페이지 이미지

For fpiritual bleffings, P. 65. 73. In time of relapfe into fin, Pf. 51.
For fruitfulnels of the heart, Pf.65|In time of folemn devotion, Pj.
For competency of living, Pf.127. 20, 81.

For tranquillity of fpirit, Pf. 141. On Good-Friday, Pf. 22.

For victory, PJ. 144.

For comfort of God's fpirit, Pj.|
34, 42, 43, 51, 61, 120, 142.
Prayers for particular graces.

FOR repentance, Pf. 102.

For mortification, Pf. 132.
For humility, P. 131.
For patience, Pf. 94.
For perfeverance, Pf. 19, 85.
For devotion and religion, P. 27,

33, 42, 43, 99, 119, 141.
For charity, Pf. 41, 112.
For liberality and contempt of
riches, Pf. 4, 49, 73.
For hope and trust in God, PЛ
33, 37, 46, 49, 56, 57, 77, 92:

115, 125, 146.

For reverence and fear of God,
Pf. 2, 33, 112, 128.
For watchfulness over our ways,
Pf. 56.

For zeal, Pf. 119.

For health and newness of life,
Pf. 50, 84.

Prayers for feveral times and ccca
'N the time of sadness, Pf. 61,


102, 142.

In time of perfecution and op-|
preffion, Pf. 7, 9, 10, 52, 53
58, 64, 69, 73, 137, 142.
In time of war, Pf. 13, 44, 46,
60, 89, 108.

In time of flander, Pf. 37, 52, 64,

[blocks in formation]

On Afcenfion-Day, Pj. 24.

Prayers preparatory

O the facrament, P. 23,
26, 111.

[ocr errors]

To death, P. 26, 30, 31, 39,
71, 88, 90, 142, viz. to be
faid in fickness or old age.

[blocks in formation]

Against danger of evil company,
Pf. 1, 12, 120.
Against facrilege and facrilegious
perfons, Pf. 74, 83.
Against fearfulness and doubting,
Pf. 77.

Against covetousness, Pf. 4, 37°
Againstthe enemies of the church,
Pf. 59, 68, 74, 83, 102, 120.
Againit death, Pf. 88.


N the day of judgment, Pf.
50, 97.

On the paflion of Chrift, P. 22.
On the joys of heaven, Pf. 126,

On the perfections and excellen-

cies of God manifefted in his
creatures, P. 8, 104.
OnGod's providence over his peo-
ple, and mercy to the penitent,
Pf. 74, 93, 105, 106, 147.
On God's justice and judgments
on finners, Pf. 78, 92.
On his omnipotence and omni-
prefence, Pf. 139.


ASTS of Virtue.
Doration of God, Pf. 8, 26,

A 65, 95, 96, 145.


[blocks in formation]

Prayers, Meditations, Thanksgivings, &c.
To be added to our other devotions,as occafion may require.



OR grace to love God's law,
P. 19, 119.
For prefervation from fin, P

nocence, Pf. 1, 15, 23, 24, 25,
50, 84, 85, 89, 101, 119, 126.
For falvation and eternal joys,
Pf. 16, 24, 28, 36, 50, 75,
84, 87, 97, 126.

For defence of our innocence,
PJ. 7.

For a blessed and holy death, Pf.
1, 33, 36, 50, 88, 90, 102, 142.

For prefervation from the punish
ment of fin, and God's judg.
ments, P/ 25, 28, 75, 76.
For pardon of our fins, Pf. 6, 26.
32, 38, 40,41, 51, 65, 130, 143-
For propagation of the gospel, For deliverance from treason and
P. 47, 68, 72, 145.
For God's providence and pro-
tection, Pf. 4, 16, 17, 23, 86,

91, 121.

For protection against malicious
and wicked perfons, Pf. 5, 70,
94, 109, 140.
For the church, and all faithful
people, Pf. 5, 10, 45, 48, 53,
68, 70, 74, 79, 80, 93, 94.

114, 132, 137.
For defence against all enemies,
ghoftly and bodily, public and
private, Pf. 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17,
18, 27, 31, 35, 40, 54, 55,
59, 70, 108, 109, 135, 141.
For a holy life, fanctity, and in-[

private confpiracies, Pf. 41,
55, 109.

For the king, P. 21, 61, 89.
For deliverance from death and

damnation, Pf. 28,30,102,125.
For health, Pf. 90, 102.
For all Christian princes and
judges, Pf. 82.

For advancement of religion, Pf.
45, 48, 72, 74..

For deliverance from the power
of the devil, Pf. 57.
For peace, P. 46, 122, 123,

133, 144.


comfort in sadness, Pf. 101,
102, 142.


For fpiritual bleffings, P./. 65, 73. In time of relapse into fin, Pf. 51.
For fruitfuinels of the heart, P.65|In time of folemn devotion, Pj.
For competency of living, P.127.

20, 81.

For tranquillity of fpirit, Pf. 141. On Good-Friday, Pf. 22.
On Afcenfion-Day, Pj. 24.

For victory, PJ. 144.

For comfort of God's fpirit, Pj.|
34, 42, 43, 51, 61, 120, 142.
Prayers for particular graces.
OR repentance, Pf. 102.

For mortification, Pf. 132.

For humility, P. 131.
For patience, Pf. 94.
For perfeverance, Pf. 19, 85.
For devotion and religion, Pf. 27,

33, 42, 43, 99, 119, 141.
For charity, Pf. 41, 112.
For liberality and contempt of
riches, Pf. 4, 49, 73.
For hope and trust in God, P
33, 37, 46, 49, 56, 57, 77, 92
115, 125, 146.
For reverence and fear of God,
Pf..2, 33, 112, 128.
For watchfulness over our ways,
Pf. 56.

For zeal, Pf. 119.

For health and newnefs of life,
Pf. 50, 84.
Prayers for feveral times and ccca
"N the time of sadness, Pf. 61,

IN102, 142.

In time of perfecution and op-|
preffion, Pf. 7, 9, 10, 52, 53
58, 64, 69, 73, 137, 142.
In time of war, Pf. 18, 44, 46,
60, 89, 108.

In time of flander, Pf. 37, 52, 64.

[blocks in formation]

In time of fickness, P. 30, 31

88, 90, 102, 142.
In time of public calamity and
diftraction, Pf. 46, 89, 91.

Prayers preparatory

O the facrament, P. 23,
26, 111.

To death, Pf. 26, 30, 31, 39,
71, 88, 90, 142, viz. to be
faid in fickness or old age.


Gainft Atheism and Irreli-

A gion, Pf. 14.

Againft idolatry, Pf. 115.
Against heretics and herefy, Pf.
Againft danger of evil company,
Pf. 1, 12, 120.
Against facrilege and facrilegious
perfons, Pf. 74, 83.

Against fearfulness and doubting,
Against covetousness, Pf. 4, 37°
Pf. 77.
Againstthe enemies of the church,
Pf. 59, 68, 74, 83, 102, 120.
Againit death, Pj. 83.


N the day of judgment, Pf.

50, 97.

On the paflion of Chrift, Pf. 22.
On the joys of heaven, Pf. 126,


On the perfections and excellen-

cies of God manifefied in his
creatures, P. 8, 104.
OnGod's providence over his peo-
ple, and mercy to the penitent,
Pf. 74, 93, 105, 106, 147.
On God's justice and judgments
on finners, P. 78, 92.
On this omnipotence and omni-
prefence, Pf. 139.

As of Virtue.
Doration of God, Pf. 8, 26,

In time of fpiritual defertion, PA 65, 95, 95, 145.

34, 42, 43, 51, 61, 102.


Adoration of the fecond Perfon For delivering us from enemies

in the Trinity, Pj: 47.
A&s of hope in God, Pf. 4, 11, 18.|
Acts of religion, Pf. 134.
A&s of praife to God, Pf. 17,
135, 148, 150.

Acts of love to God, Pf. 116.,
Defire after God and heavenly
things, P. 63, 84, 87.
Of election, of preferring fpiri-
tual bleffings before temporal.
Pf. 37, 73.


OR all God's mercies, Pf.
103, 136, 137.

and all other dangers, Pf. 40,

108, 114, 116.

For delivering us from fickne fs
and all other troubles, P. 1.
107, 124, 144.

For pardon of our fins, P. 85,
106, 116,

For redemption by Christ, Pf. 98,


For the Heffings of the gospel,
Pf. 111.

For Acts of God's providence,
and particular care over us,
Pf. 11, 121.

For his mercy and truth, Pf. 100. For victory, Pf. 144.

Are the 6th, 38th, 39th, 51ft, 1024, 130th, 143da

Our SAVIOUR's Sermon on the Mount,
Is the 5th, 6th, and 7th Chapters of St. Matthew.

The EIGHT BEATITUDES, St. Matt. Chap. v. Verse 3, &e.
1. Bleffed are the poor in fpirit: for theirs is the kingdom of

2. Bleffed are they that mourn: for they fhall be comforted.
3. Bleffed are the meek: for they fhall inherit the earth.

4. Bleffed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteoul-
nels: for they thall be filled.

5. Bleffed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.-

6. Bleffed are the pure in heart: for they fhall fee God.

7. Bleffed are the peace-makers: for they thall be called the chil-
dren of God.

8. Bleffed are they which are perfecuted for righteousness' fake :
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


From the Office of
High-Qusegate, York.

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