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All Letters Strictly Confidential

instead of coal tar preparations their patients would be a great deal better off.

Silicon is an ingredient of the human body. In the form of sand it is usually regarded as insoluble in the stomach, and yet enough of it may be dissolved by the various acids and alkalis of the digestive organs to carry into the system a very much needed inorganic salt.

I should be glad to hear from those who begin the use of the sand. If so simple a remedy, so harmless a remedy and so cheap a remedy can be proven to be a potent remedy it will mark an era of great advance in the treatment of disease.


An Anonymous letter.

AM in receipt of a letter from No. 23 Pavilion street, Atlanta, Ga. The writer of the letter, either intentionally or thoughtlessly, omitted the signature, supposing that I would publish the letter, with my reply, in The Columbus Medical Journal. I never publish letters without the consent of the writer. Not one letter in ten thousand ever gets mentioned in The Columbus Medical Journal. The correspondence is very large and I make little use of it in the Journal. If the writer of the letter happens to read these lines and wishes me to answer the questions in the letter, and will give me the address, I will promptly answer it.

I always answer every letter I receive. Even though a portion of the answer appears in The Journal, yet the writer gets a prompt answer direct. Never write an anonymous letter. Always sign your name and address. You need have no fear I will ever make use of it without consulting you. You never need to hesitate to write me on any subject whatever. I will keep your secrets, do not fear. And in replying to you my replies are always put in a plain envelope, with no sign whatever that the letter is from a doctor. You can consult me with the same privacy you can any physician in his office.


A Boosting Club.

By W. T. Wootton, M. D., Hot Springs, Ark. O THE EDITOR: Why not a "Booster Club" or "Praise Your Brother Club" in the American Medical Association, with no dues or other requirements except that each member pledge himself never to speak unkindly or in criticism of a brother physician to the laity except that physician be also present. Let us renew our vows and wear buttons to show that we mean to keep them.

If such a condition could be brought about we would be held in much greater esteem by our patients and neighbors. Whenever a physician is condemned, ma


ligned or criticised by another physician, the ill will engendered in the minds of the laity is not against the one physician, but the class-individuals are forgotten and the profession is remembered as a whole. If I tell every one I meet that Dr. Pill is a rank physician, knows nothing of medicine and will stoop to any mean practice, the laity soon forget that Mr. Pill is a "poor doctor" and retain the impression that we are all "poor doctors" ready to stoop to anything.

Let's stop it; raise the standard. Can we get together at St. Louis and organize a club? W. T. WOOTON, M. D.

Hot Springs, Ark.

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A Strong Navy.

S TO the benefits of a navy, there can be no doubt that a first-class navy tends toward the prevention of war.

A large man, armed with a stout club, can walk in safety through dark alleys, in dangerous portions of the city. His safety consists in the fact that he is large, he looks formidable with his stick, and the ruffian or footpad is deterred from making an attack upon him. A small man, with a light cane or umbrella, is much more liable to attack from the ruffian. Large men are selected for the police force for the very reason that their size compels respect from those who otherwise would not respect them.

The same reasoning applies to nations. A nation that is ready for war commands the fear, if not the respect, of other nations. In dealing with them they will ex

hibit greater caution in giving offense. The smaller and weaker a nation happens to be the more liable it is to get into war.

There are seeming exceptions to this fact, such as Switzerland and Holland, but these nations are absolutely safe for the reason that other powers who are strong have selfish motives in protecting the smaller ones. But with the seven or eight great powers of the world to-day, any one of them would undoubtedly suffer should they allow their offensive and defensive powers to go into decadence. They would soon be counted out as having no dangerous powers, and their rights would be in many cases disposed of with very little consideration. War is horrible. It is unChristian and savage, but to be prepared for war is undoubtedly the best way to prevent it.

The Popular Idea of Curing Consumption.

By R. C. Bayly, M. D., D. S. T., 3029 Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo.


OLOMON says: "As a man thinketh, so is he." To impress upon the soul a strong desire for the better, the purer and the superior is to cause the system to crave something better. The force of desire will be refined, and sooner or later the entire human organism will be purified and the wants of the personality will become normal on a higher plane. All kinds of undesirable habits may be removed by constantly impressing upon the mind the idea of pure desire, and all tendency to anger, hatred and similar states may be removed by causing the qualities of love, kindness, justice and sympathy to be more fully developed in the soul.

To remove fear and worry impress the mind as frequently as possible with the deep feeling of faith, gratitude and mental sunshine.

Constantly impressing the mind with mental sunshine is to establish the tendency to live on the bright side and to live on the bright side is to increase your own brightness and your nature will have more sweetness, your life will be better, your work will be better and all things will steadily become better and brighter for


These truths are matters of fact as experience teaches, and therefore the positive or right thought activity is creative and produces health and strength while negative or wrong thought activity produces disease and death.

It would, therefore, seem to follow that psychotherapy thoroughly understood is the solid foundation of all curative measures, and reveals to the doctor those pathologic conditions that make disease contagious.

To think with conviction that human nature is weak, is to impress upon the mind the idea of weakness, and the mind will respond by producing a tendency to weakness, and therefore he who thinks he is weak will cause his nature to continue to be weak. We are weak or strong according to what we direct the mind to produce in us.

If you think sickness all the time, you will always be sick; if you think health all the time you will be healthy. From these psychologic facts it is easy to see that the efforts now on foot for the cure of consumption in our land is likely to do far more harm than good.

I allude to the building of sanitariums for the cure of consumption. They are and will be a means of spreading the disease. Instead of collecting in a building those who are supposed to suffer from consumption, you should by all means scatter them as far apart as the poles. Do not let them think of consumption; do not let them talk consumption, nor see any one that has it.

In an extensive practice for fifty years I have found that where young men and women residing together and talking about consumption daily furnish the greater number of deaths from the disease. Put young men and women in school or residing in the same thought atmosphere, and who are supposed to have the disease, and their constant association and talk about consumption will soon kill every one of them.

The effort now being made by some of the States and Nation to cure the disease in sanitariums is most unfortunate for taxpayers as well as most destructive of human life. More anon.


Operations for Appendicitis.

Na paper read at the meeting of the Champaign County Medical Society at Urbana, Ohio, last May, Dr. W. D. Hamilton, of Columbus, Ohio, stated that he and his brother had operated upon four hundred and forty-one cases of appendicitis. All of these operations were performed since January 1, 1907. That is to say, in the last twenty-eight months four hundred and forty-one people have been put on the operating table by these enterprising surgeons and operated upon for appendicitis.

Now, these are only two of the surgeons in the United States who are operating for such cases. A very conservative estimate as to the number of other surgeons who are doing these operations would be ten thousand. Over one hundred thousand physicians and surgeons are practicing medicine in the United States. Out of that one hundred thousand surely one in ten aspires to do surgical operations.

Now, if ten thousand surgeons in the United

Dr. Juettner's New Book on Healing

States have operated upon as many patients as the Hamilton brothers have during the last year, what an astonishing number must have been operated upon.

To make the computation easy, let us call it four houndred cases operated upon by the Hamiltons during the last two years. If ten thousand other surgeons have been doing as well, we would have four hundred times ten thousand people, which would be four million people who have been subjected to operations for appendicitis. Even if there are only five thousand surgeons in the United States as prosperous as the Hamiltons in their practice, this would still leave two million men and women who have been cut open to remove the appendix.

No wonder the hospital business thrives. Nor is it any wonder that every girl not blessed with a rich father or husband is seeking to become a graduated nurse. While other business flags the business of surgery seems to prosper.


Regeneration is the name of a little book edited and published by Sydney A. Weltmer, president and founder of the Weltmer Institute of Suggestive Therapeutics, of Nevada, Mo. The book is put up in limp covers, gilt edges, and very closely resembles in its makeup a Testament. Indeed, it is a Testament of suggestive therapeutics. A hand-book, a textbook, for those who believe in, or attempt to practice, suggestive therapeutics.

The book abounds with Bible quotations. It is well founded in Scripture. "The Kingdom of God is within you," is reiterated constantly.

On the fly-leaf is quoted from Emerson the very suggestive words which constitute the keynote of the whole book. Emerson says: "I am one with the sphere, of the seven stars and the solar year; of Caesar's hand and Plato's brain, of Lord Christ's heart and Shakespeare's strain."

The mind is the man, and through auto


You may have our NEW descriptive catalogue for the asking. We carry the largest stock of books in the U. S. on New Thought, Occultism, Theosophy, Spiritualism, Astrology, Dreams, Palmistry, Phrenology, Metaphysics, Success, Health, etc. No matter what you think of these highly important, though often much abused subjects, it will pay you to know. Ignorance is error and darkness-our books the remedy and cure. When you ask for our catalogue put in 25 cents for Walrond's "Practical Guide" to Astrology, Success, Healing, etc. You will be pleased with it. WALROND'S OCCULT PUB. CO.. Dept. F-2, Rochester, N. Y.


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Gives the theory and practical application of Dietetics, Hydro-therapy, Massage, Swedish Movements. echano-therapy, Physical Culture, Light and Heat Treatment, Suggestion, Vibration, etc. Alphabetical list of acute and chronic diseases with natural treatment indicated for same. Send stamp for circular.

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suggestion comes disease or health, according to the suggestion.

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There is no living person who cannot find something of interest in its pages. The volume will be sent by mail or express prepaid for $2.25.

If you will send us ten new annual subscribers to the Columbus Medical Journal at full rates, we will send you the volume free. The subscribers must be NEW and not renewals or changes from one member of the family to another.

Plantain as a Remedy.

By Dr. L. H. Worthington, Montrose, Calif. An even tablespoonful of plantain seed to a quart of water, steeped an hour. A teaspoonful every three hours is a dose. Will cure the worst cases of flux and diarrhea. It is also especially good for summer complaint in children. Caution should be used in not giving too much so as to check evacuations too suddenly. I have used this for forty years, having learned it from my father, who was a botanic physician.


Columbus Medical Journal

Columbus, Ohio.

Skin Cancer.

Query: About two years ago my father had what seemed to be a boil come on the right side of his face, half way between his eye and mouth, near his nose; it is only in the skin, and does not pain him, but he wants it to get well, so we went to see a good doctor here, and he wants to cut it out, but we do not believe in operations, and then he is almost eighty-five years old, but feels so well


To Drugless Healers and All Those Interested in the Drugless Methods. We have been fortunate in procuring a number of copies of "Neurology, A Drugless System of Healing." by Dr. A. P. Davis, and while they last will offer at an exceedingly low price with the Columbus Medical Journal. The great demand is a book which explains in clear language how to apply the Natural Methods and this has been supplied by Dr. Davis. He has had 40 years' practical experience; has taken the regular course in nearly every school of natural healing of any repute. He knows what is good in each system and this is what he gives in Neurology.

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This book deals in absolute certainties-proven problems, unknown to the profession as well as to the masses. The methods shown are proven propositions, not guess work. but mathematically correct. Disease is treated as a condition and you are shown how to remove the conditions causing disease.

Dr. Davis says: "Magnetism has cured and will cure the most hopeless cases at times, but it cannot reduce a dislocation. This must be done by the methods of Chiropractors or Osteopaths." He tells when to use each system and how to use it.

You are shown how to apply Neuropathy, Chiropractic and a few Osteopathic moves, Magnetism, Suggestive Therapeutics, etc. The original ideas of the author are worth the price of the book. There is not a curable disease, either mental or physical, which will not readily yield under a well directed application of the methods advocated in this book. It is invaluable. When you own this book you will possess a system of scientific drugless healing which surrounds and discounts all other books of its kind and class. Bound in Half Morocco. Price $5.00, but while they last we will send Neurology, by Dr. Davis, and the Columbus Medical Journal one year for only $3.95.

Send your order at once, for the stock is limited.

Columbus Medical Journal




The American School of Chiropractic

and eats heartily, sleeps well and works every day. The doctor I speak of called it a skin We have heard of several doctors that cure cancer. Some use powder, which we are told has a way of drawing cancers out, how or with what we do not know. Father was thinking that this was a good way.-C. K., Iowa.

Answer: Undoubtedly the growth on your father's face is a so-called skin cancer. Sometimes they grow rapidly and have to be removed; other times they remain stationary. I should advise you to be governed by your own judgment in the matter. The objection to taking them out is the patient must take chloroform, and I should think it rather risky .in your father's case. The application to draw them out is simply something that eats the cancer off, producing a sore which may or may not heal. They are no more liable to come back in one case than in another.

In fact, many good surgeons prefer to take them out with applications, rather than with the use of the knife. I should be inclined, however, to leave it entirely alone, although, of course, I should know more what to say if I were to see it, but judging from your description of it and the fact that it does not grow any larger, I should let it entirely

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There is but one cause of disease, -the retention of waste in the body. If the internal system is continually clogged with foul matter, which in turn poisons the blood, how is health possible?

Colds, catarrhs, fevers, appendicitis, even smallpox, result from an unclean condition of stomach, bowels and intestinal tract. All the sanitary measures and hygienic rules in the world are useless in the attempt to prevent disease unless the body is internally clean.

Disease germs never take up a permanent residence in a clean body. Nature's housecleaners, they only go where there is work for them to do.

Disease being a direct result of filth, drugs cannot cure because they cannot cleanse. Drugs only shock the system into temporary action.

SAND CURES Constipation and Indigestion and their long train of ills. Sand cures because it cleans; it rolls through the system, scouring out refuse and encrusted matter; it aids digestion naturally; it is not "bad to take"; it is perfectly harmless and never injures; it produces good health and reduces the possibilities of disease to a minimum.

You never felt so good as you will feel after a course of sand. All animals eat it; little children do, until differently taught by their elders. Some doctors heartily indorse it. YOU Try It NOW!

I am prepared to furnish just the right kind of sand, clean and ready for use, straight from a Western location, where birds from miles around "go to fill their crops," Send Money Order to-day,-5 bags for $1.00 express C. O. D. Inquiry and stamp bring further information.

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We have contracted for a special lot of this remarkable book and will offer with The Columbus Medical Journal at a very SPECIAL PRICE.

This book gives absolute proof that the condition of every part and organ of the body is reflected in the corresponding parts of the iris of the eye. It is written in plain and popular language and is fully ilustrated. You can study and diagnose scientifically your own condition, and get practical advice for its treatment by the natural methods. It is a true and precious counsel which should have a place in every home. The price of the book nicely bound in cloth, with Key to its use is $1.25, postpaid. With The Columbus Medical Journal one year $1.85. This is one of the best offers we have ever made. Send in your subscription at once. because the supply is limited. Address,

Columbus Medical Journal,
Columbus, Ohio

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