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The new edition of Dr. Goetz's "Manual of Osteopathy" revised and enlarged is just out. Tells you how to treat all diseases successfully, WITHOUT DRUGS, by a series of manipulations (not massage) with the accessories of Diet, Baths and Exercise.

It is the only book of its kind on the market which gives an illustration for each movement or manipulation necessary to bring sure success.

Osteopathy is not new, but most people who do know of it have not had the opportunity of procuring a book on the subject, with illustrations and instructions simply written that anyone without previous study can apply.

This is one of the many endorsements received:

Herein please find enclosed cash for one Manual of Osteopathy. I borrowed a friend's book; found the contents so easy to carry out; results were marvelous. H. J. SCHEID, New Richmond, O.

THIS IS YOUR CHANCE Readers of this journal will find this an excellent work on the science and is written for you and others who have neither time nor inclination to take a college course.

Send for prospectus and sample pages. Your money back if dissatisfied.



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For every form of stomach trouble. If you have dyspepsia, indigestion, heavy feeling after eating, bad taste in the mouth, or bad breath, a Wild-Berry will relieve you. Keep them with you and eat one or two berries when you need them. You will find them the best thing you ever had. WILD-BERRIES cleanse the mucous membranes of mouth, throat, stomach and intestines. They put the whole digestive tract in an active, healthy condition.

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Wild-Berries are a mountain berry preserved and prepared with a powdered vegetable root. Guaranteed pure and harmless. Put up in 10 and 25 cent boxes. THE WILD-BERRY CO., Dept. 2, 1429 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Ill.

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Dr. Jos. Holt, of New Orleans, Ex-President of the State Board of Health of Louisiana, says: "I have prescribed BUFFALO LITHIA WATER in affections of the kidneys and urinary passages, particularly in Gouty subjects, in Albuminuria, and in irritable condition of the Bladder and Urethra in females. The results satisfy me of its extraordinary value in a large class of cases most difficult to treat."

Dr. George Ben Johnston, Richmond, Va., Ex-President Southern Surgical and Gynecological Aɛsociation, Ex-President Medical Society of Virginia, and Professor of Gynecological and Abdominal Surgery, Medical College of Virginia: "It is an agent of great value in the treatment of the Albuminuria of Pregnancy."

T. Griswold Comstock, A. M., M. D., St. Louis, Mo., says: "I have made use of BUFFALO LITHIA WATER in Gynecological practice, in women suffering from acute Uræmic conditions, with results, to say the least, very favorable."

Dr. J. T. Davidson, New Orleans, La., Ex-President New Orleans Surgical and Medical Association, says: "I have for several years prescribed BUFFALO LITHIA WATER in all cases of Scarlet Fever, directing it to be drunk ad libitum, with the effect of relieving all traces of Albumin, in the urine, and have found it equally efficacious in renal diseases requiring the use of alkaline water."

Medical Testimony on Request.

For Sale by Druggists generally.

BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS WATER CO., Buffalo Lithia Springs, Virginia

times when it seems one must take something or fare worse.

I never had heard of "Perry Davis' Pain Killer" till one day several years ago I had a severe attack of pleurisy, and neighbors suggested a dose of "Pain Killer," and accordingly prepared me a small teaspoonful in a cup of hot sweetened water, which I took, and with the aid of hot water applications the pain, which had nearly cut my breath off, soon departed.

The "Pain Killer" is good for pain anywhere, and as far as I know is harmless. "Pond's Extract," the genuine, yellow covered bottle, is another "old reliable." Many think that the witch hazel sold as a substitute, and cheaper, is just as good, but it isn't. I know by experience.

We used to gather from the fields and byways years ago the old-fashioned herb, boneset, as grandma used to say it seemed good for everything. We gathered it when in blossom by the armsful, and kept it the year round, hung up in paper bags in the "back chamber," and when any had a cold, a headache, stomachache, or any other ache, along came grandma with a bowl of boneset tea, and though bitter as the proverbial gall of bitterness, down it went, and did good work.

Druggists keep it now in little pressed packages, like many other good herbs. "Epsom

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In writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

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Howard System of Drugless Healing

you can earn from $50 to $100 a week. It is a new profession. the field is world-wide, sufferers are tired of drugs, and the demand for Howard System operators far exceeds the supply. It enables you to detect disease at once, know the cause and remove it. It will make you financially independent.

Makes $574.50

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Dr. Walter says: "I took in $100 the first month after graduating, and $474.50 the second, and $500 the third month."

This new system is based on unchangeable, natural laws. Its results are positive. It is so simple that anyone with ordinary intelligence can learn it quickly. If you cannot attend our school in Chicago, we teach you the full course at home.

You Can Learn It In Your Spare Time You receive the personal attention of the entire faculty. Be a Howard System graduate and you will achieve honor and reputation in your community. Don't hesitate about your career,-the Howard System awaits you. Besides, you

Make Money By It, While You Learn

Write for our free book "How To Learn Chiropractic." together with proof of graduates' wonderful successes. and our special scholarship offer to the first student in your town. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF CHIROPRACTIC 1732 W. Congress St., Dept. S4 Chicago, Ill.

salts" are said by some physicians to be the least harmful of any laxative.

For slight burns, cooking soda applied immediately is a good healer and is always handy.

White vaseline and oxide of zinc are both excellent to keep in the medicine closet, and with gradma's "campfire" bottle and the invaluable hot-water bag always handy, we can often snap our fingers at the doctors and keep our money in our pockets. But when we need them-the good ones-heaven bless them!


Remember the Sick Cheer the Shut-In Encourage the Lonely

Send us 10 cents and twelve names of married women friends over 30 years of age and we will send you 10 most beautiful golden floral motto post cards which sell for 25 cents at bookstores.

These cards are particularly suited for sending to your sick friends, or anyone else for that matter. They will prove a source of delight in your own album. We recommend them as works of art and refer by permission to the pub lishers of this magazine. Don't forget the names -can't send them otherwise.

THE AMERICAN CO., A. I. U. Temple, Columbus, O.



This work consists of a series of twelve lessons on the application of magnetism in the treatment of disease,

Nearly every person has some magnetic force-some more than others, and in every neighborhood there is one or more who could, if they understood the application of their magnetism, relieve suffering and heal diseases. This book will teach them.

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Sent with Columbus Medical Journal One Year for $1.20 Cash with Order. Address

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in writing to advertisers, please mention THE COLUMBUS MEDICAL JOURNAL.

Healing Power of Toxo-Absorbents

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An Amazing Discovery


Down deep in the earth an Amphorous Mineral has been discovered which is filled with Mineral Life and Bio-Chemic energy. It has


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Are the most successful treatment ever used for the cure of Cancer, Tumors, Goitres and all Abnormal Growths. They cure by actually absorbing from the system the Germs and Poisons which cause the Growths. When the poisons are eliminated the growths will disappear.

The same Mineral when compounded with other materials are taken internally is like the Elixir of Life. It rebuilds the wasted tissues of the body. and renews your Youth. It has cured Nervous Prostration, Paralysis and all nerve diseases. A sample box of this harmless remedy will be sent free on application.

If you value life and health, investigate the New Absorbent Treatment. Send names of invalid friends. Books will be sent free.



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N. Y.

It is then we fail to utter
All the good, but only mutter

The inharmonious discords of the scale.

Then in vain the sage remindeth That, "beyond, the sun still shineth," "Silver linings," too, when clouds are all

we see;

What availeth sun and shining.

What to us the "silver lining,"

If its brightness shineth not on you and me?

Then, what attitude is left us,

When of sun and warmth bereft us,

What consolation's ours when in a gale? Then 'tis only show your grit,

Till things brighten up a bit,

And "Old Sol" again to us lifts up his veil.

"Be of good courage; that is the main thing."




If so, please cut out the coupon below, sign your name to it and mail to a friend whom you think should be a reader. If you know of any old reader of Medical Talk send it to him.



For a long time I have been a reader of the Columbus Medical Journal. I know that this Magazine would interest you and should be in your home. It will help you and be of service in health as well as in sickness. There is no other publication like it in the world. The editor. Dr. C. S. Carr, is a fearless, upright man, not a crank, and tells the truth about many things you are interested in. If you will fill in the blank lines below and send this with a silver dime to the Columbus Medical Journal, Columbus, O.. you will receive two back numbers, each one of which is worth a dollar, I am sure. If you wish to subscribe after reading the sample copies you will be credited with the ten cents sent in on this. Yours truly.




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Whenever the true merit of a preparation is authoritatively established, imitation is sure to make its pernicious appearance. To counteract the injurious results of another of these fraudulent proceedingsin this instance affecting firm name and reputationSANDER & SONS have been compelled to appeal to law, and in the action tried before the Supreme Court of Victoria, the testimony of a sworn witness revealed the fact that this witness suffered intense irritation from the application to an ulcer of the defendant's product, which was palmed off as "just as good" as SANDER'S EUCALYPTOL. SANDER & SONS had the satisfaction to obtain a verdict with costs against this imitator, who is perpetually restrained from continuing his malpractice.

Dr. Owen, in a report to the Medical Society of Victoria, and Dr. I. Benjamin, in the Lancet, London, both denounced, as others did before, on the strength of negative results, the application of unspecified eucalyptus products.

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