical Culture, Swedish Movements, Osteopathy, Suggestive Therapeutics and Magnetic Healing. We give you the cream of all the schools of the Healing Art condensed into two terms of six months each and a Post Graduate course of four months. This is the only school that meets the demands of this age. This is the only school that will graduate and send you out as a teacher of the laws of good health and Home Instructor on the Science of the Healing Arts. Our school is an Educational Institution unlike any or all other schools of the Healing Art. Our school will fill a long felt want on the part of broad minded people who love Natural Healing. Send for New Journal. Free to any address. 1006 Bellefontaine St., Indianapolis, Ind.


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Having proven the POWER of the SPOKEN WORD in my own financial affairs, I am now ready to speak the words of Peace, Plenty and Prosperity for students of "New Thought" anxious to improve their conditions in life. I CAN and WILL teach you how to obtain your DESIRES through a knowledge of the law of "Supply and Demand."-RONALDS N. ROMEYEN, 39 N. Pearl street, Buffalo, N. Y.

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A book of essays, by Will J. Erwood, published by Will J. Erwood Co., Elkhart, Indiana. In ten chapters Mr. Erwood attempts to lay before the reader the substance of many lectures which he has delivered on religion, sociology and psychology. In his foreword he says: "My desire is to make folk think. The man who thinks grows." The author does not


We have a set of 50 post cards in three colors from photographs of the most interesting scenes of a trip around the world. No two of them are alike. They simply cannot be excelled as an addition to your album and we offer them at 30c. a set postpaid. They would cost you 75c. if bought of your local dealer. Quite suitable to send to your friends. Reference: This Journal.

THE AMERICAN CO., A. I. U. Temple, Columbus, O.

THE PANTEKNA UNIVERSITY (CHARTERED) In its department of Pantherapy, (copyrighted) teaches all laws of Therapy and Health. No drugs. Diplomas good over all the earth. Be a Doctor in Pantherapy. Write the Chancellor, A. M. MORRISON, Pittsburg, Kan. THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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